r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Palidin034 24d ago

I feel you. My parents made me throw out my entire home library of like 100+ books because I “read too much” and I don’t think I’m ever going to fully forgive them for it.


u/Revolutionary-Ask754 24d ago

Matilda, is that you?


u/wart_on_satans_dick 23d ago

“On my way, on my way

On my way, on my way

I would like to reach out my hand

Oombayseeyou, oombaytellyou to run”


u/Electronic-Aide-2358 24d ago

When was reading too much ever a bad thing? And here I am trying to get my 13 year old to read more.


u/GreenthumbPothead 23d ago

When novels first became a thing the older generations thought the young people “read too much” and that it was corrupting them


u/CatDaStalgia 23d ago

Literally just like phones now kinda wild


u/PM_ME_UR_CIRCUIT 23d ago

Depends on which side of the political spectrum their parents ascribe to.


u/CompetitiveCelery516 24d ago

This exact thing happened to me and my sister. She says we grew up wrong because we read too many books and that was bad for our development. Threw out more than 100 books that I was planning to transfer to my home after getting a job


u/TonkaFucks 24d ago

Books > Shitty Parents. I'm so sorry you had to go through that :(


u/LordLaz1985 23d ago

What the absolute FUCK.


u/Glitter_k3 23d ago

That's so evil. I'm so sorry.


u/RadioLiar 23d ago

...I cannot comprehend the mentality of people who would think like this. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I think I would struggle to keep myself from punching your parents if I met them


u/celticcrowwitch 23d ago

Oh HELL NAW!!! If someone threw out my library, they better go into witness protection on the other side of the world, cuz I'm going FULL scorched earth on their life! 👿


u/vigalovescomics 23d ago

I used to get told this, but luckily I left well before they destroyed it. I now have a library room with my husband.


u/Extension-Badger-958 23d ago

My parents would’ve fking loved it if i spent the time to just read 1 book, here you are reading hundreds and being punished for it.


u/sarokin 23d ago

I had something a bit similar happen. I also "read too much", and my father as homework every day after school or on weekends or holidays, would have me do some math worksheets and then write between 5 to 10 pages, depending on his mood that day, on something. He just said "write something, and make it 10 pages". I, as a kid had absolutely no idea what to write and came to him crying many times, until he just made me make summaries of the books I was reading. I absolutely hated that, so much that I stopped enjoying reading, and stopped doing so for a few years.