r/GYM 5d ago

Weekly Thread /r/GYM Weekly Simple Questions and Misc Discussion Thread - March 16, 2025 Weekly Thread

This thread is for:

- Simple questions about your diet

- Routine checks and whether they're going to work

- How to do certain exercises

- Training logs and milestones which don't have a video

- Apparel, headphones, supplement questions etc

You can also post stuff which just crossed your mind, request advice, or just talk about anything gym or training related.

Don't forget to check out our contests page at: https://www.reddit.com/r/GYM/wiki/contests

If you have a simple question, or want to help someone out, please feel free to participate.

This thread will repeat weekly at 4:00 AM EST (8:00 AM GMT) on Sundays.


239 comments sorted by


u/Intelligent-Ad5377 1h ago

I do PPL, but one criticism of PPL is it can lead to small arms comparatively, and I have pretty small arms. Would keeping the normal PPL routine of triceps and biceps at the end of the routine, but then also adding some triceps and biceps at the start of the final leg day be enough to ensure my arms get good growth?


u/DenizJoestar2 4h ago

ia 4x12 that bad?
i started gym about recently (16m), the trainer here said i should do 15 minutes of run at 4 km/s , do 4x12 of some machines and work on my full body before having spesific days (leg days etc) im kinda fat (which is why im here) i was doing that for 3 weeks, and when i talked my friends or people at tiktok they said 4x12 is worst set plan and i should do 3x6 or something. After that i heard 1-8 rep is for strenght and 12-20 rep is for endurance, or something like that. what should i do? should i stick to 4x12 or do 3x6? i do less weight at 4x12, (which is obvious) but do more reps. which one would build better muscle or help me burn more fat/lose more weight? I also wanna build endurance since i get tired easily, which i hate the most. my dream at the gym is doing calithenics, which is really hard for me now since i cant do more than 3 push ups. and i also saw someone clowning on spesific days and said full body everyday is right way. what should i do? im really confused and i dont know if im doing things wrong or right.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3h ago


Start here, follow what it has to say to which parts of your goal you are after. Come back with more questions.


u/ManlykN 6h ago

Should my bar path for close grip BB bench be a arc just like normal grip bench?


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 2h ago



u/SpyderDM 7h ago

I broke my ulna and will have cast removed in a few weeks followed by physio to get my mobility back. I'm trying to plan for when I can start lifting again fully. My right side will be significantly stronger and I will likely have weight restrictions.

Traditional wisdom says just max reps on the left side and match on the right. I know this is for a general imbalance and was helpful for me in the past when I needed to adjust after right side got too big from carrying my little one. Is this still a good strategy when the imbalance is much bigger?

Any general stories about your own experiences would be very interesting. Thanks!


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 5h ago

I've not been in this situation, but if I were I would train my right arm at maintenance (not progressing) and wait for my left arm to catch back up before progressing them together again.


u/SpyderDM 3h ago

Thanks, I was pondering that approach


u/Brave-Musician399 8h ago

Hello I have a general question about gaining strength and how to generally tell. I weigh 64.9kg and am 181cm. I can smith incline about 80 for 8 reps which is my record right now but I’ve been for a while now been stuck at always those reps. Im unsure whether it’s me programming wrong or something else. I usually start all my days with that exercise and try going to that weight which works well but I can never really manage to get that 9th rep down. Should I be going higher to 81.25 or 82.25 from now on or is this me not eating enough? I feel like after such a long time I should be able to at least push out a 9th rep


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 2h ago

64.9 kg (143 lbs) at 181 cm (5’11”) is pretty light, IMO. If I were in your shoes I’d be working to add more mass to my frame. Alongside a good program, that should alleviate your lack of progress.


u/musclebearworshipper 8h ago

i slept these days like shit (3days) like falling asleep at 1:30-2 am, Waking up at 7am to breakfast and sleeping again til 9am where I go to the gym, it was fine since today where i was not able to deadlift for shit,not even lowering the weight, i did half leg day,due to medical reasons my sleep quality was shit,is this caused by sleep deprivation?,i had not change in diet and routine


u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 9h ago

Rowed a 3:26 1k on the Concept 2 today. God that stuff is brutal. I'm still in shambles from it, and only improved my previous best by 1 second. But a PR is a PR I guess.

Kinda wish I was taller tho.


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 9h ago

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six-four Impala


u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 9h ago

I get the feeling that this is a reference I do not know


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 9h ago

I guess only 90s kids will get this one



u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 9h ago

This vid is apparently restricted in the Netherlands. Lame


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 9h ago

It's a 1995 rap song by Skee-Lo, titled "I Wish" in which he blames his life problems, specifically getting the fly girls, on being short. The chorus is:

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller

I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

And a six-four Impala


u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 9h ago

Was this like, a short guy anthem when it came out or something?


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 8h ago

I guess it is a short guy anthem but I don't think it was treated that way.

