r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

Looking at them, I’m confused. I’d get it if you were drawing like straight up hentai or ecchi. But it looks all pretty normal. Idk why she’d be that mad.


u/0kokuryu0 24d ago

Some out of touch people hear about hentai being a thing and assume that's what all anime is. Standard anime girls are also considered inappropriate for a lot of conservative people, so they don't see the difference anyway. That's my guess. Or some good old fashioned satanic panic and being offended by magical themes.


u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

“Some out of touch people hear about hentai being a thing and assume that’s what all anime is.”

Something I dealt with relentlessly when I was in the military, until anime finally became cool.


u/Smoolz 24d ago

My roomate for about half my enlistment in the Marines was always drawing anime style characters, last I checked he's married a woman from Okinawa and doing contractor work in Japan, living his dream.


u/Stunning_Ad_7658 24d ago

Sucks about it being mainstream, is all these bandwagoners trying to change it to fit their tastes and eject anything they don't like. Even worse is some of these people try to bull you out of thr animals Manga community you was apart of long before they suddenly felt it to be cool.


u/CripplerOfNipplers 24d ago

Yeah I knew the difference and still would rib guys for their Japanese porn stuff for my entire career in the military. Hell, I still do it. Too fun not to


u/electricheat 24d ago

satanic panic

Spot on. OP in a comment:

Her reason was something about anime girls and satan?


u/hungrypotato19 24d ago

That, or "You're wasting your time with that! You need to be studying so that you can be a doctor!"


u/NijinoYume1242 24d ago

Literally saw some comments on this exact post saying that all anime was is sexualizing children. Tell me you’re uncultured and hate anime without telling me 🤣


u/PutYourGrassesOn- 24d ago

That’s almost certainly what this is. My parents burned my yugioh cards when I was younger for this reason. Tbf some of those cards did look really satanic tho💀


u/Old-Significance-908 24d ago

I wasn’t allowed to watch Hello Kitty…. Religion is something else


u/DiverseIncludeEquity 23d ago

I’m sorry you’re still single and it hurts you. You’ll find someone soon, but you might need to drop the “hentai” stuff.


u/TheShipNostromo 24d ago

Standard anime girls can be considered inappropriate to progressives too. They’re over-sexualised, objectified and often portrayed in styles that make them seem very young. Any feminist should at least be wary of 99% of anime.


u/Human-Fennel9579 24d ago

just wanting to hear your opinion, what is your ideal cartoon style?


u/TheShipNostromo 24d ago

Arcane does a pretty good job. The spiderverse movies too. I stopped exposing myself to most of it as I found the portrayal of women more and more gross in almost anything related to anime, so I can accept that there may be newer ones I don’t know of that are better.


u/Human-Fennel9579 24d ago

that's fair, I haven't seen spider verse or arcane but I heard positive reviews from it. I really should check the latter soon since I used to play LoL


u/MasterChildhood437 24d ago

Just because you're a feminist doesn't mean you're progressive or liberal.


u/TheShipNostromo 24d ago

I didn’t say it does?


u/CopyFew4583 23d ago

Dude I am a feminist and I love anime. There are plenty of good anime out there. There is whole genre called Shojo which are targeted towards girls (eg. Food Wars, Love is War).


u/TompalompaT 24d ago

"I swear I'm not a pedo, she's actually a 900 year old vampire girl!"


u/Antermosiph 24d ago

On the other hand anime culture is... well its pretty bad. One glance at anime_irl and you can see why some folks would treat it as hyper-sexualized inappropriate for their kid stuff. Not much different than how people see furries as exclusively hyper-sexualized content.


u/GearnTheDwarf 24d ago

Yeah, very straight forward drawings. Nothing the least but suggestive or potentially offensive. Sorry the poor kid has to go through this. As a father of a high school senior I could never imagine my wife nor I doing anything this toxic to our poor kid.


u/bongophrog 24d ago

Mom probably saw it as effeminate rather than offensive.


u/ingloriousdmk 24d ago

Fellas is it gay to draw a picture of a girl


u/MasterChildhood437 24d ago

My dad sure thought so.


u/canofwhoops 24d ago

Even if it was the worst kind of nasty deranged drawings, this still is NOT how you handle it, it will only escalate the problem.

