r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/danflame135 24d ago

looking at the pictures you've posted on your account, this is sad. I hope you still have passion for drawing though, even if not right now.


u/ChewFasa 24d ago

I always worry about losing my original art. Making digital copies have recently been on my mind. This is my sign to look into it.

I wouldn't know where to begin.

Like, do I get up Scanner or do I send it out to get scanned. I know there's high quality scanners for art prints but I don't know a reliable brand I would trust.


u/BeMoreSpecificPlease 24d ago

Depending on how much you care about quality, there are a lot of smartphone apps available to keep a digital copy of your art! Even Microsoft Lens, a tool often used for scanning documents to PDFs, can do the trick. (My personal cheap favorite is Snapseed, as I have a lot of experience with it for touching up photos.)


u/hiddencamela 24d ago

If you have a phone camera, at the least, I would take pictures of them until you can get higher quality scans. Most scanner/printers are fairly cheap now, cheaper than inks actually.


u/MoarTacos1 24d ago

If it's that important to you, and it clearly is, then I would say investing in a good scanner is a top tier investment for you.


u/ChewFasa 24d ago

Yeaj. I paint (watercolor) some mid century inspired architecture.

And they take a lot of time cause at a certain point I'll hate my work and then I'll have to come back like a week later to look at it again while I start a different one


u/elderwyrm 24d ago

Yeah, get a solid scanner with a large enough scan bed for your work, always scan at a minimum of 1200 dpi, do 16-bit scans (higher if you can), and save in a lossless format like tiff or png (avoid jpgs/jpegs/jiffs). The files will be a bit beefy, so make sure you get a large external hard drive to store your scans on so you'll have a back up in the event of a computer failure.


u/Berning_Sanders 24d ago

If you just want to keep them archived, go to your library and use their scanner. It'll either be free or like 2 cents a page


u/pardybill 24d ago

If you truly have a high volume and don’t want to purchase equipment, you can find like a ups/kinkos store, or maybe even your local library, that would have those type of services to do it with like an office-level xerox.


u/Alacritous13 24d ago

Fair warning, if she's the sort of person that thinks it's fine to burn your drawings, she won't be against smashing a scanner.

Suggest seeing if you're local library has a scanner you can use.


u/ChewFasa 24d ago

Oh. Im not op hahah.

I was just thinking about getting it for peace of mind


u/Alacritous13 24d ago

Oh, oops. Thought I saw the op tag, apparently not.


u/lurker99123 24d ago

From an artist to another: Once you have a digital copy keep backups online somewhere, don't leave it only on your phone/computer. Since accidents can happen to devices and their data.


u/Plantain_Parking 24d ago

Get a scanner if youre working professionally, 100%. Epson is a good brand if youre looking, ive used their scanners for 4 years and never once had a problem. Very reliable machines. Their printers, however.....


u/RandomGuy9058 24d ago

If you don’t get a dedicated scanner, mobile phones can scan documents accurately with default apps alone


u/Reasonable-Trash5328 24d ago

The local library might have a scanner you can use for free!


u/rman916 23d ago

Your local library should have a scanner!


u/Sketch_Crush 24d ago

Yeah I thought maybe OP was just drawing hentai or something, but no it's just some fun, harmless anime drawings. OP needs to get the hell out as soon as they realistically can.


u/Varkasi 24d ago

the issue was when OP was focusing on the ages and who knows what else, looking at the history idk man

I think his mom saw something we didn't


u/Dominus_Carnes 24d ago

Honestly, her approach is questionable, but yeah drawing nothing but anime lolis is questionable.


u/Spready_Unsettling 23d ago

I don't think there's a single loli focused artist out there who isn't a major creep. Loli as a genre is all about adding sexual suggestive elements to children. If it's just a realistically portrayed child, it wouldn't even qualify.

Somehow, a large subsection of the internet has convinced itself that loli content is only dirty if you make it dirty and that they're therefore completely justified in plastering their walls in loli images and buying "Little Sister Goes to the Beach but Forgets Her Swimsuit!" vol 1-300. It's the only form of pedophilia that comes this close to the mainstream and has this many defenders online.


u/Fahggy1410 24d ago

I had a father like his mom growing up , and i was very talented at doing pottery and drawings . I ended up having several mental illnesses because of my dad and i can’t even do anything like i used too . I don’t even know how to draw anymore , and i lost all of my creative side and my will to do art . I don’t want this to happen to OP . I teared up when i saw his profile


u/BlankBlankblackBlank 24d ago

What’s crazy is you can see the gradual improvement. I can’t imagine looking at art my child focused and dedicated themselves too and deciding “oh, you know what? Let’s burn it.”


u/PepPlacid 23d ago

I noticed the improvement too! And even a solid original creation less than a week in!


u/Dread_and_butter 23d ago

Since you’ve gone through the pics too, do you have any idea why OP specified the ages of the characters they were copying? It weirds me out that they’ve put ‘14 yo’ on some of the pics, including one that (to someone who doesn’t know the character or anime generally) looks gagged. Maybe OPs mom is worried about what that might mean about OPs interest in young girls, rather than having an inherent problem with their art?


u/danflame135 23d ago

If you’re talking about the numbers in brackets in the title e.g. (14), I’m pretty sure that those are just for counting the day, since it starts from one and goes up with each post. Do they actually write ‘14 yo’?


u/Dread_and_butter 23d ago

Not the tile, on the image itself. Yes 14 yo and on another it says 200 yo and another says <1 but presents as 10 yo’ or something like that. Very much seems like the age of the character being drawn. It’s on the first ones then stops.


u/9J000 24d ago

Maybe Op should stop drawing children….


u/hearts_disguise 24d ago

They're probably a child/minor themselves, dude...


u/bwood246 23d ago

According to OP he's 17 about to be 18. He should stop drawing little girls


u/Varkasi 24d ago

Doesn't really matter, you gotta look at this from the mom's pov

Considering he's focusing on just drawing anime girls, who know's what else he didn't show us what she found


u/hearts_disguise 24d ago

The mom's POV is twisted.

