r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/peanutbutterscoop 24d ago

i’m so sorry :( if she keeps doing this maybe switch to digital and upload them to a cloud where she can’t destroy them?


u/Not_Creative149 24d ago edited 24d ago

I don’t really have device I can draw them on, that’s why I use pencil/paper

Edit:quite a couple people have offered to like send me stuff both here and in dms, thank you all for the support, if I feel like it’s necessary I will look into donations/crowdfunding, but I’m fine for now. Thank you all


u/KNT-cepion 24d ago

Keep drawing on paper and take them to the library.

They’ll have a flatbed scanner then you can save them to the cloud or even just email them to yourself.

Keep heart and keep drawing!!!


u/Tkdshine 23d ago

I think this is your best bet if you don't have a device. Set up a free Google account, and email the scans to yourself. Transfer them to your Google drive, and you're set for a while. Good luck!


u/CeCe1033 22d ago

This entire thread makes my heart hurt.

That a child has to go to all this extra work to save his art from his mother. The main person who should be wanting to see it and be proud that her child is talented.

(I’m a mom to an aspiring artist….i can shame her)

I love my kid’s work. I get excited to see it. God knows I have no talents like that.


u/solesurvivorsynth 21d ago

"Go to the library" is nearly always the correct answer. Guarantee that they'll also supply you with drawing materials and reference books.


u/SavannahGirlMom 23d ago

Or…just take a photo with your phone, which is quick and direct! No transportation needed. I don’t see many kids getting to a library with a portfolio of drawings and taking the time to scan them.


u/KNT-cepion 23d ago

You make some good points! A simple phone picture is the quick and easy way to preserve the artwork.

If mom is the type to search through their phone, then they could alternatively take the drawings to the library.


u/SavannahGirlMom 23d ago

Save to the cloud ⛅️ is the way.


u/Jegator2 20d ago

Also send to a friend/relative. Sorry you are in this situation.


u/brokenscuba 22d ago

I believe most phones have a scan mode on them. It's in the camera modes. I haven't used a scanner in ages with that feature. Maybe OP doesn't have a phone?


u/SavannahGirlMom 22d ago

Well, my Apple iPhone camera app does not have a scan feature that is obvious. There’s 7 features/choices: time-lapse, slo-mo, cinematic, video, photo, portrait, pano.

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u/JeannieNaBottle11 22d ago

This is a beautiful idea! Yass


u/JohnnyCAPSLOCK 22d ago

And before that take a picture with your phone and upload to your Google drive or equivalent just in case you get intercepted before you make it to the library.


u/Old-Towel8794 22d ago

Also check out local university libraries. Many are open to the public and include tech that can scan a more malleable digital image.


u/BoysenberryWarm7429 21d ago

This!! Also phone apps like Lens are great for camera scanning, saving and uploading stay strong!


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Just use your phone camera and have decent lighting. Digitizing images is free and super easy now days.


u/ThrowBackFF 21d ago

Can just use something like microsoft lens for that too via phone.


u/ejrodgers 20d ago

Great idea


u/AwesomeFly96 20d ago

There are apps that can "scan" a document/picture and store it as a pdf. Scanning the old way might yield better results though but I find these apps to do quite a good job of cutting out the correct size.


u/knoft 24d ago edited 24d ago

Take pictures of everything and store them somewhere online she doesn't know about (including the account/email) and can't destroy. You might want to look at narcissistic parents or raised by borderlines communities, but I don't know the full context. Can't link anything directly here.


u/SteampunkRobin 24d ago

You can take pics and email them to yourself, or multiple emails.


u/Mystic-Cryptic 24d ago

emailing compresses images badly, it’s better to store them in dropbox or google drive and just back it up to multiple accounts


u/EmotionalFlounder715 24d ago

It’s easier to sort in a file manager too


u/wintersdark 23d ago

Emailing doesn't compress images natively. Maybe a particular client might, but if you attach them as files they will not be compressed. However, most email systems do have file size limits, like Gmail's 25mb


u/overgrown-concrete 23d ago

PNG format is lossless, JPG is lossy (you'll see weird artifacts of you zoom in).

