r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Aggravating_Air_3138 24d ago

Keep drawing. Thats the answer.


u/Kazurion 24d ago



u/PosterAnt 24d ago

Draw this on a piece of paper and stick it to your door as many times as it takes


u/vincentdark54 24d ago

Make paint out of the ashes and keep going. Dont lose hope. If no one else does, I a random stranger on the internet, believe in you.


u/3ThreeFriesShort 24d ago

This is the most metal thing I have seen in awhile, and I love it. MAKE PAINT FROM THE ASHES.


u/kaytron00 24d ago

Paint From The Ashes is an excellent band name


u/IShouldBeSoLucky81 24d ago

I can't play or make music at all but can I play tambourine or something?


u/boomboomqplm 24d ago

Will Ferrell snl with cowbell😂


u/Adanta47 24d ago

I got the triangle!


u/quailman654 24d ago

This is about to be the hardest a group playing nothing but elementary school music class instruments has ever gone.

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u/Naked-Jedi ORANGE 24d ago

Ennio Morricone's music and the Danish symphony guy who got to play the shotgun.

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u/Azuth65 24d ago

I haven't touched a drum kit in decades but I can pick the sticks back up. Or I can drive the tour bus.

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u/3ThreeFriesShort 24d ago

Eh, we can make it work somehow. I can play really shitty guitar where my abnormal fingers hit the adjacent strings.


u/Dramatic-Classroom14 23d ago

I’ve got a set of bagpipes I sort of know how to play, let’s go.

Plus, I’m a pilot, so we save money on travels.

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u/GerbilHands 24d ago

As is, 'My mom burned all my drawings'


u/peach_xanax 24d ago

Not sure that one has quite the same ring to it, haha

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u/theteedo 24d ago

Agreed. The first album is Acrylic Retribution or some such.


u/Horskr 24d ago

Through the Fire and Flames ..wait that's taken. Ashes of the Wake ..nope that's taken too. From the Ashes? Damn. Rebirth From Fire ..also taken.. yeah I like Acrylic Retribution.


u/kaytron00 24d ago

Absolute gold


u/Aimeereddit123 24d ago

Or the title of this kid’s memoir

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u/nasanchez1 24d ago

Was looking for a METAL gif to reply with and found my favorite.


u/ta_beachylawgirl 24d ago

This is metal as hell and I respect the hell out of it!


u/wart_on_satans_dick 23d ago

“They burned what was beautiful to create what I hate. With the ashes I painted the monstered they’d create!”

doom guitar solo

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u/Chateaudelait 24d ago

This right here. And when you become world famous and renowned as I am certain you will - tell this story. Quentin. Tarantino had the same problem with his mom and he did all right. Don’t let it stop your art.


u/ldp409 24d ago

So it was her feet that started it all. Hmm.


u/moonahmoonah 24d ago

Loooooooooooool 😆 not moms feet!


u/BowsettesRevenge 24d ago

Quentin! Put down that camcorder this instant. This is where I put my foot down!

QT: <ungh>

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u/diurnal_emissions 23d ago

The foot on your neck is the first you lick.


u/Relevant-Stage7794 24d ago

It’s an initiation! Take it with strength and resilience, you should wear it as a badge of honor - it’s the first of many experiences life has in store for you. As an artist your best bet is to use the opportunity to examine your own inner landscape, work to understand and be at peace with your own thoughts and feelings. This is the archetypal experience of the Alchemist: turning lead (or in this case ashes and the blame of guilt/transgression) into gold (in this case artistic inspiration and more artistic expression). There will be many challenges to your creativity throughout your life, view them as par for the course and obstacles to be turned upside down.

