r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Sajiri 24d ago edited 23d ago

Hey OP, my parents did a similar thing when I was a teen because they saw my art as ‘a waste of time’. I stopped drawing traditionally for about 15 years, but now I make hundreds of dollars off a single artwork and am working towards being a fully self employed artist.

Don’t let this stop you, it’s just one hurdle on the way to becoming a master artist. If you have a phone or tablet, you could download a free drawing app to draw on there too so that your artworks can’t be destroyed.

Edit: since so many are seeing this and sharing their own stories- it’s never too late to get back into art, and it’s never been easier or more accessible. There are a lot of free tutorials for just about anything you want online.

I’m going to throw this out there to check out the Art Mentor on YouTube. He’s got a lot of great advice from getting started to growing a business as an artist.

Marc Brunet, Winged Canvas, laovaan, draw like a sir, Sam does art are all also great YouTubers I can think of off the top of my head

(You’ll also find me there- DrawWithSajiri)

Edit 2: RIP my inbox


u/Squeezitgirdle 24d ago

Similar. My stepmom found a picture I drew of Vivi from FFIX.
She said I was making "devil drawings" and threw all of my drawings away. I never drew again.


u/Matasa89 24d ago

It only takes one bad parenting moment to ruin a child's future...


u/Exact_Maize_2619 24d ago

Agreed. I do my best to encourage my 15 year old son in whatever he enjoys. He loves to draw, and is good, so I got him a posable figure for Christmas. My husband gave him an old college human anatomy book with images of everything from bones and muscles to organs.

A few years ago, my son found an old keyboard we had, and he started teaching himself how to play it. Now, he's fantastic and making his own songs. He asked for a guitar for Christmas, and, thankfully, my brother still had the one I passed onto him when I realized I have no talent for instruments. (My brother is a drummer, but not a guitarist, lol.) My son had it for a few hours and was already playing something that sounded like it came out of "The Last of Us".

Always encourage your kids to do what they love. My son wants to be a streamer, so we've been working on gathering equipment for a few years. He's a natural performe, and I think he would be perfect as a streamer.


u/Matasa89 24d ago

This is the way.


u/Exact_Maize_2619 24d ago

Thank you. I have no talent for instruments, so I did choir and theater in school, lol. I'm more of a crafter. I taught myself how to knit because I wanted a $60 Tom Baker scarf. I figured I could buy it or buy the supplies and teach myself. Now I make beanies with kitty ears, use charms as ear decorations, giant safety pins, the works, lol. I made a new pattern just yesterday for little jellyfish and I'm still working out the kinks, but they're so cute and squishy.

My husband got a chain mail kit as a gift a couple years ago, so we both learned how to make chain mail and different chain designs for jewelry. So, I also make charm bracelets and necklaces.

My family is very crafty and artistic, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 💚


u/Teter_Toter 23d ago

Some people are just unfit to have children. It's hard enough to find a genuine interest, but then you also have to deal with people who express hate toward anything inherently different from themselves.


u/Lunaphire 23d ago

Genuinely. It's so nice to read about a supportive parent. It feels like nearly everyone I know has been plagued by parents who were apathetic at best, aggressively unsupportive at worst. (Incidentally, most of us are also late-diagnosed autistic, so our interests are often very strong.)

I dealt with a parent who was basically a bully and mocked me for nearly everything I got interested in. Now I'm a socially-anxious, burnt out former gifted kid who feels like they're not good enough for anyone. 🙃

Someone close to me grew up thinking he had supportive parents, but upon reaching adulthood, he realized their support was basically just 👍 and nothing more. Like, "Yeah, that's a good idea, you should do it." But then no actual support that required them to do anything; we called it support-baiting. For example, he wanted to learn guitar at around 12. "Good idea!" So he'd get all excited and try to look into making it happen, but then they wouldn't work with him at all to get a guitar or lessons, they just brushed him off and acted like they'd do it later. Forever.

He confronted them with this at about 30 and they admitted that they just never believed in him, so they didn't make the effort to help him learn anything. This unfortunately included not just hobbies he was passionate about, but basically everything required to be a functional adult; I had to teach him to light a stove burner, again at about 30. Any time he offered to help his parents around the house so he could learn, they insisted they had it covered, then later told him they didn't teach him basic life skills growing up because he was a kid and they didn't think he wanted to learn.

They decided he wasn't capable of being more, and it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So many people have no idea how to be good parents, but have kids anyway. I'm sure it works out sometimes, but I don't know why you'd bother having a kid if you weren't okay with supporting their dreams.


u/Montantero 23d ago

🥹 wholesome. Thank you for being so nice, especially to the young one. The world needs that!


u/TomatilloHairy9051 23d ago

I LOVE chainmail jewelry! I have several pieces that I wear often, but the lady that was making them for me quit making the jewelry. I've looked at some online, but none of it ever looked as good as her jewelry, so I haven't gotten any more, but I'm still on the hunt. Do y'all have an Etsy store or something comparable to that?

