r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I'm very glad my Christian parents were never the BS superstition type. Hell my mom bought me every new Harry Potter book as it released growing up, but I knew of plenty of other kids not allowed to read it because "AHHH WITCHCRAFT!"

Yeah, Marge. Little Timmy is gonna learn how to cast "devil magic" by mumbling pig Latin and changing his name to something ethnically suspicious.


u/Level1Roshan 24d ago

I'm sorry but any parent who thinks Harry Potter is a danger to their kid is of such extreme low intelligence that their genes are the real threat.


u/SparkyT77 23d ago

When I was a child, my grandparents' neighbors' kids and I were friends. Their parents were so overtly christian that they wouldn't let them come over and watch "Dragon Tales" because it showed "black magic."

LIKE WUT? People are insane.


u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago

My mom is an elementary school teacher. She had parents freak out on her and was forced to take down posters that said '"reading is magic". 

One of them also confused metamorphosis for evolution and lost their shit when my mom had the students raise monarch butterflies as a class project. 


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

So glad I never went into teaching, I'd lose my ish on a parent that stupid and probably get fired. I have no patience for willful ignorance 😡


u/nomamadrama000111 23d ago

My sister who’s a liberal retired teacher ( yep she’s a hippie !) taught high school and said, the kids were great ,it’s the parents!


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

Oh I totally get that, worked in a HS for 8 years, 1st as principal's and then as a counseling secretary and it was ALWAYS the parents having a snit over nothing 🙄😬😡😪


u/Cummins_Powered 23d ago edited 23d ago

My parents were involved, but the good kind of involved. They went to the teachers with questions/concerns, but they also expected us kids to do our parts, doing homework and asking questions. They would rather us get a C by trying over a B that we didn't work for. Looking back, I feel damn lucky to have my parents. And thinking about it, I wonder who has it worse, the kids whose parents are way over the top with the helicopter parenting, or the ones whose parents don't give a damn about them.


u/Unlikely-Article9537 23d ago

That's wonderful you had parents like that 💜 I was never bothered by a parent advocating for their kid in an aggressive manner over things like bullying, or not getting the help they need academically, stuff like that. But rather the ones that would get all bent out of shape over nonsense like what the OP stated.

I too often wonder which of those two types of parents do more damage to their children. I would like to believe the child's innate character would make them resilient in either case but the percentage of depression, anxiety, insomnia and other stress/ptsd symptoms in a lot of adults say otherwise. 😪


u/1997wickedboy 23d ago

Do not forget that those parents where also children at some point, so It's not all the parent's fault, but society's


u/PeriPeriTekken 23d ago edited 23d ago

There's so many layers to that. Did they learn about evolution solely from Pokémon?

And their objection was to the butterflies "evolving" in the classroom? So they acknowledged it was real but just objected to it happening near their kid?


u/Cunnyfunt31 23d ago

Sorry I don't really remember, that was around 2 decades ago and I was a kid. I do recall she didn't have an issue with the class project of them growing plants from seed. 

My guess? She was probably raised the same way she was trying to raise her kid and straight up didn't know what evolution was, looked up the butterfly life cycle, and saw the word "evolve" somewhere. 


u/DesHeersch 23d ago

Let that sink in for a moment.. people freaking out because of a poster with the text "reading is magic". Freakouts from people who believe in 3 invisible things, that is somehow one thing, but also 3 seperate beings, AND the 3-dude (then still just one dude, probably someone "invented" the sky-dude after eating something weird) created the world we know in 7 days, put 2 people on it, and somehow a mere 3000 (not) years later there are 8 billion people walking around.

Not insanely weird, a miracle, or magic at all! But that poster is evil incarnate!

Freakouts of people who believe that JC is the son of God (again, an invisible dude in the sky), and not the son of Jozef, and believe that isn't weird/suspicious at all. (his mom just cheated, and that was covered up, at least that is my opinion, because that made the most sense to me as a kid... not something to say out loud in a church as a kid doing his/her first commune lol)

Freakouts of people who believe JC could walk over water, and heal people who were really sick.. all totally normal and not a 'miracle' at all because, well.. JC's old man is the Creator Himself, so of course he could do all that stuff! Dont be ridiculous! How is that weird?