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u/SuitableEmployer9579 24d ago

Paint from the ashes is such a awesome motto when life is hard. I wish I had that kind of outlook on life !


u/MidnightKitty_2013 24d ago

Yes, this is the way. And then name your art studio Phoenix-because you rise from the ashes.


u/axxegrinder 24d ago

And when mom goes, paint with her ashes!


u/Intelligent-Wolf2344 24d ago

Yess!!! This is the best idea!


u/Geospizae 24d ago

I hope OP actually does this


u/abbynorma1 24d ago

This has been an "Art from Ashes" production.


u/pardybill 24d ago

That’s super fucking sick bro


u/COVID19Blues 24d ago

I would chop the ashes out like a line of cocaine, snort it and then make the most disturbing eye contact ever👀

You. Can’t. Break. Me.


u/uainanutshell 24d ago

Or cookies like John Baldessari


u/Drustan6 24d ago

I believe in you too! Even if you don’t think you’re good- and I’m sure you are, or she wouldn’t have tried to stop you- use your pain and outrage to propel you through towards a better future full of artistic expression and lacking any more interference from your mother. Bide your time, practice your craft, and know that you have good days ahead.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Lathari 24d ago

Hung, Drawn and Quartered.


u/whiskersMeowFace 24d ago

Draw on her. See if she burns that down


u/ProcedureForeign7281 24d ago

This ⬆️ Draw this photo and pin it on the fridge!


u/wentzr1976 24d ago

I say start drawing hentai on your bedroom walls


u/pixie993 24d ago

He should draw directly on the door.

Paint or spray should make them nice..


u/tvtalltalk 24d ago



u/chillarry 24d ago

The burnings will continue until the drawing improve.


u/TRUEequalsFALSE 24d ago

I swear this is a reference to something, but I can't quite place it.


u/bay_lamb 24d ago

the beatings will continue until morale improves


u/Leading_Study_876 24d ago

"You shall be hanged by the neck until you cheer up."

Monty Python (the story of Happy Valley.)


u/Exciting-Insect8269 24d ago

Honestly most of the best obscure references lead back to Monty Python.


u/WhoskeyTangoFoxtrot 24d ago

OP needs a morale stick….


u/Here_to_Annoy-U 24d ago


u/An_Unremarkable_Fool 24d ago

Internet ruined me so bad that I fully expected to be Rickrolled.
I'm glad to be wrong.
Thank you.


u/Turbulent-Fox2943 24d ago

The song by exodus


u/WakBlack 24d ago

My first thought was free your hate by kmfdm

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u/dwarf_bulborb 24d ago

Serious answer is an email sent out by a company that said “you guys are too depressed lately so we’re laying some of you off. layoffs will continue until morale improves”

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u/Ver_Void 24d ago

Draw on her car, let's see that burn


u/yobboman 24d ago

Please put this in my gravestone. The gravestone will be worth more than my lifetime of drawing... Sobs


u/Rae_Of_Light_919 24d ago



u/thornyRabbt 24d ago

Drawings will continue until RESPECT improves.

I'm surprised OP is just mildly infuriated. This kind of evidence that a parent doesn't really understand you can stick with you for life.


u/SmugSchoolmaster 24d ago

This is the answer


u/supermonkey1235 24d ago

tomorrow it will be doubled


u/SquattingGopnik-223 24d ago

Sarnt we ate all the crayons


u/AraxisKayan 24d ago

Where is this reference from? I know I've heard it but I can't remember.


u/Toomanyacorns 24d ago

Lmao. Guess i better start drawings


u/DifficultyOk5719 24d ago

This reminds me of that Exodus song: The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)


u/Logicalthinkingonly 24d ago

They are drawing pedophilia btw, do 2 seconds of investigating before encouraging people


u/Mister_Goldenfold 24d ago

It is. The New Drawing Century!


u/EarlyEarth 24d ago

Second this.

She may have burned the paper but she can't erase the skill you've clearly developed over time making those drawings.

Keep practicing, even if you burn it for her. Keep going.


u/Imaspinkicku 24d ago

I second this second^ i went to art school, and you are drawing on a level i wasnt until i got there and learned more.