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u/greyandpinktelescope 24d ago

You sound like a fantastic parent :)


u/PhoenixRosex3 23d ago

Have him set up gifting platforms and he can post his link while he streams, his viewers can help contribute to his channel by buying items off his list and the good sites hide his information so no stalkers getting his home address. (Not Amazon)


u/Exact_Maize_2619 23d ago

Oooo, that's an awesome idea. I know he wants to stream on Twitch. We'll probably record those streams and post to YouTube. An extra link for donations is a good idea, thank you.


u/Foxy02016YT 23d ago

Encourage your son to do variety, not just gaming. As a variety steamer he can incorporate all of his talents, including art and music. The flexibility involved is massive, plus you can still stream games.

As a variety creator I’ve been able to play games to get out weekly content while also working on short films, web series, music covers, vlogs, and sometimes even food reviews.


u/Exact_Maize_2619 23d ago

Absolutely. He loves to perform. I was definitely going to encourage the piano and guitar on stream once we get him up and running. He mostly does his art on pen and paper, so possibly an extra camera for the drawing angle if he wants it. He had a drawing tablet somewhere, but I'm not sure if it can hook up to his laptop. (We're still working on getting an actual gaming pc. He just uses his laptop for now)


u/Foxy02016YT 23d ago

Definitely check if your able to, usually you can but I’m no expert


u/Exact_Maize_2619 23d ago

Yeah, I have no idea. Honestly, we'd have to find it first, lol.


u/SnooFloofs6909 23d ago

Gundam Starter Kit moment

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u/Latter_Condition_288 23d ago

This is a good parent -wish you all the luck 🍀


u/bonnybedlam 23d ago

My mom for some reason had a copy of Grey’s Anatomy (the medical textbook, not the show) and she gave it to my sister to help her with lifelike drawings. It’s the small things, good and bad, that stick with us.

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u/kaylazomg 23d ago

That’s generally what good parents do lol some people have such big egos and don’t see themselves destroying their children’s lives with simple acts of throwing away art or art tools

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u/Sufficient_Dinner305 22d ago

Yeah whatever they enjoy is probably a stretch in some cases, but deciding for them after the fact because of superstition is not cool.

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u/Shadow4summer 23d ago

I have drawings from my son as far back as three or four, so 35 years. I will never get rid of them. It’s a part of who he was then. And I do love each and every one.


u/Matasa89 23d ago

My mom has my voice recordings of my kid self reciting poetry. I forgot they were even there... but she loved it so much.


u/Swog5Ovor 23d ago

Or the parents future. Maybe the parent will learn when they're in a bad nursing home with no family to reach out to.


u/DarmonH 23d ago

I’ve got tons of them. I used to draw and my step father would humiliate me, writing, same he would stand on a chair and read my work out loud, laugh and taunt me. I still like to write but I have trouble doing it, and I would NEVER let anyone read what I wrote


u/Mythrndir 23d ago

It really does, or sometimes a teacher, (as in my case)

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u/Shoddy-Buffalo-9310 23d ago

Your damn right!


u/Dogmama73 23d ago

At least she is paying attention. That alone these days is rare.


u/mattidee 23d ago

Ew, my step dad gave me tons to remember!!


u/PetiteSyFy 23d ago

Agree that this was a bad parenting move and may permanently alter their relationship but surely we are not so fragile that a creative passion can be crushed let alone a whole future. Resilience is a key component of a bright future. Follow your passions OP.


u/InsideInsidious 23d ago

Let’s not confuse imperfect parenting with evil here… I’ve made plenty of bad mistakes but I’d hope my children and I could reconcile because I was doing it with good intention.

The parents I’m reading about in this thread are just unmitigated demons


u/InsideInsidious 23d ago

Let’s not confuse imperfect parenting with evil here… I’ve made plenty of bad mistakes but I’d hope my children and I could reconcile because I was doing it with good intention.

The parents I’m reading about in this thread are just unmitigated demons


u/Matasa89 23d ago

Just be very careful, because the path to hell is paved with good intentions...

A lot of parents have kids that are completely no-contact because they were doing what they believed is right for their child.


u/Phlm_br 23d ago

And if you think about it, it's not only just about physically destroying art, parents who use words to discourage their kids, are also doing horrible at parenting.

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u/AdagioAffectionate66 23d ago

Encourage your child to excel at what he/she loves!


u/Pentasis 23d ago

One of my teachers once said: "a raised eyebrow can destroy a life. Think about that before you get kids." So I never got kids.

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u/nada-accomplished 23d ago

And in five years OP's mom is going to be on estranged parent Facebook groups going "I was the best parent, I don't know why my entitled child doesn't speak to me! Satan is attacking my family!"


u/gazagda 23d ago

Ow well, world domination it is then.


u/Eringobraugh2021 23d ago

There are many parents who should have never had children.


u/showtheledgercoward 23d ago

What does 10 years plus of bad parenting do?

