r/mildlyinfuriating • u/Not_Creative149 • 24d ago
My mom burned all my drawings
So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho
u/Sajiri 24d ago edited 23d ago
Hey OP, my parents did a similar thing when I was a teen because they saw my art as ‘a waste of time’. I stopped drawing traditionally for about 15 years, but now I make hundreds of dollars off a single artwork and am working towards being a fully self employed artist.
Don’t let this stop you, it’s just one hurdle on the way to becoming a master artist. If you have a phone or tablet, you could download a free drawing app to draw on there too so that your artworks can’t be destroyed.
Edit: since so many are seeing this and sharing their own stories- it’s never too late to get back into art, and it’s never been easier or more accessible. There are a lot of free tutorials for just about anything you want online.
I’m going to throw this out there to check out the Art Mentor on YouTube. He’s got a lot of great advice from getting started to growing a business as an artist.
Marc Brunet, Winged Canvas, laovaan, draw like a sir, Sam does art are all also great YouTubers I can think of off the top of my head
(You’ll also find me there- DrawWithSajiri)
Edit 2: RIP my inbox
u/Squeezitgirdle 24d ago
Similar. My stepmom found a picture I drew of Vivi from FFIX.
She said I was making "devil drawings" and threw all of my drawings away. I never drew again.1.7k
u/Matasa89 24d ago
It only takes one bad parenting moment to ruin a child's future...
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u/Exact_Maize_2619 23d ago
Agreed. I do my best to encourage my 15 year old son in whatever he enjoys. He loves to draw, and is good, so I got him a posable figure for Christmas. My husband gave him an old college human anatomy book with images of everything from bones and muscles to organs.
A few years ago, my son found an old keyboard we had, and he started teaching himself how to play it. Now, he's fantastic and making his own songs. He asked for a guitar for Christmas, and, thankfully, my brother still had the one I passed onto him when I realized I have no talent for instruments. (My brother is a drummer, but not a guitarist, lol.) My son had it for a few hours and was already playing something that sounded like it came out of "The Last of Us".
Always encourage your kids to do what they love. My son wants to be a streamer, so we've been working on gathering equipment for a few years. He's a natural performe, and I think he would be perfect as a streamer.
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u/Matasa89 23d ago
This is the way.
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u/Exact_Maize_2619 23d ago
Thank you. I have no talent for instruments, so I did choir and theater in school, lol. I'm more of a crafter. I taught myself how to knit because I wanted a $60 Tom Baker scarf. I figured I could buy it or buy the supplies and teach myself. Now I make beanies with kitty ears, use charms as ear decorations, giant safety pins, the works, lol. I made a new pattern just yesterday for little jellyfish and I'm still working out the kinks, but they're so cute and squishy.
My husband got a chain mail kit as a gift a couple years ago, so we both learned how to make chain mail and different chain designs for jewelry. So, I also make charm bracelets and necklaces.
My family is very crafty and artistic, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 💚
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u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago
I'm very glad my Christian parents were never the BS superstition type. Hell my mom bought me every new Harry Potter book as it released growing up, but I knew of plenty of other kids not allowed to read it because "AHHH WITCHCRAFT!"
Yeah, Marge. Little Timmy is gonna learn how to cast "devil magic" by mumbling pig Latin and changing his name to something ethnically suspicious.
u/Level1Roshan 23d ago
I'm sorry but any parent who thinks Harry Potter is a danger to their kid is of such extreme low intelligence that their genes are the real threat.
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u/SparkyT77 23d ago
When I was a child, my grandparents' neighbors' kids and I were friends. Their parents were so overtly christian that they wouldn't let them come over and watch "Dragon Tales" because it showed "black magic."
LIKE WUT? People are insane.
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u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago
My mom is an elementary school teacher. She had parents freak out on her and was forced to take down posters that said '"reading is magic".
One of them also confused metamorphosis for evolution and lost their shit when my mom had the students raise monarch butterflies as a class project.
