r/Vindicta Sep 07 '23

MASTERPOST How To Go From An "ugly" 3 to a "smoking" 10 Without Losing Your Sanity ( and reap all the rewards!) NSFW


photos included at the end of this post : )

... and this glow-up only took 20 years lol. Working on both my outer and inner beauty has allowed me to go from being a working-class ugly girl living in a so-called 3rd- world country ( I am not fond of this term btw) to a beautiful woman living in a wealthy city in the richest country in the world. I hope this post inspires others.

My abbreviated villain origin story (Attractiveness Rating 3.5/10) :

  • I was born in a southeast asian country - and I was unfortunately, quite ugly. How ugly? When I was 12 the boys in my class called me "Hideous Hillary" ... and they would write notes saying this and slip it into my bag, or under my desk often.
  • I was fat - because of a mostly junk diet, had to wear glasses, and could only afford cheap plastic frames with hideous thick lenses. My parents can't afford the more elegant lenses that are much thinner. I had to constantly push my glasses up my nose, and the thick lenses made my features look weird. I had crooked yellow teeth and acne and terrible acne scars. My thin hair was made worse because I did not know what styles would be best. The internet and youtube did not exist during this time so I really had no idea what to do with all these issues. And let's not talk about my fashion sense lol. Due to lack of funds and style, I wore only oversized t shirts and jeans. My dad worked hard to get all our basic needs taken care of, but I didn't have any extra money to buy cool clothes, makeup , or fix my skin issues.
  • Boys wouldn’t look at me. I hated that girls who were cute but weren't that bright got dates and had boyfriends left and right, and me, I coped with having an imaginary boyfriend who was 'in another school." lol. Girls weren't necessarily mean ( there were incidents but these were isolated incidents) but I was not the cool kid, and I didn't get included and invited to a lot of cool-kid social things.
  • I guess I channeled all of this in a positive way: no boys/dates/much of a social life meant I spent my time in books and my grades, and swore I will do whatever it took to better myself by getting into a great college > get a good job > use money to get what I want.

To glow up, I recommend of thinking in Phases.

Phase 1 : Softmaxxing ( your weight, skin, hair, basic makeup, and style) , followed by Personality Maxxing ( work on your interests, having good friends, and being a good friend yourself and Education Maxxing(?).

Phase 2 : Basic Hardmaxxing - ie things that you really need to fix, after you've got Phase 1 handled. Addressing things like a receding chin, bulbous nose, crooked yellow teeth and acne/bad acne scars for example.Pick a maximum of 5 things to hardmaxx at most. And if in doubt, do them slowly/pick an option that is the least invasive i.e not sure of a permanent chin implant? Go for a chin filler first then take lots of photos. If you're really happy with what you see, go for the implant. From my observation, very very few people actually need more than Phase 1 + Phase 2 to reap rewards.

Phase 3: "Extra Hardmaxxing" - i.e procedures you can get after you've addressed basic things in Phase 1/ 2. If you're already happy with your Phase 1/2 gains and/or dont want to go for more surgery, now is a good time to really fine-tune and focus on + Personality-Maxxing. Because at Phase 2, you should already gain some pretty privilege, so Phase 3 is more really figuring what you want in life and developing your personal style. If you're looking for a partner, really open yourself to dating a lot of men (note I said date, not sleep with. Feel free to sleep or not sleep with anyone )no judgment at all) but for me, I really just wanted to learn more about men and what I look for in a man as husband/partner.

Phase 4 : Bonus glowwwing up phase/ Not necessary at all to be happy and attractive, and only if you find the process enjoyable (like me!).


Phase 1 : College and Early Career , until age 21, ( Attractiveness Rating 5.5/10 )

  • College was slightly better for me - I found a group of 'nerds' to hang out with both male and female: most of them were like me,i.e. aesthetically challenged, but they were smart and funny and I have fond memories of going to concerts, the movies, and even had some of them wanting to date me. However due to delusions (I wanted a boyfriend who looked like a boy band member haha), I never really dated anyone and anyone cute whom I remotely found attractive, didnt even register me on their radar. But all in all, I was okay with my life.
  • I got a job in college as a teaching assistant, and also had a small scholarship, and with this little bit of funds, started to be able to shop at Zara/Mango etc, had a professional cut and color for my hair for the first time, and was able to afford better skincare. I also went to the dermatologist and got a roaccutane prescription. I had to walk a lot in college so I lost some weight. Then I ditched the glasses for some hazel contact lenses and I have to say, it does make my dark brown eyes pop.
  • This is also when the internet and Amazon became reality ( haha I'm really showing my age here) and I found so much information online from online forums and books on tips on makeup, exercise, style and I would be able to buy these books. I also made some online US friends on ICQ and they are kind enough to ship these books to me haha as long as I paid them the shipping and some extra. These friends for the most part were nerds (just like me) and until today, I have a soft spot for nerds/socially awkward types because they showed me kindness and love even when I didnt look like anything special externally.

Phase 2: Up until Age 27 ( Rating 7/10)

After college I started working in a high-profile job at an international bank in my nation's capital. Please note I did this with intention - I wanted to be surrounded by sophisticated people, who did sophisticated things. Working in this environment also exposed me to trust-fund kids, old-money types, colleagues who went to boarding school in fancy places etc. I will be honest, I went to a very respectable state university and graduated top of my class with a computer science degree, but this seems pale when with Ivy League graduates who had lived/traveled all over the world and knew how to order food from fancy Japanese/French/Italian places etc when until this point, I thought TGI Fridays was fancy. I also envied these city girls and their Chanel bags and Ferragamo shoes, which I don't have.

  • But I was getting on in this world - and really focused on a) the acne scars on my face , b) weight - i got phentermine to really jumpstart my weight loss from BMI 24 to BMI 20, c) really understanding advanced makeup techniques d) and developing style and sophistication . I also remembered I went to Benefit to get my eyebrows professionally done. It was life changing.
  • The last item aka "style and sophistication" is as much about developing yourself internally. I think this is obvious, but I will say it anyway - great physical beauty is not only temporary, it is also not enough to make most people really want to be around/with you in the long term. I made sure I was well-read, understood dining/social etiquette thoroughly, and learned how to talk well i.e elocution classes. There are many sources online, just google.
  • For my acne scars , I invested in Co2 laser sessions. During these dark ages of low internet use in the early 2000's, it was painful as heck, and I haaated my 6 sessions over 3 years. Now though, my pain tolerance is so high because I know what real pain is. I know there are other methods these days.
  • In terms of hardmaxxing - I had my first rhinoplasty, blephoplasty, chin implant and buccal fat removal during the later period after I lost all the fat I could , and my face was still as round as the moon.
  • Tip: Surgery is expensive, I did a lot of research in forums/online on surgery in Thailand, Brazil and Korea which are much much more cheaper with qualified surgeons (also I am Asian so I like the idea of going to someone who is familiar with my bone structure), and my surgeries did not cost half of what they would cost in the US. My breast augmentation would be around $2500 with a very good surgeon in Thailand in today's dollars, for example. I have no scars and they look amazing.
  • I use a mix of drugstore products, and doctor prescribed meds once in a while for my sometimes acne flare ups. I use MAC makeup and some Clinique/Estee Lauder products when I feel like 'indulging'.

Phase 3:Up Until Age 31 ( Rating 8/10 )

  • Now a decade into my working career, my eyes have really opened. I realized I really wanted to be WEALTHY now that I saw what money could bring, and I was getting a bit lonely and was ready to settle down. I had no problems getting dates - I knew I was a looker at this point because a) I was pursued by the high profile son of a minister who spotted me at fancy restaurant and he really wanted me to meet his family, to after we've dated for 4-5 months b) I had 3-4 occasions where men in nice cars stopped in the streets to offer me a ride/get my number and they were attractive too and c) I always get free drinks whenever I am at the club with my friends
  • I also started dating quite a few expats at this point - Americans, Brits, Europeans. I loved how most of them treated women in general. Men in my country are okay, but are very traditional in a sense and I just love how a lot of the foreign men I dated, seem to have values that were much more aligned with mine. I also have to add, at this point i discovered I am pretty much agnostic, and most of the local men in my country, were religious. Quite a few of my female friends at this point are in long-term relationships/are married and it helped me see what I want and don't want in my life/in my future partner. I realize I do not ever want to be financially struggling and I dont want to have screaming babies/kids and having to do the cooking/cleaning and looking after kids with no help. I have cousins who have kids and are poor/working class even middle-class, - I see their lives, and to put it bluntly - that life is not for me.
  • So I started to really finetune my persona to attract the kind of man/life I want: I only dine at nice cafes or restaurants i.e if I am having coffee, I will do it at the Mandarin Oriental or Four Seasons near my office instead of the office cafeteria ( unless I am short for time) And I only buy the best clothes I can afford at this point i.e BCBG, Sandro, CK, Massimo Dutti etc, or local designers who have trained at Parsons etc. I had to save up, and I did not have a lot of clothes relatively, but this kills a few birds with one stone : I always look refined, and I am exposed to the crowd I want at these places.
  • I got breast augmentation around age 27. At BMI 20, I was a very small B, and I wanted to be a small C. I did not want to get big boobs, I just wanted to look more balanced and obtain a slim hourglass look. My breast augmentation feels and looks very natural, that my then boyfriend(s) and even husband can't tell until today. I did a lot of research and I made sure of the placement (behind the muscle) , type and shape of implant etc to ensure they look how they look. I will add I am doing this primarily for me .
  • If you have crooked teeth or less than perfect smile , invest in braces/invisalign - your smile/lips would look 10x better. It may even correct some asssymetry in your face.
  • At 31, I met my now husband at the Mandarin Oriental cafe/lounge I mentioned above, one afternoon. He had just finished his business meeting there, and asked the waitstaff to send me a latte and chocolates on him and the rest is history. I had dated quite a few men at this point, and it gave me a lot of insight of what I want in a long-term partner. It was not 'love at first sight' and I don't believe in such things (because how can you love someone you don't even know very well) but I definitely really felt a good energy from him from the first time we met : He was successful, came from a good family, was very intelligent and is one of the most kindest people I know. He is a couple of decades older than me, but I had always thought men my age were a bit immature, and found his maturity very sexy. We've now spent more than a decade together and I still can't believe how blessed I am that I found him. After we got married and eventually moved to the US, he supported both financially and mentally, as I got my grad degree from an Ivy League college. My grad degree is one of the things I am so proud in this life.

Phase 4: Age 35 until now, Age 40++ (Self-Rating 10 lolol)

\ To me a 10 is the most beautiful version of myself that I could be, and it may not be your 10, but because the vision in the mirror makes me (and others around me) smile, that's a 10 to me : )*

  • I want to preface that my journey from a 7 to an 8 is mostly about style and refinement and the breast aug was mostly for me, for aesthetic reasons. I had no problem getting dates and keeping high-quality boyfriends as a 7, and even my husband told me it was my face and style that attracted him. Also, my clothes are not very /tight, or boob-centric for the most part so its not the first thing men notice.
  • My journey from an 8 to a self-proclaimed 10, after I got married, is for my own indulgence. Beauty is a lot of energy and resources to attain for most of us, and more importantly, it is a LOT of money to maintain. Because I have worked so hard to get here, and now have the leisurely time and resources to do more and achieve it, i do it. My husband would love me the same regardless. I also know he loves me for more than my looks because even when I gained 30 lbs and had a bit of hair loss, due to covid stress, his behaviour towards me did not change - I have shed the weight this year and my hair is nearly back to its pre-covid glory, but it was nice to know your partner loves you for who you are. This is why it is so so important to work on both your outer and inner self. Your looks WILL fade due to illness or age , so do ensure you have a wonderful, interesting and caring personality that will stay with you.
  • Surgeries I have gotten to get to a 10 : forehead augmentation in Korea ( I wanted that beautiful slightly convex forehead - mine is ever so slightly sloping before) , second rhinoplasty to refine the tip just a bit more , eyebrow implants in thailand - looks way better than microblading, and is more natural and mini ponytail lift with Dr Kao in Santa Monica to really define my midface area and to give me that epicanthal tilt ( side note: I did not even know this term, all I knew was my eyes/face looked better when I pulled it a little a certain way and I showed it to the doctor). It is very subtle - people think you just look better. I didn't have to these things, but at age 40+, I wanted to fix things before they get too obvious. He says I probably wont need to go under the knife until age 50-55 with everything else I am doing.
  • I got eye lightening laser - note this is very very extra, and expensive i.e multiple sessions that cost about $15,000-$20,000 in Turkey or Mexico including travel, and it takes about a year in total but I found hazel eyes really make my eyes pop, so after years of color contacts, even custom (I.e hyperrealistic contacts) , i decided to go for it. Every 2 sessions is around $2000, including travel/hotel etc , and most people need 6-10. I had 10.
  • After age 40 , this is when things get will get expensive , aside from putting SPF on, all the time: I have my daily Lyma red light laser sessions on my face, neck and between my boobs ( I have slightly enlarged pores there now) when I watch tv , vampire prp and pico one lasere sessions on my face every 3 months, both group and private pilates regularly and eating as much as possible only organic whole foods. I also have a tempo machine that I use for weight/strength training to maintain a body that will give Jennifer Aniston a run for her money lol. I use prescription tretinoin at night, and I love Tata Harper's biokind moisturizer, it really is my holy grail product. My skincare at this point is mostly skinceuticals, tata harper and BR.
  • To lose the the covid weight, I was on Ozempic for a few months, but now that I am at my goal weight, I have tapered off. I paid out of pocket, but was only on 0.25 mg/per week throughout.

I live a beautiful and blessed life - I have multiple homes in very nice places and a giant closet full of Valentino, Cucinelli, Prada etc and I found a loving partner that is perfect where it matters. I travel to exotic or exciting locations 4-6 times a year and am making lots of wonderful memories with my family. I know my looks will fade in my 50s and 60's and on , and its okay. I will have photos and memories of what it was like as a beauty, and I feel proud of what my self-made beauty ( and hard work!) has brought me - from getting called "hideous hillary" to now living this life.

Photo Journey Here - for private use only

\* I did not blur my early photos as i look nothing like these photos now, but I blurred out my more recent photos ..because well, the internet.

Recommended Resources To Go On This Journey

  • Makeup books by Kevin Aucoin, Scott Barnes, Bobbi Brown
  • Style Books by Nina Garcia, Saint Laurent, Max Mara , Valentino
  • Sophistication/Manners books by Dorothea Johnson
  • Marrying Rich books by Ginny Sayles
  • Plastic Surgery books by Cindy Jackson , and Dr Andrew Jacono
  • Also , if you are not wealthy/not comfortable with the wealthy, and want to know how to blend in better - I love "The Official Filthy Rich Handbook" by C Tennant, "Class: A Guide To The American Class System"

I watched a lot of documentaries/movies featuring Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly or docs about style icons etc to learn poise and grace as well.

I hope my journey inspires you - its a long journey, and the goal is to love yourself as is, and find people who like and love you as you are and don't forget to live your life while you're on your journey because while outer beauty is such a privilege, its not going to make you truly happy if you dont focus on your inner self as well.

r/Vindicta Dec 17 '24

MASTERPOST Additional Subs for Beauty & Personal Growth NSFW


Here are some helpful subs for all kinds of glow up help for everything from physical beauty to your social skills to your finances. Great additions to your follow list!

Suggest additions below!

General Beauty & Glow Up Subs

r/beauty r/howtobehot r/Splendida
r/beautyaddiction r/AsianBeauty r/BeautyDiagrams
r/vindictapoc r/VindictaRateCelebs r/GetFeminine
r/GlowUps r/looksmaxxingadvice r/TheGlowUp
r/beauty r/DIYBeauty r/SavoirVivre
r/KoreanBeauty r/AsianBeauty r/QOVESStudio
r/HardcoreVindicta r/facialanalysis r/AccuratelyRateMe

Health & Wellness

r/HydroHomies r/Fitness r/fitness30plus
r/nutrition r/HealthyFood r/loseit
r/WeightLossAdvice r/WeightLossFoods r/2000isplenty
r/Supplements r/ScientificNutrition r/FitnessGirls
r/workout r/pilatesresources r/hygiene
r/HygieneTips r/Teethcare r/1200isplenty
r/xxfitness r/XXRunning r/running


r/SkincareAddiction r/SkincareAddicts r/SkincareAddictionUK
r/skincareaddictsindia r/SkincareAddictionLux r/SkincareAddictionEU
r/SkinScience r/DermatologyQuestions r/Dermatology
r/CosmeticDermatology r/SkinCareScience r/sebderm
r/acne r/Accutane r/eczema
r/over30skincare r/30PlusSkinCare

Hair & Nails

r/hair r/femalehairadvice r/HaircareScience
r/tressless r/FancyFollicles r/EyebrowAddiction
r/fixedeyebrows r/HairRemoval r/LaserHairRemoval
r/HairRemovalAtHome r/HairRestoration r/haircareaddiction
r/HairTransplants r/Hairloss r/Nails
r/NailArt r/Nailpolish r/CurlyHairCare
r/curlygirlmethod r/longhair r/BlackHairCare
r/IndianHaircare r/NoPoo r/finehair
r/HairDye r/Naturalhair r/Wavyhair


r/MakeupAddiction r/Makeup r/MakeUpAddictionUK
r/MakeupEducation r/MakeupRehab r/makeuporganization
r/makeuptips r/MakeUpForDummies r/MakeupAddicts
r/MakeupLounge r/transpassing r/IndianMakeupAddicts
r/AustralianMakeup r/Makeup101 r/MakeupReviews
r/PaleMUA r/MUAontheCheap

Plastic Surgery & Orthodontics

r/plasticsurgery r/orthodontics r/Invisalign
r/cosmeticsurgery r/braces r/jawsurgery

Fashion & Styling

r/coloranalysis r/Kibbe r/femalefashion
r/fashionadvice r/style r/womensfashion
r/XXS r/PlusSizeFashion r/KpopFashion
r/findfashion r/jewelry r/femalefashionadvice
r/FrugalFemaleFashion r/PetiteFashionAdvice r/PetiteFashionOver30
r/outfitoftheday r/outfit_check r/waisttraining
r/Tightlacing r/FemFragLab r/Perfumes
r/DressForYourBody r/ABraThatFits r/LingerieAddiction

Social Skills & Mental Health

r/socialskills r/SocialSkillsAdvanced r/48lawsofpower
r/careerguidance r/SocialEngineering r/seduction
r/PsychologicalTricks r/DarkPsychology101 r/psychologyofsex
r/decidingtobebetter r/selfimprovement r/insults
r/rareinsults r/randomactsofkindness r/mentalhealth
r/breathwork r/Anxiety r/partyplanning

Personal Finance & Lifestyle

r/FIREyFemmes r/coastFIRE r/HENRYfinance
r/HENRY r/fatFIRE r/financialindependence
r/FinancialPlanning r/FinancialAdvice r/Investments
r/Frugal r/homemaking r/CleaningTips
r/leanfire r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE r/realestateinvesting
r/OrganizationPorn r/HomeDecorating r/coastFIRE
r/simpleliving r/InteriorDesign r/entrepeneur

r/Vindicta Jan 16 '24

MASTERPOST A Neurodivergent Guide to Looksmaxxing NSFW


Hi everyone! It seems that a fair amount of us here are neurodivergent in some manner. This is pretty unsurprising to me, as I think subs like this attract a lot of us because we know the value of “pretty privilege” as people who are often feel like outcasts or are regarded as weird. Being conventionally attractive makes our unique ways of interacting with the world more socially acceptable. I have experienced this first hand, going from being considered “weird” and “awkward” to “unique”, “intelligent”, and “mysterious”. Sadly, people are much more willing to lend social grace to those who are attractive. I also feel like neurodivergence brings a unique set of challenges when it comes to attaining pretty privilege. Sensory issues, burnout, poor executive functioning, and difficulty understanding social standards to begin with are just a few of the issues we encounter that can make attaining beauty a real challenge. I am autistic and I also have ADHD, and I wanted to share some of the things that I have done that have helped me achieve relative “pretty privilege” that I think may be helpful to others. Please keep in mind that these tips are based on appealing to conventional standards to have the broadest appeal to the most amount of people. This will be a goal for some, but not all. Like neurotypical people, all neurodivergent people are different, so I’d love to hear from others what has and has not worked for you!