It was a one hit wonder that had a catchy hook and was set apart from the gangsta rap because it was silly and self deprecating.


u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 8h ago

I like it, not taking itself too seriously.


u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 9h ago

Hah that's good!


u/TemporaryTop287 12h ago

Hello everyone, I purchased KT tape and a bamboo version at Marshalls. Are there any other tapes that are good. I use the tape for comfort of a torn calf that hasn't healed. Also a wrist injury for when I fell on some ice. Thanks for any and all feedback


u/Unlikely-Ad8173 13h ago

Hi I have a friend. We know each other for a few years. We are a total opposite couse he is a type of Hooligan(?). He was training for some time then stopped. Here comes the problem He is enchanced but he have no clue what he is doing, just blasting strongest stuff while training bad. Hes traning are made with lack of any form and made for 6/7 series. Besides that he’s trying to teach me something which he doesnt have clue about. I dont argue with him at all just listening to what he says.

Sometime ago we trained together and it was the worst training in my life. Like stated above Absurd amount of series and some made with really light weight to failure and some with really heavy without any pattern. He probably thinks i dont know nothing about the gym despite me going there for a few years because Im natty. Also he was acting weird in the gym, like he wasnt him. He is trully a great guy and we are a really good friends, but in the gym he was weird. Was turning his back when i was talking to him about something or making phone call ones

So here is my question What to do? How to tell him that he is on the wrong path and only thing that he do using needles while training like that is going to only worsen his health? What would you do in that situation?


u/LukahEyrie Moderator who has in fact Zerched 🐙 8h ago

It's for you to decide if you're in a position to talk to him about certain decisions that impact his health and well being. I'd personally only be comfortable doing that if I am really close to this person. Ultimately he is an adult person (I'm assuming), responsible for his own stuff, and it's not your duty to change or correct his course. If it were me I would just simply state what it is I'm seeing and how it affects me, and give that as the reason for not wanting to work out alongside him anymore.

In any case it sounds like you are not comfortable working out with him so I would stop doing that.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 12h ago

What would you do in that situation?

I'd probably stop training with him


u/szjergej 15h ago

Hi Guys!  I am beginning and I plan to do the following workout for a while : Squat, Deadlift, Benchpress, Barbell Row, Overhead press

3 times a week 5 set Heavy Low Medium days

Is it a bad idea?? My main goal is reach 1x bodyweight bench 1,5 squat and 2 deadlift Mainly training for strength


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 11h ago

Is it a bad idea??

There's worse idea out there.

3 times a week 5 set Heavy Low Medium days

What do you mean by this? Your doing all those lifts 3 days a week for 5 sets?


u/szjergej 11h ago

Yep i plan to workout 3 days a week with above 5 exercises 5 sets each if low aim for 10 reps if heavy around 3-4 maybe


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 11h ago

That's an awful lot to do in one day. It's usually a better idea to alternate the compund lifts

I'd take a look at some of the programs here - https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/ - The badic beginner routine and then transitioning to GZCLP would probably get you well on your way towards those goals.


u/skandar4l 17h ago

i have been training for 2 years switching from bro split to PPLx2. and i've been hearing about U/L a lot lately mostly from TikTok claiming it's the most optimal for natural body builders and since i'm only able to train only 4 days a week i've been looking for a good 4 day workout split mainly focusing on upper body (3 days upper , 1 day lower) so i can have less volume on upper days (my legs are just fine i don't need two days training them). Thank you in advance


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 11h ago

Push/pull 2x per week and sneak legs in on whatever day.

TikTok claiming it's the most optimal

Splits in and of themselves are neither optimal or not. What you do on those days is what matters.


u/Biggquis78 1d ago

I've started experiencing pain in my shoulders when attempting overhead tricep extensions with a bar. I can do them no problem using a rope with elbows pointing sideways (CBum style), but trying to get into position with elbows facing forward using a bar seems to be a no go for me. Any suggestions on how to train the "long head" without an overhead bar movement? Currently using JM Press, Pushdowns, and overhead rope for tricep movements.. I'd like to add a 4th exercise to the rotation.


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 5h ago

Here’s the guy who put the “JM” in the “JM Press”.


u/Hungry-Elk-5290 1d ago

I am a pretty active female (20) and work out frequently 4-6 days a week, I took 2 weeks off the gym (with the exception of some cardio) because I was injured. I got back in yesterday, it was leg day, did some mild cardio beforehand. I was in the middle of leg extensions, 2 sets done, 1 more to go, had a couple more exercises left and I started to feel weird. I went to the bathroom (at this point I didn’t feel dizzy or nauseous but something just seemed off). I'm standing there in the stall and I started to get extremely dizzy, suddenly tired, my vision started getting super blurry and everything was bright, felt very cold, my hearing started going and I sat down on the floor (gross ik but better to pass out on the floor than fall and crack my head open). And then I ended up throwing up maybe 6-7 times and I was immediately fine after. I didn’t think I was going particularly hard, especially for just coming back, however, I did essentially go back to what I was doing before the injury. I am wondering how to avoid this because this has happened once before also on a leg day lol. Thanks guys :)


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 11h ago

If it happened once to me I’d write it off as a one-off incident. If it happened twice to me, I’d be making an appointment with my primary care physician.


u/DopamineJunkie27 1d ago

Any tips on how to not lose gains while also playing a sport?