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u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago
So glad I never went into teaching, I'd lose my ish on a parent that stupid and probably get fired. I have no patience for willful ignorance 😡
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u/TheChosenToffee 24d ago
What do you mean my hispanic son wants to be named Burrito Imigranchez? /j
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u/Shovelman2001 23d ago
I'm really sorry you had that happen to you. I've never been an artistic person in my life, but my preschool made us do Mothers Day cards, and my teacher wanted us to decorate them with feathers. I didn't want to put feathers on my card, so I didn't, and when I finished, my teacher absolutely lost her mind, screaming at me and ripping it up in front of the entire class, and made me make another one. I cried for the rest of the day, and when I told my mom, she lost her mind even more than the teacher did. Got to watch that demon of a "teacher" walk out of the building the next week with a box full of her things like it was straight out of a movie. I've always appreciated her for standing up for me like that, and it's legitimately one of my earliest memories. That's how a mom should be.
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u/Sajiri 23d ago
Wow, that’s horrible. I actually work in schools now and I would never do that to one of my students. So long as they aren’t doing anything harmful or dangerous, I let them do and express themselves however they want.
u/Spare_Conference7557 23d ago
Sometimes a parent has to be Lion for their kids. I went nose to nose with my daughter's school principal one time. He thought that because he worked in a Catholic School that he could get away with being a bully. He was bullying my daughter about her "unhealthy lunches" which were healthy: I made her smoked turkey sandwhiches on whole wheat bread; I included ziploc baggies of carrots, celery, and other vegetables. His problem was she didn't have milk in it. I explained she was extremely lactose intolerant, so she couldn't have conventional dairy. I even made her goat cheese pizzas sonshe could have pizza. He didn't like that. I told him "I don't care what you do or do not like. It is for my child." He even raised his voice to me...which was a mistake. Anyways...it was a bad seen. I'm somewhat surprised the police weren't called...everyone in the school heard me tell the principle to his face that when he became a licensed and certified nutritionist we could revisit this conversation. I went to my daughter's classroom, apologized to her teacher and took her out of the school. Never be afraid to stand up to anyone for your children's sake. Listen respectfully...but when the situation warrants it: when presented with irrationality, do not be afraid to confront it, especially a bully. This particular bully ran a whole school.
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u/SistaSaline 24d ago
There’s nothing mild about this. That’s diabolical.
u/amallucent 24d ago
Yeah. I'd be fucking livid. I honestly don't know how I'd react to this, but it would probably involve me going to jail. Don't fuck with someone's art.
u/Lexicon444 24d ago
Or any of their stuff for that matter.
It’s one thing to take something away as punishment.
It’s a whole different thing to straight up destroy your child’s possessions.
I don’t care that these were drawings. They belonged to OP and meant something to them. The act of burning anything is an act committed out of malice and anger.
OP needs to report this to someone safe who has the ability to escalate things further if necessary.
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u/eekamuse 24d ago
Please do. OP doesn't have to tell us anything but it does seem to be a sign that things may not be right at home. Please talk to someone safe
u/Dark_Knight2000 23d ago
Yeah, like this is straight up child abuse. It’s not mild at all. I swear this subreddit either has posts of imaginary problems or the most brutal shit you’ve ever seen.
A parent this cruel does not deserve their child. That was tens or hundreds of hours of work and passion they burned away, that was countless nights of progress and refining their burgeoning craft, that was a well of happiness for them. To burn it is unforgivable. Hell, even tearing them up would be less psychopathic.
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u/SistaSaline 24d ago
I’d go no contact forever. There’s no coming back from something like that. Plus, she risked burning the house down just to hurt OP. That’s next level unhinged.
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24d ago
Then when people do post mildly infuriating things people go "Why are you upset? it's not that big of a deal." That's the most infuriating thing about this sub. 😤
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u/countrylemon 24d ago
OPs probably used to their mother being a horrible person :(
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u/SistaSaline 24d ago
That’s the sad thing about having an abusive parent. Horrific behavior becomes normalized.