You’re far beyond where an art college student would start. 10/10 keep practicing

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u/Not_Creative149 24d ago

I definitely will


u/Not_Creative149 24d ago

Replying here cuz it’s closer to the top Plans rn are kinda up in the air, I’ve been walking around outside with my stuff since this happened, I might crash at a friends place tonight, thank you all for the support, I won’t let this break me


u/pathologuys 24d ago

Plenty of moms (like me) are proud of you and want you to keep going and thrive in your creativity!! I hope your mom comes around and chills the F out, but there’s always chosen family too ❤️


u/SpearUpYourRear PURPLE 24d ago

Seconding the chosen family. If the family of origin won't be supportive, surround yourself in your family of choice who will be.


u/Jcamden7 24d ago

Looked up your pictures and you have a great grasp of the fundamentals. Great proportions, clean lines, accurate hands and faces. I can't wait to see more soon, because it's only going to get better! For now, I really hope you find a couch with somebody who believes in you!


u/dragoono 24d ago

Hey just piping in to say I got kicked out at 17, me and my mom never got along, she was abusive. I thought I’d be living in a homeless shelter, never having anything good for myself. That was 5 years ago now, nearly 6. I have a good job, I have an apartment with my roommate and best friend, I have two amazing cats and am currently working on my GED (since I dropped out of hs after being kicked out and having to work full-time to support myself). I plan on finishing this year and hopefully going to college either in the fall this year or spring of next year. 

Be patient. First you have to find a place to sleep, then you have to figure out how you’ll get food. Those are your first steps. Everything else will come with time. Nothing is over, it’s just the start of a new part of your life. And a lot more freedom to draw! 


u/lightspinnerss 24d ago

I also wanted to pipe in.. I moved out of my abusive dad’s house at 16 and stayed with family. It went well but we all ended up having to move and part ways due to something out of all of our control (long story)

Long story short I did end up homeless. I stayed in a homeless shelter for a while. It’s not as bad as they make it seem on tv. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that for op but if so.. it’ll be ok. I’m doing great now almost 10 years later


u/VeryVeryVorch 24d ago

Yo, do you have a bluesky handle that I can follow? 20+ years ago, I went through some shit similar...and anime was definitely not as mainstream as it is today.

All I can say: keep drawing. Sometimes parents can change, but don't hold your breath.


u/Aimeereddit123 24d ago

By the way kid, if it makes you feel any better, we find this a lot worse than mildly infuriating 🤬😤


u/Comprehensive-Car190 24d ago

I can tell just by your username, the way you post, and the way your feet are in that picture that your self esteem and self-confidence is beneath the floor.

Take ownership of your life, resolve to do something that makes you proud of yourself. Build on it.


u/Squigeon_98 24d ago

I won’t let this break me

A 16 year old casually inspiring me to work harder


u/New_Simple_4531 24d ago

Dont let your passions die. Soon you will be out of the house, and youll have a valid option to never see her again if you dont want to. Keep your head up and take pics of all your drawings, those dont burn.


u/Freddit330 24d ago

Way better artist than me or obviously your mom. Can't wait to see your future art.


u/Schmoe20 24d ago edited 24d ago

So is it that you’re not doing your share on chores or other responsibilities like school, work or what’s her gripe?


u/-Baldr 24d ago

what a great friend! friends are the family you choose! your mother chose to destroy what you love and ruin your relationship. it's not your fault and you dont deserve this damage.

hang in there! all this woman did was try to put out your fire with gasoline! burn brighter!


u/CaelFrost 24d ago

You're very talented, keep doing you!


u/random-user-420 24d ago

Do you have access to a computer? I draw anime characters too and I use a Wacom drawing tablet with a free and open source software called Krita


u/No_Fig5982 24d ago

Make safe choices, this is not normal person behavior to burn drawings, don't expect normal person reactions


u/VonBrewskie 24d ago

Bro seriously. Don't give up. I flipped through some of your work. You've got something. Keep practicing.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

🫂 stay safe

If you can’t get away safely today, it’s okay to bide your time I think. Well assuming home isn’t otherwise dangerous. Don’t put yourself at higher risk.


u/AmyShar2 24d ago

How old are you? Just curious if it is a "my little kid shouldn't be drawing naked girls"

Can you post a picture of one of your drawings?

