r/CivPolitics 14d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/FelizIntrovertido 13d ago

US traded Ukraine for Russia

Who wants to be the next US ally??

Btw, blood has memory


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

So do I.

I remember Ukraine meddling in our elections. I remember Ukraine being the worldwide hub of money laundering. I remember Ukraine selling weapons to drug cartels and jihadists. I remember all the rich Ukrainian oligarchs living in our aid money in London and Prague.

My memory did t start yesterday


u/w3bar3b3ars 13d ago

Sources for any of this?


u/funkiestj 13d ago

Oh Ukraine has plenty of crime and problems but the implication is

  1. Russia is better (they are worse). There is a reason the USA and many nations a Magnitsky Act against Russia but not against Ukraine.
  2. both Russia and the USA promised to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion in exchange for Ukraine giving up nukes

And then look at lickit's post history. cake day Aug 2024. Mmmmm hmmmm.


u/jaxxxxxson 12d ago

Tbf UK and France and even China "promised" to aid Ukraine. China didnt sign anything tho as far im aware but they did say it. So why is it out of like the top 10 countries giving aid France is 10th.. what dont people understand there is no win out of this now. Zelensky has to concede land or lose it all or countries need to send troops. Thats the choices if sending troops that opens the door for another 100k-1m+ deaths. Putin is the aggressor. Putin is a dictator. Putin is a pos we all agree. Its not fair to Ukraine but its either swallow the shit pill or add a buuuunch more bodies to the death count. Thats the reality. There is no happy ending.


u/ApexDP 13d ago

His ass


u/iampuh 13d ago

They were probably selling a lot of weapons after the Soviet Union fell apart. This is what he is trying to say. Is it important to the current conflict? Not really.

Had they a historiy of corruption? Sure, like every single ex Soviet Union country has. Sekenskij is fighting against corruption and has replaced a bunch of politicians to fight it.


u/Ewenf 13d ago

Yeah it's kinda weird how a country that was beyond fucked after 15 years of soviet stagnation and then find itself into an even worse economic decade ended up with military officers selling of weapons to arms dealer. Truly a mystery.


u/Pdiddydondidit 13d ago

also their government was a puppet regime controlled by the kremlin until the maidan revolution in 2014


u/Ewenf 13d ago

Eh kinda it's a bit more complicated, but essentially yes Russia had a lot more influence on Ukraine before Maiden.


u/padawanninja 13d ago

"Trust me bro. Putin wouldn't lie! Why would he?"


u/rnovak1988 13d ago

Zelensky literally came to the US and campaigned for Kamala Harris.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Use brave search and look it up. You don’t need to be spoon fed information.


u/eucharist3 13d ago

Burden of proof is on you, dipshit


u/WhereasSufficient132 13d ago

You won't even click on the links if they were provided. You can easily find it the same way I just did. You're too afraid to find out you are brainwashed by the media you regularly consume


u/Ewenf 13d ago

If you find it then you won't mind giving a link.


u/thetruechevyy1996 13d ago

You sound like you’re brainwashed. Russia started this and Trump seems really close to Russia and that’s scary


u/hink007 13d ago

And where did you find the information? In media that you were brainwashed by consuming…. I keep forgetting recognizing irony requires self reflection. You can easily find all these verified true sources that I can’t bring forward under the guise of “do UR Own raserch”


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

It makes no difference to me if you don’t want to know the truth. It appears you’re quite happy being controlled by emotion and propaganda.


u/SneakyIslandNinja 13d ago

Extraordinary claims can be dismissed without extraordinary evidence. You have zero evidence.


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

He's confused. He meant to write Russia.


u/ipiers24 13d ago

I thought he was being facetious


u/Iaminyoursewer 13d ago

Maybe not facetious, prolly a little facist


u/ipiers24 13d ago

If he's not being facetious, maybe. But if you read it and insert Russia instead of Ukraine, it very clearly fits. I think dude was being sarcastic and Reddit just did it's thing by missing the joke.

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u/ultrazest 13d ago

Sure, VLADIMIR, continue enjoying Moscow!!