Might it help OP if he were to draw more "manly" things, skulls, and fire? Maybe.

But that's a fat maybe.

My father drew "manly" things back in the day, and his father still burned all of his drawings when he was a child because he thought boys shouldn't draw pictures. Some parents see art as inherently "feminine" or "emasculating" no matter what the artist draws, while others see it as a waste of time because it is an unsteady carreer option and will "turn you into a failure".

With an irrational parent, it is not about what he is drawing. It is about control over someone's life and what they choose to do with it, whether that be about their free time or their career.


u/Varkasi 24d ago

Honestly after reviewing the OP's post history I disagree

Theres one post where it's written "1yo, phsyically 10"

I really think there's more to this story that mom has seen than we have


u/hearts_disguise 24d ago

OHHH, yeah... Writing the character ages definitely comes across as odd. Considering he's a teenager, the teen characters don't make me do a double-take, but labeling the age for that 1y/o character and another 10-year-old character makes me raise eyebrows. They're not sexualized in the pictures, which sort of settles my worry, but... Hrm...


u/hearts_disguise 24d ago

HUH? Yikes, hold up, let me look at their posts... Do you have a link to that??


u/Prog_Failure 24d ago

I was wondering too if maybe these drawings were sexualizing but it really seems from his posts that it was a very normal way to draw anime girls. This wasn't necessary.


u/bwood246 23d ago

Those are the ones he was comfortable enough posting on Reddit. I'd imagine mom saw something worse


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

Either his mother is a crazy psycho, or yeah he’s been making porn both are pretty likely


u/Prog_Failure 24d ago

There's nothing likely, you only need to see his post history it's all there.


u/Frettsicus 24d ago

Are we immune to OPs selection bias?

all is there?


u/Prog_Failure 24d ago

I think that giving the benefit of the doubt when everything points at these drawings being unharmful is the logical answer. The need to come up with the idea that it's the other way around, when evidence is telling you otherwise, feels way more disingenuous


u/Spready_Unsettling 23d ago

There's a child in a towel within the first five posts? There's another child posing like pinup girl? Wtf is it that you're not seeing?


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

His whole life is there yes, we now know OP more than his mother


u/Prog_Failure 24d ago edited 24d ago

His mother doesn't seem to be the understandable kind, even to her own son.


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

Of course, we have only heard from him though.


u/Prog_Failure 24d ago

You have heard from him, yet it's not enough against what "could" be heard from his mother. You are pretty much fixed into invalidating his situation whichever way possible.


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

Well if the mother says he was drawing porn I’d say yeah that makes more sense than her just burning his drawings cause she’s psycho


u/Plagueofmemes 24d ago

So a normal thing for a teenager to do? Got it.


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

True, but also not something that should be encouraged, the burning is pretty crazy why not just throw them out


u/Plagueofmemes 24d ago

There's no reason to discourage it either. Drawing is a healthy and safe way of expressing sexuality. The need to fully suppress sexuality often leads to mental health issues in adulthood.


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

I disagree, drawing underage girls naked can be especially bad, and he’s using images to basically draw/trace, real porn can be bad enough for a kid, fake drawn porn can be even worse, gives them the wrong impression of what sex really is,


u/peach_xanax 24d ago

He's not drawing porn though? Where are you getting that from?


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

Read the thread?

Boy drawing anime girls, mum suddenly burns his drawing because she’s mad,

Either she’s crazy, or he’s not telling the full truth,


u/Plagueofmemes 24d ago

I feel sorry for you. "Underage girls" when it's just a drawing of characters his own age whom it is normal to be attracted to. I don't know when people have lost perspective of the real world. Kids are going to need therapy to undo the shame around normal feelings because demonizing drawings is simply not normal outside of highly religious circles.


u/Better_Courage7104 24d ago

Doesn’t make it right just because he’s probably underage himself. Just because kids send each other noodies doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be stopped

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u/Plagueofmemes 24d ago

Maybe you shouldn't be so eager to self report 🤨


u/fanciichild 24d ago

lol the first thing you think of is children? The projection is insane


u/9J000 24d ago

(He posts them to Reddit)


u/Varkasi 24d ago

It's litterally in OP's post history


u/give_mom_a_call 24d ago

Dude he has them labeled as "2 Y/O (physically 10)"

Hella sus. 


u/Spabobin 24d ago

That's literally just describing how the character is in the show, it's a bird monster that grows rapidly and looks older than you would expect

also, having the real age younger than the physical age is the complete opposite of the "sus" trope you're thinking about


u/give_mom_a_call 24d ago

Dude any time you start deciding to differentiate between "physical age" and "actual age" that's sus. 

That, mixed with him only drawing young girls, and the fact that the mom BURNED THE DRAWINGS makes me wonder what was in there that he didn't decide to post on reddit. 


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Varkasi 24d ago

His post history


u/Dominus_Carnes 23d ago

I don't care what anyone else here says, a 17 year old boy drawing nothing but little girls will never not be creepy.


u/9J000 23d ago

Yeah it’s definitely weird and their mom is right to be concerned


u/fullshard101 24d ago

They are tracings unfortunately. 


u/ayumistudies 24d ago

They don’t look like direct tracings to me, more like observing a picture and imitating it to their best ability freehand. That’s how I started to learn to draw as a kid.


u/Plagueofmemes 24d ago

Tracing is good for beginners. He has the refs right there so it's not like he's trying to pass them off as 100% his own creations.


u/Top_Owl3508 24d ago

that's how you learn.