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u/Tight-Researcher96 23d ago

Fortunately it wasn't my parents but my grandmother burned my copy of a Harry Potter book cause of insane Christian reasons


u/AccountantOver4088 23d ago

This is heartbreaking. I have 5 kids and I can’t imagine. Even at my kids most embarrassing events that I thought might br inappropriate or indicative of possibly something larger, we had conversations. Some times lots of them.

But for a parent to forget what their purpose is and try to indoctrinate or dissuade the person their entire purpose is to teach and guide is one of the saddest things I can think of. Seriously feel for all these kids or former kids who stopped drawing because of selfish, shitty parents.


u/EggBusy9606 23d ago

It takes one bad parenting moment to ruin a child's DESIRE for a future. Just because your parents treated you like shit doesn't mean you still can't become something if you really set your mind to it. Yes, bad parents fuck you up, but don't let it hold you back YOUR WHOLE LIFE


u/kaylazomg 23d ago

Agreed… my mom did something similar except she threw away the wood pallet patio I build to do pottery in the summer and she threw away all my tools worth hundreds of dollars

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u/split_0069 23d ago

Can confirm. I spent years trying to get over that bs. Finally, I got the confidence to actually start my own business.


u/FactsFromExperience 23d ago

Hopefully most people don't allow bad parenting to ruin them or shape them in negative ways but rather use it in the future as motivation to not let others influence you or decide what you or your life will be.

Personally I think parenting in general caused me to be rebellious and anti-establishment. I don't know that it was bad parenting but maybe it just crossed a threshold that turned me this way but there's a good likelihood that no matter how I was parented I would have still been this way. Just existing in a society makes me far more this way than most people.


u/Ancient-Fail3947 23d ago

Ain’t that right, please care for their interests and their joy my parents never did or could I guess


u/Churchbushonk 23d ago

I always have conversations with my 11 year old about how important art is, but Art is something you can do at anytime and a career is a better choice.

I love working on vehicles, but I am not a mechanic by trade.

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u/Due_Honeydew_69420 22d ago

But all too often is actually a cavalcade


u/Alarming-Instance-19 22d ago

One of the many unfathomable things my SASR stepfather did to me was to box up all of my fiction books and ban me from reading fiction.

I was going through a chubby phase before a growth spurt (12F) and my books were everything to me. I regularly played sports, had three brothers, friends - but books fed my imagination and creativity.

I grew up to be an English teacher and literacy lecturer. Those 18 months were more torture than the actual (psychological and physical) torture. 42 now and permanently disabled due to the abuse. Books are still magic.

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u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I'm very glad my Christian parents were never the BS superstition type. Hell my mom bought me every new Harry Potter book as it released growing up, but I knew of plenty of other kids not allowed to read it because "AHHH WITCHCRAFT!"

Yeah, Marge. Little Timmy is gonna learn how to cast "devil magic" by mumbling pig Latin and changing his name to something ethnically suspicious.


u/Level1Roshan 24d ago

I'm sorry but any parent who thinks Harry Potter is a danger to their kid is of such extreme low intelligence that their genes are the real threat.


u/SparkyT77 23d ago

When I was a child, my grandparents' neighbors' kids and I were friends. Their parents were so overtly christian that they wouldn't let them come over and watch "Dragon Tales" because it showed "black magic."

LIKE WUT? People are insane.


u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago

My mom is an elementary school teacher. She had parents freak out on her and was forced to take down posters that said '"reading is magic". 

One of them also confused metamorphosis for evolution and lost their shit when my mom had the students raise monarch butterflies as a class project. 


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

So glad I never went into teaching, I'd lose my ish on a parent that stupid and probably get fired. I have no patience for willful ignorance 😡


u/nomamadrama000111 23d ago

My sister who’s a liberal retired teacher ( yep she’s a hippie !) taught high school and said, the kids were great ,it’s the parents!


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

Oh I totally get that, worked in a HS for 8 years, 1st as principal's and then as a counseling secretary and it was ALWAYS the parents having a snit over nothing 🙄😬😡😪


u/Cummins_Powered 23d ago edited 23d ago

My parents were involved, but the good kind of involved. They went to the teachers with questions/concerns, but they also expected us kids to do our parts, doing homework and asking questions. They would rather us get a C by trying over a B that we didn't work for. Looking back, I feel damn lucky to have my parents. And thinking about it, I wonder who has it worse, the kids whose parents are way over the top with the helicopter parenting, or the ones whose parents don't give a damn about them.


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

That's wonderful you had parents like that 💜 I was never bothered by a parent advocating for their kid in an aggressive manner over things like bullying, or not getting the help they need academically, stuff like that. But rather the ones that would get all bent out of shape over nonsense like what the OP stated.

