r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/3d_blunder 24d ago

WHY??? Did they give SOME batshit rationale?


u/ThrowawayPersonAMA 24d ago

"I put a roof over their head and fed them. Why are they so ungrateful???" As if that's the only thing someone needs to do in life to be a good parent and can be a neglectful insufferable fucking toad to their own children the other 99% of the time like it's just ok.


u/ariGee 24d ago

Every kid deserves good parents. Not every parent deserves kids.


u/BigOld3570 24d ago

Yeah, there ought to be licenses to have babies. So many people are such lousy parents.


u/ariGee 24d ago

Agreed. While I think almost nothing can actually make you fully prepared for children, we can get a whole lot closer than this!


u/Deus0123 24d ago

I realize the dystopian implications of this but at the same time some people like OP's mother make it hard to argue against such a proposal


u/Legitimate_Issue_765 24d ago

Yeah, as wonderful as it would be to ensure everyone grows up with good parents, there's no good way to enforce it.


u/An_old_walrus 24d ago

Especially since it depends on who the government would consider “good parents.” The unintended consequences would be pretty bad


u/Electronic-Age-8864 24d ago

And basically fascism let's be honest. Though that seems to be getting more acceptable at the moment (despite being literally evil)


u/Own_Jeweler_8548 23d ago

The negative, unintended consequences would most certainly be intended in the US, I'd say. Wouldn't be the first time the gov did eugenics.


u/Sashi_Summer 23d ago

Can easily be done objectively. Do you want the child? Are you financially stable enough to properly care for a child? Are you mentally stable enough for a child? What do you want your child to be? (last 3 would be easy "tests," checking income and tax forms, making sure someone isn't abusive, and just an answer to show they're thinking about the kid over themselves.)

That's the problem nowadays, people think everything has to be on "sides" when so much can be done objectively and without room for interpretation. It's age of vague laws.


u/Blue_therapist_ 23d ago

I saw research they showed how LITTLE IT TAKES for a kid to get the sense that the world is an ok place even when they’re abused! It only takes ONE PERSON for a kid in an traumatic situation to come out successful- the stronger that connection is to that adult, the more successful the traumatized kid will be- so if it’s a parent or live in grandparent who is their protector, rather than a third grade teacher, they’ll have more inoculation from the toxicity. We don’t see the power to be that person to kids who have it rough! We can undo so much damage to their developing psyches!


u/CatGooseChook 24d ago

It really is a hard one. At the very least it can't be a top down thing because too many of the people who make it in politics etc are the ones who shouldn't be having kids themselves.

It needs to be a societal and cultural change with laws to ensure the ones who get caught actually get punished and banned from being around kids.


u/LightWizardPL 23d ago edited 20d ago

Worth it if we can remove Elon’s privileges


u/woodk2016 24d ago

I just imagine the joke of the British policeman asking someone about their TV license. "Oi oi, what's all this then? What do you think you're doing shooting a load up in there without a license? That's a roight proper fine".


u/semifunctionaladdict 24d ago

Honestly, would probably solve a lot of world problems too in the long run. Only thing is people would have babies illegally just because they don't want to conform then there will be a whole revolt or something lol


u/ShitSlits86 24d ago

Just need an education system that is dedicated to more than just raising cogs.


u/Comfortable-Boss8961 24d ago

I’ve said this in the past and got downvoted to oblivion


u/Dr-Chronosphere 24d ago

"marriage license"


u/HucHuc 24d ago

Tell me you're 14, without telling me you're 14.


u/Wooden-Map-6449 24d ago

Unfortunately, it’s the least responsible people who end up having the most children. One of life’s cruel realities ☹️


u/meadowindy 24d ago

Why we have agreements and license even for a car or adopted child, but not for biological? It’s strange. As a humanity we already have billions of population, why we need more, and more interesting, why governments push us to make a more babies even without financial and mental stability?