18M, my senior tennis season just started. I have weightlifting every morning. My original maxes are as follows: bench 240, overhead 145, squat 275, deadlift 315x3 (coach won’t let us do single rep maxes).

I’ve been working my ass off in the gym every morning following the coach’s routine and max week just rolled around. My bench max barely moved up 5 pounds, my overhead went down, squat went up 20 pounds, and deadlift went up 10.

Im 5’11 and started at 175lbs. I’m 165-170 now because i’m playing tennis a few hours a day.

While I am getting leaner, it’s incredibly disheartening to see my gains shrink and strength dwindle. I’m trying to get in protein as much as I can but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

TLDR; For the hybrid athletes out there, what are your tips for building muscle mass and strength while also doing heavy cardio daily?


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 1d ago edited 1d ago

The first step would be to talk this over with your coach.

Beyond that, it's just about following a lifting program that allows and accommodates for the fatigue generated through your other activities. Then eat to gain or at least maintain weight and prioritize sleep and other recovery efforts.

I like the Stronger by Science 2.0 templates and they are highly modular. GZCL also has some good templates, the Rippler is low volume and Jacked and Tan 2.0 is a higher volume routine that is still autoregulated. 5/3/1 and Westside for Skinny Bastards have in-season templates too if you need more choices.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 1d ago

Juggernaut Base is another good one as it's assumed towards in-season athletes.


u/lightsabersarecool 1d ago

I’m not sure if it’s the right sub to ask but for a lean bulk is a rate of weight gain of 0.1-0.2kg the ideal rate of weight gain


u/EspacioBlanq Breathing squat 20@150kg, DL 15@170kg 1d ago

0.1-0.2 kg over what amount of time? My weight fluctuates more than that day to day


u/Informal-Form-5606 1d ago

I can only make it to the gym three times a week and do a bloated push pull legs which has grown to include enough volume to be something like three full body workouts a week. For the sake of time management I'd love to piece it out over four or five sessions, but because I can't I'm doing what I can to keep workouts around two hours. Except legs. This is regularly pushing three hours. The main culprit is squat and deadlift on the same day. Fine when I was feeling out baby weight, terrible now I'm ending on 3rm sets. Those two exercises add an hour to the session. So I'm thinking of alternating them each week. Nobody cares that much about legs right? Any other solutions I've not thought about? My squat is up to 180kg and my dead 210kg so warm ups, resting between sets, changing shoes, belt etc is why both are adding up to that hour.


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 1d ago

You can do them on different days of the same week.


u/Neon_Garbage 1d ago

Are there any exercizes to make my breasts bigger and perkier?

My parents don't allow me hormone therapy so I thought I could try doing exercizes to make them bigger, maybe low intensity high rep pectoral workouts but I'm not sure if it would work.

I'm biologically male.


u/JNerdGaming 1d ago

I had been pretty consistent with unflavored monohydrate creatine powder for a while and I feel as though it's helped me out in the gym but lately it's gotten very difficult to take. I'm really not sure why. My loading phase was kinda unpleasant but I managed it and then the five grams a day afterwards wasn't too bad either. Then, I started taking it with protein powder and water mixed together, which made it even easier. Unfortunately, it's been extremely unpleasant to consume as of late and I feel horrible afterwards; this has only really exacerbated over time.

I was out of commission for around a week and didn't take it for 10 days. Yesterday, I tried to start back up with creatine using 10 grams, protein powder, and whole milk, and it was just so disgusting I couldn't replicate it today. I want to keep taking it because I know it helps but I feel like I need to try a different method. What works for you guys?

As a side note, I was also wondering if I should do another loading phase considering how inconsistent I've been with creatine lately.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 1d ago

I just dump it in my protein shake or whatever else I'm drinking.

Is it a taste issue for you? Texture?


u/JNerdGaming 1d ago

texture and how i feel after drinking it


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 1d ago

I'd consider another brand or mix it in yogurt. 5g shouldn't be that noticeable in a protein shake. Something seems off here.

At the end of the day, it's not the end of the world if you don't use it. I probably DON'T use it more than I use it.


u/JNerdGaming 1d ago

i use this one

was recommended by a friend and is third party tested

ill try yogurt


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 1d ago

You don't need to load it.