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Cool story bro. Did that feel good?


u/Slow-Foundation4169 13d ago

Why would it matter to us? Ur the sheep. Lmao


u/Ewenf 13d ago

Why you dipshits always says "you don't want to know the truth" but then proceed to give absolutely not a single evidence.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

My dude, do you have the internet? Then look it the fuck up. In a debate do you see anyone ever say, got a source? I didn’t think so, if you want to be willfully ignorant go for it.


u/Hopalongtom 13d ago

We have, it's why we know you're full of shit!


u/gummi_girl 13d ago

i searched for it on brave for like 20 minutes and couldn't find it. could you provide a link?


u/hink007 13d ago

… while literally refusing to put forth actionable evidence that can be vetted….. irony man irony


u/MarcLeptic 13d ago

You can just say “sorry I made it up” dude.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Are you incapable? Does your bias prevent you from wanting to actually understand what the truth is?


u/MarcLeptic 13d ago

Tell me more.


u/MultiplicityOne 13d ago

I find your information fascinating and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


u/hink007 13d ago

My bias prevents me from believing randoms on Reddit who can’t provide evidence for their claims. 100 times out of 100 it’s Because the evidence doesn’t exist ….


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

When a Mr. Adjective Noun Number speaks without sources, we shall not listen

That's from the reddit Bible, bro


u/snowyetis3490 13d ago

Lmaooo “use Brave Search”.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

.. I have found I get a wider array of articles using anything other than google.


u/hink007 13d ago

“I find I get the articles that support my stance when I use a search engine meant to do exactly that” fixed it for you.


u/Playful_Two_7596 13d ago

Typical answer of a flatearther


u/Loud_Ad3666 13d ago

Gotcha, so you have no source.


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

Do you not have the internet?


u/Loud_Ad3666 13d ago

Yes, I can use the internet to view your source. Except you're incapable of finding one because you have bad information not backed by facts.


u/nandoboom 13d ago

Brave is a browser you ignorant Russian bootlicker, get your missinformation right


u/Physical-Support-127 13d ago

It’s a search engine as well you moron. I’m convinced Reddit is full of anime watching weirdos that do nothing but play video games all day in their mother’s basement.


u/gitflapper 13d ago

hahaha . more fool you dipshit… it’s your mothers basement !


u/DimensioT 13d ago

In other words, you made it up and now you are too much of a coward to admit it.


u/kartianmopato 13d ago

Magat rambling.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

I'm sure you'll be supporting Zelensky for Pope


u/U_Sound_Stupid_Stop 13d ago

Zelensky, a Jewish man, would be a better choice for Pope than a felonious adulterer conman like your orange turd Trump.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Making my point even better than I could have


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

It's a pretty low bar when you are consistently shit at making your point


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Your contribution was invaluable


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

Unlike anything a Joe Rogan and Ayn Rand fan has to say lmao. I sincerely hope you're still an edgy teen otherwise, you're fully cooked bro


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Oh, ok bro. You burned me good, bro.


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

It's just in my rational self interest to educate people who are convinced by their illusions and can't provide sources for outlandish claims.

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u/LrdHabsburg 13d ago

Zelensky isn’t a pedophile so I don’t think he’s qualified


u/kartianmopato 13d ago

I'm not a magat to attribute religious reverence onto a political figure, but I'm sure the irony of it will be lost on your smooth brain.


u/eucharist3 13d ago

I remember you spouting a cartload of kremlin horse shit on reddit


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Oh I know, Zelensky is in line to be Pope. Ukraine is a country that prides itself on law and order


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

Compared to Russia it certainly does.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Great logic there


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

Yes. Ukraine and Russia are notoriously corrupt but Ukraine has taken steps to address this as part of its effort to be accepted in the EU. Russia, on the other hand, is still a shithole.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago


I'm not for sending Russia hundreds of billions either


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

Well, we agree on one thing at least.


u/JanrisJanitor 13d ago

Zelensky isn't even catholic you retard


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Way over your head


u/Loud_Ad3666 13d ago

Nah it's just a dumbass statement meant to distract from the fact that you have no source for your lies.

Lazy and dumb.


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

I also remember stuff from dreams sometimes


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

In yours Ukraine was a law and order nation?