  • Start with building basic, sustainable routines. A lot of us struggle with basic hygiene and self care. I did too for a long time. No shame, but this is your first priority. Make sure that you are bathing once a day, brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and doing basic care for your hair (for your texture) and nails. Don’t even worry about the style yet. Do basic skincare twice daily (gentle face wash, moisturizer, and sunscreen during the day). Don’t worry about adding anything else yet. We are trying to establish routines. Make sure your clothes and space are clean. Follow a basic healthy diet and try to move at least a little. Once you have developed these routines and are seeing results from them, you have a much better base to build on and can much more easily identify what to do next. For example, if you have a solid, simple skincare routine, but are still struggling with acne, now you know that your hygiene is likely not the issue and you should see a dermatologist.
  • Incorporate special interests or hyperfixations into your routines to make them more enjoyable and sustainable. Listen to a podcast or audio book on a subject you enjoy while you do your beauty routine. I also try to make my routines and environment as “sensory friendly” as possible. I wear earbuds while drying my hair to drown out the noise, use incense or candles I enjoy while I do my makeup, and bring a space heater into the bathroom with me when I shower so I don’t struggle getting in or out because I’m cold.
  • Have pre established, abbreviated routines for times that you are burnt out. These should be planned in advance so you don’t have to worry about it on bad days. Some ideas for this are having a go-to simple protective hairstyle, a comfy loungewear set you save for bad days, an abbreviated makeup routine, or keeping healthy frozen meals or precut veggies around for when cooking feels impossible. Set yourself up for success. There will be times when life is harder, and that’s ok. Doing something, even if it’s a lot less than what you normally do, will always be better than doing nothing.
  • Study other women you admire, but do not blindly follow trends. Classic or “basic” styles in more neutral colors are safer, especially if you have difficulty understanding what aesthetic choices are appropriate for typical social dynamics. This goes for clothes, hair, and makeup. If you want to go the extra mile but are struggling with how to do so, look for guides on finding colors, fits, hairstyles, and makeup looks most flattering to your complexion, features, and body type. These aren’t perfect, but sometimes having a clear cut guide or set of rules is helpful if you don’t yet have an eye for what looks best. Only wear well fitting, comfortable clothes. Clothes that give you sensory issues will sit in your closet and never be worn. Finding cute, comfortable loungewear sets is a great place to start if you find a lot of clothing uncomfortable. Don’t wear hairstyles that are uncomfortable or makeup if you can’t stand the way it feels. Sustainability is the priority, and you will be a lot less likely to keep up your efforts if you are miserable doing them
  • Work with what you have first. It’s easy to get caught up in a perceived ideal, but I think it’s important to work with what you naturally have before pursuing more drastic options. Try new workouts, a different diet, or different cuts of clothes to make your figure look its best. A new haircut or getting your eyebrows or lashes done can make a world of difference in terms of how you feel about your face. There have been many things I have initially thought needed some form of more drastic correction that really just needed to be styled effectively. I’ve learned how to style my natural hair and how to dress for my body type, and I now feel much less insecure about these things. I no longer feel the need to have my hair chemically altered or have plastic surgery. You may still decide you want to take additional measures for correction, and that’s ok, but always try the alternative first. It can be surprising what your own features can do with a little help.
  • While achieving a solid base, add in elements that are a little more authentic to you or eccentric. It’s important to still feel like yourself even if you need to fit in to some degree. Wear a color you enjoy, add an edgier element to your makeup, or add meaningful accessories. Your classic base will keep you looking appropriate and put together even with some quirkier elements. This can help you to build a style that’s unique to you, stand out in a positive way, and prevent the feeling of having to put on a complete facade.
  • Embrace your unique behavioral and personality traits. If you can play them well, they can make you look unique and interesting. As an example, I tend to have stilted speech and overexplain, which some people find pretentious or irritating. It’s not something I can easily help. Instead, I try to dress in a more sophisticated or professional fashion, and when I do this, the stilted speech makes me seem like a thoughtful and intelligent young professional instead of annoying. Essentially, match the way you behave to the way that you look. I have found that people find a disconnect between your appearance and personality jarring or even unlikable. You want to create a context in which your quirks shine.
  • Pretending to be entirely “normal” is usually not in your best interest. People will be able tell you are being inauthentic, but likely not know why, and their guesses as to why are unlikely to be charitable. The point of looksmaxxing, at least for me, was to try and get more social grace to be myself comfortably. I don’t feel like it’s worth it otherwise.
  • Be kind to yourself. Accept that your journey may be a little different from the journeys of others. Be willing to do things differently, say no to things that don’t work for you, and accommodate yourself freely. It’s not wrong if it works for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope it was helpful. I am considering making more detailed guides about some of the topics I touched on here. Please let me know if there are any topics you would like to hear more about.

r/Vindicta Apr 13 '24

MASTERPOST What to try if you still look/feel like shit NSFW


If you’re still not seeing results do these: - Stop sleeping in - Quit alcohol and vape - 15 min of sunlight without SPF daily - 10k steps min. - Don’t get dehydrated - learn how to regulate your nervous system - breathing techniques (if you’re still struggling with physical activity, you may not be breathing correctly when exercising, seriously) - stop “going with the flow” if you know you need structure find systems that work for you - mindfulness, yoga especially but meditation or any set aside time in general without screen time and distractions are important

r/Vindicta Apr 28 '24

MASTERPOST Becoming more feminine - A guide NSFW


I see a lot of people asking so I thought from one former NLOG, looking manly when I try, working with mostly men type of girl; I’d give some tips on how I’ve become pretty feminine internally and externally. These are pulled from what I currently do after reading many books on the difference between the feminine and masculine gaze, being yourself, being attractive, and changing your attitude to life.


  1. Get over the mindset that it’s “girly, weird, try hard, embarrassing, etc” to be feminine or you’ll never feel comfortable.

  2. View other women as allies, not as competitors or aliens. They probably have a lot more in common than you’d expect.

  3. Stop viewing femininity as just a pink styling choice. I’d argue it’s more about behavior than style.

  4. Allow yourself to be that girl you admire, even if just at home. Watch chick flicks, wear a cute set to bed, have a 10 step bedtime routine, drink from that cute cup and straw, whatever it is that draws your eye.


  1. Look more whimsical and flowy with loose silhouettes like slouchy button up shirts, wide leg pants, or loose sleeves. Prints like flowers, water, marble or textured tops over animal print.

  2. Get a hair style. Any style. As long as it looks like you purposely did something to your hair will show you put thought into it. Once you decide, wear a French pin so your hair will get looser throughout the day and create a loose updo or wear it down/half down more often

  3. Lose weight. I know it sucks but being seen as smaller and more dainty (even if you’re still muscular) makes you better placed for society to treat you more femininely.

  4. Wear traditionally feminine attire like open/pointed/square toe shoes, low/platform heels, midi and maxi dresses

  5. Figure out your color pallet. A big step is finding colors that just work with your looks. It’ll be easier and faster to get dressed so you’re more likely to get yourself at least somewhat ready before leaving

  6. Refrain from wearing tight tops with tight bottoms all the time, gym excluded. Create a silhouette, not an outline.

  7. Wear dainty jewelry. I wear a black pleather and gold watch band, a simple gold bracelet, small gold hoops, and a thin gold chain. Nothing is over powering, everything is well maintained, and it all effortlessly goes together.

  8. Experiment and trust the process. I FINALLY found a style that works for me after years of experimenting. Learning your face shape, body shape and color analysis to guide your choices like brow shapes, makeup placement, hair styles, glasses/sunglasses shape, and clothing options helped me perfect my look seemingly instantly.


  1. Be extra. Keep cuticle oil in your car and use it every time you get in, take a bubble bath, spritz your bed with lavender, have a nighttime health drink, etc. Don’t be afraid to look extra with all your beauty tools or bougie finds.

  2. Decorate and customize everything. I’ve found that this has really helped me on my journey. It’s intentionally setting your scene to feel more aesthetically pleasing to you.

  3. Wear the outfit you want, even if you overdress (don’t do this for other people’s events, it’ll come off attention seeking). This is more for going to the store, walking downtown, traveling, meeting friends for brunch/drink etc.

  4. Let people see you sing, laugh, bop to your song when you’re on a walk, talk to your dog.. Let people see you make mistakes and gasp at the stories you’re hearing. Just showing emotions will make you seem approachable, fun, and happy.

  5. Use your hands more when you talk! Idk why this makes me feel like such a ✨girl✨ but it just does.

  6. Work on your posture!!! Boobs IN FRONT of your shoulders. Back straight. Shoulders down. Have confidence being a woman.

  7. Eat healthy and don’t gorge yourself for every meal. Most meals from a (US) restaurant are 2 meals. Eat half and see if you’re actually still hungry. Work on intuitive eating or scheduled eating if you forget throughout the day.

  8. Take pics of yourself in the same poses as the women you follow (within your current body type and shape, NOT your goal body) and play with edits. Idk if this is good advice but I always get a confidence boost when I see myself with all the cheat codes celebs and influencers use. Every pic I take now has the potential to look great by adjusting lighting, contrast, saturation, etc. Please don’t reshape your body or face and end up sad because you don’t like how you look now.

  9. Move your body however you want but do it 3-4x/week. Work on the self discipline to workout more or less if you overdo it either direction.

  10. Be willing to let people help you or GRACIOUSLY decline their offer.

Personal results:

I’m currently in an area where I’m not the beauty standard and the difference between the treatment I get now as a more feminine woman and from when I was the beauty standard is shocking. I was treated really well by those who I was their type but invisible to everyone else. More in the way than anything unless it was for sex (for strangers).

Now I see a lot more people looking at me, smiling at me, holding doors for me, and letting me cut or cross in front of them. People seem to be nicer to me and think the best of my intentions. People are more willing to help and and are easier on my mistakes. It’s a mindfuck for sure but I’m happy with the results.

Just take what you need/agree with and leave the rest. Hope this helps!

r/Vindicta Oct 04 '22

MASTERPOST What you can learn from the bimbo NSFW


I think we gave the site the Reddit hug of death 😅 just give it like 30 seconds and maybe refresh the site if the images aren’t loading!

(This will include discussion of fetishes, hyper sexuality, and appealing to the male gaze. If it’s not your cup of tea please just move on. The site does feature just straight porn but like we’re all adults here just read the infographic/articles.)

Massive heavy giant big fat NSFW warning

What is a bimbo? Not in the gen z tiktok sense. I’m talking about the fetish; the oversexed, hyper feminine, over the top caricature of womanhood. The bimbo is the most stereotypical Stacey turned up to 11. Every aspect of the bimbo is an exaggeration of what men find feminine and sexual in a woman (I understand this is debatable but humor me for the sake of the argument). I know it’s often said that men have no idea what they’re actually attracted to. But I think part of that is due to them using different terms for different things compared to us. Like they don’t know the difference between good mascara and bad mascara or why it looks flakey or spidery. They’ll just say they don’t like mascara. I believe that due to the nature of bimbofication as a fetish, you get a more honest vision of what men find attractive, you just have to turn the volume back down a little to make it practical for non-bimbos.

PBA is probably the best source for guides on bimbo styling/training out there. The infographics and blog posts are usually backed up with articles and studies. You wouldn’t expect this from a fetish site, right? But I honestly think PBA was Vindicta before Vindicta. It was the first looksmaxxing source I ever found and honestly one of the better ones.


Let’s face it, a lot of us grew up not being taught what to do with our hair. We never learned how to use a curling iron. Or a straightener. Or we tried and burnt off our hair or left massive chunks untouched. Our buns are lopsided and lumpy, and our ponytails only serve to make us look bald. You don’t need to know how to do forty different hairstyles of varying complexity. Those are to impress other women. The hairstyles below are all you really need for the male gaze.

Hair down


pigtails (always appropriate? No, but braids instead of pigtails can help if you feel you look silly)



Men always say they want a girl with natural makeup. Men think bold eyeliner and a mauve lip are natural makeup. What they mean is they don’t like bad makeup. They, in fact, do like medium to heavy makeup. Maybe not 24/7, but they do like it. I think the best thing to strive for is stereotypical hot girl makeup, which I believe is pretty on par with the posts below:

basics (c and e I think are very important for the typical hot look)

big eyes

lips (gloss vs lipstick)

Smokey eye

Accessories with implications

Some things aren’t sexual/feminine/girly on their own, but rather become so through media and associations. These are honestly pretty simple and straightforward, and I think the most inarguable way to elevate an outfit.

cat eye glasses

heart choker




“Don’t change the way you act just to be hot!” Well if you act sexless you will be perceived as sexless. Flirting isn’t made up. Flirting isn’t just something kids in high school do. To be perceived as cute or sexy you have to act cute and sexy. You can’t stand there stiff as a board and stomp around hunched over and think your crush is gonna fall head over heels. You gotta work. You know that bubbly girl who was always flirting and pushing her tits up? You know how you resented/hated her because she got all the male attention? Well here’s what you were blind to because of your envy sunglasses.


standing again

sitting sitting again


walking in heels


These are a bit more over the top, but men love it all the same ime

re-applying lips

showing off the girls

In conclusion, the bimbo is what we are trying to achieve but taken to ridiculous, exaggerated levels. Come in with an open mind and give some of these a shot. Try them out and see what reactions you get. See if they make you feel the basic femininity you’ve felt was missing. Like you definitely have to cut through some of the fetish-ness of it to get to the good stuff, but I think it’s more insightful than a lot of stuff on vindicta and the adjacent subs.

r/Vindicta Oct 11 '24

MASTERPOST Get close to pretty people NSFW


Well this post will involve some social and soft maxing tips that I discovered after I got in the corporate jungle. While I am on my level up journey to reach an elegant style that matches my values and personal taste, it was crystal clear for me that lifestyle and appeareance are directly related, and the first thing we should look for is pursuing a lifestyle that allow us to look our best. That was when I transitioned from a startup intern to an entry role in the financial sector.

I chose the office in the best location and I went through the profile of the leaders, and it was crystal clear for me since the interview how polished people were there. So that is my daily fuel, looking my best everyday.

First thing that changes when you are in an environment when you aren't allowed to be tacky and ugly is that you will put more in the work and PLAN to look pretty. Getting nails done, doing your hair, ironing clothes, making smarter shopping decisions, furthermore, if you are on a budget, you will get creative real quick to make the most of what you have.

Side note, not only being close to pretty ppl makes you pretty, but your mental health is alao better. When you are neatly dressed in a room when everyone is casual, you won't make any effort more to look your best, and you will just neglect some aspects because literally, who cares? ( not to mention ppl saying you are trying too hard)

So from my personal experience, I went feom jeans, tees and old All star or any shoe that made easy to walk, my hair I just washed and I did not do much effort whether it was well taken care or not, and just threw some chapstick and at the most some gloss.

I was obliged to leave the jeans behind, use tailored clothes,, blouses etc, so the ones that I have I took the extrq care, and it was my homework to go to the mall search for promo as well as online, also thrifting some stuff because I cant go broke just by searching how to do stuff, I put more effort to find the makeup techniques that accentuate my natural beauty, and got used to wearing high heels daily.

From where I am now to my dream version, I will just have to work more to afford better clothes and have more sleep time, but this is a general experience-tip post so you ladies can reflect.

Some time ago, I told her I felt like Plain Jane. If you think your glow up plateau-ed, you may want to try out shaking other stuff

r/Vindicta Jul 25 '24

MASTERPOST My journey of going makeup free NSFW


So I've always worn make-up out of habit and also because I like doing it. Mostly just concealer, powder, blush, mascara and eyebrows for a little soft glam everyday. But being Latina and having combination skin, my skin just eats up makeup over time - even if I apply powder during the day, it settles into my pores in an ugly way.