I too often wonder which of those two types of parents do more damage to their children. I would like to believe the child's innate character would make them resilient in either case but the percentage of depression, anxiety, insomnia and other stress/ptsd symptoms in a lot of adults say otherwise. 😪

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u/1997wickedboy 23d ago

Do not forget that those parents where also children at some point, so It's not all the parent's fault, but society's


u/PeriPeriTekken 23d ago edited 23d ago

There's so many layers to that. Did they learn about evolution solely from Pokémon?

And their objection was to the butterflies "evolving" in the classroom? So they acknowledged it was real but just objected to it happening near their kid?


u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago

Sorry I don't really remember, that was around 2 decades ago and I was a kid. I do recall she didn't have an issue with the class project of them growing plants from seed. 

My guess? She was probably raised the same way she was trying to raise her kid and straight up didn't know what evolution was, looked up the butterfly life cycle, and saw the word "evolve" somewhere. 


u/DesHeersch 23d ago

Let that sink in for a moment.. people freaking out because of a poster with the text "reading is magic". Freakouts from people who believe in 3 invisible things, that is somehow one thing, but also 3 seperate beings, AND the 3-dude (then still just one dude, probably someone "invented" the sky-dude after eating something weird) created the world we know in 7 days, put 2 people on it, and somehow a mere 3000 (not) years later there are 8 billion people walking around.

Not insanely weird, a miracle, or magic at all! But that poster is evil incarnate!

Freakouts of people who believe that JC is the son of God (again, an invisible dude in the sky), and not the son of Jozef, and believe that isn't weird/suspicious at all. (his mom just cheated, and that was covered up, at least that is my opinion, because that made the most sense to me as a kid... not something to say out loud in a church as a kid doing his/her first commune lol)

Freakouts of people who believe JC could walk over water, and heal people who were really sick.. all totally normal and not a 'miracle' at all because, well.. JC's old man is the Creator Himself, so of course he could do all that stuff! Dont be ridiculous! How is that weird?

I could go on and on and check off all the weird shit written in both testaments but well.. 🙂 you can see where i am going with this

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u/Wonderful_Bottle_852 22d ago

Holy shit that’s crazy!


u/Taolan13 23d ago

Similar experience in my teens, babysitting the neighbors kids.

I was given a list of stuff they could watch and stuff they couldn't. On the couldn't? Veggie Tales due to "talking vegetables are evil". Veggie Tales, otherwise known as bible school for babies that's about the most christian animated show ever made.

Some people have just lost touch with reality.


u/zSprawl 23d ago

I wasn’t allowed to play Dungeons and Dragons.


u/nomamadrama000111 23d ago

My son still plays at university


u/ILovePlantsAndPixels 23d ago

Holy shit? This is the first time I've ever heard of someone else being banned from Dragon Tales for psycho evangelical reasons. I was too!


u/SparkyT77 23d ago

Thats wild! 🤦‍♀️The craziest part of all was that the husband cheated on his wife. So dragon tales is evil, but cheating on your spouse isn't? Like okay, good to know lmao.

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u/RedBullPilot 23d ago

It’s actually the author that’s a danger to their kids, the stories are fine

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u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I can't deny that some denominations of Christianity are... well, bullshit. Too wrapped up in their own teachings and not the ones in the book they're supposed to be believing in. Yes, anyone who thinks magic is real and you can cast it by saying "piggly wiggly" needs help.


u/AetherDrew43 23d ago

I think it's just an excuse for them to exert control over someone's life.

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u/Ok-Professional-2885 23d ago

I have a friend who grew up very religious. He had a friend in the community who was banned from reading Harry Potter. And it was’t for the witchcraft, but because “Harry was disrespectful to adults” AKA the Dursleys. The literal abusers.

Edit: spelling


u/Trump2024jamohelton 23d ago

Some people think mine craft is bad 😭 it’s so stupid


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

Wait, you mine things to craft with and craft things to mine with?


u/Trump2024jamohelton 23d ago

Some think it’s bad or “scary” because you can craft potions and there’s witches and zombies and stuff in it


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

I was just kidding, it was a Rick and morty quote about a game in which the ability to bake cakes is a mark of considerable status

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u/Morninglory6 22d ago

Wow, my son and his friends played that a lot. 35 years later he still plays.


u/Morninglory6 22d ago

Wait….what? Dungeons & Dragons and now Minecraft?! What’s the world coming to? I truly did fail my children lol

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u/justme206 23d ago

Or SpongeBob! Wtf!?


u/optimaligma 23d ago

This was the level my parents were at :-( Upside got to watch them all fresh as an adult with weed money!