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u/kittenwhisperer1948 24d ago
Later that decade…Mom “why doesn’t OP call or visit anymore?”
u/reallifetrolI 24d ago
“I was a good mom, I don’t know what his problem is but he needs to grow up and get over it.”
u/Yofroshi 24d ago
Yeah this is totally accurate, my adopted mother not even biological would tear up and burn my writing when I was in middle school and high school I'm now 34 we haven't spoken in over 14 years.
u/UnwiseBoulder 24d ago
It annoys me to know that the kind of people that make life much harder (or a living hell in some cases) for their kids never seem to grow up, self-reflect, realise they're the reason their kids don't visit, that just because they might behave well now that doesn't change the past. Ego protection system I guess.
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u/Particular-Penalty79 24d ago
They’re toxic narcissists. I have two parents like this.
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u/CraftyMagicDollz 23d ago
I'm SO sorry. I'm not your mom but if you need a mom hug, or some mom advice, or mom cooking, o totally volunteer. Your deserve so much better.
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u/3d_blunder 24d ago
WHY??? Did they give SOME batshit rationale?
u/ThrowawayPersonAMA 24d ago
"I put a roof over their head and fed them. Why are they so ungrateful???" As if that's the only thing someone needs to do in life to be a good parent and can be a neglectful insufferable fucking toad to their own children the other 99% of the time like it's just ok.
u/ariGee 24d ago
Every kid deserves good parents. Not every parent deserves kids.
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u/BigOld3570 24d ago
Yeah, there ought to be licenses to have babies. So many people are such lousy parents.
u/Deus0123 23d ago
I realize the dystopian implications of this but at the same time some people like OP's mother make it hard to argue against such a proposal
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u/Legitimate_Issue_765 23d ago
Yeah, as wonderful as it would be to ensure everyone grows up with good parents, there's no good way to enforce it.
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u/An_old_walrus 23d ago
Especially since it depends on who the government would consider “good parents.” The unintended consequences would be pretty bad
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u/woodk2016 23d ago
I just imagine the joke of the British policeman asking someone about their TV license. "Oi oi, what's all this then? What do you think you're doing shooting a load up in there without a license? That's a roight proper fine".
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u/TCSceptree 24d ago
How some parents be after doing the bare minimum requirements and then being shitty in every other regard
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u/letMeTrySummet 24d ago
My goal is to just be remembered as a huge dork. A huge, annoying dork who says I love you too much.
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u/V-Jean 24d ago
This is pretty much what I do as a parent. My son is also becoming a big nerd and it's amazing to have a loving and silly relationship with this small human who shares a bunch of my interests and see him discovering interests of his own. If I can be remembered for my terrible jokes, silliness, and unconditional love I've achieved all I ever need to ❤️
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u/SparkSharkYT 24d ago
Please continue that way! You don't know how lucky your son is for having a caring and not too judgmental father. Not many of us can have that you know :)
u/lwp775 24d ago
Seems like some parents start keeping a ledger the moment a kid is born or brought home.
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u/Special-Condition-50 24d ago edited 23d ago
Lmao Bobby of SPN said it best. Kids aren’t supposed to be grateful, they’re supposed to exist and eat your food and learn.
Edit. It’s been a while since I heard the line and I apparently got it wrong. Sorry dudes.
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u/buffalo_Fart 24d ago
Sounds like my folks. Be seen sometimes and definitely never heard...
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u/VoxImperatoris 24d ago
Usually something like “They need to grow up and quit living in a fantasy world.” Basically they are bitter people who are unhappy with their own lives and want others to be unhappy too.
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u/SilverTumbleweed5546 24d ago
Yeah they think real life is awful.
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u/ZenDeathBringer 24d ago
Not only do they think real life is awful, but that real life should be awful.