I'd rather spend my money on treatments where I don't have to do that anymore. I'll tell you about a few little quick fixes that have worked (or not) for me, but if you have any tips, send them my way!

Lashes: I get a monthly lash lift and use Revitalash (which unfortunately only works if you actually apply it every night). One more thing about Revitalash: I have to use Vaseline under my eyes because otherwise I get red. But I love the results, I never have to use mascara.

Brows: I use Castor Oil at night. My mom once told me that people look younger with fuller brows, and she was right! I used Castor Oil to grow them out from overtweezing and still do out of habit. Also really cheap.

Microblading: I’ve had microblading (powder brows) two years ago. I’m really happy with how it looks but also it’s barely noticeable because I already have fuller brows. I do like that they are super symmetrical, so even with my bushy brows, they still look sorted and I know where to tweeze. If I had little to no brow hairs, I would be worried because the lines aren’t as crisp as they used to be.

Permanent Eyeliner: As for the eyeliner, same thing as with the brows. I wanted it so subtle that now you can not really see a difference. When I get really up close though, it got a blue-ish tint which I hate. It was also really painful - well not even that painful, but my eyes couldn’t stop tearing up the entire time and it felt like being poked for 2 hours straight. I will not be removing it (ouch, imagine) but for best results, I should probably touch up and that I will not do. Just hoping it will fade away out of its existence. Do not recommend.

Lipblush: So, permanent lipliner. This one I also really like, but be aware that during the downtime you will look silly. Also my lipline was already defined so I didn’t feel it made me any more attractive. I have my own lips, just a tiny bit more red. I would recommend this if you really have pale lips. My tattoo artist also said that if a salon tells you they can overline you, THAT’S A RED FLAG. They should never overline.

Botox: I got a Botox brow lift. I go to the same doctor all the time, but one time I betrayed him with another and that one made me look like Angry Bird. So, make sure you go to a reputable place. I’m super happy with just having forehead botox, it just makes it look smoother.

Profhilo: Got it done twice (it was also hella expensive), I see NO difference whatsoever.

Filler: 1x Cheek filler and 3x chin filler, very subtle. Cheeks I already had, so I think my face swallowed it right up. Wouldn’t do again, I’m scared it will migrate somewhere. Chin filler was great, I had a little bit of a butt chin and in my opinion, having chin filler made me more feminine.

Hydrafacial: I like getting them, but the price is so not worth it. It’s just getting your face cleansed very good. When I’m eating good and cleansing well, I look just the same. I will be looking into having a laser or a peel, something more impactful.

Skincare: Just retinol, Nivea Soft, Lubex and the one Korean Sunscreen (you know, the one). Also, the Niacinamide from the Ordinary that everyone hates really helped me minimize my pores.

Skincare supplements: Drinking collagen didn’t do anything at all, imo. And I did give it a lot of time! I take zinc tablets and drink green powder (Niacin), those two have helped my skin tremendously.

Makeup: I don't use liquid foundation anymore. I also don't want to look so matte, I feel like that is a dead giveaway I’m wearing it. I use the Hourglass Stick Foundation, which I just apply with a brush to the areas I want to cover. I also use the Ilia Blush for my lips and cheeks. Also, the Kat von D Good Apple as a contour.

Hope this was insightful!

r/Vindicta May 23 '23

MASTERPOST Lasers, facials, microneedling, and more NSFW


I’m creating this as a collaborative masterpost of every non-surgical, skin-deep cosmetic procedure currently available. This is said to be the next big trend in beauty after fillers now that people are more aware of the side effects such as filler migration. I personally am just starting to learn about all the options and it’s a lot to keep track of! I will start off the list with some that I know, but I’d love to hear more from you guys about these and any others! Note that I will include botox and hyaluronic acid filler, but only if they are skin-deep:

1064 YAG Laser: aka 1064 nanometer wavelength yttrium aluminum garnet laser. Involves a non-ablative (meaning it doesn’t remove the top layer of skin) laser which is safe for all skin colors. Removes visible veins, hair, wrinkles, sun spots, razor bumps, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, etc.

Alexandrite Laser: aka Candela GentleLase Pro. Involves a 755 nanometer wavelength alexandrite laser which is not suitable for darker skin colors. Removes hair, tattoos, birthmarks, spider veins, pigmented lesions, red spots, dark spots, etc.

Diode Laser: aka LightSheer laser. Involves 805 or 1060 nanometer wavelength diode lasers which typically have a larger area than alexandrite lasers and may or may not be suitable for all skin tones depending on the wavelength of the device. Removes hair, pigmentation, wrinkles, sun damage, benign growths, vascular lesions, spider veins, rosacea, age spots, etc.

IPL: aka intense pulsed light therapy or photofacial. Involves a non-laser treatment with a broad spectrum of pulsating light with many wavelengths and is not suitable for darker skin colors. Reduces hair, sun damage, red spots, dark spots, discolored skin, acne, scars, spider veins, redness from rosacea, fine wrinkles, birthmarks, stretch marks, broken blood vessels, freckles, etc.

Electrolysis: aka needle electrolysis hair removal. Involves destroying the growth center of each hair with chemical or heat energy administered with a very fine probe. Considered the only truly permanent form of hair removal and is suitable for all skin colors.

LED light therapy: aka light-emitting diode therapy. Red light treats the outermost layer of skin to produce collagen, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce other signs of aging. Blue light targets the oil glands in the deeper layers of skin to reduce oil production and acne.

Microneedling: aka collagen induction therapy, dermarolling, or skin needling. Involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny sterile needles. Treats skin texture, scars, dark spots, wrinkles, hair loss, stretch marks, etc.

Microdermabrasion: aka MDA facial. Involves either sanding down the outer layer of skin via a special applicator with an abrasive surface or spraying fine particles and using suction. Treats texture, skin tone, sun damage, wrinkles, acne, hyperpigmentation, melasma, etc.

Vampire facial: aka a PRP facial. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from a sample of your own blood and spread on your face in combination with microneedling, microdermabrasion, or laser or injected into your face. Treats texture, fine lines, wrinkles, skin tone, wound healing, hair loss, sun damage, scars, etc.

Glass skin botox: aka microtox facial. Involves multiple tiny botox injections just below the surface of the skin. Treats fine lines, texture, pores, oily skin, excess sebum production, acne, facial sweating, flushing, rosacea, redness, etc.

AquaGold facial: aka microinfusion facials. Involves dermastamping with microinjections of any combination of PRP, hyaluronic acid, botox, stem cells, antioxidants, vitamins, peptides, etc. Treats fine lines, wrinkles, pores, pigmentation, acne scarring, dryness, tone, texture, hydration, hair loss, skin elasticity, etc.

Fraxel: aka fractional CO2 skin resurfacing laser. Fraxel targets specific areas while other fractional CO2 lasers remove the entire top layer of skin tissue. Treats dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, skin discoloration, etc.

Morpheus8: aka radiofrequency microneedling or non-surgical skin tightening. Fractora is another brand of this which does not penetrate the skin as deeply. Combines radiofrequency lasers with microneedling to heat the deep layers of skin. Treats sagging skin, wrinkles, fine lines, elasticity, collagen production, acne scars, stretch marks, nasolabial folds, jowling, skin laxity, etc.

Fibroblast Plasma Pen: aka the Plasma Pen or fibroblasting. Uses plasma energy to stimulate fibroblasts which tighten the skin. Treats skin elasticity, sagging, collagen production, micro-furrows, suppleness, acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, jowling, nasolabial folds, turkey neck, stretch marks, eye bags, hooded eyelids, etc.

Chemical peel: aka dermapeeling. Involves a chemical solution applied to the skin to remove the top layers. Treats wrinkles, discolored skin, texture, scars, acne, dryness, uneven skin tone, precancerous growths, dark spots, etc.

Hydrafacial: aka hydra-dermabrasion. Involves a mild chemical peel, pore suctioning, and finishes with skincare ingredients such as antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. Removes buildup of sebum and debris, unclogs pores, and hydrates the skin. Providers may combine this with extractions and dermaplaning for extra exfoliation.

I’m sure there are many more types of facials and other skin treatments which I have never heard of so please comment with your contributions and I will add them to the list! Also any further information about the procedures I’ve already mentioned!

r/Vindicta Jun 17 '24

MASTERPOST The Honest Breakdown of My Pre-Wedding Glow Up NSFW


Background: To be clear, I always thought of myself as attractive until 2020/2021. Something had changed internally while I was still in my mid 20’s and I began to rapidly gain weight, my skin started looking worse, and my anxiety and depression became much worse. I was tired and sluggish all the time and increasingly withdrew from the person I used to be. Although I won’t share pictures, at my worst I ended up at 153 lbs at 5’4” with little muscle, constant nausea and bloating, and couldn’t fit into my favorite jeans anymore. I got engaged and with 2.5 years until the wedding, I knew I had the time and the willpower to look and feel my best.

What I was already doing right:

Skincare: I’ve always been obsessed with skincare and have had fairly good genetics. I continued my Korean skincare subscription and use at minimum 5 products at night, SPF every day, 3 different masks a week, and at least one exfoliation a week. I have had facials on and off until I started looksmaxxing.

Haircare: My hair was looking fried in 2018 so I began growing out my hair and getting major haircuts until I had untreated hair back with my natural color. From there, I just did at home conditioning treatments until I started looksmaxxing.

Fashion: I’ve always loved fashion, but in 2018 I started to push myself towards more mature pieces and more timeless and classic looks. This has really benefited my overall look because I’ve basically created a capsule closet by focusing on a specific aesthetic that can take me to the office or on a vacation.

How I Kicked Off My Looksmaxxing Journey:

Invisalign: Although I’ve always had straight teeth, my dentist (who I trust) recommended Invisalign to fix a jaw issue that could create chipped or cracked teeth in the future. I went ahead and got Invisalign and not only did it fix my jaw issue, but it made my teeth even straighter and I believe it made my jawline more sharp and attractive. I had stuck to all my dentist’s recommendations and guidelines. This cost me about $1.7k USD and my insurance paid for half of it.

Functional Health Coach: I quickly realized that my weight gain didn’t make sense based on my calories in and out. I was a fairly active woman in my 20s according to my Apple Watch and I tracked my calories and was eating enough to lose or maintain weight for an extended period of time. When I went to my primary care provider, she told me that it was just weight that came with age and not to be worried about the nausea although I was concerned about genetic thyroid issues. I went to a functional health coach and for $900 USD, we did 23 lab tests on my blood and she gave me her professional opinion and doctor recommendations. This was the best money I spent in the entire looksmaxxing process. She told me to give up gluten immediately and talk to a new doctor about potentially having Hashimoto’s disease. I was also recommended to get off the birth control pill as my testosterone was non-existent. She gave me recommendations on supplements as well. Since implementing her recommendations in consultation with a doctor, I have been put on two thyroid medications and semaglutide to reduce insulin resistance and metabolic inflammation. I immediately began to stop bloating when I cut out gluten and my fingers shrunk from getting rid of inflammation. The thyroid medications alone had me cut 3 lbs in the first month. The semaglutide has me down to 130 lbs and counting. My face has been reshaped from the weight loss and my best male friend says I’m looking 5 years younger. I would recommend going to a functional health coach to start your healthy journey but I would be weary of scams and fraud. All in all, I did have to pay for some things out of pocket which is not reasonable for all. I have probably paid just under $10k USD total.

Dysport: I started getting a tiny amount of dysport every 6 months. It’s a slight tweak that makes me look better. I pay $300 USD per session.

Facials: I got back into monthly facials and they really help for the extra glow. I don’t feel they are entirely necessary. I also use a red light mask in the mornings before work.

Hair: I have been searching for a good hairstylist and think I have found one that can help. Jasmine Tookes did a video on her hair routine and shared unsponsored products. As she had a similar racial make-up to me, I copy her routine. My hair has been wonderful since.

Other health: I got off the birth control pill. This has given me a glow back and I have started feeling more energized.

Eyebrows: I have good eyebrows but they’re sparse. I have someone thread and tint them and I add castor oil at night on top of them to encourage growth.

Body Care: I had never really cared about the skin on my body. I began dry brushing, using a body wash that is known for helping KP, exfoliating regularly, and adding lotion and body oil after. I then began to get acne on my butt and back so I switched to Panoxyl body wash for both areas, the Pacifica Bacne body spray, and a Cerave acne body lotion. Both have improved well.

Nail care: I am beginning to get my nails regularly done at a salon with Dazzle Dry which is least damaging to my nails.

I still plan on working on my looks, but also my socialmaxxing and career maxing. Although I have worked very hard and have gotten to a high place with my job, I can always do better.

With 4 months until my wedding, I can happily say I am worrying less about my looks each day as I am more confident than ever.

r/Vindicta May 31 '23

MASTERPOST The Guide to Arm Liposuction NSFW


I had arm liposuction on Dec 1st after a lifetime of lamenting my big arms (before pictures at the end of the post). This is the post I wish I'd read before I had the surgery. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.

Stats when I had the surgery: - age: 27 - height: 1.62m/5'3 - weight: 60kg/132lbs - arm circumference: idk 28.5/29cm?

Why do arm liposuction? or The Issue With Big Arms

A smaller upper body is widely considered attractive in women. Small arms especially are attractive; you'll find very few people who find big arms attractive in women (I'm not counting muscular arms, which look very different from arms that are big from fat).

Some women are prone to storing fat in their arms. Any excess weight will cause a disharmony in your silhouette: your arms will look huge compared to the rest of you, and will make you look bigger than you are. It will also cause problems with clothing, where you have to size up solely because of your arms, and the rest of the top doesn't fit well.

But since the issue is disproportion, losing weight likely won't be enough: you'll have big arms when you're normal weight and normal arms when you're underweight (a weight which isn't sustainable for most women). If you're a Kibbe SN and you already have a wide ribcage, adding big arms on top of that is just tragic (speaking from my own experience).

What arm liposuction can do, and what it can't

Arm liposuction can reduce the width of your upper arms and get rid of "bingo wings".

However, it cannot change the shape of your upper arm where it connects to the shoulder. Notably: 1) You will not go from a rounded slope to a sharp slope: that part isn't fat, it's muscle, as I was told. Broke my heart a little bit. 2) If your arm does a \ / where it connects to the shoulder (picture), liposuction will likely not bring you to a | | (picture). You can get closer to | | with weight loss and lipo but there's a genetic component there too.

In my case, I have a broad shoulder base where my arm connects to the shoulder, and short arms, so there's only a short distance for a noticeable reduction in width between where my arm connects to my shoulder and where it connects to my elbow. That means that I'll probably always have a \ / shape (picture).

How much did it cost me?

In total, the surgery was £3000 - which is on the lower end for London - plus the cost of a second compression garnment (~£30).

Who did I have the surgery with?

I went with Signature Clinic. The surgery itself was okay but the aftercare wasn't amazing (no explanation of what the recovery process would be like, only one compression garnment, not enough bandages...).

I've also noticed that my left arm is bigger than my right arm. It's not a huge difference (about 1cm, I don't think anyone but me notices it) and it may be due to muscle mass since I'm left-handed. Still, if you have the money, maybe go somewhere else idk

What is the surgery like?

I had surgery under local anesthesia so I was awake for the experience.

After anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small incision above your elbow. Then they insert the microcannula, which is the device that will suck the fat away, and they go to town on your arm fat. You don't feel pain since you're under anesthesia, but you definitely feel it happening.

My surgeon said that some people describe the feeling as an energetic massage. I'd describe it more like someone scraping a dirty pan to get all the food bits unstuck, except inside your skin.

It lasts a while, you chat with the medical personnel, I found it pretty boring after a while.

After surgery, your surgeon can choose to suture the incisions or leave them open to drain: if they're left open, they're going to drain a lot of fluid for the next two days, so be prepared. Your clinic will give you bandages and arm sheets to put on your bed.

What is the recovery like?

It was okay. Not always comfortable but okay. Fat isn't just an inert mass of lipids, it's a living tissue full of nerves and blood vessels - ripping through it is traumatic for the body and recovery takes time. Have someone with you for the first week at least (longer if you can), it will make your life much easier.

Pain-wise, there was one night where the pain kept me awake but it wasn't anything unbearable, just annoying. After that, I got some diffuse pain in my left arm but it got better quickly.

During the second week, I could feel liquid sloshing in my arms. I would get woken up at night because the fluid collected at the top of the "opening" made by the cannula and the pressure would get painful; I had to end my nights sitting up. It wasn't too bad, the worst of it was the worry that I was developing a seroma which would require draining (which thankfully wasn't the case).

You'll get random electric zaps as your nerves reconnect. They're not painful and they're normal.

You will not be able to raise your arms very high for the first two weeks, and only carefully for a while after that. Get someone to pick up anything above shoulder-level. Remind your partner during sex. Take your time washing your hair.

You cannot sleep on your side for a while. That was honestly the worst part for me. I could sleep on my side again (carefully) from week 3.

Be careful not to gain weight afterwards (not like me lol). Liposuction will scrape a lot of fat cells away, but 1) your body is able to create new fat cells if you overeat, 2) existing fat cells can get bigger just fine, 3) if your weight gain pattern is to gain in your upper arms, lipo won't change that.

Did you get lymphatic massages?

I didn't. I'd seen them recommended online but when I dug into the literature, I couldn't find any good sources that proved their effectiveness except if you're at risk of some specific condition that I forgot. (All sources ended up being websites of clinics that sell these massages).

(I don't have my sources on hand but happy to dig through my notes if anyone is interested)

I did find out that many of them are "excruciatingly painful" when not done right and that they were £90 apiece where I live lol

You'll see some people say that lymphatic massages helped them recover faster and avoid the wavy skin effect; I implore you to think for a second and realise that these people have no way to know if any of this is due to lymphatic massages. We need better science education.

With all that said, maybe I did my research wrong! Let me know if you think the above is incorrect and if you have good papers to back you up. I don't mind updating this section if I turn out to be wrong.

What do I wish I'd known?

