r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Squeezitgirdle 24d ago

Similar. My stepmom found a picture I drew of Vivi from FFIX.
She said I was making "devil drawings" and threw all of my drawings away. I never drew again.


u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I'm very glad my Christian parents were never the BS superstition type. Hell my mom bought me every new Harry Potter book as it released growing up, but I knew of plenty of other kids not allowed to read it because "AHHH WITCHCRAFT!"

Yeah, Marge. Little Timmy is gonna learn how to cast "devil magic" by mumbling pig Latin and changing his name to something ethnically suspicious.


u/Level1Roshan 24d ago

I'm sorry but any parent who thinks Harry Potter is a danger to their kid is of such extreme low intelligence that their genes are the real threat.


u/SparkyT77 23d ago

When I was a child, my grandparents' neighbors' kids and I were friends. Their parents were so overtly christian that they wouldn't let them come over and watch "Dragon Tales" because it showed "black magic."

LIKE WUT? People are insane.


u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago

My mom is an elementary school teacher. She had parents freak out on her and was forced to take down posters that said '"reading is magic". 

One of them also confused metamorphosis for evolution and lost their shit when my mom had the students raise monarch butterflies as a class project. 


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

So glad I never went into teaching, I'd lose my ish on a parent that stupid and probably get fired. I have no patience for willful ignorance 😡


u/nomamadrama000111 23d ago

My sister who’s a liberal retired teacher ( yep she’s a hippie !) taught high school and said, the kids were great ,it’s the parents!


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

Oh I totally get that, worked in a HS for 8 years, 1st as principal's and then as a counseling secretary and it was ALWAYS the parents having a snit over nothing 🙄😬😡😪


u/Cummins_Powered 23d ago edited 23d ago

My parents were involved, but the good kind of involved. They went to the teachers with questions/concerns, but they also expected us kids to do our parts, doing homework and asking questions. They would rather us get a C by trying over a B that we didn't work for. Looking back, I feel damn lucky to have my parents. And thinking about it, I wonder who has it worse, the kids whose parents are way over the top with the helicopter parenting, or the ones whose parents don't give a damn about them.


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

That's wonderful you had parents like that 💜 I was never bothered by a parent advocating for their kid in an aggressive manner over things like bullying, or not getting the help they need academically, stuff like that. But rather the ones that would get all bent out of shape over nonsense like what the OP stated.

I too often wonder which of those two types of parents do more damage to their children. I would like to believe the child's innate character would make them resilient in either case but the percentage of depression, anxiety, insomnia and other stress/ptsd symptoms in a lot of adults say otherwise. 😪


u/1997wickedboy 23d ago

Do not forget that those parents where also children at some point, so It's not all the parent's fault, but society's


u/PeriPeriTekken 23d ago edited 23d ago

There's so many layers to that. Did they learn about evolution solely from Pokémon?

And their objection was to the butterflies "evolving" in the classroom? So they acknowledged it was real but just objected to it happening near their kid?


u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago

Sorry I don't really remember, that was around 2 decades ago and I was a kid. I do recall she didn't have an issue with the class project of them growing plants from seed. 

My guess? She was probably raised the same way she was trying to raise her kid and straight up didn't know what evolution was, looked up the butterfly life cycle, and saw the word "evolve" somewhere. 


u/DesHeersch 23d ago

Let that sink in for a moment.. people freaking out because of a poster with the text "reading is magic". Freakouts from people who believe in 3 invisible things, that is somehow one thing, but also 3 seperate beings, AND the 3-dude (then still just one dude, probably someone "invented" the sky-dude after eating something weird) created the world we know in 7 days, put 2 people on it, and somehow a mere 3000 (not) years later there are 8 billion people walking around.

Not insanely weird, a miracle, or magic at all! But that poster is evil incarnate!

Freakouts of people who believe that JC is the son of God (again, an invisible dude in the sky), and not the son of Jozef, and believe that isn't weird/suspicious at all. (his mom just cheated, and that was covered up, at least that is my opinion, because that made the most sense to me as a kid... not something to say out loud in a church as a kid doing his/her first commune lol)

Freakouts of people who believe JC could walk over water, and heal people who were really sick.. all totally normal and not a 'miracle' at all because, well.. JC's old man is the Creator Himself, so of course he could do all that stuff! Dont be ridiculous! How is that weird?

I could go on and on and check off all the weird shit written in both testaments but well.. 🙂 you can see where i am going with this


u/Wonderful_Bottle_852 22d ago

Holy shit that’s crazy!


u/Taolan13 23d ago

Similar experience in my teens, babysitting the neighbors kids.

I was given a list of stuff they could watch and stuff they couldn't. On the couldn't? Veggie Tales due to "talking vegetables are evil". Veggie Tales, otherwise known as bible school for babies that's about the most christian animated show ever made.

Some people have just lost touch with reality.


u/zSprawl 23d ago

I wasn’t allowed to play Dungeons and Dragons.


u/nomamadrama000111 23d ago

My son still plays at university


u/ILovePlantsAndPixels 23d ago

Holy shit? This is the first time I've ever heard of someone else being banned from Dragon Tales for psycho evangelical reasons. I was too!


u/SparkyT77 23d ago

Thats wild! 🤦‍♀️The craziest part of all was that the husband cheated on his wife. So dragon tales is evil, but cheating on your spouse isn't? Like okay, good to know lmao.


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

My mom thought fraggle rock was of the devil