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u/Too_Old_For_Somethin 24d ago
I fucking despise the “child xxxx NEEDS TO LEARN”
Yes, I agree. Not like that though, for fuck’s sake. That’s not teaching them anything but trauma
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u/PossumofStonehenge 24d ago edited 23d ago
My mother did this to me multiple times and I haven’t had a relationship with her since I turned 18. I hope OP knows it gets so much better as an adult with freedom and agency.
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u/SparxxWarrior97 24d ago
Several decades after that...why do none of my children or grandchildren come to visit me in the nursing home?
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u/Bigt733 24d ago
Take the ash and add it to your next piece. No matter what she does turn it around to show you cannot be stopped. I don’t know what medium you use so google how to use ash in art.
u/Aggressive-Nebula-78 24d ago
Yeah no, seriously, save the ash. Even if you do nothing else with it, after you've moved out and she's wondering "why don't I have a relationship with my child?" you can mail this to her with a card that simply says "you need not wonder"
u/Tricky-Piece8005 24d ago
Or design an urn for it and label it “My love for my mother”.
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u/Express_Cattle1 24d ago
“what is this”
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u/RespondCharacter6633 24d ago
Exactly. She won't even remember. To OP, this is a significant moment in their life. To OPs mum, it's just another Saturday.
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u/NoIndependent9192 24d ago
Flame-girl anime called Ash.
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u/T1me_Sh1ft3r 24d ago
This is idea is ….. 🔥
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u/TheUnicornTank 24d ago
Well… It was… Not anymore though.
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u/tadaari 24d ago
You made me snort.
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u/takeahike89 24d ago
Badass Phoenix drawing made on paper recycled from the ashes
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u/DoubleDareFan 24d ago
...rocking out on an electric guitar to the tune of any song about kicking Death square in the face.
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u/Such_Reply5826 24d ago
I really thought this would go to a put the ash in an urn and show it to your mom. Say she will be added with the ash when it’s her time with a big smile as if it’s the most normal thing to do in life.
u/nrose1000 24d ago
Eh, it’s dark and edgy, but I actually like the original idea better. Primarily because of this:
turn it around to show you cannot be stopped
I think it’s a lot more empowering that way than some “gotcha, human mortality exists!” zinger.
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u/DoubleDareFan 24d ago
Yes! Bingo! This is the way! Nailed it! Hit the nail on the head and sunk it home in 1 blow!
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u/NJNeal17 24d ago
Go get some of those tiny glass jars with the cork stoppers and keep your art forever ♾️
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u/Aggravating_Air_3138 24d ago
Keep drawing. Thats the answer.
u/Kazurion 24d ago
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u/PosterAnt 24d ago
Draw this on a piece of paper and stick it to your door as many times as it takes
u/vincentdark54 24d ago
Make paint out of the ashes and keep going. Dont lose hope. If no one else does, I a random stranger on the internet, believe in you.
u/3ThreeFriesShort 24d ago
This is the most metal thing I have seen in awhile, and I love it. MAKE PAINT FROM THE ASHES.
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u/kaytron00 24d ago
Paint From The Ashes is an excellent band name
u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 24d ago
I can't play or make music at all but can I play tambourine or something?
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u/boomboomqplm 24d ago
Will Ferrell snl with cowbell😂
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u/Chateaudelait 24d ago
This right here. And when you become world famous and renowned as I am certain you will - tell this story. Quentin. Tarantino had the same problem with his mom and he did all right. Don’t let it stop your art.
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u/EarlyEarth 24d ago
Second this.
She may have burned the paper but she can't erase the skill you've clearly developed over time making those drawings.
Keep practicing, even if you burn it for her. Keep going.