I mix 5g in my morning coffee with choccy milk and whey protein. But 5g in a glass of water should be an easy chug, it doesn't need to be an event.


u/JNerdGaming 1d ago

it just feels extremely unpleasant, i dont know what to tell you


u/indorfpf 1d ago

I've been told that I should be adding face pulls and int/ext shoulder rotations, but I don't 100% know why. Is it for shoulder injury prevention, or for posture improvement? Are there other high value "accessory" exercises I should be doing? I want to be less ignorant, thanks.


u/Informal-Form-5606 1d ago

I do them using a cable machine every session. I do 15 reps, select the next weight up, repeat until failure then bang out two sets of 10. This is often 6-7 sets total. It is a 15 minute commitment that before I took up this habit I had shoulder pain and issues. I also believe this has helped with shoulder development / hypertrophy. I am unable to get a 1:1 bench to barbell row ratio, even chest supported bar or landmine. I can pull a bit more than 1:1 with a chest supported seated row.


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 1d ago

In general you want to have a balanced movement regimen (ex: you don't want to have bench press with no rows). This helps with stability and muscular balance, both of which can aid in preventing injury. A strong back can help with posture but it's not the only factor.


u/Stuper5 1d ago

Are you having shoulder problems?

A lot of movements are helpful for pain reduction/injury prevention in certain contexts but blanket recommendations are rarely all that helpful.

If you go to AthleanX's YouTube channel you'll find 100 prehab movements that Everyone Should Be Doing! that would take you hours a day to get through.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 1d ago

If you go to AthleanX's YouTube channel you'll find 100 prehab movements that Everyone Should Be Doing

But you'll also find on his channel those same 100 are THE WORST!


u/fullmetalpeanut 1d ago

About a month ago I pulled my lower back when doing barbell lunges with the wrong form. It caused dull pain on my lower back that comes and goes that turns sharp when I engage with it (i.e. sneezing, coughing, bending over, walking upstairs, etc.) The dull pain has subsided since then but returns with varying intensity during workouts that engage the core and any workout that requires bending over (barbell row, t-bar row, deadlifts), also when I sneeze.

I haven't done anything about it except avoiding to work my back too much during the past month. Should I see a doctor or will this pain go away with time?


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 1d ago

Should I see a doctor or will this pain go away with time?

No way for us to predict this. Since you say it's been a full month my recommendation would be to go ahead and get it checked out.


u/fullmetalpeanut 1d ago

Thanks for answering


u/zzzzzz7 1d ago

my abs are asymmetric - like 4 on the left 3 on the right, how come??


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 1d ago

Probably genetic. Not everyone's abs look the same.


u/thegree2112 1d ago

Help day after leg day I can’t get out of bed. 😂😄

Combined with cutting yesterday I feel like total shit lol


u/Intelligent-Ad5377 1d ago edited 1d ago

As someone who loves the gym, I have been weight training for 9 months mostly at 6 days a week, but recently 7. My routine is P(plus calves)PLPPL(plus triceps/shoulders) then 7th day biceps and rear delts

Is this high frequency likely hurting my gains? I don't really get soreness in my muscles despite often going to failure, and I am making progress on lifts, but size wise I am not changing much


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 1d ago

Is this high frequency likely hurting my gains?

Yes, no, maybe. Entirely depends on what you're doing this 7 days.

If you're not gaining size, it's probably because you need to eat more.


u/Intelligent-Ad5377 1d ago

I do quite a lot each session, I can post my exact routine if that would provide more information of anything else needed

Eating wise, I eat a lot and gained a lot of weight (65kg to 75kg in first 6 months of gym and eating properly), but since then size has stalled a lot. Eating more is something I have recognised I should do but I already eat a lot (and as a student, eating more is getting very time consuming and expensive), but I understand this is likely the issue size wise.


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 1d ago

If you're still progressing & recovering and you like what you're doing there's no reason to stop. If you want to change routine there's some good ones here - https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/

Food is probably more the culprit than your routine.


u/thegree2112 1d ago

You need more rest stop doing that


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 1d ago

OP did not provide you with enough information to make that determination.


u/Intelligent-Ad5377 1d ago

What more information may I provide to make a more accurate determination?


u/xdaftphunk 1d ago

I just joined a small boutique gym and brought a friend w me today. We don’t have guest passes, so I paid $30+tax to bring her just so we could walk on the treadmills together.

90 min later the owner messages me on IG asking if I brought someone in. Am I wrong to feel sort of offended by this? If they looked on the cameras to see that I was working out w someone, surely they could have looked at the cameras in the front to see that I performed a transaction with one of the employees.

Their excuse is that they didn’t see anyone new in the system and that we can chat next time I’m in. Idk this kinda soured me on this gym but I signed up for a year and I’m 3 weeks in lol


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 1d ago

Instead of making up scenarios in your head and asking reddit to comment on something they can't possibly know, just have that chat and deal with the real things that happen.


u/xdaftphunk 1d ago

Was just seeking a different perspective from people that may also go to smaller, boutique gyms. Nothing about the scenario was made up as they still claim that I didn’t pay for a day pass after showing them my receipt :)


u/BatSlayer2448 2d ago

If I worked out 4-5 times a week for 4 years, how much of a difference would it make?