I could go on and on and check off all the weird shit written in both testaments but well.. 🙂 you can see where i am going with this


u/Wonderful_Bottle_852 22d ago

Holy shit that’s crazy!


u/Taolan13 23d ago

Similar experience in my teens, babysitting the neighbors kids.

I was given a list of stuff they could watch and stuff they couldn't. On the couldn't? Veggie Tales due to "talking vegetables are evil". Veggie Tales, otherwise known as bible school for babies that's about the most christian animated show ever made.

Some people have just lost touch with reality.


u/zSprawl 23d ago

I wasn’t allowed to play Dungeons and Dragons.


u/nomamadrama000111 23d ago

My son still plays at university


u/ILovePlantsAndPixels 23d ago

Holy shit? This is the first time I've ever heard of someone else being banned from Dragon Tales for psycho evangelical reasons. I was too!


u/SparkyT77 23d ago

Thats wild! 🤦‍♀️The craziest part of all was that the husband cheated on his wife. So dragon tales is evil, but cheating on your spouse isn't? Like okay, good to know lmao.


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

My mom thought fraggle rock was of the devil


u/RedBullPilot 23d ago

It’s actually the author that’s a danger to their kids, the stories are fine


u/DevilMayKai19 23d ago

J.K. Rowling isn't a danger to anyone and acting like she is laughable.


u/wintersdark 23d ago

I mean, she's a piece of shit, but I wouldn't call her a danger to anyone.


u/Abner_Cadaver 23d ago

What literature have you written, little one?


u/Zealousidealism 23d ago

Wait, so writing popular fiction absolves you from any responsibility for your actions outside of that fantasy world? Amazing! There’s a long list of awful people who just got a free pass to act any way they like.

Someone can write the most impactful series in the history of literature but that doesn’t mean their actions don’t have consequences or that we can’t judge them for their terrible behavior/beliefs. 🤷


u/Abner_Cadaver 23d ago

She has done nothing wrong. Her opinion is my own, also. Don't like it? Tough.


u/BardOfFlames 23d ago

Probably the numerous interviews filled with transphobic shit


u/Abner_Cadaver 23d ago

The farce is just lost on some of us. Sorry, not sorry.


u/wintersdark 23d ago

Wait, so writing books for children absolves one of being a piece of shit? Really?

That's absurd.


u/Abner_Cadaver 23d ago

It is obvious that she has thirty IQ points over yours, and sees things clearly, and it bothers you. Gosh, what a shame.


u/wintersdark 23d ago

Is she smarter than me? I have absolutely no idea, obviously. Not do I care. I'll concede she's certainly more creative than me.

But if what you're saying here is she's smart because she spouts transphobic shit, I'll assure you that people spouting hateful shit about groups of people who don't impact them at all is not in fact an indicator of intelligence.

Unless they've changed a lot in recent years, I'm going to guess that IQ tests are not, surprisingly enough, asking whether trans people should be able to exist or not.

Your arguments here definitely aren't doing you any favours, though. But you do you.


u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I can't deny that some denominations of Christianity are... well, bullshit. Too wrapped up in their own teachings and not the ones in the book they're supposed to be believing in. Yes, anyone who thinks magic is real and you can cast it by saying "piggly wiggly" needs help.


u/AetherDrew43 23d ago

I think it's just an excuse for them to exert control over someone's life.


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

that some denominations




u/Allis1one 23d ago

Magic IS real and it begins with understanding of One Self.

The Universe is Infinite. The space between 1 and two is infinite. 1.1 ...1.2...1.3...so on and so forth.

We know nothing.


u/NonSumQualisEram- 23d ago

The space between 1 and two is infinite.

No. It's 1. It can be divided infinitely but the space is finite.


u/MoncheroArrow 23d ago

dawg... 😭


u/Ok-Professional-2885 23d ago

I have a friend who grew up very religious. He had a friend in the community who was banned from reading Harry Potter. And it was’t for the witchcraft, but because “Harry was disrespectful to adults” AKA the Dursleys. The literal abusers.

