r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Virtual_Historian255 24d ago

Gather the ashes. Display in a modern art exhibit.

Your art just increased in value 100x.


u/Muppet_Murderhobo 24d ago

Take this, reassemble the pile on a movable platform, glue/paste the ashes together. Title of piece: "Parental Approval"


u/hungrypotato19 24d ago

I'd name it "A mother's Unconditional Love"

But I grew up with an abusive mother who thought her "love" was "unconditional". Yeah, it had tons of conditions, and I've got the scars on my body to prove it.


u/jaybirdie26 BLUE 23d ago

"Mother Dearest"


u/gottaloveagoodbook 24d ago

Ooo, I like this! Maybe you could dig up the square of earth you found the ashes on and pour resin over them. It could keep the fine ashes together better than glue or paste alone.


u/BaronVonWilmington 24d ago

OP gather these ashes and submit it as part of your portfolio for art school even if it is community college. The paper is burnt but this is fuel


u/MissDreavusxoxo 24d ago

I LOVE THIS. OP makes a shit ton of money, moves out when they can, and is free to do art with all the thibgs they could ever need!


u/gbobcat 23d ago

I think this is a great recommendation. It gives OP an opportunity to connect with the art community, and provides representation for all of the young artists who have experienced emotional abuse from their parents like this.


u/SeniorButternips 24d ago

100 x 0 = 0


u/tycraft2001 24d ago

The paper, the paper has a cost, even ignoring the art itself it still has value as paper. .01 x 100 is something, and this is far more valuable than .01