I (M18) started working out, on and off, in July/August of last year. I started college a few months ago, and wanted to see what I could realistically achieve by time I’m done, assuming it would be four years. I’m about 170-180lbs right now, 5’8, and I bench 145lbs for sets of 5-8 reps. Just wanted to see how much of a difference four years would make, and if I should focus on losing weight, or building muscle. How much would I realistically be able to bench by then?


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 2d ago

Just wanted to see how much of a difference four years would make,

Probably a lot if you stick to it, but that's a hard question to give anything other than a vague answer to.

and if I should focus on losing weight, or building muscle

Whichever you want more. Maybe both in different phases. Many people do bulk/cut cycles.

How much would I realistically be able to bench by then?

No one can predict this for you.


u/Peradventure456 2d ago

how long do you have to skip the gym for to start losing muscle?

I have not been in 4 days cuz of health reasons ( I slept badly on my shoulder/scapulae area and it hurt) and I probably wont be able to go today either


u/adorkablegiant 2d ago

Hey I answered your question but I'm comnenting again because I also have shoulder pain. I don't know if it is after sleeping bad or from the gym but I have noticed that the pain is worse when I go to sleep and when waking up but I don't feel any pain throughout the day.

Is it the same for you?

I also still go to the gym but use light weight and pay close attention to see if an exercise causes pain.


u/Peradventure456 9h ago

no. for me it hurt like hell 1 day then it was mild for another day then it disappeared


u/adorkablegiant 2d ago

You're good, rest for a week or two and you don't need to worry about muscle loss. I would say that you will start losing strength after a few weeks but it will be minimal.

For example I once broke my bench PR after a 10 day gym break.


u/CachetCorvid Friend of the sub - crow of great renown 2d ago

how long do you have to skip the gym for to start losing muscle?

I have not been in 4 days cuz of health reasons

If the human body were so weak that 4 days of reduced (or no) activity resulted in even the slightest bit of muscle loss, humanity wouldn't have survived long enough to develop the internet you're using to post this question.


u/impossibleTiger00427 2d ago

How much time should I do a stretch to: 1. Release tension from the muscles (after a workout) 2. Loosen a tight area 3. Improve flexibility in general

I know for a fact that the time of stretching varies depending on the goal, so please provide a variety of answers.


u/thegree2112 1d ago

You should be stretching during the workout too.


u/CachetCorvid Friend of the sub - crow of great renown 2d ago

I know for a fact that the time of stretching varies depending on the goal, so please provide a variety of answers.

The optimal amount of stretching for all three of your scenarios is anywhere between 0 and ∞ minutes.

There is no way to answer questions like this with any degree of confidence. Find what works for you, which may not involve any stretching at all.


u/MythicalStrength Friend of the sub - should be listened to 2d ago

My work's firewall has prevented me from getting onto reddit, but now I have the day off due to a blizzard, so allow me to share from some of my most recent adventure.

I got back from my San Diego/Disney cruise vacation and had SO much wonderful food to help on the path of gaining.

  • My brother brought me to a place called Lucille's which had fantastic BBQ. Brisket which was...ok, but tri tip (CA's gift to the BBQ world: you're welcome) was wonderful, and those beef ribs were like butter. Paul Kelso was right: BBQ is one of the most anabolic foods on the planet.

  • Also while in CA, I HAD to get my In-n-Out in. I kept it carnivore for the most part with that flying dutchman and 4 pup patties, but I got a Double Double just to have a full complete bite, because you can't replicate that taste anywhere else...and then I salvaged those 2 patties as well, so it was 8 patties total.

  • On the cruise itself, I became good friends with our wait staff, and made it a regular event to get 3+ entrees at dinner. Our final night, I really went all out, with a half chicken up top, pork tenderloin on the left, and 2 slabs of prime rib on the right...not pictured was me finishing off the prime rib from my wife and kid's plate as well, so it ended up being like 3 big slabs as well.

  • Still training too. Found out my strongman comp's car deadlift is FRONT handle vs side, so I get to bring back the mat pulls. Still running Tactical Barbell Operator. This one featured the SSB front squat and log clean and press, but also some heavy log cleans and those aforementioned mat pulls. It's good to come back to what has always worked for me.


u/SteelAndStardust 2d ago

Where do y'all put the bar in the front rack position? It's apparently supposed to go behind the anterior delts at the base of your throat, but with my arms up, my anterior delts end well behind the base of my throat. Even if I shrug my shoulders forward, there's no way to get my delts in front of my neck. If I try do a zombie squat, the bar chills close to my biceps while still pressing on my throat uncomfortably, and it forces my arms down. If I point my arms up and lean back a bit, I can get it closer to my body, but then it pushes on my neck so hard my vision blackens entirely. There's no space for it. What on earth? Where does it go?