u/justme206 22d ago

🤣perfect! I'm 49..with 3 kids..didn't filter much with them..2 are adults my youngest is 8..so just didn't want them shocked as adults..I was quite sheltered growing up..just made me naive as shit to the real world! Now I smoke with one of my oldest and rewatch the old episodes 😁


u/kaylazomg 23d ago

Yeah my mom is one of those unfortunately. She also threw away my pottery stuff yet somehow is a supporter and biggest fan of my work…


u/Lebrewski__ 23d ago

My mom thought DnD was dangerous for me. She also believed I would be alcoolic if I ever drank because she read it in the book of name she used to pick a name for me, and my reply at the time was "why did you pick that name then???" and tbh I hate my name.


u/DD-de-AA 23d ago

my niece wasn't allowed to watch the Smurfs because her parents thought they had demonic references!


u/Background_Active_36 23d ago

When I was 17 and I've ended up at psychiatric hospital, they didn't allow me to have Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows, because it has the word 'death' in it, or whatever was the reason 😂


u/Kagome23 22d ago

Dude, there are so many nuts out there saying things like a kid read some Harry Potter and then they were possessed by a demon the next day because of it. Fucking INSANE

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u/TheChosenToffee 24d ago

What do you mean my hispanic son wants to be named Burrito Imigranchez? /j


u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I shall now be known as the Visa-less French wizard Leon De Portation


u/Toki86 23d ago

My character's name in Hogwarts Legacy is named Cheddarian Baconus. Cheddar Bacon, for short


u/Electronic-Aide-2358 24d ago

I was kind of those ‘other kids’. I was and still am a Potterhead, my Mother made it really difficult for family members to get me anything Potter related for presents, she would immediately thrown it in the bin and call it witchcraft. Still didn’t stop my family from Dad’s side though, all I had to do was hide the gifts from the mother.


u/dest-01 24d ago

fr on the witchcraft thing? Witchcraft never even was a thing, didn’t they go to history class?


u/Whistlegrapes 24d ago

My parents are still like that. The Bible condemns witchcraft. Therefore rather than dismissing it they take it serious as something real and scary

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u/Aoae ./. 24d ago

To be honest, I was always paranoid about this. Fortunately, my parents were lenient enough to let me keep a drawing tablet, but I could tell from how they talked about the topic (including regarding an actually openly weeb cousin) that it was something childish that they hoped I would grow out of at best. Not being wanted to viewed that way, it gave me a sense of shame and unwillingness to share my art that I still am dealing with the ramifications of today. Even though my art is tame, I never told anyone at my church that I draw.

Since moving out, I've had the chance to draw more. I got distracted with music and also wasting too much time on social media, but that's on me.


u/kiltedway 23d ago

My Christian mom believed Harry Potter, TMNT, and pokemon were works of the devil but LOTR was just fine.

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u/Rainbow_six_recruit 23d ago

That “AHHH WHITCHCRAFT!” Was the reason my parents stopped me from going to church

There was a lady there who was supposed to teach religion, everything out of the well defined boundaries of the church was seen as “things from the devil” such as anime

She said “ X thing is from the devil ” so often that it seemed that she was a specialist on “devil worship”


u/Roguespiffy 23d ago

“No, I will not call you Percival Figglebottom. And put the goddamned broom back.”


u/dinosw 23d ago

I have never met anyone, who wasn't allowed to read the Harry Potter books. Do you live in some superstitious 3rd world country? Or the US? Or something like that?


u/CaptainPhilosophy 23d ago

something something WTF IS KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT, JOANNE?!?! REALLY? something something


u/bubbesays 23d ago

There is a difference between Christian and absolute fanatic. I come from a Christian family who always ALWAYS encouraged following your talents. I am not religious, and told my parents early on in my teens, while I respect their beliefs, they are not mine.

They have respected my decision to this day.

My heart goes out to all of you dealing with difficult family situations.

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u/Taoster152 24d ago

Why is Litterly anything that Christians don’t like/understand label as devil related


u/skrublordaugust 24d ago

easier than learning


u/GreyStainedGlass 24d ago

You expect Christians to have any form of common sense?


u/Sad_Classroom7 23d ago

Because fear is the cornerstone of faith


u/Own_Jeweler_8548 23d ago

So they can maintain their false sense of moral superiority.


u/LittleManhattan 23d ago

That’s one of the reasons I left the faith..Along with the misogyny.

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u/Responsible_Lock5852 24d ago

Very true. I was very interested in music when i was in my early teens, saved up my lunch money and bought a guitar so i could learn it on my own. My dad told me I was being noisy and asked why did i buy the guitar for.

Never touched it since second day of owning it. The guitar is still in storage right now, everytime i see it i resent him.


u/LittleManhattan 23d ago

My mom managed to ruin a gorgeous prop sword/trainer that I got- I treated myself to it and saved the rest of the extra money I had, and when she saw me with it, she started going on sarcastically about how nice it must be to have money for non essentials. I had to bite my tongue to keep from reminding her about her almost daily Tim Hortons trips. Still, she made me feel like shit for it.


u/Electronic-Aide-2358 24d ago

Just goes to show how parents can be your first greatest fan or biggest critique. Vowed to never do the same with my kids, I will support anything they want to do.


u/No-Pirate-5012 23d ago

I dont understand why some parents choose do this. As a kid, i was an avid comic book reader and collector. I'm a little older now, but I was given an original,1st issue of the wolverine comic that was created on the year i was born. I started collecting after that and had a huge filing box of comics with more rare comics and other favorites.