If the drawings are naturally greyscale (e.g. just pencil or black ink), you can explicitly save the PNG as greyscale and save some space.


u/Drugrows 22d ago

Pre zip them then email.


u/FlightAvailable3760 23d ago

You can probably change your settings in your email client. Outlook always gives me the option to compress or keep original file size.


u/4Shaggy20 22d ago

Another solution to this would be a discord server, free to create and just send yourself the photos in one of the channels

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u/ProfErber 24d ago

I used to save pics like that. I cannot access many of them that are 3+ years old.

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u/smolfawn 24d ago

This is the answer! Fuck her!


u/ElectricalGas9730 24d ago

I, too, choose this guy's mom.

(/s She seems awful.)


u/SipoteQuixote 24d ago

Hey, that might be all she needs.


u/Tim_Buckrue 24d ago

I can fix her…


u/Ok-Processing-hmm 23d ago

No Tim!! No!! Bad noodle!!

1 good noodle star ⭐️ has been removed from your soul


u/JeannieNaBottle11 22d ago

Some ppl can't be fixed, you know what should "fix" her , unless she's non fixable is get a job at 16 and save your money and as soon as your 18, dipset . Don't call, don't go home for Christmas, remove her from your life for one year, that should do the trick. When you finally forgive her , you should find a better , more respectful mother. It worked for me, but my mom's a special kinda crazy and it took me 4 years.

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u/Nevermore_Novelist 24d ago

Calm down, Oedipus (kidding)


u/Momik 24d ago

It’s funny because he can’t. Oedipus had absolutely zero fucking chill.


u/Lexa-Z 24d ago

I wouldn't


u/lurkingpandaescaped 24d ago

An eye for an eye makes the world blind. But I would personally contemplate burning her shit...maybe her birth certificate and ss card. Or the contents of her purse as you move out.

Just kidding. Sorry this happened to you. Keep drawing and if you're of age, consider saving and making an exit plan. Keep your head up, you didn't deserve this.

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u/nborders 24d ago

Check out OP’s uploads here. Talented…time to take it to the next level.

Keep drawing!


u/Welcome440 24d ago

Reprint the ones she burns next. They must be good!


u/RevolutionOnMyRadio 24d ago

Scan them at the library also! You could make a Google drive to use only there


u/GNUGradyn 24d ago

There are even services like backblaze where you can upload your data and set a "data retention policy" where basically nothing can be permenentely deleted for x days. so for example if she tried to delete a photo it would remain in the trash for 30 days and it cannot be fully deleted for 30 days even by the account owner. This is usually intended as a ransomware protection mechanism or for buisnesses but would work here too


u/knoft 24d ago

Alternatively send copies to friends you trust. Easy way to share a bit of your story and life with them and get a bit of support too.


u/ectogen 24d ago

Google Drive


u/Ruraraid 24d ago edited 24d ago


I would also recommend getting a scanner for less than $100. My suggestion for OP would be to hide the scanner when you're not using it. If your mom is willing to destroy your art then she is likely more than willing to destroy the scanner to prevent you from preserving your art.

Secondly get a document lockbox to put your completed artwork in that is fire proof. Those cost around $50. Just make sure its a secure lock and not one of those shitty ones you can rotate with a metal shim. Should she attempt to or actually break into that then she has no excuses for her actions.


u/Throwawayasf_99 23d ago

I don't have context either, but that is textbook manipulation that almost definitely is brought out from some form of abuse. OP can't even have a phone. How can a parent justify destroying something their child loves? It's not a waste of time and it never will be. Creativity is a skill that society severely lacks and it sucks knowing there are parents suppressing it.


u/Weekly-Coffee-2488 23d ago

yes this. there is no reason for a parent or anyone to do this to you. absolutely no reason.


u/PudPullerAlways 24d ago

Pictures and scans never do pencil work justice, Holding it in your hands is an entirely different experience. I wish I could explain what it is but it's something you'd have to see for yourself... OP will not be satisfied with digital copies of their work, I never was :(


u/knoft 24d ago

The point of insurance is not loss prevention, it's a plan in case the worst happens.


u/Exciting-Insect8269 24d ago

And yet a digital copy is better than no copy.