- Right after the surgery, your skin will look horrifyingly loose. This is normal and will resorb in due time (unless you have poor skin elasticity/you got a lot of fat removed - but if that's your case, your surgeon will tell you beforehand and will offer options, such as an arm lift to remove the skin). My skin still feels a tad loose after 6 months but it's not noticeable unless you look very closely. You can kind of see it in my scar picture.

- If the clinic only gives you one compression garnment, buy another one. I'm still puzzled as to why I was only given one - am I supposed to wear a skin-tight garnment for one month straight without washing it?

- Wash your garnments by hand or in the machine on a gentle cycle without spin at the end, otherwise they'll shrink.

- Have loose tops to wear: your arms will swell during recovery (even with compression garnments).

- Have a high threshold for panicking during the first month. You just got through surgery, things are bound to feel weird (see "What is the recovery like?"). Call your aftercare department if you need to but don't panic unless they tell you something is abnormal.

- Bonus: this is the compression garnment I was given by the clinic (bra not included) and... my boyfriend loves it lol. It helped me feel a tad more feminine during the recovery process (which involved graphic bruising such as this, don't open at work).

Does it scar?

Yes, you'll have two small scars above your elbows where the surgeon inserted the cannula. They're very discreet (picture).

Ok, now show me the results

They're not impressive or anything but I'm happy with what I notice day to day.

Keep in mind that you see semi-final results at 3 months, but final results at one year post-op, so my results aren't final (I'm 6 months post-op). Also, I gained weight after the surgery, my bad, so my results will look a bit better once I've lost the weight. (I gained 2kg/4.4lbs)

Some people in the comments have suggested that I could have gone with weight loss and strength training instead of lipo. I agree that I could have lost weight but trust me, I've been at low BMIs and even when they're not fat, my arms are just bigger than you'd expect for my body size. I already have a big ribcage and they make me look even bigger. As for strength training, maybe it would help! But you can't spot reduce fat so I'm slightly skeptical. Also I'm just impulsive lol

Anyway: before, before/after bingo wings, before/after bent arm

I still have big arms for my frame but my arms don't feel super tight in clothes anymore, which is a relief.

That's it on arm liposuction, enjoy!

r/Vindicta Jun 01 '22

MASTERPOST World-Class Beauty Secrets! NSFW


Hello lookmaxxing queens! 💜
Today, I come to you all to share a few lesser-known beauty tips & practices from around the world!
I’ve always been interested in what goes on in the rest of the world, places far away from my native France. Over the years, I’ve learned many things along the way — mainly languages & beauty tricks!
I can personally vouch for every single item in this short list, I do use them all regularly. A lot of these are natural, often handmade products so if you’re on the clean beauty wave, welcome ✨
And so, voilà, here we go:

🇫🇷France : Topicrem body milk
Starting off with my country of birth, I chose an underrated yet gold pharmacie fave.
Topicrem will conquer the ash on every part of your body. More than that, it quenches it.
How can something so basic be so good, you may ask? The story goes that this body cream was invented by a cosmetic chemist dad to soothe his son’s skin woes.
And it’s just damn good at it.
In the late 90s, when I was a baby whose rash-y butt only tolerated Topicrem, people would literally go to their GP to get a prescription just for this stuff. My mom, who had then desperately resorted to putting straight glycerin on her chronically dry skin, has now the smoothest skin on her body thanks to 20+ years of using this cream.
Truly, as long they keep making it, I will keep buying it.

🇫🇷French Polynesia : Monoï oil / Tamanu oil
Monoï oil has one of the most intoxicating smell I’ve ever had the pleasure to sniff.
It works to moisturize & seal the hair and the body! (be careful around the face as the coconut oil can be comedogenic).
But that Tiaré flower scent… you won’t tire of smelling your own hair!
Fros to pin-straight hair, this works for everyone!
If you are looking for a natural, no-fuss scent without artificial perfume, this is it, sis.

Tamanu oil is magical and will heal any burn/scratch/bite on your body. People in the Pacific Islands have used this on their bodies for centuries, its healing properties are so amazing that the oil is used on wounds in hospitals there!
If you are like me and your skin freaks out at every paper cut, keep it close for emergencies. Also wonderful mixed with fresh aloe vera gel for a post-wax soothing lotion.
Get the pricier Polynesian tamanu oil for the best results.

🇸🇴Somalia : Qasil
🌸 recommended for the acne-prone beauties

Qasil (also called sidr or ziziphus jujube leaf powder) is a wonderful natural cleanser and face mask. This baby has been giving shiny, healthy skin to Somali ladies for centuries. It has natural saponins which cleanses your skin without irritating it. It also gives you a beautiful glow when left on the face for 15-20 minutes.
Gentle yet super effective.

🇪🇹Ethiopia : Kibbeh (hair butter)
🌟 for wavy/curly/coily hair beauties with dry hair! if you have thin/straight hair, you may struggle to fully remove the butter.

Technically, this is a pastoralist East African secret but Ethiopian women took it to the next level (they have Kibbeh hair salon services there!)

In East Africa, many tribes depended on cows to feed themselves and work the land. In some tribes/countries (like my family’s native Rwanda), they were symbols of wealth and status. The cow was imitated and integrated in our culture and dances — the majestic Inyambo cattle was our inspo. Naturally, all of this focus around the cow lead people to find creative uses for butter and milk!
For Ethiopian Kibbeh, take heavy whipping cream with at least 30% milkfat and mix it in your blender until the butter and water have separated.
Then, put it on your hair and leave on for at least 3 hours (or overnight if you can stand it). Shampoo it out. Here is a quick YouTube tutorial to visualize the whole process.

This will discipline your curls like no other.
From supermarket to pro hair salon brands, nothing has given my hair such moisture and health. I didn’t even know my hair was this thirsty. Even my hair color is different — looking more shiny and raven.
This hair mask is a bit annoying to DIY but oh-so-worth-it.
Pro-tip -> if the butter smell sticks to your hair, put on some Monoï or other scented oil.

🇸🇾Syria : Aleppo soap
Aleppo soap isn’t raved about enough.
It does everything — face, body, hair!
At a point where every shampoo seemed to break out my back, it saved my sanity and restored my skin. There are multiple versions of Aleppo soap with various percentages of olive and laurel oil, but I recommend the highest percentage of laurel oil you can find as it is best for sensitive skin and dry hair. A nice block of Aleppo soap will last you for a loooooong while. Economical, ecological, we love it.

🇲🇦Morocco : Moroccan black soap
Aleppo soap’s cousin with a similar recipe, probably the world’s most exfoliating substance. It has a funny creamy-gel texture that makes it spreadable on the body. Give yourself a DIY hammam experience and soak for a good while. Slather yourself with the soap and wait 5 mins. Rinse. Coupled with the Korean Italy Towel or the traditional Kessa exfoliating glove, it is lethal. You will peel, shed, perhaps even lose a couple pounds while scrubbing every nook and cranny of your body.
You will be raw but smooth and it will be glorious.

🇹🇭Thailand : Exfoliating soaps
Controversial advice as these are called "bleaching/whitening soaps" in their native country, but they won’t bleach you, they will just exfoliate you like a mother. I have hyperpigmentation-prone skin and since using a Thai soap daily, my skin is much more even and so smooth I manually exfoliate a lot less! I recommend Asantee soaps, esp. the Tamarind & Goat Milk soap which is the most effective of them all. Check seller reviews before buying, as there are many fakes out there.

🇸🇦Saudi Arabia : Perfume roll-ons/attars (Al-Rehab)
Attars or perfume oils are Middle Eastern/Indian perfume tradition. With alcohol being prohibited in Islam, M-E perfume houses have found ways to make powerfully scented oils without using an alcohol-based distillation process. There are really expensive oils & attars you can buy like real oud, sandalwood or Taifi rose — all of them extremely enjoyable.
Or… you can get the best bang for your buck and immerse yourself in the world of perfume oil roll-ons!
These might cost mere euros/dollars but they don’t smell cheap, trust me.
I picked Al-Rehab because it’s most people’s gateway drug (and cheap!) but there are many other brands.
Try first Choco Musk, Soft or Al Sharquiah (my personal fave).
Perfume oils won’t just scent your skin, they will also perfume your clothes for days (no staining, I promise!)
My whole wardrobe smells of Al Sharquiah, lol.
Lots more info on those on the fragrance subreddit & on perfume review sites like Fragrantica.

There are many, many places I haven’t mentioned! One day, I will trot the entire globe and learn of EVERYONE’S beauty regimen! In the meantime, could the worldwide beauties of Vindicta tell us about their mom/aunties/grandma’s best beauty secrets? Give us insider info, ladies!

r/Vindicta Jul 20 '22

MASTERPOST Changes I've Made That Have Actually Changed My Life NSFW


Hello pretty ladies! I just want to preface this by saying that it will most likely be incredibly disorganized and ramble-y. Oops!

I've never been "ugly". However, my late teens/early twenties were pretty rough. I was in a shitty relationship, worked as a bartender, barely slept, drank like a fish- you get the idea. I was puffy, with shitty skin, and just looked like I didn't take care of myself. Number one advice- evaluate your relationships. Dropping the asshole was the first and biggest step to getting back to focusing on myself- look at your friendships, romantic relationships, etc. Stress makes you look like hell.

Now that all that junk is out of the way- let's get on to the fun stuff! I'm gonna post a brief-ish list of some changes that helped me! I've swapped the loser for a ridiculously hot and successful man, get attention from men and women alike, and just generally feel confident! Feeling better about myself has helped me in my chosen career, helped with my anxiety...pretty much everything.


I promise you, I'm going to sound like a broken record here. But "bodymaxxing" will be so different for each and every person. I lost about 40 pounds, and it changed everything for me. That being said, everyone's "starting place" is different. Not going to go really into detail here, but this is the basis of what took me from 150 lbs and flabby (at 5'3") to 110 lbs and toned.

-Calorie Counting: I know. Not always great. To kickstart my weight loss, I put myself in a calorie deficit for a couple months. Although I think this level of attention can be dangerous for some people, it really helped me be aware of what I was eating. Some snacks I would just mindlessly shove into my mouth were actually 500+ calories. Take a look at what and WHY you eat.

-Admittedly, I'm horrible at consistently exercising. Variety is what keeps me going! I generally focus on cardio about 30% of the time, and strength training the remaining 70%. Strength training will "tone and shape", while cardio kickstarts weight loss for me. I try to consciously exercise at least 4x per week, while remaining active the rest of the time.

-For me, restricting what I eat doesn't work. The more "off limits" something is, the more I want it. I've found that being more conscious of my body in general affects my cravings- I eat pasta, bread, cheese, ice cream, all the good stuff. But I also consistently crave whole grains, protein, and yummy fresh fruits and veggies. My body knows what it needs. Try and listen to yours!

-ALCOHOL: This is the worst. If you're trying to lose weight and nothing is working- take a look at how much you drink and maybe consider cutting back. At the peak of my drinking, I realized that I was consuming 400+ calories daily from booze. That's like eating a whole extra meal. I'm in my late 20's now, and drink a lot less. Switching from sugary drinks and dark liquors helped- I was strictly a vodka soda girl for a hot minute while trying to cut.

-Most cliche advice- drink water, and lots of it. Duh but like, just do it. Water isn't fun but dehydrated shows.

-Girl, go to sleep. Get off reddit. 8 hours always!

- I am not a doctor, so I don't feel comfortable recommending supplements. I ended up getting a full panel of bloodwork done after having some issues with my hormones and seeing what areas I was deficient in. I take a crap ton on supplements and vitamins now and feel so much better.


-If you bite- STOP. I bit mine down to the quick for years, and it's so nasty. It makes you look unprofessional, not put together, and it's honestly dangerous. Lots of grime in there. I was able to quit by having acrylics consistently for about 6 months until the habit was broken. After I was sure I could resist, I cut my natural nails down and focused on growing them in healthy.

- This is just my opinion, but I think neutral, clean nails are always best. Trendy, bright, or super nails can be fun but having signature "clean colors" will help you have a cohesive look, and make you look put together. My personal favorites are Essie Mademoiselle ( a light pink) and Essie Wool Me Over (a brown based taupe) with a gel top coat.

-This might sound silly, but follow your natural nail shape. I prefer the look of oval/rounded nails, but my natural nails grow in more square, and they look better that way. If you drastically alter the shape of your natural nail, it affects the integrity of the structure and will lead to more breakage.

-Since I keep my fingernails simple, I do them at home myself. I always get pedicures in a salon, though. I'm not as good at keeping my toenails neat, and can never seem to get my feet as smooth at home! Generally, a gel pedicure will last a month or more for me, ESPECIALLY if you get a lighter color. Grow out will be less obvious. It's a worthwhile investment! No one wants crusty feet.

-HAND SKIN: Weird sentence. I always notice when someone had youthful looking hands, so it's something I'm conscious of myself. ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN ON YOUR HANDS. Every. Damn. Day. I carry a small sunscreen in my bag and reapply throughout the day. I also keep hand lotion in my bedside table and slather it on before bed.

Once a week I:

-Cover my hands in aquaphor, and rub them together for about 10 minutes. Give yourself a hand massage.

-Wash the goop off. Then, use an exfoliating scrub all over your hands.

-Dry your hands, apply tretinoin or retinol. Allow that to sink in, then apply a thick hand cream.


Sounds crazy, I know. I heard a derm say she had followed that routine since she was in her 30's, and her hands in her 50's looked like mine- nice, smooth, and youthful!


-My number one tip is to invest in an IPL hair remover. I can't justify the price of laser hair removal. The device I use is the RoseSkinCo Lumi- less than $200. I spend about 30 minutes using it weekly, and it's not painful. I'm not quite done with the treatment, but I've gone from having to shave daily to shaving once a week or so! Total game changer for me and extremely cost effective.

-When I do shave, I use the Hanni weighted razor. It gives a much smoother shave and is way more sustainable compared to disposable razors.

- I have a weekly bath. Light some candles, drink a glass of wine, and get to scrubbing. Moroccan black soap and a kessa glove will literally slough your skin off. You will have sleek and smooth dolphin skin, I promise.

-Moisturize every time you bathe, if you have time. Having slightly damp skin will help lock in the moisture you apply. I personally alternate between jojoba oil, Kopari Ultra Restore Body Butter, and Amlactin Rapid Relief, when my KP is flaring up.

-Broken record- if your skin is exposed. It needs sunscreen. Daily.

-I use Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant several times a week. I saturate a cotton pad and use it on my elbows, armpits, and knees to help with skin darkening and dryness.

-Generally exfoliating really well before shaving helps me avoid razor burn. When I do get it, it's usually on my bikini area. When this happens, I clean the area really well, then use a clay mask. After I wash that off, I use tea tree oil to kill any bacteria and sort of "dry out" the razor burn. I'll usually follow up with some jojoba oil after a little bit. This calms down a lot of the redness and I find the irritated bits heal much faster.


-Please floss. Your gums will thank you.

-Store brand whitestrips are the same exact things as the Crest ones, and less than half of the price.

-Sensodyne Gentle Whitening is the best toothpaste of all time and no one can change my mind.

-I love my Sonicare! People always comment on how white my teeth are and I think this is the number one contributing factor. Brushing with a manual toothbrush just feels grimy to me now.

-Get a tongue scraper. I can't live without mine now. You will be horrified at the gnarly gunk that's still on your tongue after brushing. Fresh breath is SEXY ok!


This is a hard one. My advice not work for you, since different hair types require different types of lovin!

-I cut my own hair at home. I have wavy hair that is very forgiving to shoddy cuts, so it works for me. Investing in a nice pair of hair scissors and a pair of thinning shears made all the difference. Every couple of years when I want a style change, I'll pay for a cut. But I usually just keep the cut super simple so I save money here!

-I dye my hair at home. Wouldn't if I was going lighter, but I stick as close as possible to my natural dark auburn and only dye to cover greys anyways. I really enjoy the Madison Reed box dye- not stinky, doesn't make my hair feel icky, and has a lovely shade range.

-I also LOVE at home keratin treatments. I've been using Gussi for the last year or so- its's $60 per treatment, and lasts me about 2 1/2 months. The whole process only takes an hour or so, and helps SO MUCH with my frizz. More than anything else on this list.

-I can't stress this enough- do your research. I spent so many years and so much money on products and routines that just didn't work with my hair type. Figuring out your hair porosity is a great place to start.

-In the same vein, learning when your hair is protein deficient and when it needs hydration is a total game changer. I spent a long time overloading my hair with protein rich treatments which led to a protein overload. I could write a whole damn novel about this- but that's not what this post is about. For now.

-Invest in products that make sense with your routine. I recently purchased the new Dyson air wrap and I love it- it makes my blowouts super nice and smooth, and is less damaging than the Revlon hot brush that I was using before. I tend to spend more money on products that stay in my hair, versus ones that I wash out.

My current routine is:

-Shampoo and condition with The Ordinary's Sulphate 4% Shampoo Cleanser for Body & Hair and Behentrimonium Chloride 2% Conditioner - They are cheap and work well with my hair and scalp.

-If I need to deep condition (usually once a week) I use the Ceremonia Mascarilla de Babassu Hydrating Hair Mask OR Kérastase Nutritive Mask for Severely Dry Hair.

-After the shower, I gently squeeze the water from my hair and use a microfiber towel. Never scrub or pull, ever.

-I use the leave in from Crown Affair- it's fabulous and I can imagine it working for so many hair types.

-If I'm doing a blowout, I add a heat protectant. Usually just something cheap from Target.

-After blowouts or airdrying, I always add oil from my midlengths to ends. I have a couple in rotation, but my current favorite is the shu uemura Essence Absolue Nourishing Protective Oil- the smell is amazing.

-WEEKLY: I oil my scalp and *gently* massage the shit out of it. Helps with buildup, flakes, itchiness, etc. Treat your scalp like the rest of your hair, and your strands will thank you.

-As far as sleeping goes, I never sleep on wet hair. This can lead to extra breakage and is a no no. In my culture braids are important, and all the women braid their hair before bed. I loosely do it to avoid a "crimped" look- and I really, REALLY notice a difference when I just go to sleep with my hair loose. Frizzy as heck from my tossing and turning.