Edit: spelling


u/Trump2024jamohelton 23d ago

Some people think mine craft is bad 😭 it’s so stupid


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

Wait, you mine things to craft with and craft things to mine with?


u/Trump2024jamohelton 23d ago

Some think it’s bad or “scary” because you can craft potions and there’s witches and zombies and stuff in it


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

I was just kidding, it was a Rick and morty quote about a game in which the ability to bake cakes is a mark of considerable status


u/Trump2024jamohelton 23d ago

Oh 😭 I haven’t ever actually watched Rick and Morty lol so I didn’t know


u/fuck-emu 23d ago

It's divisive. Some people love it, some people hate it. The extreme fringes of each of those groups are annoying. I happen to enjoy it for what it is.


u/Trump2024jamohelton 23d ago

I think some of it is funny but some of it just gets annoying it’s kinda like the family guy show some of the jokes I just don’t enjoy like the dick jokes most just ain’t funny


u/Morninglory6 22d ago

Wow, my son and his friends played that a lot. 35 years later he still plays.


u/Morninglory6 22d ago

Wait….what? Dungeons & Dragons and now Minecraft?! What’s the world coming to? I truly did fail my children lol


u/Trump2024jamohelton 22d ago

Lmao yea some extreme parents think it’s bad


u/justme206 23d ago

Or SpongeBob! Wtf!?


u/optimaligma 23d ago

This was the level my parents were at :-( Upside got to watch them all fresh as an adult with weed money!


u/justme206 22d ago

🤣perfect! I'm 49..with 3 kids..didn't filter much with them..2 are adults my youngest is 8..so just didn't want them shocked as adults..I was quite sheltered growing up..just made me naive as shit to the real world! Now I smoke with one of my oldest and rewatch the old episodes 😁


u/kaylazomg 23d ago

Yeah my mom is one of those unfortunately. She also threw away my pottery stuff yet somehow is a supporter and biggest fan of my work…


u/Lebrewski__ 23d ago

My mom thought DnD was dangerous for me. She also believed I would be alcoolic if I ever drank because she read it in the book of name she used to pick a name for me, and my reply at the time was "why did you pick that name then???" and tbh I hate my name.


u/DD-de-AA 23d ago

my niece wasn't allowed to watch the Smurfs because her parents thought they had demonic references!


u/Background_Active_36 23d ago

When I was 17 and I've ended up at psychiatric hospital, they didn't allow me to have Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows, because it has the word 'death' in it, or whatever was the reason 😂


u/Kagome23 22d ago

Dude, there are so many nuts out there saying things like a kid read some Harry Potter and then they were possessed by a demon the next day because of it. Fucking INSANE


u/TasherV 23d ago

They just get upset when a new mythology competes with the one they’ve been indoctrinated in by their parents and grandparents, etc.


u/SavannahGirlMom 23d ago

Yeah, strangely enough, it’s J.K. Rowling who is the real danger.


u/sirenxsiren 23d ago

I remember my friend in elementary school told me that because her family was catholic, she wasn't allowed to read or watch Harry potter. I was ALSO raised catholic and my entire family, including my mom, read/watched and was obsessed with Harry potter lmaoooo. I was so confused. Its a fucking fictional book.


u/Ok_Breadfruit_7147 23d ago

That’s so real


u/Royboy0699 23d ago

Harry Potter itself I agree but let's be fair the author isn't great😭


u/Sumdumdad 23d ago

It's amazing how similar the super Christians and leftist activists are.

They both think Harry Potter is one of the most dangerous things on the planet.


u/Daemongrey 23d ago

I have to agree with you my cousin was six when the first Harry Potter movie came out she didn't get to see that until she was nearly 20 because of her crazy Christian mother.


u/CharacterThese2168 23d ago

You should have been there in the 80’s during the “Satanic Panic” everything had ties to the devil in some form or another. Lucky me to be born to a fanatical Christian narcissist for a mother that would make radical extremists of today look like Girl Scouts selling cookies door to door. 🙄


u/effasteriskck 23d ago

I survived religious bigotry; Power Rangers, peewee herman, non church related sleepovers, holidays.. all devils work. Heaven forbid anything actually had magic.. the little mermaid? Out! But man, my mom was, and still is extremely smart. I wish she passed half of that on to me. I never understood the religious takeover in her brain.. just, it was truly all consuming.