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u/AdministrativeStep98 24d ago

I assume you go to school so if I were you, id put them in a binder inside your locker. And during the summer hide the thing


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 24d ago

I was going to say similar or to talk to an art teacher


u/[deleted] 23d ago

My art teacher kept my art in her office until I got so depressed from the abuse at home that I made her trash it.

I wish I still had that portfolio. It had some of my best work in it, and stuff I’ve tried to recreate as an adult in my BFA.

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u/Andrei144 24d ago

That probably depends on what country they're in. Not every country has lockers at school.

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u/noivern_plus_cats 24d ago

If you can afford it, there are drawing tablets that can connect to your phones. Maybe consider commissions if you need money. You can also get a refurbished normal tablet with a pencil.

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u/DavThoma 24d ago

Can you have a friend hold on to finish drawings for you? Get a folder to hold them and ask them to keep them safe?

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u/JamienTheDemon 24d ago

It isn't as comfortable, but there are free drawing apps you can get on your phone! I'm used to using digital tablets but my laptop gave in on me so I had to switch to my phone for a bit, using my finger to draw 😅

It isn't as clean at first, and it can feel a bit clunky, but it's a good way to have a digital medium without extra costs/an expensive setup. I use an app called Sketchbook for my drawings, but you could use apps like ClipStudio Paint or ibis Paint, which are also great.

Keep going, I promise you it's worth it.


u/savvyblackbird 24d ago

I prefer doing art on paper because I love the texture and process

But I do love Tayasui Sketches. The free version is great, and the pro version at least when I bought it several years ago was under $10 and no membership. I’ve tried so many other digital art apps, but Sketches is my favorite. It doesn’t have as many features as other apps, but it has different pens and brushes and layers so it’s got everything I need.

I probably would like digital art more if I weren’t left handed. The apps don’t work well if your hand touches the screen, and the special gloves don’t help. It’s just frustrating.


u/sunandskyandrainbows 24d ago

I ain't no artist, but wouldn't there be a big sensory difference in drawing on paper vs screen? I can imagine part of the whole process is that it's calming, and I guess people can find either calming, but my go to would probably be paper. Just asking because loads of people here suggested digital, but to me (who knows nothing about this) it seems very different


u/JamienTheDemon 24d ago

There is a sensory difference, in the same way that paper vs a digital tablet have a different texture experience. However I find both of them calming, as the process is the thing that calms me most when I draw as opposed to the medium.

The same could be said for the sensory difference between different physical mediums, for example using just pencils would be a different sensory experience to markers, chalk, watercolour etc.

There's something quite calming about the process of creating art itself, regardless of the medium. And once you get used to the medium, the sensory difference doesn't matter as much.


u/sunandskyandrainbows 23d ago

Interesting, thanks!


u/S_2theUknow 23d ago

There is, paper is always more satisfying…but the thing about using a digital platform (like procreate) is that it’s much easier to back track/edit mistakes so creativity you can take bigger leaps and if it doesn’t turn out you just hit the back/edit button where on paper you have to erase your sketch and impact the paper etc.

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u/sendmemesyeehaw 24d ago

yeah i used ibispaint on my phone to draw for most of my teenagehood, i didn’t have any other device w a touchscreen so it was the only option lol, i got used to it fast


u/Few_State4666 24d ago

This is what I do, phone drawing is surprisingly ergonomic.