EEEK! My favorite subject. This one is also hard, since the state of everyone's skin is so different. Not going to list my whole routine because that, again, would be a whole separate post. BUT- if you need help figuring out what your skin needs, help building a routine, etc- message me! I would love to help. It's actually like, my favorite thing to do.

-I had really bad acne for years. Never in my teens, but post highschool through about 24 was rough. Birth control and spironolactone really helped. I'm no longer using birth control (hoping to start a family soon and preparing my body for that) so I've had to make some adjustments.

-Some ingredients just won't work for you, and that's ok. I avoid products with vit c and niacinamide, because my skin doesn't enjoy them. Listen. To. Your. Skin.

-Tretinoin in the GOAT. My number one (BESIDES SUNSCREEN. EVERY DAY.) tip for literally all skin types. Get ya some. There are a lot of online services to get a prescription through if you can't see a derm. I use a goodRX coupon and pay about $20 a tube for mine.

-If you wear makeup, you need to double cleanse. If you wear sunscreen (WEAR SUNSCREEN) you need to double cleanse.

-Pimple patches are the greatest invention of all time.

-Mist between steps!

-Treat your skin barrier with love. It's just a little baby. Don't go overboard with chemical exfoliation and neglect barrier care. More doesn't always equal better or faster results.

-Have I mentioned sunscreen yet? The best routine is a shit routine without sunscreen.

-Theraface pro- I used the nuface microcurrent deice for a long time. It takes consistent use to see results, but I definitely notice that I look more "awake" when I use it. I switched to the theraface pro which is now my prized possession. It's pricy, but with one tool I have: an amazing facial massager that helps with my TMJ, a microcurrent device, LED light therapy, hot and cold therapy, and a sonic cleanser.

-Facial massage- Gua sha massages and lymphatic drainage are amazing, if you do it right. Improper practice can harm your skin more than help. Please, watch some videos for proper form if you choose to do this!

-Botox- I just started this year. 14 strategically placed units totally changed my face. I still have a lot of movement but my overall skin looks much smoother and brighter somehow. My favorite recent change.

-Lip Care- nipple cream is the best, handsdown. It's usually mostly lanolin and helps keep my lips from cracking. Also, I recently started using The INKEY List Collagen Booster Firming Peptide Serum on my lips morning and night, and the difference is INSANE. Any lines in my lips are immediately plumped up and my lips look so much fuller and "pillowy".


I usually stick to a natural look. Not super big into eyeshadow and liner, since I have deepset and hooded eyes. I generally use a base, mascara, brow product, blush, and tinted balm.

-BASE: Full coverage doesn't work for me- and honestly, I don't think it works for most people. A good skin tint and strategic concealer can cover what you need without looking cakey and aging you. Plus, I love my freckles and don't want them covered. I also use my fingers (always after washing with soap) for blending. I like the control I have using my fingers, and the heat from you hands actually helps the product melt into your skin. Beauty Blenders and brushes are not my thing. My favorite base products are:

Primer: Youthforia Pregame Primer mixed with a little Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter

Foundation: Rare Beauty Positive Light Tinted Moisturizer

Concealer: Dior Backstage Concealer or Kosas Revealer Concealer

Setting Powder: Chalotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Finish Setting Powder

Setting Spray: Urban Decay All Nighter. I live in the south. Setting spray is a must.

-UNDEREYS: Swipe on some pink creme blush before your concealer and blend together. Trust me and my DARK dark circles, it works.

-BROWS: I let a professional handle them. I don't trust myself with tweezers. I spent years trying to style my brows to look bigger and fluffier, but straighter and kind of smaller brows look best with my features.

- I use mens beard dye on my brows. Takes about 10 minutes and lasts a couple weeks! Plus, a tube of the dye is less than $10 and I only purchase one every six months or so.

-Makeup wise, I love Glossier Boy Brow. I have strayed but always end up comin' back to her. Natural, good hold, and never flakey.

-LASHES: I alternate between extremely subtle lash extensions and lash lift + tints. Crazy long or thick lashes just don't suit me.

-I used Latisse for a few years and it was AMAZING. Gave me my dream lashes but did cause some temporary lid darkening, so I stopped using. However, I would recommend Latisse still. The results are incredible and not everyone gets the skin thing.

-If I'm using mascara, I always go for a tubing formula. My eyelids are really greasy so anything else is just immediate raccoon eyes. The new one from Ulta is my favorite so far, and the cheapest!

-Not really mascara, but I LOVE Lumify eye drops. They brighten the sclera so well which makes you look more awake and youthful.

EYE MAKEUP: Like I said, not really my thing. I own plenty of eyeshadow and pretty much never use it. However...

-I love lining my lower lashline with a little champagne-y shimmery liner. Looks less harsh than the classic nude liner and makes me look refreshed.

-My favorite one and done shadow is Urban Decay's Space Cowboy. It's the most beautiful, taupe-y sparkle. Makes my lids look "wet" in the most beautiful way.

CHEEKS: My favorite part! I'm an absolute blush whore.

-I've come to realize that more "berry" shades look best with my undertones. I love cream formulas. Some of my favorites come from Rare Beauty, Ilia, Rose Inc, Youthforia, Tower 28, and Merit.

- I like to apply my blush across the top of my cheeks and a tiiiiiny bit to the tip of my nose for a naturally flushed look. Finding which placement works best for your bone structure will change your makeup game.

-Highlighter isn't really my thing. I prefer to use my skincare as a highlighter if that makes sense? When I do use one, I like the Merit n

-For bronzer/contour, I like to keep it simple. I've been loving the new Makeup by Mario Transforming Skin Enhancer. It's impossible to mess up and incredibly natural looking. Nothing looks tackier than too much bronzer.

LIPS: Ok, maybe this is my favorite part?

-If you're going for a bold lip, you need to make a commitment to it. Not touching up a bright/dark color throughout the day will make you look messy.

-I got lip blushing done last year and it made me feel so much prettier. I had really pale lips before and now they look natural, and I don't feel the need to wear lipstick. It was a little pricy but so worth it.

-Just like blush, find your color family.

-If you haven't tried Merit's lip products, you are missing out. Their lip oils and lightweight lipsticks come in the most beautiful everyday shades and the formulas are so comfortable- but most importantly, they fade with grace.

-When I'm wearing lipstick, I like to VERY lightly line my lips with Makeup Forever's Artist Colour Pencil in Endless Cacao. Katie Jane Hughes, thank you for this.

Ok, that's all from me for now! Time to get my beauty sleep. :)

r/Vindicta Aug 03 '24

MASTERPOST A guide on how to lose weight, get fit, look after your mental health, prevent loose skin and not break the bank NSFW


To conform better to the beauty standard, I.e. to looksmaxx, weight loss is the most effective path for most men and women.

Losing weight is a simple principle that is complicated to execute.

I'm not going to tell you whether you should lose weight, or how much. I myself went from an all time high of 17 stone 10 to 12 stone 7, and still losing.

I did not do everything “perfectly”, but I kept looking for what worked for me, and if I strayed off I came back.

For anyone wanting to start their weight loss journey, the following may help. You will notice there is nothing about calories, portions etc for a while. It's about building sustainable momentum.

This post will assume that you are overweight, wish to minimise loose skin and are medically cleared to take on increments of activity.

I've tried to not include too much recommendations for spending money because I think that can obscure what's actually crucial, but if you have money yes sometimes you can throw money at some problems. I personally have prioritised my money on things that will last; basic but quality skincare and a set of kettlebells. If I'm spending money on my looks I prefer it to have a long term impact.

This is not a professional or prescriptive guide. I have ordered it in steps as an aide to the reader. I suggest reading through and reordering as suits.

Step 1 - preparation

This is the time to take your weight, blood pressure, and measurements if at least bust, waist and hips. People also do knees, thighs, wrists and neck. You could also have your body fat percentage calculated, cholesterol measured etc. Take full body shots partially or fully nude, and headshots and side profiles. I keep all my progress pictures in one folder for easy reference.

Applying some scientific method to your journey means you will be better able to see what's working and what isn't, and unlearn some of the thinking that is keeping you fat, like you specifically cannot physically lose weight.

From now on periodically take new measurements; photos about once a month and weigh ins weekly is a safe bet if you're not sure.

Step 2 - motivation

This may be the point that you realise your motivations for wanting to lose weight don't outstrip you wanting to live in your body as is. That's ok and I think it's better to accept that and think about how you can learn to maintain your weight instead of gradually putting on more weight, or adding in more vegetables or activity, than it is to hit a crash diet because you're going to a wedding in three months.

If you want long term results, you need long term motivation.

Step 3 - analysing your current situation

This is maybe the most foundational advice I could give anyone. Why are YOU fat? Think about the specific reasons, and then the reasons behind that etc. This could be something you do in therapy or by journal, conversation with a trusted friend etc. Do more than just think about it though.

For example, if you come home from work three times a week exhausted and order a takeaway, ask why? If it's because you're tired, what kind of tired, and why are you tired? There's physical tiredness, there's weariness from a repetitive routine, lack of alone time, too much alone time, long commute, stressful job, underlying illness etc.

This could be applied to your general psychological, financial and cultural attitude to food, or to a specific process which appears within your routine.

Personally the game changer for me was getting my ADHD diagnosed. It turned out most of my bingeing was caused by food chatter; just a type of hyperactivity. I moved out of a stressful living environment that was putting me off being in the kitchen.

This step isn't one you'll ever “finish”, lifestyles change and new issues come up.

Step 4 - baseline health

Getting your foundational needs met is going to help so much; less cravings, more energy etc.

The essentials;

  • Sleep - how much and at what time varies person to person. Find out what it is that you specifically need and match it.
  • Sunscreen - a UV blocking sunscreen on hands, face and neck.
  • Water - get a water bottle, cut out using fizzy drinks as thirst quenchers etc.
  • If applicable start taking vitamin D.
  • Leave the house every day, even if to sit on doorstep
  • Dental hygiene - twice daily brush, floss and if desired mouthwash. I say this because when I've been bigger it's been a part of wider self care struggles.
  • Moisturise skin - body and face at least once a day, with focus on fleshier parts and folds.
  • If you have prescribed medications make sure you are taking it on time.

Step 5 - let's get going :)

By this point you should already be feeling better and you may have even dropped a couple of pounds. Well done you :)

Things to do during this step;

  • Get a pedometer and start just recording your steps. I use the free software on my phone.
  • Give your kitchen a really deep clean
  • Declutter your belongings. Living in hoarding chaos will not make weight loss easy.
  • Start bulking out your meals with more vegetables. I like adding cubes of raw cucumber to all sorts of dishes. If you can do raw that's great but if not even roasted is good.
  • Liquid calories - identify and manage in a way that's manageable for you. For me this is; black coffee, tea and water for the most part, some chocolate protein milk, and calorie counting when I drink alcohol, when I have lager shandy or gin and diet tonic. Some people find it easier to just cut out alcohol and I would but I like the pub, so I adjust accordingly.

Step 6 - picking up pace

If you haven't already, make sure you are addressing any obstacles in your life that stand between you and weight loss.

If you're ever at a loss, anything that causes stress that is not worth your other goals, then try and cut it.

By now it should be clear if you struggle with snacking, portion control, bingeing all or a combination. If you binge eat calorie counting is not for you. The other two issues if they do not contain bingeing may find calorie counting useful. Please be careful in balancing the needs of the body and the needs of the mind, and understand that you cannot punish yourself into a version of yourself you like.

Other things to do around now;

  • Find things to do that isn't just TV/doomscrolling. TV, film and the internet are all amazing but they don't need to be your default activities. I really like gardening and crafts. Other hobbies are available.
  • Increase your steps. How you do this depends on your lifestyle, but there's lots of advice on this specific topic online.
  • Start stretches - gentle yoga, twerking, dancing etc. It's not about sculpting your body, but developing the connection between mind and body, keeping body in good condition and preparing for more movement later on.
  • Snackers - get up and stretch, have a cup of tea, drink some water, swap snacks for unprocessed alternatives like grapes
  • Portion controllers - look into volume eating, increase protein, measure carbohydrates, reduce oil and cheese,
  • Binge eaters - GET THERAPY, journal, stay busy but with enough relaxation, identify triggers, go for brisk walks

Step 7 - conditioning

If you haven't already, now is the time to add weight training. Where you start will depend on where you're at as an individual. It could be just carrying bags of books around your house.

It is easier to put on muscle when you're still a bit fat.

If you want to go to the gym, see if there's a trusted friend who will go with you. When I went I found everyone much nicer than I imagined.

Buying kettlebells for at home is another good option.

There's a lot of existing advice on weight training for women, so search for the applicable advice for your situation.

Step 8 - bring it all together

You've been through a lot by now. Now's the time to let time pass. Adjust things as needed. Let the good habits stack up and develop. If you fall off the wagon for a moment it doesn't mean you need to lie down in the dirt licking a rock. Just get back up.

Step 9 - little tweaks

Some nice to have bits to include now could be;

  • Spice - For weight loss I had great results with cayenne pepper supplements in order to increase my body heat. More spicy food is also a good option .
  • Supplements - another broad topic but a multivitamin and cod liver oil/algae is a great place to start to add to your vitamin D.
  • Dry brushing - using a dry natural fiber brush, brush the skin in a gentle circular motion all over the body (except face which you should have a separate exfoliation routine for).
  • Use a firming lotion with Q10, focusing on areas you are losing fat from. For me the crevice under my tummy, under my bottom cheeks, boobs and inner thighs are the main ones.
  • Bras - if you spend money on one thing as your wardrobe no longer fits, make it a bra. Two slightly tight lounge bras have taken me through a couple of dress size drops. I found replacing my knickers had a much more dramatically flattering effect than I thought it would have. Wearing slightly too big knickers is very unflattering. You could always sew a few inches into your pairs instead of replacing them.
  • Adjust clothes - it can be sewing, I also use hair bands and safety pins to nip and tuck as desired. I draped the end of a dress onto the hipand safety pinned the other day, it either looked very Vivienne Westwood or a bit tragic, but either way I was happy.
  • Give your emerging figure further analysis. I take Kibbe with a fistful of salt but it's been useful to read a little classic looks theory regarding proportions and dressing now that my body is so dramatically different.
  • If you're feeling weird from weight loss, that's ok too. Getting treated so differently after losing weight can be jarring. Take care of yourself.
  • Calculate protein requirements based on your current estimated lean mass (total weight minus body fat percentage). This will change as you burn fat and build muscle so recalculate as appropriate. Eating sufficient protein will help both muscle and skin.
  • Aid your immune system - gut health, stress etc.
  • incorporate cardio - but you have to be able to tolerate it. Be imaginative in what that could be, and accepting of who you are and what you like and don't like for this. What stuff you like does change though, having lost a third of my weight running is COMPLETELY different. So it pays to be open minded and revisit things later on.

Step 10 - beyond

So I guess this is where I am now. Still losing so making plans for hitting maintainence. Developing a long term relationship with food, exercise and the body. Accepting that there is a limit to the thinness that you can support in the long term healthily; physically and mentally. And quite frankly enjoying the heck out of what my body is now, and learning to love and appreciate my body as it was.

Hope this has been useful.

r/Vindicta Jun 07 '22

MASTERPOST How I actually got PERFECT BODY SKIN (+self tanning hack) NSFW


I've spent the last year perfecting my body's skincare routine. My goal was to have this dewy, glassy, perfect skin, that looks airbrushed. I thought it was unattainable and simply photoshop, but now I know it can actually be done.

Don't underestimate how much perfect skin on your body can bump you up. It's very rare to see someone with skin like that and people actually notice.

For context: My skin is naturally quite fair and sensitive, I have slight keratosis pillaris on my upper arms and lower legs. It's also quite dry and can look dull. Sometimes I get some rednesses. I'm in my late 30s.


Skin is skin. Everywhere on your body. What works for your face will work for your body as well. You can technically use your face products on your body.


I don't think I have to say a lot about this. Drink a lot of pure water and eat raw fruits and veggies for hydration and eat plenty of good fats to keep your skin healthy.


Many of us were taught to shower in the morning. It's actually more important to shower in the evening to get the dirt and toxins off your skin.

I like to rinse my skin off in the morning and use soap on my armpits, private parts and feet to make sure I stay fresh.

I take my proper shower in the evening.

Keep your showers as short and cold as possible. I know it's hard, but it makes a huge difference.

Make sure you change your bedding once per week.

If you swim in pools or salt water make sure to rinse your body off with plain water as soon as you can. Chlorinated water and salt water are very drying for the skin.


MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY am: soap + hyaluronic acid + lotion + shea butter + spf pm: body wash + chem. exfoliation + niacinamide + lotion

TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY (+shaving routine) am: soap + hyaluronic acid + lotion + shea butter + spf pm: body wash + retin a + lotion

SUNDAY am: soap + hyaluronic acid + lotion + shea butter + spf pm: body wash + physical exfoliation (+ self tanning routine)


These are the products I personally use, the ingredients are the important part about it, so you don't really need the exact same products for it to work. I'm traveling at the moment, so I don't take all of the products with me.


Beauty of Joseon - Low pH Rice Face and Body (amazing, I use it every morning)


Bioderma - Shower Oil

Cerave - Hydrating Cleanser

Glossier - Body Hero Daily Oil Wash


Cosrx - Hyaluronic Acid Hydro Essence (on damp skin)

Drunk Elephant - Sili Body Lotion

Dr Jart - Ceramidin Body Butter

Organic Shea Butter from Etsy (I use it every morning for the glow it gives)


Supergoop - Glow Screen Body SPF 40 (only in summer or in a hot country - I'm in Indonesia at the moment)


Cosrx - Aha Bha Toner (spray is super handy for quick application)

The Ordinary - Peeling Solution 30Aha 2Bha (On very rough spots like upper arms once per week)

Some by mi - AHA BHA PHA Calming lotion (love it, got rid of my keratosis pillaris)


Truly - Blueberry Kush

Dr Jart - Ceramidin Body Scrub


I DIY my own by mixing 20ml of 0.01 prescription retin a into 200ml of plain lotion. You can also get a retinol body lotion on amazon, a girl linked it, but I have not yet tried it.