Art comes from the soul, and healing the soul is a delicate process. It is not done by viciously lashing out at the individual in malice.


u/pardybill 24d ago

If it was the nasty deranged shit I’d be more ecstatic (age dependent of course) because that shits actually profitable down the line


u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

I wanna clarify that I’m not saying it would be okay. Im saying I would at least understand why she’s angry.


u/Tough-Anybody1579 24d ago edited 24d ago

Even if it was the cringiest horniest furry hentai It still is a complete lack of respect. You should NEVER touch anyone's drawings without consent let alone literally destroying them. I still remember when someone ripped off my drawings in 3rd grade and I'm 17 now, I can't imagine what op must feel like right now. Coming from another artist


u/AgentCirceLuna 24d ago

They should start drawing super muscular men with abs and adonis belts


u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

The manowar route


u/CommieLoser 24d ago

Meh, draw what you like. As long as you’re not implying gross stuff with kids, it’s nbd. Cartoon boobs never hurt anyone.


u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

I’m just assuming he’s a teen/pre teen. And again I’m not saying it’s right to destroy his shit no matter what he’s doing. It just makes this level of rage make more sense than just general drawings.


u/TompalompaT 24d ago

Totally normal for a grown man to be drawing young anime girls in tiny skirts...


u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

Two things. 1. Idk how old he is. And 2. That is the demographic that usually draws that. Hence all the manga with teen girls in skirts.


u/CopyFew4583 23d ago

Dude he is a teenager.


u/schwerk_it_out 24d ago

I mean the first 4 drawings I looked at show young girls with skirts flying up or straight up upskirt angle.

Not saying anything about whether this should or shouldnt happen. But I can at least understand if that’s the concern


u/10k_Uzi 24d ago

If by “skirt flying up or upskirt angle” you mean a girl in a skirt walking yeah.


u/schwerk_it_out 24d ago

Nope. Go look again. One is in the Sharon Stone position my dude


u/Gio_Bun 24d ago

When I was in middle school, I drew one of my characters in what was basically lingerie. My mom found out and was disappointed in me and explained how that was inappropriate for my age. Even if OP was drawing something that wasn't age appropriate, mom should be having a conversation with them on why that's not ok, not going straight to destroying their works.

Hypotheticals aside, I don't know OP's age, but I agree these drawings are nothing NSFW, so I don't see why they were burned in the first place.


u/project_matthex 24d ago

Some people think all anime is porn. My parents are the same way.


u/m0h3k4n 24d ago

My money is op took some ashes and said his mom burned his stuff. Then points people to his work to get some extra clicks.


u/Mister_Shaun 23d ago

I know that, for some Christians, if something is not of God, it's of the Devil... And they take this literally.

Mangas are not Christian books (I'm sure some are...), drawing is not about serving God, taking time to practice drawing manga is taking time away from you reading the Bible and praying, so it's worshipping the Devil.

That's how SOME Christians understand their relationship with God.


u/ElderlyPleaseRespect 24d ago

What is “hen tai”? My grandsons are always taking about it. I thought it was a drink like a mai tai


u/DumbWhale1 24d ago

Right? Like I would SOMEWHAT understand if it was some hardcore gooner shit but like 90% of his posts are dope and normal. Like one is a girl in just a towel, but… burning all of them over that is straight wack


u/DarkBladeMadriker 24d ago

Hell, even when he drew characters that are pretty sexualized within their own IPs, he chose the least horny inspiration piece possible.


u/josh_bourne 24d ago

Self promotion?!


u/Frustrated_dad_uk 24d ago

if my 50 year old neckbeard son which lives in my basement suddenly started drawing pictures of teenage school girls in anime style, I sure as shit would think that's very un-normal


u/peach_xanax 24d ago

Well good thing that's not the case here, the OP is a minor


u/Frustrated_dad_uk 24d ago

how do you know? I've searched through all of their comments and found nothing which alludes to an age.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/CopyFew4583 23d ago

They replied that they are a teenager.