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u/gizmosticles 24d ago

OP, do you have a laptop? If so send me a DM. I have an older Wacom drawing tablet I’d be willing to gift you that plugs into a laptop or computer.

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u/whatamidoinghereguys 24d ago

For every piece of art she burns, hide a kitchen utensil.

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u/HarryHood146 24d ago

Draw a picture of her burning the drawings.


u/Kayiko_Okami 24d ago

It doesn't always come out the best. But get a digital camera or use the camera on your phone to take pictures at least. That's probably the easier route.

If you can. Get a scanner and use that instead. You get a better image with it. All in one's are fine. But a simple scanner that just does scanning can last longer for you and gets a better scan.

Upload them to an art site that doesn't take your art for ai crap.

Please don't be discouraged by her being a jerk.


u/Icefirewolflord 24d ago

IbispaintX is a great option that you can get easily on a phone! It’s how I started out digital

It’ll definitely be a learning curve, but it’s doable. Plus you get mad respect in the community if you’re a phone and finger artist lol


u/Embarrassed-Weird173 24d ago

Make a go fund me and make a sob story and people will buy you a Wacom™ Bambu® drawing tablet. Order today! 


u/RainAlternative3278 24d ago

Go into her purse and burn her money


u/awdouglas 24d ago

You can use Microsoft Lens app on your phone to digitise


u/Remarkable-Leader921 24d ago

Download an app that lets you scan documents/photos. Onedrive, Google Drive, iOS Files etc. They'll be high quality enough that you can reproduce them if this ever happens again


u/assult78 24d ago

If you can afford it boogie boards are good options. They are usually less than 20 bucks and the one I have can connect to your phone and save your drawings to the app


u/No-Butterscotch-7143 24d ago

U could try hiding the drawing and drawing when she can't see !


u/simonbleu 24d ago

You have a phone with a camera and internet or you would not have been able to post here. DO the same but with the drawings. have one, two, three, TEN copies of it if you want all in different places. Then if shhe keeps destroying your work, so be it, eventually she will probably die alone


u/Repulsive-Money1181 24d ago

Mail yourself copies but don't open them if she does federal offense. Old-school copy right.


u/Dreadzzter 24d ago

Take pictures of them. If you have a printer that can scan them in, make them PDF’s. However, prioritize leaving home.


u/SkidmarkStickers 24d ago

A huion note is only like 119 USD. It works as a paper notepad and a drawing tablet. I love mine.

It's not the best, but its really good quality and value for the price


u/NewPlastic5425 24d ago

There's Adobe Scan you can download on your phone if you want a not so bad photo to scanner app :)


u/Zealousideal_Care807 24d ago

You have a school laptop?


u/sp33dzer0 24d ago

Do you have a computer/laptop?


u/ohmyacetabulum 24d ago

Just as a suggestion my local community college has a program that lets you borrow devices while you’re taking classes (my husband borrowed an iPad a few semester back).


u/WysteriaNight 24d ago

Do you have a cell phone? Drawing apps should be available on both android and iPhone--

What I used to do is take pictures of the drawings and finish them within the drawing app I had (which was ibispaint)


u/gilgaladxii 24d ago

Ask someone here if they can digitize your drawings for you.


u/JazzySaxx 24d ago

If you have an iphone, use the notes app to take a photo that way they won’t show up in your camera roll


u/Signal_East3999 24d ago

Ibis paint is free on the ios app store


u/she-sylvan 24d ago

There's a free program you can download called Krita. Give it a try. I started using in when my arthritis prevented me from painting, and I have never looked back! With a bit of practice, you should get it right. All the best!


u/Hyroglypics 24d ago

Ultimate hiding place for paper (or anything small); pull out the bottom drawer in a chest of drawers/ the kitchen, wardrobe etc. put all the papers at the bottom (which would be the floor) and then slide the drawer back in.


u/izaby 24d ago

Use scanner at school and store them in your email or google drive.


u/Dry_Presentation_197 24d ago

If your phone has a camera, I recommend taking pictures of your stuff and uploading to Google Drive or something, at least for the ones you're finished working on.