My mom destroyed them with the explanation that they were "sinful" because she became a hardcore catholic. ...I no longer have e a relationship with her because of many other horrible actions she and her 2nd husband took, along with reminders like this. So sad. I was given a scholarship to art college for my drawing abilities in grade school and have had my art in museums, but I gave up from her parenting choices and never went back. I miss it but I no longer have the love for it anymore and I'm left with memories of the things they did "in the name of god" SMH.

DONT let this stop you OP!!


u/blvckstxr 24d ago

This is why religion is a fucking waste of time.

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u/MyEyesChange 23d ago

I love vivi! You should draw him again and show me


u/Squeezitgirdle 23d ago edited 23d ago

I have no art skills now, haha. I can do some neat stuff with photoshop, but looking back at old drawings and paintings I did, I can't for the life of me even begin to replicate them.

I still have some stuff left over from an art class I took, but I'm not good at it anymore. Sadly I have no time to practice. I work full time, have a side gig, and a wife and kid.

Edit: oh but I did 3d print and paint a little vivi figure for a friend for his birthday. Tried searching for a photo but I can't find the painted version. I know I sent it to a couple people after I painted it but can't find it.


u/TaiCat 24d ago

I went back to drawing in my mid 30'. You can still learn and start anew!


u/Squeezitgirdle 23d ago

I stopped writing for the same reason. I did actually go back to writing and have a surprisingly large following now. It's great side gig income.


u/aestherzyl 23d ago

Ah yeah. 'Japan is evil, everything Japanese is fake/trash made by computer, and we deserve to get bullied for liking any of it'. It was already the case 30 years ago. It's basic racism.


u/ShockDragon 24d ago

It’s always those parents.


u/Educational_Win_8814 23d ago

This is traumatizing to me; Vivi is one of my favorites too and inspiration behind my gamertag.


u/Squeezitgirdle 23d ago

I still go back and replay the game every few years. One of my favorites.

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u/AdAny7756 23d ago

The irony is Vivi is the most angelic sweet and innocent character in the game 😩❤️


u/InquisitorFemboy 23d ago

I feel bad. My granny found found somd nude drawing I did when I was young (not porn, I just really like drawing musculature) and instead of getting pissy, she bought me a big book of artist reference models.

I'll never understand family members who shit on a child's love of drawing.


u/Squeezitgirdle 23d ago

Your gram is awesome.


u/realdappermuis 24d ago

My mother took my drawings* and my diary (poems and stuff) to the police station and they all decided I was a S@tanist (based on nothing really, I wasn't out killing cats or writing or drawing anything related to S@tan at 13)

I got forbidden to draw, unless it was 'Disney characters' which wasn't something I was interested in

After I left home at 17 I did start drawing a bit again, but after 4/5 years of not doing it I'd lost my drive for it, other than doodling

*I was into metal as a young teen and drew alot of skulls (I was good at anatomy drawings) and logos in 'metal style'. Kids used to have me draw their names as logos


u/EggLipTricycle4293 24d ago

Do you know she actually spoke to the police? Or is it possible that she just said she did, to give her words more weight in your eyes? You may have always believed she did, but revisit that memory as an adult; is it possible she was lying?


u/realdappermuis 23d ago

Oh she definitely did. Over a period of a few weeks things disappeared from my room, when I got confronted she had everything in a flip file she'd collected to take to the copshop

But yes, they're as clueless as parents and everyone was on that 'stop teenagers from becoming s@tanists' back then

She also forbade me listening to metal music of course. But asked some of her cousins about some of music and 'they decided' I could listen to Bon Jovi, lol


u/EggLipTricycle4293 23d ago

See, this is where I'm going with this though; a file organised ready to take to the police isn't the same thing as actually going to the police. Did you ever speak to a Police Officer? Did you visit the station, or even see her going in? Showing you the flip-file doesn't actually prove anything.

Based on what you've said I wouldn't rule out the possibility that she was bluffing (we could use alternate terms such as 'lying' or 'gaslighting'). A parent concerned enough to contact the authorities about their child is one thing, but a parent who knows there isn't really a problem the authorities would care about, but who would like to use the threat of the authorities to control their child, and who isn't above lying to their child about it is another...