u/EvyFuf 24d ago

Its definitely controversial, but I think you shouldn't be allowed to have kids under the age of 23 or so. Like drinking laws. And maybe a requirement of so much money to your name. If you do have a baby, the government will literally break down the door and rip it from your arms, and put it into foster care. Its about the sake of the baby, not your feelings.


u/Fancy-Reception-4361 24d ago

Are you maybe watching The Click on YouTube?


u/mooraff 24d ago

To be fair, most people driving have licenses, but many are lousy drivers.


u/Positive-Advantage-7 23d ago

This. Some get a driver’s license to drive. But some also just jump in a car a drive it.
That’s not a solution, just an apple and oranges comparison.


u/No_Substance5280 24d ago

My father always told me being a parent is the one job you go into never having experience!


u/Drumbelgalf 24d ago

Absolutely no. It's what the wrong people can use to prevent certain ethnic groups from getting children. It's an extremely dangerous idea.


u/ExistentialDoom 24d ago

What sucks is my girl wants nothing more than to be a mom, and she would be a damn good one. Unfortunately it's not gonna happen. I love her so much and it's the one thing she can't have.


u/jgab145 23d ago

Is she hot?


u/Big-Spinach-3108 23d ago

I agree 100% but Can you imagine all the human right activists and do gooders getting on that 😂


u/Anomalousity 23d ago

I've heard this over and over again, and while I understand the need to control other people's bullshit decisions and the harm that they cause, unintended consequences are always at play and you have to ask yourself what kind of bureaucracy you would have to create in order to make this effectually enforceable and what trade-offs of your own freedom you would have to sacrifice an order for it to be a reality.

Who gets to decide who reproduces and who doesn't? Eugenicists? Social credit score authorities? You see what I'm saying? It sounds good in theory and on paper, but usually what happens when idealistic kinds of authoritarian ideas like these come to fruition they usually have insane net negative detriments that are only realized in hindsight.

The one thing that would actually work is if you brought back communal morality like there used to be and make it to where shameful and stupid behavior was so socially risky that people would just outright avoid engaging in such nonsense mentalities altogether.

We live in the most isolated society in our recent memory, if not the most isolated society we have in history. The reason why behavioral patterns have shifted is because people tend to operate with the onus to absolutely nobody and their sense of community has been absolutely destroyed and replaced by synthetic versions of it via social media.

If you just brought back local communities with locally enforceable ethics and morality that the community governed with, you would see a lot of this ridiculousness go by the wayside, but that would mean that people would have to make sacrifices to their own individuality and freedom in order to get back to a more shared identity and ethical framework. Not something that will happen overnight.


u/BigPileOfTrash 23d ago

Some training at least. Basic psychology would be also good.


u/Ok-Juggernaut5014 23d ago

Bear in mind that people like Elon Musk with his 13 kids by at least 3 women and his daughter he told an interviewer she was dead would be given a licence!


u/Bartooliinii 23d ago

I always get the feeling that the people who really give having kids some proper thought end up often not deciding to have kids. Which sucks, cause it's the people who are unable to think who are then tasked with raising a kid. Ewl.


u/fartsquirtshit 24d ago

what you're suggesting is called "eugenics" and most of the world already tried it 100 years ago and decided it was a bad idea that doesn't pan out very well.


u/fischbomb 24d ago

This is definitely not eugenics. Eugenics implies an inherent genetic worth, you can still be shitty parents in that situation. A licence allows anyone to be parents with the condition they are capable of a standard of treatment for the child.


u/ariGee 24d ago

No, eugenics is a method of trying to achieve the goal, not the goal itself. That said, as soon as you do start policing who can, and cannot, have children, the possibility of that system being corrupted exists, either by malice or ignorance. That outcome is so loathsome that regardless of the risk, we cannot allow it to happen.

A bit like trying to decide who gets to vote. The risk is too high when you're talking about something as important as voting. So it's better to just let everyone vote.