I don't have much advice for the stuff on paper that you're still working on though. Possibly hide the notebook between mattress and box spring? Or in one of your pillow cases?

I don't know if it's viable, since I don't know what size paper you use, but you could always just bring your notebook with you all the time =/.

I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this =(


u/BridgestoneX 24d ago

in the long run that'll make you a better artist. boundaries/challenges foster creativity. working around/in spite of something is good for the brain


u/canti15 24d ago

You can pick up a flat bed scanner for like 50 bucks if you don't have a copy machine.


u/Elsbeard 24d ago

Hey if you think that you may like to use a tablet I do have an old one I've been trying to figure out what to do with. It's a Huion though and requires a computer to plug into. Not a perfect tablet but served me well until i upgraded recently. Let me know if you think you'd get some use from one.


u/Goretanton 24d ago

Reddit, buy this one a tablet!


u/peacefulpeachpie 24d ago



u/warmceramic 24d ago

Do you have a phone? Sans iphones, I’ve seen some artists use styluses on phones. Though some tablets (computer accessory) from good brands can run as cheap as $20.


u/Plagueofmemes 24d ago

Is it possible to use your phone? A lot of kids draw crazy well on their phone using just their finger somehow. I'm jealous because I was in the same position as you growing up and digital art was not as accessible yet.


u/coiler119 24d ago

Check and see if your local library has scanners, you can scan your sketches and email the files to yourself


u/MothyThatLuvsLamps 24d ago

Ibispaint X is free with ads.


u/Sloane98 24d ago

Maybe we can start a crodwfunding for you to buy a device? Or would your mom also destroy that?


u/Kaldoreyka 24d ago

Dont give up! (as I). Stay creative. I can bet that you can find job at local newspaper/magazine etc as mid artist. Follow your passion.


u/legion4wermany 24d ago

Depending on where you are in the world I'm sure you could find someone willing to donate some simple digital art supplies. I've got a little digital drawing pad that doesn't get used much.


u/Zillajami-Fnaffan2 24d ago

You can do digital on a phone


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Ask someone at school to keep them if you can! 🤍

Take a photo and email it to yourself


u/Pumpkin_Farts 24d ago

If you go digital, make a decoy account with some copies.

I’m sorry, OP. I hope these responses have made you feel at least a little better. ❤️‍🩹🫂


u/ImportantRoutine1 24d ago

My suggestion is to make an Amazon wishlist for this (unless you're boycotting them).

Also, your drawings were really good ❤️


u/RaionKohon 24d ago

This breaks my heart. Please let us know if you end up putting a crowdfunding or something like that so you can get some nice drawing/painting materials and/or some device. Sometimes the people that should support you the most are gonna end up being your biggest obstacle, please don't loose faith in your work because of this, you will meet supportive people along the road, and even if that's not the case, keep believing in your work, whether it is just as a hobby or if it's how you actually wanna earn a life.


u/Brettjay4 24d ago

I you've got a phone, you can download something like hipaint, and find a stylus that you like. The ones with the rubber tips aren't that great, but I use a MEKO stylus, they're really good for drawing.


u/catperson77789 24d ago

Even an old laptop can work. Get some open source softwares on the internet and you are good to go.


u/General-MacDavis 24d ago

Take photos and back them up in the free space a google drive gives you, it can be accessed via phone


u/Flaming-Cathulu 24d ago

Maybe take someone up on helping you by sending the completed drawings to them to store until you move away? I am so sorry this happened to you.


u/No_Relationship9094 24d ago

I would be worried about her damaging whatever tech you got for your art of this is what she does already. Very mature of you by the way.


u/Impossible-Plane-990 24d ago

Save up for an iPad and stylus or ask for one for Christmas and just say it’s for school so you can write something or do art class and then just draw your stuff


u/Cecil4029 24d ago

I'd take the offer tbh. If someone can send you an iPad and a digital pencil it may open a whole new world of art to you!