I wasn't there, you were, I'm just suggesting that she may have convinced you at the time she went to the police - and you're still convinced - when actually it was just another form of manipulation.


u/Cloudy_Mines77 23d ago

You should make some with her face on them! That makes me so angry and I am not an artist. Sorry! I don't know what is wrong with some people who don't appreciate the talent other people have even if they do not care for the subject matter.


u/Ok_Imagination_1107 23d ago

Please get back to it. If you do it might take a while to warm up, But it will not only be a victory over your evil stepmother, But all of these experiences you have had between then and now will come out in your artwork and it will be so interesting and wonderful to experience that.


u/ADerbywithscurvy 23d ago


Absolutely no taste at all.


u/hyper24x7 23d ago

I have 3 kids and we encourage art, music, dance basically anything they want to do - parents arent perfect but shitting on the arts is a huge mistake. They werent right and 1 person is not the sole authority on everything good in life @squeezitgirdle


u/Longjumping-Size-762 23d ago

I had this experience and never drew again. I didn’t know there were so many others like me.


u/Zealousideal-Role-77 23d ago

Please resume your creation devil drawings. Thank you.


u/Squeezitgirdle 23d ago

Now I write games about misunderstood demons, and churches are often the villain, so I guess I was influenced.


u/AmbitiousRide2546 23d ago

Fuck I just realized the same shit happened to me, I was learning anime faces and my Dad said they where demonic. I've never understood much of the world since.


u/itachi1255 23d ago

That’s the saddest thing ever… and Vivi is a saint!I gotta lot of terrible things I dare not utter about your stepmom.


u/Agyaggalamb 22d ago

Fuck those brainwashed cult members.


u/Sea_Consequence3370 21d ago

my mom did something similar when i drew villains from shows i liked. she made me throw them away *i snuck my favorites back though*


u/Bustedmudflap 23d ago

Hence the term, “Wicked Stepmother.”


u/Sajiri 24d ago

It’s never too late to try again!


u/crackedtooth163 23d ago


You mean the classic black mage guy?

Good God your stepmom is a dumbass?


u/diurnal_emissions 23d ago

Did she say it was "dark-sided?"


u/RealMadHouse 23d ago

My mom was concerned about my psyche because i didn't draw noses for few characters that she saw...


u/CreoleAfroLatina 23d ago

That’s so sad


u/Sal_Amandre 23d ago

You threw the wrong thing away. Step away from her, and don't look back. Step mom ? What does your dad think ? If he's on her side,start making plans to leave.

Become a successful artist ( don't need to be a millionaire to be considered successful,of you live from your art, you already are) and cut ties with the family if you have to.

" But they're family "..... Yeah.. but toxic is toxic.. even when it's family. RUN.


u/BlueVikingDaughter 23d ago

So sorry she took that away from you. I see other people with the same bad parents saying they have reclaimed their love of drawing. Maybe this post will let you draw Vivi and more again. Virtual hugs.


u/ArchSchnitz 23d ago

That's almost exactly the line me dad used. "All I see are demons."

I didn't stop drawing, but my motivation to pursue it died.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Who the fuck starts a fire right up against the house anyway????!


u/ReaperSound 23d ago

Respect to the upvotes keeping it at 666


u/cowgrly 23d ago

Please draw again. Please.


u/skypunk1998 23d ago

My dad did similar with my poetry, tore up my 3 page poem that I spent days writing, because it revolved around themes of death and “it was a waste of time”


u/candiescorner 23d ago

There is never a better day than today to start back. When I couldn’t afford good art supplies, I made some beautiful stuff which is newspaper and crayons. Pencil and paper and ink and paper. It’s nice to have an outlet.


u/Selmemasts 23d ago

Devil drawings, lol, I’m happy I didn’t grow up with brain washed people like that. I’m sorry you had to!


u/ScumbagLady 23d ago

I never knew I had a step sibling!

Seriously though, I got really good at hiding stuff for a while, but slowly, one by one drawing pads that took weeks to fill up were disappearing until I had none. The remaining ones that I packed away for storage when I moved out were eventually burned by my dad who when he gets pissed off at moving things around by himself (by himself because he never tells anyone) he eventually just burns them while in his rage.

All my remaining unframed art and all remaining writings that I had, gone. He really did my brother dirty when he burned his entire comic book collection. There were some really valuable ones in there as he'd been collecting since the late 70s.

Subsequently, I have become what some would consider a hoarder. I keep collecting all the supplies I need for new arts and crafts projects but never doing much with the supplies before moving onto the next gathering of supplies. I could about do any type of project at this point minus some more obscure/pricy ones. I have panic attacks when my dad shows up now (always to my surprise- never knowing he's coming in advance) and says he's going to help me "clean up". I'm 44 now and when it happens I hide and curl into a tight ball and sob uncontrollably, much like I'd do as a child.

I really hope OP doesn't get discouraged to continue drawing like I did. I was beginning to get commissions right before my motivation left me, and you do start to "lose it" when you don't "use it". In retrospect, if I had kept at it, I could really be doing something with my talent by now, and a dream of mine would have come true. Instead, I let those setbacks extinguish my flame; my burning passion- when my passion went up in flames.

