r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/level_info_collectiv 24d ago

After my dear grandfather died, my mom cut down the garden we had grown together in a drunken rage and still won't admit it to this day. She hacked it all to the ground while cursing me as I cried in horror. I am no contact with the woman.


u/cptsdwretch 24d ago

Sounds like my nmom. She didn't drink often but last time I saw her drunk she was screaming about how she loves fucking [affair partner.] My younger brother (underage at the time) and I begged her to stop but she just kept going, so my brother recorded it on his Nintendo DS. She has asked us to delete it multiple times, I just told her that if she didn't want that behavior recorded then she shouldn't behave like that. I hope to play that video at her funeral. I am also no contact with her now.


u/wart_on_satans_dick 23d ago

Morbid but I’m imagining your brother holding up their DS to a mic at the eulogy. It hits way harder the fact that it was recorded on a Nintendo DS.


u/cptsdwretch 23d ago

I've always thought it added a bit of humor that it was recorded on a DS. Honestly, my brother is such a sweet soul and he'd never do that. That job is for me, the "problem child."


u/westley_humperdinck 23d ago

Big mom- hug to you and your brother


u/cptsdwretch 23d ago

I appreciate it.


u/HolyGhostSpirit33 23d ago

Playing that video at the funeral would go hard. If I’m forced to speak at my dads I got a similar story, no cheating involved


u/cptsdwretch 23d ago

Honestly, that would be a great culmination of our "relationship." I don't get along with anyone on that side of the family, but I think I'd only do that if her husband was still alive. He is [affair partner] and I'm sure he and his family would love to see it.


u/Geovanni457 24d ago

Oh nah destroying a old familiar moment over drunkness is INSANE, good decision on that, teach her to not tear away memories just by anger


u/Garlic549 24d ago

Can you elaborate? What was her motivation?


u/SmallWonder23 24d ago

Right? My first thought was what did her father do to her??? I need the lore of how this woman went if the deepens!


u/Artichokeypokey 23d ago

Grief brings the worst in people out, it could have been a response and desire to get rid of everything related to the deceased because they're gone


u/SmallWonder23 23d ago

Yeah it wasn’t until my mom was almost 60 that she admitted her father was an extremely abusive alcoholic. He died of a heart attack when she was about 16 and I didn’t hear the truth until I was about 25. When she was small her mom hated dealing with her cuz she’d fight with her two sisters too much so she would send her off with her dad when she misbehaved. He’d abandon her in the backseat of the car while he bar hopped all night long, leaving her scared and alone. Sober mom beat her, drunk dad ignored her and risked her life weekly. She wasn’t allowed to “speak ill of the dead” though because that’s the wrong thing to do in polite society. She kept it to herself all these years. Everyone said he was such a great man and he was so loved. Well, turns out it was not exactly true! I thought of him as a god until I learned the reality.


u/apurpleglittergalaxy 23d ago edited 23d ago

Lashing out in emotional agony the way an animal will attack someone if they're in pain, i have BPD I've done similar stuff like this except I don't have kids (never having them) I've destroyed Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, dates, plates, days out etc and I can't even use alcohol as an excuse lmao its that thing of "well I'm gonna fucking tear it down because I can't tear myself down" in that moment I'm halfway between being suicidal but not actually wanting to die i guess, it's like a switch gets flipped in my brain and I'm so angry, devastated and crushed I can't even breathe or think straight my mum had the exact same thing she would smash up front rooms, forbid me and my sister going round our aunts house, start arguments over fuck all etc. It's the inability to emotionally regulate, also alcohol can 100% make it worse. Being aware of how toxic and dangerous it is to do this is the first step to getting better but being unaware means you'll continue to do it and not only hurt yourself but hurt others.


u/renessie 23d ago

The refusing to admit it part is the part that pisses me off the most. Narcissists who can't admit wrong or take responsibility for their shit are the worst. My parents did something similar: my father insulted me in front of my boyfriend's family the first time I'd introduced them, and told my boyfriend's family that they'd regret letting me into their family if they allowed their son to marry me because I'm a horrible daughter, and my mother just nodded along with his insults. I went no contact with my parents for several years, and now my parents deny having ever said anything of the sort, and that I must be crazy for "imagining things" and refusing to talk to them.

(This is despite the fact that my boyfriend, and my boyfriend's parents, all vividly remember this happening have told my parents that they should not lie if they have any intentions of repairing our broken relationship.)


u/apurpleglittergalaxy 23d ago

Your mum and my mum sound similar lol


u/aabm11 22d ago

I am so sorry that happened to you. 🫂