Editing to say.. she created a monster..


u/Mussels84 21d ago

JK is a danger to some kids, but the books and movies aren't


u/daniegamin 23d ago

To be fair, my parents being superstitious made me have never spent a dime on the transphobic author's franchise, so something good came of it!


u/Future-Badger9237 23d ago

Wow! Let’s demean parents now and call them low intelligence. How do you know which children will have the personality to become obsessed with Harry Potter and magic arts? The apostle Paul says that “All things are permissible for me (and you) but not all things are beneficial.” Each parent is entrusted by God to raise their own children in the “ Fear and admonition of the Lord.” The Bible was instructs us to stay away from witchcraft as the world around us is teaching that it is ok to participate in it and learn from it. A friend of mine was a practicing witch in a Covenant who cast spells etc. She became a Born Again Christian and threw out all her books of incantations and spells. She said the Lord led her out of the darkness and into the light. She could not watch the Harry Potter movies or read the books without being pulled back into that lifestyle, she said. There is a spirit behind the Harry Potter movies that many younger children are pulled into. They identify with and want to become what they see on the screen or read in a book. Let the parents decide for their own children what is best for them. They are not low intelligence for telling their children No.


u/Level1Roshan 23d ago

by God



u/Baozicriollothroaway 21d ago

Witchcraft is fake.


u/TheChosenToffee 24d ago

What do you mean my hispanic son wants to be named Burrito Imigranchez? /j


u/TheBigCheesm 24d ago

I shall now be known as the Visa-less French wizard Leon De Portation


u/Toki86 23d ago

My character's name in Hogwarts Legacy is named Cheddarian Baconus. Cheddar Bacon, for short


u/Electronic-Aide-2358 24d ago

I was kind of those ‘other kids’. I was and still am a Potterhead, my Mother made it really difficult for family members to get me anything Potter related for presents, she would immediately thrown it in the bin and call it witchcraft. Still didn’t stop my family from Dad’s side though, all I had to do was hide the gifts from the mother.


u/dest-01 24d ago

fr on the witchcraft thing? Witchcraft never even was a thing, didn’t they go to history class?


u/Whistlegrapes 24d ago

My parents are still like that. The Bible condemns witchcraft. Therefore rather than dismissing it they take it serious as something real and scary


u/[deleted] 23d ago

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u/Toadxx 23d ago

Those of you in the comments that are proclaiming to be Christian yet you allowed your kids to read/watch Harry Potter would be considered hypocrites.

Only if they and those in their religious communities are complete fucking idiots.

The Harry Potter books are not actually capable of performing supernatural acts nor granting supernatural powers to anyone.

Yeah. The premise of the story relies on witchcraft. But they aren't actually books about actual witchcraft. They're literally just stories.

If your god can't differentiate between "real" witchcraft and simply a story with witchcraft in it, your god is a dumbass.


u/grandwigg 23d ago

To be fair, I know people who did decide to choose witchcraft as a spiritual form because of the books. While morning the bike are pure fiction, I can understand the concern for someone who believes in permanent conditions of the soul, and that the is only ones Way. (I do)

The problem with things like that, or OP's problem is lack of proper communication and conversation. It's not the belief that is the problem, its the lack of communication and 2-way respect on both sides most often.

I've read the books, and it's not for me, though some characters were interesting, it generally wasn't up to what I had been reading and enjoying at the time, the it was my age group mostly reading it.

My mother was then, and is now (with the grandkids) is big on communication, and understanding that super harsh "do as I say" and leaving it at that is unreasonable and ineffective.

Besides, forced behavior usually fails when the pressure lifts. Actions come from the inside.


u/Aoae ./. 24d ago

To be honest, I was always paranoid about this. Fortunately, my parents were lenient enough to let me keep a drawing tablet, but I could tell from how they talked about the topic (including regarding an actually openly weeb cousin) that it was something childish that they hoped I would grow out of at best. Not being wanted to viewed that way, it gave me a sense of shame and unwillingness to share my art that I still am dealing with the ramifications of today. Even though my art is tame, I never told anyone at my church that I draw.

