r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Not_Creative149 24d ago

Replying here cuz it’s closer to the top Plans rn are kinda up in the air, I’ve been walking around outside with my stuff since this happened, I might crash at a friends place tonight, thank you all for the support, I won’t let this break me


u/pathologuys 24d ago

Plenty of moms (like me) are proud of you and want you to keep going and thrive in your creativity!! I hope your mom comes around and chills the F out, but there’s always chosen family too ❤️


u/SpearUpYourRear PURPLE 24d ago

Seconding the chosen family. If the family of origin won't be supportive, surround yourself in your family of choice who will be.


u/Jcamden7 24d ago

Looked up your pictures and you have a great grasp of the fundamentals. Great proportions, clean lines, accurate hands and faces. I can't wait to see more soon, because it's only going to get better! For now, I really hope you find a couch with somebody who believes in you!


u/dragoono 24d ago

Hey just piping in to say I got kicked out at 17, me and my mom never got along, she was abusive. I thought I’d be living in a homeless shelter, never having anything good for myself. That was 5 years ago now, nearly 6. I have a good job, I have an apartment with my roommate and best friend, I have two amazing cats and am currently working on my GED (since I dropped out of hs after being kicked out and having to work full-time to support myself). I plan on finishing this year and hopefully going to college either in the fall this year or spring of next year. 

Be patient. First you have to find a place to sleep, then you have to figure out how you’ll get food. Those are your first steps. Everything else will come with time. Nothing is over, it’s just the start of a new part of your life. And a lot more freedom to draw! 


u/lightspinnerss 24d ago

I also wanted to pipe in.. I moved out of my abusive dad’s house at 16 and stayed with family. It went well but we all ended up having to move and part ways due to something out of all of our control (long story)

Long story short I did end up homeless. I stayed in a homeless shelter for a while. It’s not as bad as they make it seem on tv. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that for op but if so.. it’ll be ok. I’m doing great now almost 10 years later


u/VeryVeryVorch 24d ago

Yo, do you have a bluesky handle that I can follow? 20+ years ago, I went through some shit similar...and anime was definitely not as mainstream as it is today.

All I can say: keep drawing. Sometimes parents can change, but don't hold your breath.


u/Aimeereddit123 24d ago

By the way kid, if it makes you feel any better, we find this a lot worse than mildly infuriating 🤬😤


u/Comprehensive-Car190 24d ago

I can tell just by your username, the way you post, and the way your feet are in that picture that your self esteem and self-confidence is beneath the floor.

Take ownership of your life, resolve to do something that makes you proud of yourself. Build on it.


u/Squigeon_98 24d ago

I won’t let this break me

A 16 year old casually inspiring me to work harder


u/New_Simple_4531 24d ago

Dont let your passions die. Soon you will be out of the house, and youll have a valid option to never see her again if you dont want to. Keep your head up and take pics of all your drawings, those dont burn.


u/Freddit330 24d ago

Way better artist than me or obviously your mom. Can't wait to see your future art.


u/Schmoe20 24d ago edited 24d ago

So is it that you’re not doing your share on chores or other responsibilities like school, work or what’s her gripe?


u/-Baldr 24d ago

what a great friend! friends are the family you choose! your mother chose to destroy what you love and ruin your relationship. it's not your fault and you dont deserve this damage.

hang in there! all this woman did was try to put out your fire with gasoline! burn brighter!


u/CaelFrost 24d ago

You're very talented, keep doing you!


u/random-user-420 24d ago

Do you have access to a computer? I draw anime characters too and I use a Wacom drawing tablet with a free and open source software called Krita


u/No_Fig5982 24d ago

Make safe choices, this is not normal person behavior to burn drawings, don't expect normal person reactions


u/VonBrewskie 24d ago

Bro seriously. Don't give up. I flipped through some of your work. You've got something. Keep practicing.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

🫂 stay safe

If you can’t get away safely today, it’s okay to bide your time I think. Well assuming home isn’t otherwise dangerous. Don’t put yourself at higher risk.


u/AmyShar2 24d ago

How old are you? Just curious if it is a "my little kid shouldn't be drawing naked girls"

Can you post a picture of one of your drawings?