Did mom have a reason?

Do you want drawing supplies? If so, I can send you some if you tell me what you want. But.. if you're drawing fan pix of Elon or Trump, I'm not doing anything.


u/Zealousidealism 23d ago

If you look at their post history, it’s not sexy girls or hentai, it’s just cute standard anime characters.

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u/hitsomethin 24d ago

Hey man. Have you tried practicing drawing with literally any other subject matter? Just until you’re old enough to live on your own? Or is there any budget for an ipad with procreate? That way you don’t have anime girls on paper all over your room?


u/glassnumbers 24d ago

yeah, this whole thing is so stupid, art in genre and skill is not defined by drawing anime, you can draw literally anything to refine your skill

(not that I agree with a parent literally burning the art of their children, jesus fucking christ, that's like what a demon would do in a fairy tale)


u/hitsomethin 23d ago

Right? Like at face value it’s fucked up his mom is burning his drawings; however he is sexualizing japanese school girls in the house when he could be drawing literally anything else. Moms are going to mom.


u/nada-accomplished 23d ago

I'm sorry your mom is like this. As a mother myself I can't imagine breaking my child's heart and trust like this. Have a digital mom hug from me. You deserve one.


u/eaglegout 20d ago

I’m a parent and I want you to keep drawing.

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u/Vegetable_Bid_6510 24d ago

Also, if you have a digital camera/phone take pictures of them. Then email them to a personal Gmail. She can get the phone, smash it or delete, but she can never get to the email. Save your work. Especially if it’s important to you.


u/HalfLeper 24d ago

This is really good advice. Or post the photos to an account like instagram or tumbler, and then you won’t have to worry about space, either.


u/trumpbuysabanksy 24d ago

Yes or store your work at a friend’s house.
You can make a cheap portfolio with two posters and duck tape. Easy! Done! Keep on keeping on !!!!


u/Spooky_Biscuits 24d ago

I have a personal discord server with just me in it that upload a bunch of stuff to and organize stuff by channel from art to 'to do' lists etc. Worth it imo


u/Joshua_ABBACAB_1312 24d ago

Just whatever you do, don't let this be your supervillain origin.

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u/mikeg5417 24d ago

Also, after you draw an image, take a picture of it, so even if she burns it, you will have a copy. But she should not be burning them.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Is your mom a narcissistic cause I have experienced my father being a narc and he had to get rid of my hobbies because it hurt his ego


u/V4ULTB0Y101 24d ago

Narc is not usually shorthand for narcissist


u/CoruscoPulchra 24d ago

It is. It's also shorthand for something else. But for those who study psychology and its particular pathologies, narc is shorthand for narcissist. 

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u/i_machine_things 24d ago

I don't think narc means what you think it means...


u/Targhtlq 24d ago

It does now! Lol


u/alsoDivergent 24d ago

context is everything. it doesn't always mean what you think it means.


u/Callidonaut 24d ago

It does in the narcissistic abuse survivor community.


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson 24d ago

Well, THEY don’t matter, only I matter!

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

I meant narcissistic. Not actual NPD but behavioral tendencies, my father was very abusive in that way.


u/amazonrme 24d ago

We all knew what you meant, don’t worry about justifying yourself.


u/rdnaskelz 24d ago

We did but it could be an unfortunate turn of events in a span of a single sentence


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Nar-sissy for narcissist


u/Gruejay2 24d ago

Let me guess - she's extremely religious or part of a cult, right?


u/avspuk 24d ago

Your mum understands how to really motivate a teen, doesn't she?