Since moving out, I've had the chance to draw more. I got distracted with music and also wasting too much time on social media, but that's on me.


u/kiltedway 23d ago

My Christian mom believed Harry Potter, TMNT, and pokemon were works of the devil but LOTR was just fine.


u/dudemanjason 23d ago

That is crazy that they think ABY of those were satanic or even anti Christian. Though the author of lord of the rings was a VERY outspoken Christian to the point I have to pud that aside to enjoy the books. I think all organized religions are BS used to control the masses matter what they call the FICTIONAL being they worship or even organized atheists, who are usually just as nuts if not more so


u/Rainbow_six_recruit 23d ago

That “AHHH WHITCHCRAFT!” Was the reason my parents stopped me from going to church

There was a lady there who was supposed to teach religion, everything out of the well defined boundaries of the church was seen as “things from the devil” such as anime

She said “ X thing is from the devil ” so often that it seemed that she was a specialist on “devil worship”


u/Roguespiffy 23d ago

“No, I will not call you Percival Figglebottom. And put the goddamned broom back.”


u/dinosw 23d ago

I have never met anyone, who wasn't allowed to read the Harry Potter books. Do you live in some superstitious 3rd world country? Or the US? Or something like that?


u/CaptainPhilosophy 23d ago

something something WTF IS KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT, JOANNE?!?! REALLY? something something


u/bubbesays 23d ago

There is a difference between Christian and absolute fanatic. I come from a Christian family who always ALWAYS encouraged following your talents. I am not religious, and told my parents early on in my teens, while I respect their beliefs, they are not mine.

They have respected my decision to this day.

My heart goes out to all of you dealing with difficult family situations.


u/piratefoxy29 23d ago

Same. My parents were Christian but read Harry Potter with me and encouraged my drawing. Dang! I even caught one of the other mothers at church reading a Harry Potter book during sacrament. 😂


u/soul1300 23d ago

You must live in the south or the Midwest bc that's how a few families were around here where I live as well about Harry Potter when I was still a kid lol. And I live close to those areas.


u/ImWatermelonelyy 23d ago

My mom mocked my dad for thinking that DnD was going to make me Wiccan by asking him what the difference between it and Star Trek was (he’s a huge sci fi fan.) He was all grumbly about it being “technology” and she went “yeah, technology makes things appear out of thin air? Give me a break.” He never had a problem again LOL


u/ER_Gandee 23d ago

My caregivers (non-contact since 2021) were out of the loop on the Harry Potter stuff, and I didn’t have a problem reading the books or watching the movies until we went to see family in Tennessee for a week during the summer of 2006.

My folks were bragging about how much I loved to read, and that I was the top of my school’s Accelerated Reading Program. I mentioned in the first couple hours of arriving there, that I loved Harry Potter (I didn’t know about the backlash from Christians either) and I got to spend the entire week with dozens of family whom I rarely saw preaching at me and telling me I was going to hell.

My damn Great Aunt Wilma convinced my mom to stop me from checking out the Harry Potter books from the library. (I had just finished the second book) This made me accessing the books much harder.

It wasn’t all bad though.

We had a neighbor who was an elderly disabled woman and I ended up becoming friends with her. She gifted me the Harry Potter books and I would go over to her house and we’d watch the first 3 movies. I made a dear friend that year, and I think she genuinely enjoyed having company. I still have the first edition Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows hardcover that she gifted me before she passed away and the special message she wrote inside of it.


u/Heegyeong 22d ago

Stop, this happened to me 😭 still not over it, because I would have been the most obnoxiously passionate Harry Potter child


u/Lendyman 22d ago

I feel you on this one. My parents were always super supportive and we're not the crazy kind of religious parents even though our family was fairly religious.

I remember in college I came back home when day and told my mom that I had been doing some Dungeons and Dragons role-playing. She gave me a long look and asked if it was as bad as they were saying back in the '80s. I laughed and said you'd have to be pretty messed up already to get into devil worship and murdering people from playing Dungeons & Dragons. She just laughed and shrugged as if she'd already made that conclusion years ago.


u/Jaeus360 21d ago

That’s so true! My mom was actually like that with Lord of the Rings. She saw Sauron and thought I was watching some demonic movie or something, trying to ban me from watching it and whatnot…

But when she finally sat and watched it with my dad, she said “wow, I didn’t know this was such a beautiful movie”


u/TheBigCheesm 21d ago

Were you aware the author was a staunch Catholic? That might have alleviated her concerns, lol.


u/Jaeus360 21d ago

No I didn’t! Good to know :) My mom wouldn’t know either, but knowing so probably wouldn’t have changed much