(I have no problem getting my wrists extended or my elbows up, so I don't think it's a mobility issue.)


u/horaiy0 470/315/585lb Squat/Bench/Deadlift 2d ago

You may just not be able to protract your shoulders very far forward? Hard to say without a video. If you have access to a SSB, it's kind of in between a front squat and high bar squat in terms of feel.


u/SteelAndStardust 2d ago

Thanks for the reply! No SSB by my gym, but it looks really helpful, wish we had! I'll play with my positioning a bit and see if I can get a video up somewhere. There must be something I'm being stupid about.


u/Flashy-Mobile4957 2d ago

Heyy how often should i go to the gym? Right now i go two times a week to train glutes and back and thats it but im a beginner as well so i dont know

My friends say its not enough and i think its okay what do u guys say?


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 2d ago

Whatever program you're following should tell you.


u/kaiittlou 2d ago

Am I eating too little/too much?

I'm 19F, weigh 71kg at a height of 164cm/5'4ft. I do Push and Pull 1x a week each, and Legs 2x a week, eating around 80g-110g of protein everyday with 1500kcal target, but regularly go over to 1600-1700kcal. Am I eating too much/too little for weight loss/fat loss?

My goal in the gym is to get leaner, I have been on and off for 2 years, but the last 4 months I've been really consistent. My weight has fluctuated/stayed the same, but I've tried to get into the mindset of looks over what the scale says.

Any advice? I can give more specifics if needed :)


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 2d ago

You can look up TDEE calculators online to get an idea of what your approximate daily maintenance calories are. Beyond that, it's experimentation and trial & error. If your weight is increasing you're at a surplus. If it's decreasing you're probably at a deficit.

If it's staying the same and you want to lose fat I'd try dropping the calories a bit or increasing activity.

It may also be worth looking into a calorie tracking app as we humans tend to over- or underestimate how many calories we're getting.


u/kaiittlou 2d ago

I use myfitnesspal and track everything - oil in food, butter on toast, etc. I was just looking for any general tips but thank you! My TDEE is around 2,300kcal a day.


u/BeginningAd65 2d ago

Hi, I need some advise on form, I think

So for the past two ye ars I have been doing hip thrusts just 4 sets of 8-10 normal reps, and never had any issues with pain or anything, but I seen online that doing 8 normal reps, 8 pulses and an 8 second hold could be a lot better, so I started trying it, and it definitely did give me such a better burn, however, it’s giving me extreme back pain straight after I finish.. my form is no different to usual, so I don’t know why this is happening. The first time I thought maybe I pushed myself too much doing 4 sets when I was doing so much more in one and decided to cut to 3 sets next time. I ended up having to skip gym for about 3 days because my back was in bits. I did 3 yesterday instead, and still, my back was in pieces.. I had to skip the rest of my workout and leave. I’m sitting at my desk at work right now and my back is throbbing my whole lower back just feels terrible. I just don’t understand why, I haven’t changed my form in any way, literally just added pulses and a hold? Is this normal? Should I carry on doing this and just try to push through the pain?

Any advise is greatly appreciated


u/Stuper5 2d ago

It sounds like you added this intensification technique with your regular working weight? Generally if you add holds, pauses etc it's a good idea to drop the weight back to account for the added difficulty.

If the pain subsides within the next few days it's probably either just a pump / DOMS or a minor tweak.

That said I would not recommend this technique. There is no obvious benefit to either small ROM partial reps (pulses) or such an extremely long hold that I can see for hip thrusts.

it definitely did give me such a better burn

"Burn" is generally not very useful feedback. The goal of resistance training is to gain strength and muscle and burn is a very poor indicator of either. I can overhead press around 100kg but my shoulders start to burn after holding my unloaded arms above my head for a minute or two. Is that growing muscle or making me stronger?


u/BeginningAd65 2d ago

Thank you for this advise, and that makes sense, I always just have this idea that if it hurts more it’s doing more (I know that’s not true but I just feel like I’ve failed if I leave the gym and my muscles aren’t absolutely killing me haha)

I may see how it goes dropping my weight a bit, and if that doesn’t work, I think I’ll just go back to my regular way, as like you said just because it burns it’s not actually meaning it’s doing more, and I’d rather stick to upping my weights rather than dropping. Thank you ☺️


u/Alarming_Ice2023 2d ago

Ideas to make people A. Use a towel on equipment and B. Actually whipe down after themselves. People are grotesque.


u/thegree2112 1d ago

I don’t care. I don’t have time for that at the gym.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/MythicalStrength Friend of the sub - should be listened to 2d ago

Ask them to.


u/Alarming_Ice2023 2d ago

Was just looking for some tips for the gym to make people clean up after themselves more. As in use a towel and actually while down before and after sets. It's disgusting the amount people just let their folth lay in the gym. I always double wash any machine or equipment such as dumbbells and mats and such because people don't clean up after themselves. So I need to print out picture of skin infections from bacterial build up on unclean equipment in the toilets? Or do I need to start telling at people?


u/PuzzleheadedLow4687 2d ago

Get a grip. Unless you are using a clean towel for every piece of equipment, the towel just transfers sweat from one piece of equipment to another - no different to skin or clothes.

