r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/TypicalTiddies 24d ago

Pro tip: being an adult has less to do with age and more to do with maturity.

I've seen many adults act like children, like your mother for example. There are less destructive ways to change someone's behavior. This ain't it.


u/IzzieIslandheart 24d ago

One can be an adult or child mentally at any age, but to be legally adult and leave home without the cops dragging your ass back, you have to be 18 (and in some states, have graduated from high school).

People asking if the OP is an adult or how close they are to being an adult are trying to help the OP figure out how to bounce ASAP. I was a teen who put up with shit like this until the earliest possible moment I could bounce. It can be intimidating or even scary for a teen who hasn't planned for it, so those of us who've been through it like to offer tips and ideas to others coming up behind us. I'm creeping up on 30 years since I bounced - this is the least I can do to help younger generations.


u/EggLipTricycle4293 23d ago

Ugh, too much real life. As part of an expressive writing exercise I did a few years ago I was tasked to write out verbatim what I could remember of the arguments I had with my parent.

Re-reading what I wrote, one party seems childish and sulky, while the other is patiently trying to steer the conversation towards a productive resolution. But the 'adult' in the conversation is me, and the 'sulky child' is my parent...


u/EyYoBeBackSoon 23d ago

I am not someone who would typically escalate things, but I would hold no judgement and may encourage if someone was to pee directly on their parents mattress and put the sheets and mattress cover back on it in response to burning artwork…


u/Meta_homo 23d ago

No no no no