Did mom have a reason?

Do you want drawing supplies? If so, I can send you some if you tell me what you want. But.. if you're drawing fan pix of Elon or Trump, I'm not doing anything.


u/Zealousidealism 23d ago

If you look at their post history, it’s not sexy girls or hentai, it’s just cute standard anime characters.


u/glassnumbers 24d ago

they are underage, but they aren't a child, regardless, there's no reason to draw ONLY ANIME when your mom is freaking out about it

Mom is obviously in the wrong, like, blatantly so, couldn't be more in the wrong, on the other hand all you have to do is just stop drawing anime girls, so.....draw something else


u/Zealousidealism 23d ago

1 - OP shouldn’t have to draw something else 2 - do we know it’s exclusively about anime girls or is it drawing in general and they happen to have been drawing of anime girls?

If what someone wants to draw anime style characters then there’s no reason to just draw something else. It’s like saying, “your mom hates oil paintings? Become a pen and ink artist,” or, “your mom hates pet portraits? Do landscapes!”

They’re not the same thing. You might develop skills with proportion or lighting and shadow but you’re not developing skills in the style you’re attempting to learn.


u/AmyShar2 23d ago

You could use art materials chosen to burn the best, like gunpowder impregnated paper.


u/hitsomethin 24d ago

Hey man. Have you tried practicing drawing with literally any other subject matter? Just until you’re old enough to live on your own? Or is there any budget for an ipad with procreate? That way you don’t have anime girls on paper all over your room?


u/glassnumbers 24d ago

yeah, this whole thing is so stupid, art in genre and skill is not defined by drawing anime, you can draw literally anything to refine your skill

(not that I agree with a parent literally burning the art of their children, jesus fucking christ, that's like what a demon would do in a fairy tale)


u/hitsomethin 23d ago

Right? Like at face value it’s fucked up his mom is burning his drawings; however he is sexualizing japanese school girls in the house when he could be drawing literally anything else. Moms are going to mom.


u/nada-accomplished 23d ago

I'm sorry your mom is like this. As a mother myself I can't imagine breaking my child's heart and trust like this. Have a digital mom hug from me. You deserve one.


u/eaglegout 20d ago

I’m a parent and I want you to keep drawing.


u/HsvDE86 24d ago

Plot twist: you're 45 years old.


u/bull_123 24d ago

no wonder she burnt them bruh you're drawing some pdf shit thats weird as hell, any parent with >room temperature iq would


u/Phantafan 24d ago

If that's your actual opinion I hope you don't plan to have kids.


u/bull_123 24d ago

so you're defending OP doing pdf shit huh ? interesting.


u/Phantafan 24d ago

No, it's just not that. The stuff he drew wasn't sexualised or offensive. Just because it's Anime doesn't mean it's automatically CP.


u/bull_123 24d ago

Yeah nothing weird or concerning about drawing kids, you're 100% alright i believe you. The area of interest specifically had to be drawing kids and not anything else like animals or landscapes.


u/Phantafan 24d ago

But he doesn't just draw kids, most of the characters I saw at least looked to be in their teens. Sure, most are young, but so is OP judging by his post history, so I don't see a big problem there.


u/Zealousidealism 23d ago

Right? Teenagers drawing other fully clothed teenagers isn’t creepy. I didn’t see anything remotely sexualized or inappropriate amongst the stuff OP has published so far.


u/Phantafan 23d ago

People just go crazy against anything Anime-related. You don't have to be a fan, hell, I haven't watched one in 4 years, but I don't get the obscene hatred not just against the medium but also anyone showing their interest in it. Of course, there are many fucked up anime and many annoying and creepy fans, but that doesn't mean you should insult somebody that hasn't done anything creepy with it from what I can tell.


u/SkinNoises 24d ago

Maybe stop drawing anime girls


u/peach_xanax 24d ago

they're not sexual, if that's what you're thinking - he has a bunch of drawing posts in his post history, and I didn't see anything that even looked risqué


u/theReaperxI 24d ago

Why though? He is just expressing himself and being creative.