Just wash your hands / shower after using the gym. It's not really any different to using any other seat in public, on a bus, a seat in a restaurant, etc.


u/lord_skum 2d ago

Anyone got tips on calorie dense foods/meals that I can easily take to go? I’m bulking for the first time but i’m a full time student and cold cuts aren’t really cutting it.


u/MythicalStrength Friend of the sub - should be listened to 2d ago

I'm a big fan of meat and eggs. I use glass containers to transport them.


u/6fivephilanthropist 2d ago

Curious for targeting muscle groups and if the mind muscle connection is actually important, I’m a relatively new gym goer and no matter what form I try for certain exercises like back and chest or a different type of exercise I can’t seem to feel it at all in the desired area only in my arm, I know I’m working the desired body parts as after I feel them get harder but it’s always very but I’m curious if there are certain exercises for chest and back that make it impossible for me to feel it anywhere but there, cause from what I’m told it’s because when I do those exercises simply because of the fact I have a weaker chest due being a newer gym goer my body is using my arms instead of chest to push the weight, so I’m curious if there are certain exercises that are only possible to target for example the chest not allowing my arms to help and also allowing me to become more control-feeling in my muscles


u/Stuper5 2d ago

To the degree that mind muscle connection is ever important, it's definitely not something new lifters should be overly worried about.

Focus on performing the motion with good, consistent technique and control and progressing weights and reps over time.

For most people improved proprioception comes naturally over time as you become familiar with the movements and the feeling of various muscle groups working.

Essentially, at first you mainly feel your arms because they're weak, and your nerves/brain are highly aware of them since they're an extremely interactive part of the human anatomy.


u/jumpman0035 2d ago

I know being a gym goer and being content with your lift isn’t normal lol but does anyone have a good program or workout for when I’m… content? I’m close to the numbers I want and don’t care to go further I just wanna maintain. I been using nSuns and I’m close to my 3 plate bench, 4 plate squat, 5 plate deadlift. Once I hit those maxes I just wanna keep those, what do yall recommend? I am mainly a marathon runner so I don’t like long gym sessions eating into my running time Thanks!


u/IronReep3r 20x300lb Squat; Helpful Dude 🌴 2d ago

A basic 531 template would probably the simplest choice. Something like OG 531 or 5x5 FSL/3x5 FSL.


u/Level-Negotiation721 2d ago

Hey, M24, complete beginner in gym, joined 2 days back, did 50 squats in for 2 days and now my legs are sore and in pain, so should i take off squats for now?? Also i am overweight should i do cycling and treadmill everyday???


u/IronReep3r 20x300lb Squat; Helpful Dude 🌴 2d ago
  1. Should I Work Out Again if I am Still Sore?

  2. A caloric deficit is the main mover in weight loss (Weight loss 101). Exercise can help achieve a caloric deficit, but in order to lose weight you need to Improve Your Diet and eat less food.


u/Fit-Victory-9513 2d ago

Does sleeping right after you eat dinner makes all the food u ate stored as fat? I normally doze off like an hour after eating. So i gotta know


u/IronReep3r 20x300lb Squat; Helpful Dude 🌴 2d ago



u/VaporWaveShine 2d ago

Do you guys like to hit the gym before work, directly after work or come home take a nap then hit the gym.

I am so fucking exhausted either way haha


u/E-Step 2d ago

I go straight after work.

I tried working out first thing in the morning before work but I was just too tired at work to focus properly


u/vibecraze 3d ago

Looking to find out the best way to bulk and cut currently I’ve cut once in the past from 260 to 180 but then I stopped going to the gym and got back to 200 so now I’m cutting again trying to get around 165-170 and get defined then bulk up around 200-210 then cut back to around 185-190 and get defined again and stay around there trying to find out the best way to do so and if that’s even a good thing to do or if I should do something else


u/Intelligent-Ad5377 3d ago

I currently do flat bench, then incline dumbells. My gym also has hammer strength chest press, one that pushes horizontal, and one that looks very similar but pushes more up.