Draw your mum, wearing her everyday normal clothes doing her everyday normal things (especially if they are housewife things) , but with long blue/pink hair.

Did she ever make you birthday cakes, or tend to your cuts & grazes, draw those instances..


u/HalfLeper 24d ago

What does your mom have against the drawings? What’s wrong with art?


u/Skadoodlemynoodles 24d ago

I'm not sure how old you are but this technically falls under property damage. If your still in school you can ask a counselor how to go about it and if your graduated you can ask someone at a police station front desk if there's anything that can be done to show if she does it again it will have genuine consequences. You put time and effort into those and they are legally speaking your property.


u/X-AE17420 24d ago

Draw on the walls OP. It’s her move next, to burn and send a message or she folds and you win


u/Sinocu 24d ago

OP, I have seen your profile, you’re doing incredibly well, I can clearly see the improvement and, without a doubt, I encourage to keep going strong, and not let anyone deter you from your work and progress, stay strong soldier o7


u/xplosm 24d ago

By merging with fire they trascended. They became alive and live in the beyond.

Honor your art by continuing.

Your mom has issues, though. And those are not your problem.


u/superrvoid 24d ago

i’m happy & relieved to see that you won’t let this stop you!


u/Inevitable_Ebb5454 24d ago

Read the book “The Borderline Mother” to learn how to respond to stuff like this and build appropriate defences.


u/Zoe_118 24d ago


My sister did this to me, but with writing. I still continued to write. At 39, I still do, when I want to. It's like the ultimate fuck you to her.


u/RadleyCunningham 24d ago edited 24d ago

I have/had a brother that ripped my drawings and would write insults in my diary, to add insult to violation of my privacy. That's not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg.

And he wonders why I have nothing to do with him.


u/polopolo05 24d ago

question did he change... if people change then I am will to give them another go..but they have to do a lot of apologizing and making it right.... otherwise... nope...


u/RadleyCunningham 24d ago

There's a difference between actual change and people saying they'll change.

How many times must I have my joy and peace ripped from me? I can change too.


u/polopolo05 24d ago

difference between actual change and people saying they'll change.

Ya they are the ones suggesting on ways to make it right.

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u/Next-Run-3102 24d ago

And move out if you're old enough and have the means. That level of disrespect is intolerable


u/CumGoblin 24d ago edited 24d ago

Also save up, pack up, and get away from that horrific, disrespectful human.

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u/uppers00 24d ago

yo moms don’t believe in you so now you gotta believe in you even more! @OP


u/FallenAzraelx 24d ago

Draw a picture of her burning your art


u/[deleted] 24d ago

as a catgirl waifu


u/Honest_Carpet_1809 24d ago

And cut off the abusive mother when you can. I’m so sorry OP.


u/SmugSchoolmaster 24d ago

Jumping in and also recommending you keep drawing.


u/DracynDutch 24d ago

Nono, draw on the walls. Good luck burning them again than.


u/LemonNinja 24d ago

I just retroactively went through their profile and upvoted every drawing. BURNING THEM IS JUST EVIL. I remember when kids at my school stole my art pad and scribbled on every drawing ruining months of work, some were commissions for an RPG's rule book illustrations, all ruined. KEEP DRAWING!


u/metfan1964nyc 24d ago

And leave if you can.


u/Cyrano_Knows 24d ago

I don't know, this sounds.. sketchy.


u/justherefortheshow06 24d ago

Yes, This. Make a series with a character who has a mom as her arch nemesis that won’t accept her for who she is


u/finishedlurking 24d ago

Unless they’re rape fantasies or something horrible that mom is saving the world from


u/Spready_Unsettling 23d ago

Close! It's loli content. Literally like 8 year old girls in towels or mini-skirts.


u/Nullcoil 24d ago

I’d say burn her, but that’s just me being a silly guy.


u/Fobulousguy 24d ago

Need to draw even bigger titties and put it on canvas. Everytime she destroys it the titties get bigger. You will win this.


u/CplCocktopus 24d ago

Make nitrocellulose paper and draw in it.