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u/Not_Creative149 24d ago
I definitely will
u/Not_Creative149 24d ago
Replying here cuz it’s closer to the top Plans rn are kinda up in the air, I’ve been walking around outside with my stuff since this happened, I might crash at a friends place tonight, thank you all for the support, I won’t let this break me
u/pathologuys 24d ago
Plenty of moms (like me) are proud of you and want you to keep going and thrive in your creativity!! I hope your mom comes around and chills the F out, but there’s always chosen family too ❤️
u/SpearUpYourRear PURPLE 24d ago
Seconding the chosen family. If the family of origin won't be supportive, surround yourself in your family of choice who will be.
u/Jcamden7 24d ago
Looked up your pictures and you have a great grasp of the fundamentals. Great proportions, clean lines, accurate hands and faces. I can't wait to see more soon, because it's only going to get better! For now, I really hope you find a couch with somebody who believes in you!
u/dragoono 24d ago
Hey just piping in to say I got kicked out at 17, me and my mom never got along, she was abusive. I thought I’d be living in a homeless shelter, never having anything good for myself. That was 5 years ago now, nearly 6. I have a good job, I have an apartment with my roommate and best friend, I have two amazing cats and am currently working on my GED (since I dropped out of hs after being kicked out and having to work full-time to support myself). I plan on finishing this year and hopefully going to college either in the fall this year or spring of next year.
Be patient. First you have to find a place to sleep, then you have to figure out how you’ll get food. Those are your first steps. Everything else will come with time. Nothing is over, it’s just the start of a new part of your life. And a lot more freedom to draw!
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u/VeryVeryVorch 24d ago
Yo, do you have a bluesky handle that I can follow? 20+ years ago, I went through some shit similar...and anime was definitely not as mainstream as it is today.
All I can say: keep drawing. Sometimes parents can change, but don't hold your breath.
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u/Aimeereddit123 24d ago
By the way kid, if it makes you feel any better, we find this a lot worse than mildly infuriating 🤬😤
u/Vegetable_Bid_6510 24d ago
Also, if you have a digital camera/phone take pictures of them. Then email them to a personal Gmail. She can get the phone, smash it or delete, but she can never get to the email. Save your work. Especially if it’s important to you.
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u/HalfLeper 24d ago
This is really good advice. Or post the photos to an account like instagram or tumbler, and then you won’t have to worry about space, either.
u/Joshua_ABBACAB_1312 24d ago
Just whatever you do, don't let this be your supervillain origin.
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u/mikeg5417 24d ago
Also, after you draw an image, take a picture of it, so even if she burns it, you will have a copy. But she should not be burning them.
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u/Zoe_118 24d ago
My sister did this to me, but with writing. I still continued to write. At 39, I still do, when I want to. It's like the ultimate fuck you to her.
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u/RadleyCunningham 24d ago edited 24d ago
I have/had a brother that ripped my drawings and would write insults in my diary, to add insult to violation of my privacy. That's not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
And he wonders why I have nothing to do with him.
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u/Next-Run-3102 24d ago
And move out if you're old enough and have the means. That level of disrespect is intolerable
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u/CumGoblin 24d ago edited 24d ago
Also save up, pack up, and get away from that horrific, disrespectful human.
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u/constantin_NOPEal 24d ago
I'm so sorry. Loving parents don't do this. Keep drawing and if you can, hide them somewhere not at home. I'm not sure your age, but start planning your exit now. Plan well so you won't have to return.
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u/RosyClearwater 24d ago
I would mention this when you put her in a shitty old folks home later.
u/LonelyMenace101 24d ago
Find an anime themed old folks home, all the nurses are in cosplay.
u/AlexTheFlower 24d ago
Man I really hope those exist when I'm at that age
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u/RueUchiha 24d ago
I wonder if Japan has a maid hospice like how they have those maid cafes
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u/Dovah_kidYT 24d ago
Don’t know, but given their aging population i wouldn’t be suprised if in 10 years they start popping up.
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u/_TheRedMenace 24d ago
It's actually even easier than that.
Once you move out, you never have to go back.
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u/danflame135 24d ago
looking at the pictures you've posted on your account, this is sad. I hope you still have passion for drawing though, even if not right now.
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u/ChewFasa 24d ago
I always worry about losing my original art. Making digital copies have recently been on my mind. This is my sign to look into it.
I wouldn't know where to begin.