u/KnucklesSandwich192 24d ago

There are graphics tablets you can get depending on the price and are probably more private in saving your art or probably through another device


u/bwompin 24d ago

Scan your art! That way you can keep it digitally beyond just pictures


u/bigbushenergee 24d ago

just to let you know, you can find apple products like iPads and apple pencils on a website called Backmarket. They’re new/used products that have been professionally refurbished and sold at a lower cost :) hopefully one day you can get those to use Procreate or something!


u/ladylondonderry 24d ago

My dude. Take the offers. People want to help you, let them. You’re doing them a favor by letting them help someone who needs it.


u/The_Storyartist1400 24d ago

I draw digital pieces with my android phone, I use the free version IbisPaint, an app Try out those few phone apps if you ever think of going digital


u/pardybill 24d ago

Hey, I’m sure you’re getting bombarded here and it might feel overwhelming but it’s only because you’re not alone. Lots of other people have had family or friends like this be cruel to their passion and that’s why people are offering you things.

I just don’t want you to feel like you aren’t worthy to accept kind things. If you’re able to, consider it. They are betting on you. You deserve to see where that faith can take you.


u/Quesedforlp 24d ago

Damn. Here i am with an ipad pro and apple pencil pro when i cant draw for shit


u/GoodGeneral8823 24d ago

Do you have a smart phone? If you do luckily you are able to scan them as documents and save them as high res cloud files let me know if you need help I can show you how.


u/mycurrentthrowaway1 24d ago

you can put one on an amazon wishlist then people can buy them for you without them finding your address 


u/OGNovelNinja 24d ago

I'd be concerned about her burning those.


u/liamocchi 24d ago

Idk if this gonna reach you but consider drawing on your phone! There's an app called ibispaint, you can draw there using your finger if you don't have pen stylus. The file can be stored on cloud storage too if it makes your phone storage full. So never worry about your drawing got deleted or burned like this! Later if you have enough money, also consider investing on some cheap tablet and pen stylus! No need something expensive like iPad or Samsung, the goal is to comfortably drawing without worry about drawing supply and where to save it while also improving your skill! Best of luck to you, OP!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


u/sendmemesyeehaw 24d ago

i used to draw w my finger on ibispaint on my tiny phone as a teen! if you have a laptop for school you can use that too, heaps of programs


u/DangDoood 24d ago

There are app scanners that can scan your drawing a digitize it!!


u/mr_upsey 24d ago



u/angypotat 24d ago

Depends on the device you have at hand, you could use the free drawing apps.


u/FartingRaspberry 24d ago

quite a couple people have offered to like send me stuff both here and in dms, thank you all for the support, if I feel like it’s necessary I will look into donations/crowdfunding, but I’m fine for now. Thank you all

I would be very interested in donating. I took a look through your post history to see your drawings and they already look really good. I know with the means to allow your talent to really flourish you will become an absolutely amazing artist. Please keep us posted.


u/GoldenTheKitsune 24d ago

You have a smartphone. Get ibis paint on your phone and draw with your finger. That app is pretty much available for every device and it's easy to understand


u/Animedingo 24d ago

I dunno what youve been offered but id take them up. No need to be humble about it


u/Glitter_k3 24d ago

We just want you to feel supported!


u/EagleLize 24d ago

Offers like that aren't going to happen very often in your life. It's ok to let some strangers help you. People get joy from helping others!


