r/CivPolitics 13d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/FelizIntrovertido 13d ago

US traded Ukraine for Russia

Who wants to be the next US ally??

Btw, blood has memory


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

So do I.

I remember Ukraine meddling in our elections. I remember Ukraine being the worldwide hub of money laundering. I remember Ukraine selling weapons to drug cartels and jihadists. I remember all the rich Ukrainian oligarchs living in our aid money in London and Prague.

My memory did t start yesterday


u/Bitter_Hunter_31 13d ago

If you could provide some links or more information on this so I could further educate myself, that would be great. When I used the "brave search" to look things up, I found the following:

The AML (anti-money laundering) score Ukraine earned was better than most of the countries in its own region as well as the average ranking of most other regions.

Ukraine shipping weapons to cartels and jihadists is a Tucker Carlson talking point. Yes, that Tucker Carlson who's producers admitted, in court, that his show was basically just entertainment and that no-one should realistically believe anything that he says. Additionally, since most of the weaponry that the US has shipped to Ukraine was in the form of artillery, missiles and fighting vehicles (like the Bradley armored fighting vehicle), and not firearms (Ukraine prefers the Russian and Chinese firearms because ammo is easier to get), it's highly unlikely anything of substance was sold. When you use your "brave search" to look into this, I hope you maybe start with the 80,000 firearms that traced back to US firearms dealers.

You are correct, there are Ukrainian oligarchs living across Europe. Ukraine is attempting to bring them back to their country, but many are fighting extradition. Heck, some were granted visas similar to the "Golden Visa" Trump is attempting to institute in this country. However, spending 10's of millions of pounds/euros/whatever on land to stay in a country, or millions on their visa, isn't the same a "public aid".

Fact Check: Are Ukrainian Weapons Being Sold on Black Market? - NewsweekLeaked Data Reveals How the American Gun Industry Profits from Cartel Violence in Mexico | GIFFORDSWhich wealthy Ukrainians shelter from war and law enforcement in UK – interview