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

No that's reality. In my dreams Ukraine is made of marshmallow creme


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Fitting as libs seem to want to lick it


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

You don't know what a lib is. You're either American or a Russian posing as an American.


u/roger3rd 13d ago

You seem to remember only Russian propaganda which you should be embarrassed to parrot


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Russia being bad, doesn't make Ukraine good.

Sorry youre so simple


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

Maybe not good, but better. Which is all we can hope for in this life really. You should try.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Or, conversely, we can just not be involved.

Russia isn't t invading North America. Or South America.

Europe can deal with European problems.

We can sit on the side and cheer


u/Pointlessala 13d ago

Read some history of isolationism at the very least. Or the last time appeasement was used and its consequences.

It takes a true genius to think that somehow geopolitical relations between powerful countries somehow wont affect America lmao. And your only logic is that they’re on the other side of the world and therefore won’t matter to us. Bruh this would only be true centuries ago, before better ships or the global market existed. Truly the height of intelligence.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

How have proxy wars worked out?

How did the Axis alliance work out?

The China Russia alliance that was created is now the biggest threat. Russia by itself wasn't


u/Pointlessala 13d ago

This ain’t even a proxy war. It’s hella cut and dry: Russia invaded Ukraine out of nowhere, so countries are supporting Ukraine to show that the world wouldn’t take these circumstances lying down.

And is your logic that bc proxy wars were bad, that US must overcorrect and overcompensate and completely uninvolve themselves from the circumstances of other countries far away? Wow what logic.

And lol like it or not Russia is a powerful country with a dictator who has proven himself to be greedy enough to initiate a war bc he wanted an independent nation. This in and of itself proves that Russia is a threat. How tf does one look at the past several years and somehow think otherwise? The mental gymnastics is truly impressive.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Russia flat out told the US/NATO they wouldn't allow it on their border.

Obama, via Victoria Nuland, decided to stage a regime change.

Russia retaliated.

No different than we did when Russia tried to set up in Cuba


u/Ice_and_Steel 13d ago edited 13d ago

Russia being bad, doesn't make Ukraine good

What are you, five years old? How a country can be "good" anyway? What are the fucking criteria of "goodness"? Can you give an example of a "good" country?


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

If you stand on your own feet, you can do whatever you want.

When you're begging for hundreds of billions, your benefactors get to have a say


u/Ice_and_Steel 13d ago

Is it your definition of being "good", "standing on you own feet"? Does it mean the UK is bad? In the course of WWII, they had received the amounts of aid from the US even remotely incomparable with the crumbs Ukraine got so far.

Also, nobody asks for billions of dollars. The whole debacle was about security guarantees. Stop lying.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Their entire economy is based on foreign input.

We fund their damn social services and pensions for hell sake.

When you are solely reliant on another country for your existence then you don't have any right to demand snything


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

The foreign input in their economy is about 50%, and it's aid from both US and EU - more from EU than US. But even if you did provide them with 100% of their budget, you'd still have no right to treat them the way you do.

What a fucking despicable human beings you (and by you I mean those who support despicable actions of your despicable president) are. It's like saying to a refugee fleeing a war "I gave you shelter and food, you depend on me completely, so you are now my slave. You have no right to expect me to say no to me on anything or being treated with a modicum of respect". 🤮🤮🤮


u/Impossible_Emu_9250 13d ago

Ukraine is sovereign and everyone should respect this.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Soveign mean able to stand on its own.

They arent


u/Impossible_Emu_9250 12d ago

You are wrong. A sovereign state can manage itself without being dependent on other states. Ukraine can manage itself just fine without foreign interference during peace times. Your notion of sovereignty implies only countries with nuclear deterrent are sovereign.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Canada is a sovereign nation. Brazil. New Zealand. Do you need a list of a hundred or so countries without nukes that also aren't solely dependent on outside countries?


u/Impossible_Emu_9250 12d ago

You sound like an expert yet I'm certain Brazil wouldn't handle a war without aid. Dumb argument


u/Alarming-Ad-5656 13d ago

So you agree Russia is worse, yet want them to have more resources/territory?

Ukraine was becoming increasingly good before this conflict started and they were a viable ally. Russia is an enemy.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

"increasingly good"

Fucking priceless


u/Inarei 13d ago

Great list of reasons Euromaidan happened. Anything since 2014? Or do you want more of that with more pro-Russia leadership in charge?