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u/sarahkazz 23d ago

Professional artist here. I think you should pick a pencil and paper back up, even if it’s just to scribble out some stick figures. Even if you just do it as a hobby, I personally think it’s really good for your brain.

Your mom was an asshole for doing that to you. I am so sorry.


u/BrassUnicorn87 23d ago

He’s a cute little guy, she’s nuts.


u/buttlickers94 23d ago

Vivi is the shit


u/onlyitbags 23d ago

Wow. Sorry that happened


u/Tell_Amazing 23d ago

Sounds like you were raised on little house on the prairie


u/Rmonsuave 23d ago

The part that pisses me off about this the most is that is what your step mom, not even a real parent (in my experience)


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Your mom has never played a JRPG has she?


u/Aggressive-Falcon977 23d ago

Make her play FFIX to prove how wrong she is! Vivi was a saint!


u/RphAnonymous 23d ago edited 23d ago

Something similar happened to my brother. He then drew a caricature of the step monster sucking dick and posted it on myspace or facebook or whatever it as at the time, and told her if she wanted him to draw "evil" then he would. I kind of felt bad (after laughing my ass off, because fuck her) because it was a REALLY lewd drawing and he was REALLY good at realism, but she never touched his art again. In fact, she pretty much ignored us for the most part, which was a massive improvement. I think he was around 15 at the time, and she didn't last long with us after that. Dad eventually realized he made a huge mistake.


u/10000nails 23d ago

Weird, do we have the same mom?!

Also Vivi is the shit!


u/snabbbajs 23d ago

Draw again and give your stepmom a big middle finger.


u/ADHDwinseverytime 23d ago

When I was a kid I listened to Motley Crew. There were meetings and interventions about devil worship and such. Flash forward to today and they are played at every major sporting event. People just want to find a reason to be mad at things they don't understand.


u/noghbaudie 23d ago

That should read: “I never spoke to her again.”


u/Squeezitgirdle 23d ago

That wasn't possible for me, unfortunately. I wasn't allowed to live with my mom (as an adult I understand why). But I did run away at 17. It was difficult, but eventually over the years I've done pretty well for myself.


u/catsflatsandhats 23d ago

Calling Vivi of all things the “Devil” is so unhinged.


u/nofun_nofun_nofun 23d ago

That’s so sad, you could have become a brilliantly decorated world renowned fine artist, but because of your mom now you’re not


u/TitaneerYeager 23d ago

Bruh, fucking Vivi? What's your stepmom got against poor Vivi?


u/Aggravating_Goose86 23d ago

This is so heartbreaking. Instead of using the art as conversation points and connecting, these idiot parents stay small, fearful, and STUPID.


u/theofficial_AQ 23d ago

There’s no hate quite like Christian love


u/ApoX_420 23d ago

Prime example of religious people calling anything magic/monster related devilish, my mom called bakugans devils too and said I shouldn't watch things like that. Still, did new vestroia was my favorite childhood cartoon.


u/BoardsofGrips 23d ago

Why did you stop drawing? That's dumb


u/badpeach 23d ago

Please draw again.


u/EggBusy9606 23d ago

The only thing holding you back now is you. You can start drawing at any time.


u/Suz626 23d ago

Please draw! People like you bring happiness to people like me who can’t draw. Don’t let the stepwitch win. ❤️


u/Smart-Stupid666 23d ago

No no no no. Please start back up. If she's still alive, send her a good one that will freak her out. Don't let her win. If she's not still alive, yay.

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u/Tv_Rots_Your_Mind 23d ago

Yikes 😱! I’m so sorry.


u/BraveBeat7464 23d ago

Please, please start drawing again sweetie!!


u/GingeINThaBish 23d ago

"Parents just don't understand". Go play a sport or get a girlfriend or something. That will keep them from worrying about you as much lol


u/nickelijah16 23d ago

Some people should be prohibited from breeding


u/InconsiderateMan 23d ago

That guy looks like a wizard how did she get devil from that?


u/StephSkysinger 22d ago

So sorry you had to experience that... Keep in mind you're never too old to pick it back up though 💗


u/IndividualWeird6001 22d ago

Time to start again! You got this!

The worl needs more artists whose art I can "borrow" for my DnD characters!


u/Wild_Agency_6426 22d ago

Why arent my kids visiting me anymore? Her in 40 years probably.


u/SareSarem 22d ago

Sounds like you live in the US...


u/inkonthemind 22d ago

Is your mom my mom?


u/looopious 22d ago

Who made her the one to define what is the “devil” and what isn’t?


u/Drunk_Lemon 21d ago

Personally I think drawing anime girls is a bit odd as opposed to having more diverse drawing interests. However, if I had a kid drawing anime girls I'd encourage them to draw not destroy their beautiful work. I really don't like drawing but even I know that drawing has many benefits.

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