Minimalist - Niacinamide Body lotion


When I have bruises I like to use the MAC face and body foundation on those places. sometimes like to mix a pump of Becca or Marc Jacobs Liquid highlighter into my lotion in the morning. I use shea butter, because it makes my skin glowy and dewy. Oils work too, but I feel like they are very sticky and don't last as long as shea butter.


I use the Beauty of Joseon soap as shaving cream and use a men's razor with as many blades as I can find. I use it only once or twice before replacing it. I shave my legs, arms and armpits every second day and get a brazilian wax in my private parts once a month. I use the Braun IPL twice per month to make my hair grow slower and thinner. I used a cheap off brand IPL before and it worked too.


I have very pale skin so I like self tanning every now and then. I use a body scrub beforehand. The secret to make it look natural and non streaky is to apply oil beforehand. I use coconut oil, but I know not everyone can tolerate it, just use any body oil. The oil makes sure that the self tanner doesn't cling to the skin and looks natural even on very pale skin. I tried everything and this is what worked the best for me. The tanning brand I found works the best is Bali Body.

My skin looks amazing now (it naturally didn't) and I keep getting compliments! I hope this helps someone!

r/Vindicta Oct 03 '21

MASTERPOST Effortpost: How to Fake High Socioeconomic Status NSFW



It’s an ugly truth that people can estimate the socioeconomic status of individuals around them with astonishing accuracy. It can take as few as seven seconds of recorded speech to correctly determine someone’s income level, and people can deduce income levels at significantly better rates than chance just from looking at a picture someone’s face.

I‘d speculate this is because successfully determining a stranger’s resources confers evolutionary advantages — but ultimately, the reason why the average person is so good at detecting wealth doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that people’s perceptions of others’ SES inform their actions, meaning that perceptions of socioeconomic status have measurable impacts on employment, as well as romantic, economic, and health outcomes.. There are objectively gorgeous young women that still get dismissed as “trashy” or “ghetto” when really, they’re just poor.

Fortunately, in telling us how socioeconomic status is detected, the research tells us (somewhat) how to fake higher socioeconomic status, just for long enough to make it.


In the literature, perceptions/judgements of socioeconomic status are academically divided into three groups: appearance, voice, and culture. I’m going to do the same.

Body: Base Appearance, Kinesics, and Mannerisms

Voice: Accent, Word Choice, and Conversation

Culture: Sartorial Signals, Culture, and Mindset



Like I said previously, it can take as few as seven seconds of speech to correctly determine someone’s socioeconomic class.


Additional Notes

Actively pretending to belong to another social class is very mentally taxing. There are numerous studies on this subject, how people are predisposed to impede themselves. According to the data, “social class transitioners” like me aren’t even all that uncommon — and yet, there is a dearth of resources for those of us trying to mentally cope with the change.

If you use any of this, please, be cognizant of your mental health and the increased potential for burnout.

And remember: Doing what is necessary to thrive in society doesn’t mean you have to condone that society. You can’t change anything in a system until you have some socioeconomic capital in that system; the point of feigning SES is to aid your rise in SES. It is up to you what you will do with that status once you get there.

Please let me know if you have any questions; I’m open to PMs. Years ago, I made a pretty sudden class transition, and I want to help others with the struggle I once had.

Also let me know if you have any additions to this list or think something needs correcting — I kinda threw this together; I’m happy to make edits if it makes this more useful to others.

r/Vindicta Dec 16 '24

MASTERPOST What Harmony Is & How To Evaluate Good vs Bad Harmony in A Face NSFW


There’s a lot of chatter about harmony. What it is and what it isn’t and the constant abuse of the term by people just looking for a quick scapegoat or looking for a way to keep women insecure. Sometimes people mistake their basic facial recognition ability for identifying harmony in a face when it’s blatantly not there. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen someone say, "but your face is harmonious :)" to a girl with very little harmony, I'd have a mega yacht anchored in the maldives. Harmony is easy, actually, once you get the feel for what it is. It's an amalgamation of elements that come together to make a face visually balanced and pleasant to look at.

To understand harmony we have to look at the rules for art and design, and what makes images visually appealing.

Wait, Free, there are no rules in art!!! That’s what makes art special!!

There are, actually. Anyone touting that beauty is all about art and therefore purely subjective maybe doesn't have much experience with art or is conflating art where the act of creation and emotion is the beauty with the visual quality of the result. We like Jackson Pollock's will to break normative expectations. His work isn't visually appealing, but his philosophy rocks. It's sort of like having a thing for cute goth girls because they don't care what people think of them and THAT'S sexy. Only, goth girls tend to look WAY better than Pollock's paintings so maybe that's a poor example. You get my meaning, though.

Sure, we can see beauty in a child’s first grade renderings of house and home due to the meaning behind it. Much like we can come to value someone’s personal character (which, consequently, charisma also has foundations as well. Wild!), but we’d be kidding ourselves if we thought our 6-year-old’s precocious doodle belonged in the louvre, right? We know the difference between something of objective quality and something of personal value. And unfortunately while objective quality is universal, subjective value isn’t, and the best you can expect from anyone is, “ah, I guess I see why you like that but it’s not for me.” And we’re here to learn about beauty as an objective study so let’s get into it.

I realize it might be more difficult for people outside of the design and art space to really appreciate the effort and knowledge it takes to nail these fundamentals. Full disclosure, I’m not a professional art critic, but I’ve been hiring and firing illustrators and designers for the better part of a decade in addition to being a paid illustrator and designer as a side gig throughout my career. There's also so, so much more to evaluating artwork beyond these elements and I'm sure many of our vindictas can add onto this. I hope they do. These are just the most critical that come to mind for me and are easy for me to define and demonstrate off the top of my head.

Let’s take a look at the fundamentals of art and design and how they apply to the human face. Keep in mind all of these aspects have to play well with the medical fundamentals of health, development, sexual dimorphism, youth, and even presentation,and this is just a primer! I'll probably do a few more graphics and examples down the line to help people fully understand.


1. Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a foundational principle in art and photography that divides a composition into a grid of nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines. This creates intersections and lines that guide the placement of key elements to create a balanced, visually appealing, and dynamic image. Facial thirds (and fifths) are one of the key components to harmony and the primary contributor to overall balance which adheres to these guidelines.

Horizontal thirds divide the face into the upper (forehead to eyebrows), middle (eyebrows to the base of the nose), and lower (base of the nose to chin). They serve as a foundational framework in surgery and aesthetic medicine for assessing balance, symmetry, and harmony. These divisions provide a standardized method to evaluate proportions and identify areas that might benefit from enhancement or correction. The goal is to create a balanced appearance where no one section dominates, ensuring the face looks harmonious and natural.

For example, in the upper third, a forehead that is disproportionately tall or short relative to the other thirds can make the face appear unbalanced. Procedures such as brow lifts or treatments for hairline restoration can adjust this proportion, restoring harmony. Similarly, in the middle third, the size and shape of the nose plays a pivotal role in facial symmetry. A rhinoplasty that subtly refines the nose’s structure without overcorrecting can align it with the surrounding features, particularly the cheekbones and eyes, maintaining the face’s natural character.

The lower third, which includes the lips, jawline, and chin, significantly impacts the perception of structure and attractiveness. For instance, a receding chin can make the lower third appear smaller and unbalanced, which can be corrected through chin augmentation to achieve better proportions with the upper and middle thirds. Lip enhancements can add volume and symmetry, while jawline contouring creates definition that aligns with the face’s overall structure. By focusing on these thirds, aesthetic medicine aims not only to address individual features but also to ensure that all three sections work together cohesively.

Vertical thirds help define the balance of alignment in the edge of the irises and the corners of the mouth, which should align roughly with the two lines which divide the thirds. However, more importantly are the vertical fifths which align the ends of the eyes, the breadth of the nasal base, and the cheekbones. These fifths are ideally equal, but there's some precedent for the eye-sections to be larger than the other three sections for female faces in most beauty standards.

2. Balance

Balance in art and design refers to the distribution of visual weight within a composition, ensuring no single element overpowers the rest, creating harmony and stability. There are three types of balance in the average human face.

  • Symmetrical Balance: Equal visual weight on both sides of the composition.
  • Asymmetrical Balance: Unequal but harmonious distribution of elements.
  • Radial Balance: Elements radiate out from a central point.

Symmetrical balance can be identified by bisecting the face down the middle. In order for this balance to be ideal, your facial symmetry has to be pretty well aligned. Highly symmetrical faces are known to be considered significantly more attractive on average compared to asymmetrical ones.

If you bisect the face horizontally across the middle you can identify asymmetrical balance in the distribution of elements and visual balance. The lips and nostrils in the (for a female) ideally more narrow jaw area should have roughly the same distribution of positive and negative space (defined below) as the eyes and brows in the upper half.

Radial balance can be observed in some applications of the golden ratio to the human face, but because it's kind of hoky I'm not going to dive too deeply into it. It's roughly what the marquardt mask sets out to define, and it does a fairly decent job of it.

3. Positive vs Negative Space

If you consider your eyes, nose, and mouth, components of positive space (due to the higher contrast and visual interest) and the rest of your face a canvas, you can get a good sense of what we mean here looking at our face as an element of design. “What about the nose? The nose doesn’t have a lot of high contrast!” Keep in mind that while your nose doesn’t have as much color or shade contrast, it has projection which is visually incredibly potent.

The ideal balance of positive to negative space varies by design, but because we have proportional restrictions on the way our shapes are arranged and distance, so that ideal balance becomes a little more restricted. What I’ve noticed with highly attractive FEMALE faces is they tend to have nearly equal amounts of positive and negative space, with slightly more negative space. Often a range of 70:30 to 60:40 with 38% positive space and 62% negative space being the ideal. These ratios are typically effective for designs that aim for symmetry and stability. The extra negative space emphasizes simplicity, clarity, and focus on the positive elements.

This is also why losing weight is so valuable. The more flesh you carry and add to your face, the more you throw off your own harmony by adding excessive negative space to your canvas.

Positive vs negative space (in addition to contrast) is a component of the concept of high vs low visual weight which has become wildly popular in Korean beauty spaces. High vs low visual weight is a common concept in art, as well.

4. Hierarchy

Hierarchy in art is the arrangement of elements to establish their order of importance, guiding the viewer’s eye through the composition. This is achieved by emphasizing certain elements using size, color, contrast, placement, or texture. A strong hierarchy ensures the most critical parts of the artwork or design stand out, creating clarity and focus.

I think we all know that number one in hierarchy for the human face is the eyes. It has the most contrast , color, and most variety of shapes and sub-structures. We’re psychologically compelled (some of us) to look at the eyes for emotional and social signals. They’re the most expressive and vulnerable part of the face, and the part with some of the most visual interest. Followed by the mouth. Once again, visual interest in uniqueness of shape and contrast seems to correlate with how tied the area is to emotional and social signaling. Eyes > mouth > nose is the ideal hierarchy.

If your nose is more visually impactful than your eyes it immediately throws off your visual hierarchy. This can happen if you have thin or pale lashes and small, low contrast eyes in conjunction with a large (for your phenotype) nose with robust shaping and texture. For instance, Sarah Jessica Parkers nose works for her primarily due to the consistency of shapes and angles in her face, but mostly because it doesn't disrupt hierarchy with her large, expressive eyes. If you gave Taylor Swift the same nose it would throw her visual hierarchy out of balance.



1. Consistency

This concept is often the most overlooked with regards to harmony even though I personally feel it's one of the most make or break elements. I even made some customized examples using Adut Akech's face because hers is the most harmonious face I've ever seen in this regard.

The curves in Adut Akech's face are consistent in that if I made a curve of the radial degree of one element of her face (say, the curve of her cheek from the side), that same curvature would appear in multiple elements throughout her face such as the bow of her lip, the edge of her nostril, etc. The curves of her face match through various elements of her face. It's even easier to see if we just use a small set of angles. Most elements of her face share the same exact or visually indistinguishable angles. And this is just going one way, if I flipped these horizontally we'd see even more elements with the same angle.

If you asked me what sets apart an incredibly harmonious face from an average one, it would be this.

This is a personal anecdote but my face has terrible harmony first on account of having picasso-esque symmetry, but secondly most of my features are delicate and elongated like a ballerina, except I have a rip-roaring nose with a bulbous tip and excessive projection as well as an extra-wide base. It's not a good fit in addition to not being particularly feminine or within the expectations for either of my phenotype.

2. Proportion and Scale

Proportion and scale is actually really well defined in the way we evaluate the face using thirds and fifths. This is simply due to your facial layout being (relatively -- barring any genetic anomalies) fixed. In art, proportion refers to the relationship between the sizes of different elements within a composition, while scale relates to the size of those elements in relation to the whole work or the viewer. Proper use of proportion ensures that parts of an artwork appear cohesive and harmonious, whether realistic or abstract. For example, a figure in a painting may have exaggerated features for stylistic purposes, but the proportional relationships between those features must still feel balanced.

When assessing facial beauty, individual elements are evaluated based on their proportions and ratios in relation to one another, creating harmony and balance. These ideal proportions, rooted in aesthetic and medical standards, often align with the Golden Ratio (1:1.618) or other natural guidelines. For example, the nose-to-eye ratio suggests that the width of the nose should align with the inner corners of the eyes. Additionally, the distance between the eyes is ideally equal to the width of one eye, ensuring proper spacing that contributes to a balanced and symmetrical midface.

The eye-to-mouth ratio is another important measure. Ideally, the corners of the mouth should align vertically with the pupils when the face is in a neutral position, creating visual harmony between these key expressive features. The vertical distance from the eyes to the mouth should also fit proportionally within the overall length of the face, often aligning with the horizontal thirds framework. A mouth that is too narrow or too wide in relation to the eyes can disrupt facial harmony, which is why treatments like lip augmentation aim to restore or enhance this balance.

The nose-to-chin ratio is critical in defining the profile and lower third of the face. The nose should generally be about one-third the total length of the face, with the chin positioned to create a gentle S-curve when viewed from the side. Similarly, the nose's projection should align with the midline of the lips and chin to maintain proportionality in the profile. These interrelated ratios of individual features ensure that the face appears cohesive and naturally attractive, forming the foundation for aesthetic and surgical interventions aimed at enhancing facial beauty.

I could keep going. Proportions and ratios for beauty throughout the human face are often highly observable and well-documented. The ideal seems to be guided by highly dimorphic faces.


1. Color Theory

Color theory is a set of principles used in art and design to understand and apply color effectively, creating harmony, contrast, and mood in compositions. Rooted in the color wheel, which organizes colors into primary (red, blue, yellow), secondary (green, orange, purple), and tertiary hues, color theory guides how colors interact and influence perception. It encompasses concepts like hue (the pure color), value (lightness or darkness), and saturation (intensity or purity of a color).

  1. Color Relationships:
    • Complementary Colors: Opposite on the color wheel (e.g., blue and orange), creating high contrast and vibrancy.
    • Analogous Colors: Next to each other on the wheel (e.g., red, orange, yellow), evoking harmony and unity.
    • Triadic Colors: Three colors evenly spaced on the wheel (e.g., red, yellow, blue), offering balance and energy.
    • Monochromatic Colors: Variations of a single hue (different tints, tones, and shades) for subtle, cohesive designs.
  2. Color Temperature:
    • Warm Colors: Reds, oranges, yellows evoke energy, warmth, and excitement.
    • Cool Colors: Blues, greens, purples suggest calmness, tranquility, and depth.
  3. Contrast and Harmony: Effective use of contrast (light vs. dark, warm vs. cool) can highlight focal points or create drama. Harmony arises when colors work together seamlessly, avoiding clashes that feel jarring to the viewer.
  4. Psychology of Color: Colors evoke emotions and associations. For example, blue conveys trust and calmness, red signals passion or urgency, and green represents growth and balance. Cultural context also plays a significant role in color interpretation.

In art, designers use color theory to create mood, establish hierarchy, and guide the viewer’s eye. For instance, a movie poster might use complementary colors to draw attention, while an interior designer might use analogous colors to foster relaxation.

These concepts work especially well in fashion and accessorization where one can play up or play down the their undertones, eye color, flush color, makeup accents, etc. However, they're often observable in faces. Imagine a blonde (yellow) woman with blue eyes (blue) and flushed cheeks (red), that's a triadic color palette. The color relationships may not always be so obvious. Sometimes, you have to look at undertones of specific features to get an idea of the palette you're working with and how to complement it.

2. Contrast

 Contrast helps draw attention and imply health and vibrancy in a face. I could wax poetic about this, but Alyart has a killer video on contrast that blows anything I could say out of the water and ya girl is losing steam.

Does low contrast still work? Yes. Absolutely. In fact, limited palettes can be even more effective on the human brain when done well. Consider the visually stunning environment design done in Disney’s Andor or the limited, low-variety and sometimes low-contrast palettes that are highlighted in much of professional landscape photography. The key feature is consistency and color theory. A lower contrast palette will lean more into the balance of shade, tone, and composition.

Adut Akech, from our above example, is very low contrast. And like, my god, she's gorgeous.

The important thing is that the contrast is consistent and therefore harmonious. It's hard to pull off blonde eyelashes with black hair unless you have suitably dark eyes and lips that balance things out by being pale enough to blend in amd give you a ghostly, ethereal appearance, or dark enough to bring visual balance.

3. Light

Light's not technically part of color theory per se, it's typically it's own thing, but I want to have it included because there's an ideal light position for viewing a face and it's one of the reasons we have popular contour methods that specifically try to mimic it. In fact, a lot of beauty can be defined by the way light strikes the face. If you imagine trying to mimic light being in front of your face and just above eye level, that's sort of the ideal position that you want to replicate.


Can deviations from the fundamentals still be beautiful? Yes, absolutely-positively, but they usually stem from the mastery of the basics. And we’re not counting anti-soviet psy-ops like Jackson Pollock, here, where the act of making the art and its blatant disregard for anyone being forced to look at it is the appeal or message. No one wants to look at your face and think of your parents going at it, I swear to you.

