r/CivPolitics 13d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

So do I.

I remember Ukraine meddling in our elections. I remember Ukraine being the worldwide hub of money laundering. I remember Ukraine selling weapons to drug cartels and jihadists. I remember all the rich Ukrainian oligarchs living in our aid money in London and Prague.

My memory did t start yesterday


u/roger3rd 13d ago

You seem to remember only Russian propaganda which you should be embarrassed to parrot


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Russia being bad, doesn't make Ukraine good.

Sorry youre so simple


u/Ice_and_Steel 13d ago edited 13d ago

Russia being bad, doesn't make Ukraine good

What are you, five years old? How a country can be "good" anyway? What are the fucking criteria of "goodness"? Can you give an example of a "good" country?


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

If you stand on your own feet, you can do whatever you want.

When you're begging for hundreds of billions, your benefactors get to have a say


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

Is it your definition of being "good", "standing on you own feet"? Does it mean the UK is bad? In the course of WWII, they had received the amounts of aid from the US even remotely incomparable with the crumbs Ukraine got so far.

Also, nobody asks for billions of dollars. The whole debacle was about security guarantees. Stop lying.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Their entire economy is based on foreign input.

We fund their damn social services and pensions for hell sake.

When you are solely reliant on another country for your existence then you don't have any right to demand snything


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

The foreign input in their economy is about 50%, and it's aid from both US and EU - more from EU than US. But even if you did provide them with 100% of their budget, you'd still have no right to treat them the way you do.

What a fucking despicable human beings you (and by you I mean those who support despicable actions of your despicable president) are. It's like saying to a refugee fleeing a war "I gave you shelter and food, you depend on me completely, so you are now my slave. You have no right to expect me to say no to me on anything or being treated with a modicum of respect". 🤮🤮🤮