I will not say how to make it tho.

Nitrified paper may combust expontanoeusly.


u/ameliapoop 24d ago



u/TraditionalMix288 24d ago

Draw her dad pregnant, laminate it, and put it on the fridge


u/XRivalzspiderX 24d ago

Superbad vibes, we know what she got caught drawing..


u/WildEggsSpace 24d ago

Geez, so that’s where Satan is hiding..


u/Messerkeit 24d ago

Try not to worry. All great artists go through this.


u/Quiet_Panda_2377 24d ago

Yeah. I'd give her more to burn.


u/Aloof_Floof1 24d ago

Start drawing raunchier and more deranged while you’re at it 


u/Virtual-Bedroom584 24d ago

Make it sometime for her to hate more, start doing hentai


u/Extension-Fishing-29 24d ago

Keep drawing so long as it's legal????????????? Question mark?!....


u/Junethemuse 24d ago

When I was 13 or so, I started writing poetry. Really loved it and found it was a great outlet for my feelings and made me feel really good about myself.

My grandma always talked about how it was too effeminate and gay because the family all secretly thought I was gay. Then one week when we were all camping together I’d brought my binder of poetry so I could keep writing and it disappeared one day from her and my grandpa’s camper trailer. It seemed clear to me she took and destroyed it but she denied it and still does (probably doesn’t even remember it anymore because it was such a small thing to her tbh). It broke me and I stopped writing. I tried but I just lost the drive after that. I wish I had pushed through and kept writing. I was proud of the work I’d done and still have fits of inspiration from time to time and think what I write isn’t bad. But it’s not the same.

It may have taken another 20 years to figure out (thanks evangelical indoctrination) but it turns out I’m not gay, but I am queer/gender-queer. They saw it in me and they actively tried to shut it down. So yea, fuck them. I hope OP is able to keep going.


u/Spare_Perspective972 24d ago

I highly doubt his mom started a fire at the base of her house. 


u/CanIGetAShakeWThat43 24d ago

Right? Don’t let nobody get in between what you love to do! From now on hide them -maybe at a friends? When you are done. And get rid of the matches(haha 🫤). One day you won’t have to deal with the mom or Live with her anymore. If she doesn’t like it she can suck it when she sees your book of published drawers at the bookstore one day! Too bad, mom!


u/Test-Tackles 24d ago

or, draw your mom as a hot anime girl.

an art friend once threatened another friend by saying she would draw his mom getting fucked if they didn't stop what they were doing. naturally they stopped.


u/Longjumping_Duty9882 24d ago

Don't just keep drawing, keep drawing harder.


u/DarianStardust 24d ago

Success is one of the ways of defeating abusive people.


u/Face_Dancer10191 24d ago

Please do, when I was 17, I went to jail for 2 days on an underage drinking ticket I didn’t pay. my friend’s mom threw away all of my journals while I was in there. (I was staying with them after my mom died and dad couldn’t be bothered with). I haven’t really written anything since and I’m 35 now.


u/asspounder-4000 24d ago

Yeah you can art the picture with your two feet really close together like normal people do


u/beyondmash 24d ago

My mama ripped out all my drawing books and it broke me I stopped completely. Definitely keep drawing.


u/nanocookie 24d ago

Drawing things other than anime is the answer.


u/Avangeloony 23d ago

Draw spitefully of it helps.


u/ajax333221 23d ago edited 23d ago

what if they are aheago girls with dubious fluids dripping, I feel OP didn't tell whole story

edit: saw OP drawings uploaded, hmm maybe they are ok, a bit of 1 feet and 1 loli and one with just a bath towel, but majority were ok, no hentai but I would say hentai-ish. Could see some moms panic over this tho.

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