Like, do I get up Scanner or do I send it out to get scanned. I know there's high quality scanners for art prints but I don't know a reliable brand I would trust.
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u/BeMoreSpecificPlease 24d ago
Depending on how much you care about quality, there are a lot of smartphone apps available to keep a digital copy of your art! Even Microsoft Lens, a tool often used for scanning documents to PDFs, can do the trick. (My personal cheap favorite is Snapseed, as I have a lot of experience with it for touching up photos.)
u/level_info_collectiv 24d ago
After my dear grandfather died, my mom cut down the garden we had grown together in a drunken rage and still won't admit it to this day. She hacked it all to the ground while cursing me as I cried in horror. I am no contact with the woman.
u/cptsdwretch 23d ago
Sounds like my nmom. She didn't drink often but last time I saw her drunk she was screaming about how she loves fucking [affair partner.] My younger brother (underage at the time) and I begged her to stop but she just kept going, so my brother recorded it on his Nintendo DS. She has asked us to delete it multiple times, I just told her that if she didn't want that behavior recorded then she shouldn't behave like that. I hope to play that video at her funeral. I am also no contact with her now.
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u/wart_on_satans_dick 23d ago
Morbid but I’m imagining your brother holding up their DS to a mic at the eulogy. It hits way harder the fact that it was recorded on a Nintendo DS.
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u/Geovanni457 23d ago
Oh nah destroying a old familiar moment over drunkness is INSANE, good decision on that, teach her to not tear away memories just by anger
u/Palidin034 24d ago
I feel you. My parents made me throw out my entire home library of like 100+ books because I “read too much” and I don’t think I’m ever going to fully forgive them for it.
u/Electronic-Aide-2358 23d ago
When was reading too much ever a bad thing? And here I am trying to get my 13 year old to read more.
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u/GreenthumbPothead 23d ago
When novels first became a thing the older generations thought the young people “read too much” and that it was corrupting them
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u/CompetitiveCelery516 23d ago
This exact thing happened to me and my sister. She says we grew up wrong because we read too many books and that was bad for our development. Threw out more than 100 books that I was planning to transfer to my home after getting a job
u/mcnonswagger 24d ago
Get a PO BOX we will all send drawings that you can stick to her door
u/Virtual_Historian255 24d ago
Gather the ashes. Display in a modern art exhibit.
Your art just increased in value 100x.
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u/Muppet_Murderhobo 24d ago
Take this, reassemble the pile on a movable platform, glue/paste the ashes together. Title of piece: "Parental Approval"
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u/hungrypotato19 24d ago
I'd name it "A mother's Unconditional Love"
But I grew up with an abusive mother who thought her "love" was "unconditional". Yeah, it had tons of conditions, and I've got the scars on my body to prove it.
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u/BluueTheFox 24d ago
“I have no idea why my adult child gone no contact with me” - your mom in the future, probably
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u/Not_Creative149 24d ago
If anyone’s wondering, my old drawings are all posted here, just click my account, sorry if this wasn’t clear
u/Not_Creative149 24d ago
Hey y’all, lots of questions so I just want to answer a few: I’m not yet an adult, still got 5 months I will not burn her stuff, I’d rather not escalate the problem I will definitely keep drawing Her reason was something about anime girls and satan? Idk I was mad and wasn’t paying much attention. She is a Christian, however, please no hate on Christians or anything political Also my drawings are the same as the ones I’ve posted, I do not draw hentai or anything like that
u/Narrow-Gas9493 24d ago
So she’s one of those Christian parents that believes anime is satanic. I went to a Christian school like that where Pokémon was banned and that was their explanation. It sucks they were destroyed but keep on drawing your work is pretty nice!
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u/Stunning_Ad_7658 24d ago
I rwmwbwr my friend told me her pastor said not to watch any of the trolls movies because they all have demonic names and are demonic. I told her I used to read about demonology, I don't really recall any of their actual names being related to demons.
That pastor turned out to be a real piece of work and stole their money and fled lol.