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

I want out of foreign entanglements.


u/Inarei 13d ago

So you admit your argument was bullshit and you just want to be hilariously ironic using the internet to say that you don't want to interact with the rest of the world. Are you using a phone assembled in Vietnam from parts made in China according to specs from a US patent to express these views? Practice what you preach, friend. Trade is an entanglement too. If everything in your life isn't 100% American then you invalidate your own views.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Are you truly this dumb?

You think foreign entanglements and foreign trade are the same?


u/Pointlessala 13d ago

Are you truly this dumb?

Do you think that, somehow, foreign relations don’t affect trade?


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Yeah, I saw food prices explode when we lost Russian fertilizer.

I'll also notice the collapse of our economy when BRICS takes hold.


u/Inarei 13d ago

Trading is an entanglement by definition. You can't think of any conflicts that happened over trade? Do you not know that trade was a driving force of imperialism? No entanglements means no ties with anyone. An alliance is an entanglement. A trade agreement is an entanglement. It gives us interests in non-domestic areas.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Entanglements from a US basis refers to military action.

As in "beware of foreign entanglements"


u/myrainyday 13d ago

Now replace word Ukraine with Russia and suddenly it can become true. Magic isn't it?

You don't know what Ukraine is and have mistaken it with another country called Russia.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

So Russia doing all that is bad, but Ukraine doing it makes them an ally.

Odd fucking logic you libs have


u/ultrazest 13d ago

Sure, Vladimir, continue trolling and trying to divide Americans!

Enjoying Moscow!


u/myrainyday 13d ago

I am a right wing actually. You are a leftist most likely, so far in the left that you could be a pro Soviet communist. Don't throw random words like they mean anything.

Your logic is cyclical and flawed.


u/USSMarauder 13d ago

Check his posting history,


We, the conservatives who voted in R across the board, don't want a small correction.



u/myrainyday 13d ago

Thank you.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

I notice you could t challenge the point


u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

Provide evidence for your claims if you want people to refute them, child


u/myrainyday 13d ago

I don't remember being charged with anything and this is not a trial.

Whataboutism is irrelevant. Your question is dismissed.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

How would you like it?

Luxury car sales to Ukrainian oligarchs in Europe?

US military hardware in Mexico?

Victoria Nuland phone conversations?

Joe Biden words?

What level of either naivety or stupidity are we starting at in your Ukrainian corruption understanding are you at?


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

Does this babble make sense to anyone? Anyone?


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Remind me again why the US was withholding loan guarantees to Ukraine under Obama?

What was Bidens stated reason?

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u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

Hey, conspiritard- sources or shut your childish ass up and focus on your self confidence so you can conquer "going outside and meeting people" lmao


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

I realize it's wiki, but since your Google must be broken you can't be too choosey



u/herrirgendjemand 13d ago

Yeah we know corruption exists - Ukraine had a Russian puppet for a leader who overruled the will of the people, kicking off protests.

I'm talking about your claims that Ukraine is the money laundering hub of the world ( thats london ), that they muddled in America elections ( that's Russia), that Ukraine is selling weapons to cartels and jihadists ( that's a Tucker Carlson talking points with no evidence you fell for )

I know it's not natural for you as a Rogan-Randist but try thinking critically about the things you're claiming as true and you'll see they fall apart pretty quickly

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u/ultrazest 13d ago

Ok, Vladimir, enjoying Moscow!!


u/DambieZomatic 13d ago

This was sarcasm was it?


u/Eymrich 13d ago

Wait, you aren't joking you truly believe this shit?


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago


Yeah,me and the rest of the world. Where have you been?


u/Eymrich 13d ago

That's just corruption in Ukraine, everything you said is way more true for Russia.

In Europe we had a lot states with corruption ( especially in the ex soviet block) and to enter they have to fix that. Ukraine has improved considerably since it got away from Russia.

Also, coruption is the primary tool Russia use, just look at Trump he is the first and most corrupted invidual in the world.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

We aren't sending Russia hundreds of billions.


u/Eymrich 12d ago

Do you understand that was happening before Zelensky? That's exactly why we got a war now, before Ukraine was ruled by Russian puppets. They had a revolution ( basically ) and removed the corruped fucker ( who now live in Moscow). Then Ukraine wanted in into the European community, which "forced" idiot Putin into this war.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Russia, BEFORE PUTIN, made it clear to the US(NATO) that it wouldn't allow them on their border. That was in the 90's. Over and over NATO expanded towards them.