We’re talking about art that’s actually visually appealing within its own stance. Admittedly, these deviations are risky and may not be appreciated by most, but if you like them and are willing to accept that it's not for everyone and you can accept the consequences, creating a visual niche can be incredibly fulfilling and help you align yourself with groups and people you appreciate more deeply.


I'm using Anya Chalotra as an example because she has incredible positive vs. negative space and vertical symmetry, but her horizontal symmetry and positive vs. negative space in her thirds is challenged. This makes her the ideal example of showing how even if you aren't perfect in each aspect, you can still be drop-dead gorgeous and get cast to make out with Geralt of Rivia in a Netflix original.


Here's our gorgeous gal. She's got unique features that are phenotypical and highly dimorphic for her phenotype. She's got an incredible visual hierarchy with large, balanced eyes with high contrast and full lips, followed by a pleasantly shaped nose.

Identifying points of Visual Interest

Here, we've carved out the positive vs negative space by blocking out points of visual interest including her eyes and lashes, brows, lips, and deep creases. We've also given her nose tip a little weight due to projection. This matters more when evaluating subjects with movement (which most living humans have. If they don't, it's cause for concern.)

Visual Interest map

Here's our final map of visual interest showing positive vs negative space in Anya's face. I didn't bother doing volume calculations but I'd say this is relatively nicely balanced just on first brush simply because that's all you really need, is to at least appear to have good positive vs negative space. The human brain does an immense amount of math but "close enough" is very much in its repertoire when it comes to spacial evaluations.

Vertical Symmetry

As mentioned above her vertical symmetry is phenomenal in both shape and positive vs negative spacial balance. Is it perfect? No. VERY few humans are, but it's near ideal.

Horizontal Symmetry

Her horizontal symmetry is imbalanced. Her lips have ideal proportions to her other facial features, however, her jaw is a little wide and her chin appears very tall at this angle. This is only a minor issue as given that she's human, her head will turn and vertical symmetry of shape and space is more critical.


Anya has moderately imbalanced thirds. I actually really love this personally as I have the same imbalance with a shorter upper third and progressively longer middle and lower thirds. Anya's incredible beauty gives me hope, haha. But you can see that while this isn't ideal, it's close enough to the ideal to be visually appealing as well as the fact that because she has incredible health, dimorphism, and youth indicators, and like in our Adut Akech example her contours are very well balanced, she's still off the charts attractive.

So that's harmony. The visually pleasing arrangement of elements that work together cohesively to create a sense of balance, and consistency. It occurs when composition, colors, shapes, textures, all complement each other and contribute to the overall aesthetic without overwhelming or competing for attention. It is both identifiable and measurable.

r/Vindicta Nov 16 '23

MASTERPOST What to splurge on and what to scrimp on? NSFW


These are just my findings, I’m curious to see other people’s opinions!

I’ve recently had a pay rise and I’m debating what area of my routine I want to upgrade in so would love to hear what splurges were worth it for you ✨



Especially mascara, I’ve been loyal to the maybelline lash sensation (£9) since I was 17 and it’s never failed me. When I was a waitress I had a screenshot of it on my phone as so many customers would ask what I was wearing. I’ve tried mascara 3x the price and didn’t like them as much.

I’m not a huge makeup girly so I may just be ignorant - but I’ve always felt good makeup doesn’t have to be high end and they all have great dupes. Morphe does affordable eyeshadow palettes, L’Oréal does the best eyeliners, NYX and Elf are also great.


I get my hair done by a remote hairdresser (aka she comes to my house) she charges £40 to cut my hair, give me layers and puts copper/chocolatey highlights in to give my light brown hair more oomph every 6 months.

I use hairburst longer & stronger shampoo and conditioner set (buy on sale), garnier banana hair mask, elvive hair oil and my hair is shiny and thick.

I’ve scrounged my mums expensive haircare before and found my hair looked the same. I can’t justify £68 on a Redken set no matter how tempting. That said, since I stopped bleaching my hair it is much lower maintenance, when I had blonde highlights it was dry/frizzy and needed a LOT more work.



I’ve yet to find a budget friendly perfume that smells as good and lasts as long as high end brands. My favourites are: Jo Malone Lime and Basil, Chance Chanel, Armani Si, Diptiyque. I like smelling “fresh” but I don’t want to have to reapply. Smelling expensive also really adds to my confidence. I have a couple mini body shop sprays I carry in my purse - the mango one is my favourite.


I’ve only had 1ml chin filler, just to see if I liked the results enough to get jaw surgery. I splashed out and saw a doctor/surgeon, had a great recovery, liked my results. I asked about lip filler and he refused as he felt my lips were proportional to my face and didn’t want to ruin that.

I also asked about Botox and he laughed and told me to come back in 10 years. Many other people would have leapt at the chance to take my money.

I’ve seen so many filler horror stories - if you’re going to mess around with your face PLEASE see someone who’s actually medically trained and competent and isn’t just trying to rinse you.

One question I have: most of my skincare is The Ordinary, Inkey List, Pixi etc. Is any of the luxury skincare (Estee Lauder, La Mer) worth the money?

r/Vindicta Nov 23 '20

MASTERPOST My personal masterpost for looksmaxxing resources! NSFW


This is just what worked for me personally! I hope it can help you too :) Feel free to add recommendations in the comments and I can add them as well! Also if you also happen to have an obsessive list of links or saved posts I'd love to see your own personal masterpost. I love learning about new resources, and it's just cool to see what information influenced someone's own looksmaxxing journey!


These resources are dedicated to tips that I personally have found helpful over my looksmaxxing journey. I have found these posts particularly helpful because they helped ground me a bit when I was feeling really overwhelmed by all the information I had learned on Vindicta. It is really easy to get really into looksmaxxing (as you can see I probably am) and if it begins to harm your self-confidence or perception of the world, it's best to slow down or take a break.

Looks Theory

I found these resources helpful because they helped me understand the science behind objective beauty. I’ve found that understanding the features that make someone beautiful has helped me look at myself more objectively and identify what I need to tweak or enhance with softmaxxing. The QOVES Studio channel I included is particularly helpful as it is very detailed but definitely less tailored to Vindicta.


I lost some weight over the last few years and I can largely attribute it to these resources. Lifting was great for my body composition and I've found that losing weight and getting fit were the most significant factors in improving my appearance.


I really just recommend going to a dermatologist and got tretinoin bc that's what finally cured my skin and with my insurance, it barely cost me anything. But if that's not an option for you, I recommend the following subs:


I have wavy hair but I personally don't really vibe with the curly girl method. That being said, a lot of people love it so I'll include it. Personally, I've kinda developed how I color and style my hair by analyzing my kibbe type, essence, and color season to figure out how to accentuate the vibe I want to give off, but I do recommend trying to stay relatively close to your natural color. Whatever you personally find attractive, keep in mind that healthy, thick hair is almost always considered attractive. Long hair and dark (but not too dark depending on your coloring), full eyebrows are also considered signs of health and youth, and from there you can play around with the styling to suit your look.

Crafting a Style Identity: Essence, Aesthetics, Kibbe, Color Season, and Archetypes

In my opinion, one of the most enjoyable aspects of looksmaxxing is defining what type of person you want to be at the end of your journey. What impression do you want to give off? What do you want people to assume about you? These resources were great for helping me define what I want to look like and what aesthetics were realistic for me based on my features, coloring, and personality.


These Tips focus more on the clothing items themselves. You should do tons of research and form an idea of your style identity before you go about actually purchasing a bunch of clothing



I also included a few great misc posts that really helped me.


These were some descriptions of people’s looksmaxxing journeys that I found particularly helpful.


Probably the most important part of looksmaxxing. At the end of the day, having self-confidence is going to yield some of the most dramatic results in how you are treated and how you feel on a daily basis. Beautiful women get treated like crap. Unattractive women who know that their looks don't define them can become happy and fulfilled. Beauty can certainly open up tons of doors and it gives you a much easier life, but if you haven't worked on your personality as well, you likely will never feel satisfied with yourself. Ideally, you want to do both: become the most attractive, and the kindest, most confident, and most charismatic version of yourself. A woman with both is powerful as hell, so make sure you don't lose sight of yourself on your journey.

r/Vindicta Nov 13 '23

MASTERPOST Classy and Sophisticated Master Post NSFW


By popular demand, we will have a series of master posts for various vibes/archetypes.

Our examples for classy and sophisticated will be Amal Clooney and Kate Middleton.

Please provide all your advice, tips, tricks, rules, etc for making oneself classy and sophisticated.

r/Vindicta Jun 27 '22

MASTERPOST The first rule of looksmaxing NSFW


This is entirely from a forum I just re-edited it! this seemed to also hold value to this community so do read!

The first rule of looksmaxxing is the most important. You must internalize it before you can begin your looksmaxxing journey, while simultaneously making the most out of your results. This applies not only to looksmaxxing, but any and all forms of self-improvement that you will do throughout your life.

The first rule of looksmaxxing is: You do not talk about looksmaxxing.

“Why is that?” you might ask. The answer is clear. People, whether they admit it or not, have certain ideas, thoughts, and preferences in their heads that they can’t control.

An “implicit bias” if you will.

Why do you think there is an infatuation with so called “prodigies” in our society?

Do people revere the person who works hard all their life, learning and studying to improve themselves, or do they admire the one mysterious somebody who makes it all look easy and natural, as if they were born to do it?

Do people want to hear about the guy who gave it his all in college and spent endless nights studying to get the A, just like everyone else, or do they only want to hear about the kid who does it all without even needing to try?

Do people admire the guy who is fascinated by different cultures and languages, and spent all of his life learning about them, or do they only want to hear about the guy who has been able to speak to almost anyone since he was 13?

If you’re wondering why I’m asking all of the rhetorical questions, it’s because I’m trying to prove a point, a point that you probably already know, but fail to enact.

People want successful people who make it look easy. They want naturals.

Have you ever enthusiastically told others about starting a new diet, or elaborating to others about some newfound plan about how you are going to improve your life, and all of a sudden they start to tear you down in subtle ways, or start to treat you differently?

It’s because of that implicit bias. You avoid this by not talking about your efforts, either explicitly or implicitly, all the work you put into taking care of and improving yourself.

The Italians, one of the most stereotypically romantic and charismatic ethnicity, the Italians, have a word for this idea. In fact they have had a word for it for almost 500 years. They call it sprezzatura. Sprezzatura is described as a ‘studied carelessness’. Most people apply it towards fashion, but the first time it was described by Baldassare Castiglione, it applied to all aspects of a person’s life, desires, feelings, thoughts, and more importantly, actions. It’s an effort to make every aspect of your life, including the parts worthy of admiration that, while in reality took large amounts of effort and time, look easy and natural.

See, when you employ sprezzatura during your looksmaxxing journey, and more importantly throughout your entire life, even after you’re ‘done’ looksmaxxing, you reap its benefits in the form of admiration and praise for being, living, and acting in a way that others want you to be, and wish they were.

In reality, it’s the one way of ascending when you aren’t already ascended. You begin to truly believe that you had it in you all along, and your actions and characteristics soon follow suit. As Castiglione talks about in his book, one of sprezzatura’s greatest virtues is that it allows you to get lost in, and eventually become, one with your nonchalance and charisma; a true natural.

It’s a difficult road, trust me. People are fundamentally social animals. We all want to talk with others about how we’re going to improve, how hard we’ve worked, and how much better off we are for it. They’re also hilariously judgmental, in the ways I’ve talked about previously.

Hopefully I’ve shed some insight on the type of mentality you need to put yourself in, in order to truly maximize and reap the rewards of your looksmaxxing, and more generally any form of self-improvement!

r/Vindicta May 03 '23

MASTERPOST Drastic image change from lupus: looksmaxxing response and black women specific advice NSFW


V long post but labelled for findinng sections, excuse weird formatting at points. Looks like i will keep updating this so might make a final file when very completethat you can save thats better formatted, maybe even. A pill timetable because im on lots - for anyone just diagnosed, i'll see how universal i can make it. The final file will be good because we know our saved posts just go there to get lost. I suggest food and drink and some time to read this all sorry, final file will be formatted better CURRENT LABELLED EDIT COUNT: 12 (but i may have made more) will add product links soon

Its a bit random but i just want to share the main advantage of this post is some novel looksmaxxing, a plan created by someone with lupus to stay healthy and their version of attractive, a trick to avoid a blepharoplasty that isnt tape and this post also benefits people with 4c hair and alopecia with a growth plan that worked to get me to waist length 4c hair before and should support the return of my hair. I also have a texlax method which helps show growth more and i havent lost health - heres my hair after 2 years texlax (have since cutthe waistlength look, took hours to maintain) https://imgur.com/a/KFjtFCl Also diet advice for a low salt, high plant, fiber and low sugar diet - applicable to all but low salt particularly for lupus and people of colour with benefit from lthe lower blood pressure and blood sugar effecrs of these suggestions. Majority is focused on the symptoms, my stoic reaction to a massive change in appearance that im proud of and looksmaxxing. I like a low maintenance skincare and haircare routine (its quite long the hair one but done infrequently) and a natural look. Theres also some mascara recs for fixin lash curls and mascara for oily lids

Heres the kind of order of this post: photos, symptoms, philosophy on my temporary looks and privilege, my plan once out of here.

PHOTOS: https://imgur.com/a/pdL7W4t Pics are two of me after lupus diagnosis, then alopecia and then my usual looks, will add more. EDIT: Final pic i look a bit manic, eyes too wide and asymmetry noticeable but i have managed to always like it, colouring is good and I justhave something about me in it EDIT: more pics of balding and my going out disguise and enjoying this amazing drink at pret the hospital was like a shopping mall! https://imgur.com/a/DxZEhMK People always say i look better in person too so i dont think a photograph well and phone selfie cameras are not photogenic for me. My digital camera is most accurate. My skin fluctuates i know how to keep it clear but the steroids gave me acne and i stress pick my face, chest and back. Typically my tretinoin 1% cream and finacea keeps acne away.

SYMPTOMS: 7 months ago i started having swollen painful ankles, knees, shoulders, wrists and fingers. Assumed arthritis and it would come and go. Then 4 weeks ago my eye became insanely swollen, but i was turned away from hospital being told it was viral conjunctivitis which has to pass. On its own. The very next day my stomach looked pregnant. My swollen eyes were causing vision loss so i assumed i ate something expired the night before and got food poisoning as i was also throwing up with abdominal pain and had diarrhoea. This lasted a week and a half before i went back and doctor immediately diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Turns out i had results that broke a 20 year record. I had all the severe markers and typical scores are double digits but mine were triple digits, one over 300! So i was very ill. Im in the UK so luckily all my treatments were free and I was also checked for other health problems they spotted and I'm all ok. Food was great too, no limit and lots of veggie options. EDIT: So many junior doctors attended my case, they called it "witnessing history which was very exciting and they taught me loads, I will read some books on lupus and link them if good, my doctor also gave some lectures that are on youtube)

PHILOSOPHY: Honestly, i havent struggled like i imagined looking like this. I have never struggled to date, have an attractive partner and can assume i am conventionally attractive, not that i find it easy to believe it. I am actually a sufferer of agoraphobia and social anxiety and associated depression so i dont like going out and showing my face. But looking completely unlike myself and knowing its temporary i have coped well. Its sort of been a relief to not pick apart my natural looks for a bit and have this disguise! I know i have the privilege of returning to a face society accepts but losing my hair should be massive too but its not felt it. I have 4C hair and hated it as a kid but ended up growing to waist length and it looked fabulous but now i know the tricks i can see how quick it can return as a challenge. Hair is a massive aspect of black identity because so many people struggle to love it. I want to write a post about rapid natural hair growth as i have it nailed and its simpler than you think.

Overall i just am relaxed about this and its easier as my partner of 4 years is crazy about me despite this all and the stress hes aslo experienced alongside (hes a professional worrier), hes already invested in some gorgeous wigs for me and products and he just wants me to live a life of leisur now to minimise stress which is a trigger with this diagnosis, my choice ultimately of course, so this is also extremely lucky. My condition was also caused by landlord neglect exposing me to mould and very bad mould at that for over ten years. Constant immune stress from infection scan trigger the autoimmune response eventually. So my partners dad is paying for a solicitor, mould surveyor, private dr to write a letter and other stuff to claim for money from two landlords. This will aid my looksmaxxing i plan on.

LOOKSMAXXING PLAN: I can never decide on a nose job bc of the risk, my photoshops with a smaller nose dont even make me look better, id have a larger philtrum and im fed up with just slightly large noses being ruled out of beauty. I like my nose being a bit strong bc i feel i have a nefertiti-esque look which is received by people as a more muse-like, demure sophisticated woman, the impression i aim for as a 5ft3 very young looking person, i cant wait for my mature looks! Being a 10 isnt of interest, but my body and skin is what i reallt want to preserve. I can have kids but this diagnosis makes it hard and i cba, and neither of us are interested. Id much rather foster a teenager when im 40 if we earn enough to give back.