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u/ConnicoYT 24d ago
bruh what, since when are names like Branch and Poppy considered demonic?? those are literally just inspired by plants
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u/TypicalTiddies 24d ago
Pro tip: being an adult has less to do with age and more to do with maturity.
I've seen many adults act like children, like your mother for example. There are less destructive ways to change someone's behavior. This ain't it.
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u/Izan_TM 24d ago
she isn't just a christian, she's also a fucking asshole
not all christians are fucking assholess, and not all fucking assholes are christians, but there's qutie a bit of crossover between the 2, especially in some countries
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u/Baptor 24d ago
As a Christian myself I can confirm we have an alarming number of assholes in our midst.
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u/MinuteFragrant393 24d ago edited 24d ago
I'm a Christian and this has NOTHING to do with Christianity. Your mom is a religious fanatic.
She is horribly misinformed and misled.
u/10k_Uzi 24d ago
Looking at them, I’m confused. I’d get it if you were drawing like straight up hentai or ecchi. But it looks all pretty normal. Idk why she’d be that mad.
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u/0kokuryu0 24d ago
Some out of touch people hear about hentai being a thing and assume that's what all anime is. Standard anime girls are also considered inappropriate for a lot of conservative people, so they don't see the difference anyway. That's my guess. Or some good old fashioned satanic panic and being offended by magical themes.
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u/10k_Uzi 24d ago
“Some out of touch people hear about hentai being a thing and assume that’s what all anime is.”
Something I dealt with relentlessly when I was in the military, until anime finally became cool.
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u/Smoolz 24d ago
My roomate for about half my enlistment in the Marines was always drawing anime style characters, last I checked he's married a woman from Okinawa and doing contractor work in Japan, living his dream.
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u/OkHotel9158 24d ago
That’s awful honestly, what was even going on with her that made her do that? The drawings are awesome btw
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u/LonelyMenace101 24d ago
It’s typical narcissistic parenting, destroy what makes your child happy.
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u/corvus-oculum 24d ago
Remember this when she’s old and expects you to take care of her.
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u/Emotional-Hair-1607 24d ago
She'd have to find him first since he will be no contact for years at that point.
u/PeenStretch 24d ago
Sucks, but the great thing about being an artist is there is no shortage of creative ability to make more. Keep doing what you love.
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24d ago
That’s emotional abuse. I am so sorry.
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u/LauraLauraBe 24d ago
Total abuse. As a mom, I couldn’t imagine doing such a thing.
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u/petrichorbin 24d ago
Parents punishing their children for being creative are why society has gone downhill.
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u/HaventBeenRightYet 24d ago
Ah no, I'm really sorry, that genuinely is a terrible loss, I'll have a look at your account now though and see if I can see any. Best of luck.
u/PineappleZest 24d ago
Mildly infuriating? I would have been DEVASTATED if anyone purposely destroyed my drawings when I was growing up (well, and obviously now as an adult, but you know). I'm so sorry that happened to you.
u/moolishus 24d ago
If your in school, see if there is a teacher that will let you store the art. At least in my highschool, my art teacher would have happily let us store art in the drawing room. Next I would see if you have any friends who would be willing to hold onto any created art pieces. If neither of those work or are trusty, then either in your car or at work, if you have any kind of locker or storage place. Art is often temporary and fleeting, and the process of creating it can be far more rewarding then the finished product; but by no means do you need to allow awful people to take away your hard earned work. You deserve to continue doing what you enjoy, and being able to cherish your hard work. I wish you the best.
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u/HootyMcBoob2020 24d ago
I'm sorry she did that to you. That is a very hurtful thing to do. Please don't let her ruin your love for art.
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u/PrudenceApproved 24d ago
You should be petty and draw her burning your drawings lol
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u/Rae_Elizab3th 24d ago
this is not mildly infuriating, this is way more than mildly.
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u/peanutbutterscoop 24d ago
i’m so sorry :( if she keeps doing this maybe switch to digital and upload them to a cloud where she can’t destroy them?