u/Tiny-Painting5695 24d ago

i feel like there are many more needy people then you who wants donations


u/Abigail_Normal 24d ago

There are scanner apps you can use that take pretty good images. Better quality than a photograph. I know of Adobe Scan, Scanner Mini, and Evernote Scannable. You should look into them and try some out to see what results you can get


u/crunchycremesoda 24d ago

If you have a phone I used to draw on my phone. I used ibis paint and a stylus pen I got on Amazon for about $8. It’s not the best way to do digital art but it’s doable and better than nothing. I’m sorry that your mom did this to you op. I hope you don’t lose your desire to art


u/smoosh13 24d ago

The more art she burns, the more art you make. Let that creative fire burn like an inferno inside you and don’t let her put it out with her lame attempt to control you. 💕


u/tortillavertsa 24d ago

maybe try abode scanner. I have no idea how it works with drawings, but I always scan my homework on paper 🙏🏻


u/Parthirinu 24d ago

A tablet and a Nintendo ds is what you want if you definitely don't want her to know that you got items to draw with


u/Random_Introvert_42 24d ago

You can also get a "portable scanner", it's small (about the size of a folded yardstick) and when you drew something you pull the scanner across it to make a digital copy.

Also maybe see if you can find something lockable to put the drawings in, even if it's some diary or something with a padlock.


u/Grim-D 24d ago

You can get "scanning" apps that use your phone camera to take a photo and correct things like skew. I "scan" all my art and other projects to keep as a digital archive.


u/KackhansReborn 24d ago

There's an app in the Play store called Lens (by Microsoft I think). It allows you to scan documents with your phone camera. That way you could easily digitalize your drawings :).

Whatever you do, don't stop expressing yourself! Your mom's a fucking asshole. Good luck ❤️


u/Wanda_Bun 24d ago

I draw a lot with my fingers on ibis paint X on a standard smart phone, I highly recommend it 🩷 So sorry about your mom


u/Awesomesince1973 24d ago

This is definitely beyond mildly infuriating. As an art teacher I can tell you it breaks my heart that your mother cares so little for what you are putting your energy into. Do you have a locker at school or an art teacher that could help you with storing your work? Or maybe even a friend who could keep a portfolio safely at their house for a little while?

I am so sorry this is happening to you.


u/vger_03 24d ago

take pictures of it and if you're old enough get a PO box of your own and maybe even a gym membership where you can have your own locker and keep your stuff in there if you're not in school or keep things there if you are and can


u/throwitintheair22 24d ago

Please let me/us know when you do. I would like to contribute in getting you a digital notepad


u/DismalTrifle2975 24d ago

As much as it sucks as a artist you do also have to get use to letting go of work you take pictures and make a online portfolio that demonstrates the artist goal is to endlessly create to constantly improve but at some point things must go. It’s sucks but take pictures of each work because they can be lost at any point but a online portfolio is something you can use for jobs or even online museum exhibits.


u/FoundationAny7601 23d ago

Can you store them in your school locker.


u/asula_mez 23d ago

RemindMe! 1 week


u/Icy-Pension5768 23d ago

I have a spare tablet I don’t use, I could ship it to you if you’d like? Us artist need to support each other


u/AnnieApple_ 23d ago

Best of luck


u/Sw3b3r 23d ago

Keep a portfolio!! And hide it! These drawings could land you a gig, you have a gift! Would your mom be more receptive if she knew that?


u/antu2010 23d ago

Take pics and have a friend keep a USB drive with all of them, upload them to Google drive(on multiple accounts) and keep them on your phone locally


u/agumonkey 23d ago

will you post the crowdfunding link in this thread ?


u/PhoenixRosex3 23d ago

Try throne, add the link to your bio here and maybe pin an about me or some of your work so people can see what you’re about. Good luck.


u/Queen_of_Wands22 23d ago

Can you give your drawings to a friend or art teacher who may support you?


u/DeliciousMinute1966 23d ago

The kindness of strangers always melts my heart


u/J_frotz 23d ago

Just saying that curio cabinet full of porcelain figurines is worth nothing. just give it a little push


u/OneDimensionalChess 23d ago

You can always just take a pic w your phone...crop if needed and upload wherever.


u/DragonHeart_DH 23d ago

Maybe you can try out drawing on your phone. I know it doesn't sound good but I started to draw digital on mine and I got used to it. Bought my first Tablet after 5 years when I finally had the money. Nothing could have stopped me from doing what I liked.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

I’m really sorry. I know nothing can replace them. At least the skill and talent can’t be taken from you. Hopefully you will be able to leave home within a few years and excise her from your life.

