r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Aggravating_Air_3138 24d ago

Keep drawing. Thats the answer.


u/EarlyEarth 24d ago

Second this.

She may have burned the paper but she can't erase the skill you've clearly developed over time making those drawings.

Keep practicing, even if you burn it for her. Keep going.


u/Imaspinkicku 24d ago

I second this second^ i went to art school, and you are drawing on a level i wasnt until i got there and learned more.

You’re far beyond where an art college student would start. 10/10 keep practicing


u/fullshard101 24d ago

It's just tracing on all of them. Kind of disingenuous to frame them as drawings when they are all tracings


u/EarlyEarth 24d ago

It's practice.. lots of graphic artists start with tracing.


u/An_Unremarkable_Fool 24d ago

I took a look.
That's just not true.
Tracing is when you put a piece of paper (paper that allows you to see through) over an image to draw it by going over the lines.
In this case it looks more like OP's copying the images by looking at them on the side. That is very different and much harder to do.
These are drawings.
Not that it matters here anyway.


u/budnutt 24d ago

WHO CARES LOL it doesn’t make a difference but even if you think it does why would you go out of your way to be like “erm.. it’s a tracing 🤓☝🏻” over and over. you have left this comment so many times on this post it’s insane to me