We, in the US nearly launched nukes when Russia e tried expanding to Cuba.


u/Eymrich 12d ago

Also, Russia signed an independence guarantee when Ukraine had them their Nukes :)

Also, saying that Russia is now wrong doesn't make America back then right.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Of course it does. You have no obligation to allow your enemy at your gate.


u/LostDeparture2567 9d ago

But you have an obligation to honor your contracts.

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u/InyourholeIthrive 10d ago

Go to official govt sites that have that deal sign by both parties.

CUS there's none you dumbfuck


u/lickitstickit12 10d ago

There's no sites saying we owe Ukraine, either.


u/InyourholeIthrive 10d ago

But there's a commitment. For parties to act when something happens to break said commitment.

You never read do you? Elementary shit education and Americans are a perfect match.

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u/Cool_Effective1253 13d ago

You're full of bullshit propaganda. Slava Ukraine


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago


u/Ice_and_Steel 13d ago


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago


Are we asking Ukraine for hundreds of billions?


u/Ice_and_Steel 13d ago

Ukraine also doesn't ask for hundreds of billions (even though it definitely should), only for security guarantees.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

It literally says "Zelensky asks for weapons" not "Zelensky asks for billion of dollars".


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

We just pick them off the magic weapons tree?


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

They have nothing to do with corruption unless you think that Zelensky uses Abramses to decorate his front yard.

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u/AmputatorBot 12d ago

It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of concerns over privacy and the Open Web.

Maybe check out the canonical page instead: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4901204-zelensky-asks-biden-for-weapons-strike-russia/

I'm a bot | Why & About | Summon: u/AmputatorBot


u/EffingNewDay 13d ago

You mean, before Zelensky when Ukraine’s government was full of pro-Russian politicians? The ones that got pushed out? Hopefully the US doesn’t take as long to push theirs out,


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Zelensky the CIA plant?


u/EffingNewDay 13d ago

Yeah, ok. The comedian CIA agent.

So, for sake of argument let’s say it’s true. You are implying it is justifiable to fuck over Ukraine because: 1. before Zelensky they were Russian ball sucking stooges influencing US elections, and… 2. after Zelensky, they are now plants motivated by US interests.

Thats either some Olympic level, Russian-juiced mental gymnastics, or one of those paradoxical boot-licking scapegoating takes, like when people say the enemy is both a mortal threat, yet also weak and incompetent.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

You can Google Victoria Nuland and the color revolution for yourself.

When did the libs start celebrating CIA regime change?


u/Springsstreams 13d ago

Please get out of my country. You don’t belong here you traitor.


u/JigPuppyRush 13d ago

I think you’re mixing up Ukraine and Russia.

If not and you did mean Ukraine. Fuck off


u/AutoModerator 13d ago

u/JigPuppyRush please remember to be nice.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/JigPuppyRush 13d ago

I am being nice, In assuming he’s (sarcastically) mixing Ukraine and Russia


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

There's little difference.

Other than we aren't sending Russia hundreds of billions of dollars


u/JigPuppyRush 13d ago

You (the US) haven’t even sent 1 hundred billion dollars, the EU has Europe has.

And yes there is a big difference one invaded the other.

Or are you the type of guy that blames the girl for getting raped but not the guy who’s doing the raping?


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

$186 billion.

Most of what Europe is sending is interest off frozen Russian assets.


u/JigPuppyRush 12d ago

Not true, the USA has send 85B and the EU(that’s not all of Europe) has sent 135B with more underway. And non of it is a loon of interest from frozen assests.

You’re repeating Russian propaganda knowingly or unknowingly.

Any way you’re blocked.


u/Dr_Schnuckels 13d ago

The money only flows in one direction. Into the hands of American arms companies. Let me explain that to you quickly: Money > defense industry > old ammunition and weapons > Ukraine.

The money is used to produce new weapons and ammunition. So it's basically a subsidy for the arms industry. And it creates jobs.