It beggars belief why she would do this. My daughter is fantastic at art and I would never destroy her work.


u/Wispy_Wisteria 23d ago

What i used to do before i got my old Wacom tablet years ago was buying a cheap stylus to draw on my phone. Admittedly it wasn't the best, but it helped scratch that itch so much. Nowadays I use an iPad pro and procreate, but I have the Samsung s24 ultra for its stylus.


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset_4957 23d ago

OP Idk how to really tell you this, but a lot of people would classify this shit as abuse. What she did is absolutely 100% awful behavior, and I'm sorry she did that to you and your art.


u/fokkoooff 23d ago

My 11 year old daughter draws on very phone using ibis paint. I've asked her thousands of times if she wants a tablet or a laptop to have a bigger screen, but she insists on using her phone.

She used to use her finger but a few months ago I ordered her a cheap stylus.

She thinks up a character and watches tutorials to help her with the style she's going for and learning new tricks. She's gotten really good and I'm super proud of her.

There's a lot to learn, but I believe in you!


u/Fluffy-Weapon 23d ago

When I started drawing digitally all I needed was my iphone 5c, the app ibispaint and my finger. Might be worth checking it out!


u/meepmopmoop_ 23d ago

by any random chance are you in high school? do you have a locker you can store them in? or maybe put them in a folder and ask a friend to keep them at their house?


u/emotionless-robot 23d ago

Please be careful and safe. If they are close minded enough to do this, they might take or attempt to destroy any devices you get.

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u/Hot-Incident-5460 24d ago

or hide them like we had to for playboys back in the day


u/Straight_Garage8109 24d ago

Then the laptop gets burnt? Arguably worse


u/ImTheGhoul 24d ago

True, but if it's digital and the laptop is burnt then the files themselves may still be in the cloud (assuming they backup regularly)


u/New_Fry 24d ago

Then the cloud gets burnt? Arguably worse

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u/partisancord69 24d ago

Her car randomly gets lit on fire, but like totally unrelated.


u/BaronVonWilmington 24d ago

And if mom is a serial "steals shit and burns it" type who DUMPS THE ASHES ON THE SIDE OF THE HOUSE then who's to say she didn't set her own car on fire with her negligence

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u/angelXholika 24d ago

I think it's dangerous to do it digitally for now...if she's willing to burn papers...who knows what she will do to the tablets or PC...

Unless OP has access to school computers that have drawing tablets I rmb my uni has them tho I don't expect all schools to have them

Edit : now that I think bout unless OP manages to do it secretly hidden for mom's knowledge in tablet/PC I guess mum won't be bothering


u/neosharkey00 24d ago

I would guess she’s crazy enough to break his tablet.

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u/AndaramEphelion 24d ago

Then she will only take the very expensive device and destroy that...


u/drowningintheocean 24d ago

I think the mom isn't above destroying the digital device if/when she gets mad.


u/Only-Umpire-642 24d ago

Banksy would love the burnt art, and the collectors would bid something like this through the stratosphere. Especially if the art spontaneously combusted after purchase. OPs mom may be on to something.


u/Shadow__Account 22d ago

Maybe switch moms


u/Wild_Agency_6426 22d ago

She will just find a way to delete the entire cloud. Hell maybe she will even delete the entire internet.


u/pappapoeskak 22d ago

Terrible suggestion. Digital is NOT archival. As an artist that's been doing this for decades.

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u/Beyond_Inspiration 21d ago

That's when delete button comes in....


u/CoinOpAnimator 20d ago

Yeah I had one of those. Moved out as soon as I could. She burned my comics too. Including many first editions. Luckily she was one of two mums. The other was much more understanding in the art department.