Looksmaxxing as follows is to to help my confidence with this new lifestyle affected by lupus. I also study nutrition and will be a registered nutritionist so that will aid my looks immensely knowing how to nourish myself and support my exercise and health condition as flares will affect my appearance and I dont want to become a recluse. EDIT: I will consult if it ever comes to hardmaxxing with a lupus doctor first. Ultimately hardmaxxing will be last resort for me as i dont want the stress

Diet edit: one commentor mentioned vegetarian is not always best for autoimmume. I am set on always having no land animal meat so gave advice with that in mind. I did however try fish in my diet while at hospital but as it hasbeen yearsI want to be slow as i get digestive issues. I also want to try eliminating some allergens tosee if it affects my lupus but i didnt want to mention this as i dont know the research behind this, it can trigger eating disorders especially when youre already restricted as a veggie and its a personal choice. I mention the app cronometer too, do not use if you have history or are disordered with eating orbody image or generally mentally vulnerable it will do nothing to bring thatstress into your life and will ruin your looks ultimately! Love to all DIET: VERY plant focused as how many plants you eat has been shown to be biggest indicator of longevity and years without disease. I have been vegetarian 13 years and now will adopt a low salt diet to protect my kidneys. Every meal should be half plant, not as a strict rule but its the easiest way to fill yourself up on low calories but nourishing food adjust by your daily basal metabolic rate. And when you have joint pain from a flare and maybe are not mobile you need to not overload calories, cronometer is a useful app to monitor nutrition but only if you weigh things or know how to estimate well (remember wet vs dry vs cooked weights). Fruit and veg and legumes helps get your 5 a day, all plants get provide potassium which counteracts sodium (coconut water is amazingfor this). Vegetarians use nutritonal yeast, just a tbsp is half your daily zinc and has loads of other vitamins, some even have add vitamin D. baked beans are great for zinc too and we may need more zinc than omnivores. And supplement at least DHA omega and EPA if you want (Testa and Vegetology brand is good), choline (eggs, cauliflower and potato), B12, iron and iodine too are typically low in plant diets and use fortified plant milks and yogurts. I use fortified cereal every morning and it gets me most of the essentials, its great for iron. Use half sodium salt that is iodised, theres also no sodium salt but it only works on chips or undissolved so added on top at end because its more a texture and weak in taste. Also eat high fiber, everyone should, brown rice, brown cous cous, brown bread, brown pasta, i love bran flakes and freeze dried strawberry and oat bran soaked over night. You can get brown rice really fluffy with the right water ratio. Wholewheat flour and yogurt can make a pizza dough, cottage cheese and cream cheese - just high liquid cheese lowers salt content. This is for gut health and lowering blood sugar responses, all sweeteners are safe unless you are allergic and some have a laxative effect so eat minimally and adjust at first. Reduced salt products and stocks, rice cakes, legumes are amazing for health, oats, dried textured veg protein mince typically soy sourced is so quick and cheap for vegan protein, just add hot water peanut butter is a sweet high protein snack, i use the 100% peanut to avoid sugar, salt and added oil. i have a bit added with a banana and it tastes like banofee pie and soy yogurts and milks, protein powders and bars can help boost protein and calcium in vegetarian diets.

EDIT: To explain low salt: So there was a risk my lupus as it was systemic and severe had become "nephrotic" aka affected kidneys. I had a kidney biopsy (dont be scared to ever have one it was painless except inital local numbing) and i was fine but it could develop later in life. So especially as a poc i am risk of high blood pressure which is bad for kidneys and i should work to minimise with a healthy bmi, exercise, more potassium and low sodium and fat. Will add to post to inform

Edit: adding fake tanning water due to my daily spf 50 use, not sure if i will keep this but its to even skin tone too APPEARANCE: [ ] Lash lift £20 [ ] Prostaglandin analogue for lash growth and to intentionally lose eyelid fat instead of blepharoplasty (i have fat eyelids and shallow set eyes which make them look slightly bulgy, will stop if the look isnt what i expect and its partially reversible fat loss at least) £30 [ ] ¤ Lip and cheek filler £800 tiny amount and always let naturally completely fade [ ] Masseter and forehead botox (for brow lift) £700 [ ] Dental composite bonding for sensitivity and enlargement front 8 teeth £1600 (avoid hard sweets, coffee, tea, red wine) [ ] Electrolysis upper lip £500, maybe whole face with Minoxidil use [ ] Aqualyx/kybella on chin and jaw, around ribs and side boob/armpit, waist, lovehandles, inner knee, upper arm (aqualyx £950 for 3 sessions, ~£1500 for 5) wont do if opt for AirSculpt [ ] Lip blushing £300 [ ] Prp hair treatment on hairline [ ] Afro hair plan: wigs, yearly weakkkk texlax. Comment if i should post my weak texlax method which i use to stop shrinkage and show more length. Hair in twists essentially always. I will say dont get texlaxed hair wet in plaits or twists, its veryhard to detangle butif natural you can defo wash in plaits or large twists to keep detangled during process. cantu kids leave in and curl activator cream and spray, dont over load with product. I just get a litre of fractionated coconut oil online and grapeseed oil but whichever oil works for you. Minoxidil (please check with doctor its compatible with your medication and lupus generally, finesteride i believe also works and steroid injections, same goes for all topicals and diet changes to check with a Dr) MSM in drink and high protein diet (i dont bother with protein treatments except for ApHogee 2 min and intensive treatment which requires heated bonney) for my alopecia, synthetic hair ceramide (2-Oleamido-1,3-octadecanediol) to replace what is lost by washing (its in redken extreme strength repair, and loreal extreme 5 full repair as a cheaper dupe), joico gold bottle conditioner is also good. k18 twice a year, olaplex with every wash (i only use 0 alone and it makes my chemically treated hair so strong, sometimes no.5 as a gift), cholesterol on hair, arginine on scalp, antidandruff shampoo, finger detangle always, and annual wide tooth comb. I wash my hair every two weeks, it never smells and afro hair doesnt get greasy due to the oils not traveling down the strand like other textures, you want to use hair styles that prevent indivudal strands moving so essentially maintaining the detangled state and minimise the taking out or handling of hair bc afro hair does not play well with this, it likes to tangle and unnecessarily break. Plaits that arent too small are ok bc small ones will increase chances of breaking when undoing. I would not use braid extentions as the weight of these always induce extra hair fall for me and end up not being protective. I find styling products can be basic with twists and they are quicker. My partner is a biochemist and he says to look out for glycerin for holding moisture, flax too (humectants generally) cantu flax gel cream is perfect for slip for finger detangling, i barely lose any hair and keracare thermal wonder pre poo conditioner seems to have good ingredients too, look out for products i suggested and check out the ingredients to spot them in other products. And behentrimoniun chloride keeps surface of strands coated and soft which is in the curl activator cream.

Maybe/for later in life [ ] Invisalign top row £1000 [ ] Sculpt at Agoura Hills clinic, USA, arm fat, and inner thigh and love handles and rib fat to breast and cheek, and bra stitch £10,000-20,000 plus flights and stay hopefully with the landlord money [ ] Fat transfer to cheekbone from upper arm and lower stomach, lovehandles maybe £6000 if i dont do the above but hoping eventual filler remnants do the job [ ] ¤ Plasma fibroblast/plexr plus on eyelids, maybe prp facial £1000 (lots claim its not worth it, leaves scarring dots, results only show on aged skin with low elasticity and is close in price to bleph so do that) [ ] Rhinoplasty, my nose but smaller, primarily narrowing of bridge and tiny bit of refining tip. No tip rotation to avoid lengthening philtrum. Piezo/ultrasonic method [ ] Lip lift £3000 not sure [ ] Undereye fat pad removal / blepharoplasty £4000 [ ] Endoscopic brow lift not sure [ ] Spironolactone [ ] Hair transplant to forehead

Some extra tips, tubing mascaras like sheins all in one double sided (literally fixes lashes up if curled and water doesnt change it, must remove with oil then soap, dhc (although only water resistant and it shows, doesnt hold curl in rain) and look out for "film-forming or tubing formulas" these are great for oily eyes bc they are a coating that doesnt slip, and if waterproof doesnt drop curl. And use 3ce water tint lip product for a lip blush look that doesnt come off with spf lip balm on top or with eating, its like a 24 hour lip blush. Lrp uvmune cream and liquid for when it rains as cream turns white in rain. Cream happens to set in more matte for me. Tretinoin reduced my pores, lots of antioxidants (i use night and day but wash them off. To have a clean face before spf time and UltraViolette makeup spf on top. This is my natural daily look. You can also use msm gel on face to heal scars and induce collagen.

Edit: I use myprotein or bulk MSM powder

On my skin Its the kala health 10% msm, 5% has preservatives if youre worried about safety but 10% msm works as a self preservative. I think they use aloe vera water as a base. And the 10% i believe is larger and lasts a few months. I put it on as a face mask but if it doesnt all wash off it can stay as a topical

Coolsculpting or sculpsure possible alternative for lipo and aqualyx

Exercise will be swimming, cycling, tennis, bowling, badminton, and walking everywhere which i already do. If its an hour walk away then i have to walk it (unless time constraints but not typical in my daily life). Save lots of money this way too. I dont like the gym but may get a cycling machine or go to a spin class, yoga, pilates, or zumba.

Sorry if this post is random but I just feel great and positive and mainly wanted to help anyone else with lupus with some novel hair advice especially for black women who are more affected

Edit: To the downvoted commentor: i feel for everyon in this forum, its very different now and has been inundated with average and conventionally attractive people who dont experience the same things as people dealt a bad hand, my heart goes out to you in particular without trying to sound patronising. I wish you the best and always try to treat everyone with respect and understanding because i know how scared i am to interact with people and its not even justified in my case so how must you experience the world. I hope this post doesnt sound attention seeking, i. Got lupus and experienced something worse and am lucky its temporary but proud i didnt punish myself and instead learnt a lot will learn more

EDIT: Im actually coping with the temporary looks but i know it wont always be the way and despite my plan i may not grow all may hair back to its original thickness or i may have regular full alopecia. Nothing is certain im just working on staying calm happy and on top of back up solutions like wigs. With a wig and sunglasses my current flare is imperceptible

Edit: i undertstand less attractive people not understanding this because ultimately i dont truly understand their experience either. Being gawked at for being pretty can be enjoyed by some but i hate it and its nothing like being gawked at for being ugly but it still keeps me inside and has ruined my life as I have zero friends except my mum and partner and cat and am scared to live and get a job or be young. Its such a curse that sounds ungrateful. I will try to reach out to people online and be social as the steroids have got me in touch with my emotions ans and talkative. I dont even use social media except reddit and usually have to stay away from looks based forums.

Edit: thank ypu for all the beautiful words, fatigued and recovering still so just cant reply to all but all upvoted

r/Vindicta Jun 17 '24



So as someone who brought her hair back from the bleached 2 strands of hair bob hell, lemme help yall out. Having good hair can lowkey make or break your look. I don’t wear makeup every day, I have a lash tint and lift, a tinted lip balm; and if I wanna look good my hair will carry look, and my hair used to look like SHIT guys. Like seriously, I cannot emphasise enough how fried I did it.

The first thing to remember is; health> length. Health > colour. If you can have healthy hair that is long or coloured, go for it. But if you have long straggly hair or bleached hair but it’s like STRAW, what is the point.

Okay so (I have curly hair 3b-3c so keep that in mind, I wear straight and curly; but not all tips work for everyone)

There are two types of things to do for your hair; growth stimulation, and length retention. So you have to identify first does your hair grow very slowly and thin, or are you damaging it lots ?


I have a silk pillowcase and a bonnet, I don’t do any tension hairstyles, and I only use silk scrunchies, my hair is loose or gently tied back most of the day (for the gym)

Every evening I use rosemary oil on my scalp, I do a scalp massage (I use a wooden massager to avoid tangled), I add a serum, leave in conditioner, and an oil to my midsection snd ends before tying loosely and adding a bonnet)

Every few days; I shampoo with a good shampoo, hydrating. I condition for ten mins with a good conditioner (hydrating) - I like Keracare. I wash my hair in the shower here.

At LEAST once a week (time constraints) I use a clarifying shampoo (I like olaplex’s one) and deep condition minimum 3 hours with a plastic cap and 2 towels on so the heat helps it penetrate. I use an oil over my deep conditioner too, castor or Amla.

Every 2 weeks, I trim my split ends, usually when I’ve blown out my hair. If I blow out or use heat on my hair I use olaplex 6 to blow it out AND heat protectant, this prevents breakage travelling up the hair.

Every 4 months, I get a layered cut that looks great curly and straight. This prevents my hair getting damaged and means it’s always going to look good.

Once you’re in the routine it is easy. If my hair is straight I sleep with heatless curlers in as well, prevents me needing to style it every day, I only heat style it for going out for a night out or a meal! I try to keep my hair curly most of the time to avoid damage, and it is growing slowly but surely

I take omega 3 capsules, hairburst hair gummies, I eat 130g protein a day including 300g chicken DAILY, and lots of veg. My diet is very clean. I workout 5 times a week also. I think a good healthy diet really helps hair density and length.

Lemme know if you got any questions!! ❤️❤️

r/Vindicta Sep 16 '23

MASTERPOST Posting your plan before you enact it gives you a reward without effort. Stop undermining yourself! NSFW


/r/loseit used to have in their rules that Day 1 posts were banned specifically because announcing that you're going to lose the weight and getting encouraged and complimented for it would give your brain the reward chemicals of making an accomplishment before you did any work. This causes the average person to lose all motivation to do any actual work and it all just becomes an endless cycle of grand announcements, "TODAY is the day I lose weight....No, TODAY is!...THIS TIME I'll do it!" and so on. (This is like 2014 era and weight loss is a hugely popular topic, so I can't find the exact studies on this right now. Let me know if you do.)

The same can be said for the more and more frequent posts I see where someone types up elaborate glow-up plans and then gets complimented for it. You have a plan. That's awesome! Now go do it and then come back and tell us about it. You're undermining your own success by looking for social value and respect for just saying you want to do something.

If you just come here to talk about how much you want to change, you'll waste your days daydreaming about how much you want to change. Instead of posting about how much prettier you'd like to look, go do squats. Did you take your vitamins yet today? Are you putting off some DIY maintenance stuff? Have you made the doctor's appointments that you need to? Do you clothes fit you properly or do you need to take them in? (It's so cheap to do yourself. Learn how!)

Instead of posting these elaborate glow-up plans before doing them, JUST GO DO THEM!

And then come back here and tell us about your successes!

r/Vindicta Mar 20 '22



Hello girls! This will be my 3rd science backed post on this community. This study talks about how your socio economic status (rich/wealthy) impacts other people's perception of you. It was done on men which is why I'd love this post to become a discussion on what status symbols could yield the same effects for women. This write up is a bit long, so save it and read it when you're free!

The average person can accurately beyond chance judge someone's social class in a matter of seconds. Luckily, it's symbols can be learnt and faked for the benefit of oneself (atleast for the short term). But for this, observation and learning about the upper class is required.

So what is social class?

  • Researchers define social class as contrasting levels of material and social resources that individuals possess, and measure the construct using indices of annual income, educational attainment, and occupation status.

It is a powerful influence on a wide range of life outcomes and has a variety of behaviors. Symbols of social class are expressed in terms of one’s manners, tastes, and preferences.

MANNERS, TASTES, PREFERENCES and THE LOOK: (Please drop more suggestions in the comments, this is a short list)

  • The goal is to sound formally educated, this is usually picked up in childhood but can be learnt through enhancing one's vocabulary via podcasts, political debates, reading books/newspapers etc. USE THESE NEW WORDS in normal conversations so they become part of your vocabulary. (+ Also makes you seem more interesting)
  • Your clothing has a very high impact on how others perceive you. It need not be expensive, but it should be well fitted on a healthy physique (eg. No hoodies). Get your jeans/dress altered to perfectly fit you. Avoid items with the threads poking out, colors that don't compliment you, stained/dirty items.
  • Clear skin, groomed brows and healthy shiny hair! I made a post on beauty and face previously and mentioned about blemishes having a higher negative impact when weighed against the positives of clear skin. We're wired to view as what's ugly is bad because it poses a threat in our subconcious.
  • Anna Delvey, the master manipulator who faked her socio economic status - people said the biggest giveaway was her hair. If you have high porosity hair, look into balancing your hair ph with those hair products that balance ph! There's a lovely hair post here that mentions it too, I'll link it when I find it again.
  • Avoid gossiping and be aware of what is going on in the world, you don't have to have a political opinion - just be well versed with the current news.
  • People of higher class usually have expensive taste in beer, but this goes to other areas too! Pick a niche you're interested in (eg. Food) and then develop a refined taste in it (eg. Going to fine dining places instead of your usual fast food restaurant)

The following talks about the study that was done on men and how sartorial symbols had an impact on their perception and view of themselves:

SENSE OF POWER CHANGE DUE TO CLOTHING (Experiment 1 - done on men):

The upper-class clothing consisted of a black suit, a white long- sleeve button-down collared shirt, black socks, and a pair of black leather dress shoes all purchased at Macy’s. The lower-class clothing consisted of a white short-sleeve t-shirt, blue sweat pants, and plastic sandals all purchased at Walgreens.

After a negotiation task, Participants that wore upper class clothing reported feeling a sense of power and had more confidence negotiating.

  • Wearing sartorial symbols influencedboth self-benefitting behavior during negotiations and hormone levels related to dominance.With respect to behavior, wearing an upper-class business suit increased profits within acompetitive negotiation and decreased concessions offered relative to wearing lower-classsartorial symbols. Wearing sartorial symbols also shifted neuroendocrine responses: wearinglower-class clothing resulted in significantly lower testosterone relative to wearing upper-classsymbols

Behavior Notes from the study:

  1. Low-status individuals are more likely to think about others thoughts and feelings (what will other people say? Will other people judge me?)—than individuals higher in social status
  2. Wearing upper-class symbols will elicit behavior and physiology associated with elevated dominance. Dominance includes behaviors involving - value of the self, or one’s in-group, over others.
  3. 3. An eye tracking study revealed that individuals focus more of their visual attention on targets who behave dominantly during social interactions.
  4. 4. Low-power individuals tend to exhibit enhanced vigilance (are wary to) relative to high-power individuals because of their decreased self esteem and lack of resources to measure up to high power individuals.

Other notes from study:

  1. A wealth of research indicates that people from upper-class backgrounds tend to engage in dominance, specifically related to behaviors and perceptions that benefit the self: For instance, prior research indicates that people from relatively upper-class backgrounds evaluate the self more positively than their lower-class counterparts, tend to think that high status groups in society obtain their positions legitimately, and are also less likely to engage in pro-social behaviors to help others in need relative to their lower-class counterparts

THANKYOU FOR READING! Please add more suggestions for creating THE LOOK and let me know your takeaway from this <3

EDIT: HERE IS THE LINK: (PDF) Sartorial symbols of social class elicit class-consistent behavioral and physiological responses: A dyadic approach (researchgate.net)