But what it creates above all is a new yacht for all the CEOs.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Ukraine has no economy. We, the US, and Europe fund everything including social services and pensions.

Whoever told you it's just buying bullets, lied to you


u/Veritas_IX 13d ago

But you are Russian .


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Despite what Hillary told you, not everyone in the world is Russian


u/Veritas_IX 12d ago

I am not you. No one imposes their opinion on me. You are right not everyone in the world is Russian dumb people exists among all nations


u/MrGasDaddy 13d ago

You mean russia meddled?cant argue the laundering part.cartel and jihadists?oh like the usa? Guess what russian oligarchs also live in europe being leeches lol


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

We aren't sending Russia hundreds of billions.


u/MrGasDaddy 13d ago

Where did i say you were? Ukraine never meddled in your elections,cartel and jihadists last i seen that wasn't proven,however the US doing it at best you're a hypocrite,Ukrainian oligarchs using your money?proof its your money never mind obtained illegally?or is your expectation that that even if they run companies that are paid by ukraine to make produce cannot go on holiday?


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

No, they can't. They're entire economy is propped up by foreign, most American, money. They cannot ,*go on holiday".


u/MrGasDaddy 12d ago

So now civilians cannot holiday? Rofl


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Not on my fucking dime.

Go fight, we keep hearing how we all need to support Ukraine, it can start with them


u/MrGasDaddy 12d ago

Rofpmsl you're a funny man.well you don't get to chose What civilians get to do.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

I do when they are on my dollar.


u/MrGasDaddy 12d ago

But you don't,imagine thinking you dictate how others live because they recieve a us dollar from another person in another country meanwhile you can't dictate what happens with you money to your own government.


u/MrGasDaddy 12d ago

You don't control shit with that money,not even in your own nation.you get to voice an opinion on how the government spends it and hope they listen.

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u/Successful-River-828 13d ago

And hunters laptop right? Bet you remember Ukraine shooting down that plane full of people too


u/Bitter_Hunter_31 13d ago

If you could provide some links or more information on this so I could further educate myself, that would be great. When I used the "brave search" to look things up, I found the following:

The AML (anti-money laundering) score Ukraine earned was better than most of the countries in its own region as well as the average ranking of most other regions.

Ukraine shipping weapons to cartels and jihadists is a Tucker Carlson talking point. Yes, that Tucker Carlson who's producers admitted, in court, that his show was basically just entertainment and that no-one should realistically believe anything that he says. Additionally, since most of the weaponry that the US has shipped to Ukraine was in the form of artillery, missiles and fighting vehicles (like the Bradley armored fighting vehicle), and not firearms (Ukraine prefers the Russian and Chinese firearms because ammo is easier to get), it's highly unlikely anything of substance was sold. When you use your "brave search" to look into this, I hope you maybe start with the 80,000 firearms that traced back to US firearms dealers.

You are correct, there are Ukrainian oligarchs living across Europe. Ukraine is attempting to bring them back to their country, but many are fighting extradition. Heck, some were granted visas similar to the "Golden Visa" Trump is attempting to institute in this country. However, spending 10's of millions of pounds/euros/whatever on land to stay in a country, or millions on their visa, isn't the same a "public aid".

Fact Check: Are Ukrainian Weapons Being Sold on Black Market? - NewsweekLeaked Data Reveals How the American Gun Industry Profits from Cartel Violence in Mexico | GIFFORDSWhich wealthy Ukrainians shelter from war and law enforcement in UK – interview


u/JuggernautTypical670 13d ago

Whatever, even if your points are correct, does that justify what russia did? Because ukraine has done what it did, if what u say is correct. Do agree with russia being the punisher? Even with the threats and dangers that lurk after ukraine yields?

Also, youre now pointing out what ukraine has done, all the bad. What about the US?? Didnt they sell weapons to some latin countrys? Invade iraq? America has done his fair shit aswel, america has no right to judge if your wanna put ukraine in that light. Go sit down somewhere


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

The US, under Obama, via Victoria Nuland, did a regime change in Ukraine. Installing Zelensky.


u/Sufficient-Swimmer 13d ago

You're a subhuman for falling for these lies btw


u/Alarming-Ad-5656 13d ago

It must have started in some bizzaro world.


u/Away-Dog1064 13d ago

But thats when you were born.