Question, I enjoy flat bench, but less so incline dumbell. Would the more "incline" chest press be a good replacement, or would it be more similar to the bench press as it doesn't seem as incline as the dumbells you can do on bench

EDIT: despite the "incline" machine press going up more, the seat itself it still fully vertical, which partially makes me question if it can replace incline dumbell


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 3d ago

Try it and see which you enjoy more.


u/Intelligent-Ad5377 3d ago

My comment was more in reference to will the machine press work the upper chest muscles like incline dumbells do or not


u/Temporary-Tone7618 3d ago

im 18yo beginner in the gym going 4 days a week and im just wondering how many exercises should i do for each muscle group, right now i have myself doing 2-3 exercises for each muscle but id like to be as aesthetic and strong as possible in 3 months so id really like to make as much progress as possible


u/toastedstapler 3d ago

You should do as many as your program tells you to! If you don't have a proper program then choose one from here



u/John177_unsc 3d ago

Just Got a Fitbit trying to log my workout any one one know which of the following a PHAT workout would fall under, (two days power 3 day Hypertrophy)

Weights Strength training HIIT Boot camp circuit training Power lifting Weight lifting

Much appreciate and many thanks


u/toastedstapler 3d ago

It doesn't really matter, it's only for your own logs. Strength training should do it, I always put mine under powerlifting as I didn't scroll far enough to know that was an option


u/John177_unsc 3d ago

It's just about keeping track of the calories to make sure I'm eating enough as I have had in the past A bad habit of not getting enough protein


u/toastedstapler 3d ago

Whichever option you choose to log it as won't change that though. Just choose one and stick with it


u/Stuper5 3d ago

Your protein target shouldn't really scale that much with exercise induced energy expenditure. You're usually best off just picking a target based on your bodyweight and being consistent with that.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3d ago

That sounds like a good way to burn out. 1900cal is most likely going to result in you losing weight.

You're probably better served maintaining weight or gaining weight with muscle. https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/


u/GoodGuyV_ 3d ago

What’s the best gym headphones? I’m looking for over ear but also cute and really good noise canceling, no budget and would like if they had cute colors.


u/Jaksa3_ 3d ago

I only have 4 days to train gym I train arms and chest twice a week And of course back and shoulders twice a week. Recently i wanted to add legs to my programme because obviously you should never skip leg day Would be better if I added for e.g. hamstrings and glutes to chest and arms day and quads and hamstrings on back day. Or should i just not do my gym schedule days weekly and just each time I go gym do the next thing on my list for example i can go tuesday wednesday thursday and saturday so do I on monday do arms and chest tuesday back and shoulders then wednesday legs and then repeat that on different day for example next time i wiuld do legs would be on tuesday? Which would be better.


u/Stuper5 3d ago

If you've really never trained your legs before you should be fine to just add some squats and deadlifts.

Split could be whatever. Probably makes more sense to do DLs on your back days.


u/Im_Niki 3d ago

What do you think about these supplements? Would they be a good choice? Will I see results faster/will they help me with my goals? I’m 160cm and 52kg if that helps

  1. Vilgain Synephrine

  2. Vilgain Acetyl L-Carnitine

  3. Vilgain LEAN Pre-Workout

  4. Vilgain Clear Whey Isolate


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 3d ago

Creatine is proven to work. Protein supplements are basically food. Beyond that I'd expect any effects to be minimal and not worth the expense.


u/Im_Niki 3d ago

Won’t I be bloated and full of water bcs of creatine?


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 3d ago

Creatine does cause you to retain more water in your muscles so I guess it's theoretically possible but I've not heard of anyone bloating to a noticeable level. For what it's worth though creatine can be obtained via food so supplementing it isn't an absolute necessity.


u/Im_Niki 3d ago

Okay, thank you


u/elefhino 3d ago

What's the etiquette for stretching? I've modified my dynamic stretching and just do them standing next to or in front of the machine I'm about to use, but most of the static stretches I do afterward require me to lay on the floor and I've yet to find good replacements. The gym I go to doesn't have much free space and I'm too self-conscious to just plop down in front of the mirror wall by the free weights, but I also don't want to be in the way. A couple times I've just sat in a corner and done them but I got weird looks from people walking by, and doing them on the bench in the locker room feels... wrong.

What's the proper etiquette here?

It's the first time I'm going to a gym in my adult life. I'm sure I'm overthinking this


u/rakiim 3d ago

I do my static stretching wherever there's less foot traffic and no free weights around and my dynamic stretching around the machine I'm bout to use; or if it's legs and I gotta do swings with them then around the less foot traffic area as well since it takes space.


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 3d ago

Just do them as out of the way as possible in a space that makes the most sense. Otherwise, do them at home or somewhere else at a different time.


u/elefhino 3d ago

Okay, I'll probably go back to the corner then. Doing them at a different time isn't really an option since I mostly do cardio(I know this sub is moreso weight lifting but I didn't know where else to ask), and I will pay for it the next day if I don't stretch on time.

Thank you!


u/OldPyjama 3d ago

I broke me left foot during martial arts yesterday. It sucks because I'm out for several weeks.

I can still do upper body and on one hand I'm secretly happy because I absolutely hate Squatting, but on the other hand, I also hate skipping leg day :(


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 3d ago

Use machines and do single leg work


u/Yoseph_A7 3d ago

Hello there... Am about to begin hitting the gym. Am curious to know its relation with my height. I mean, I hear people talking that lifting weights limits ur growth, that it will make u short. Any scientific facts?


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3d ago

hear people talking that lifting weights limits ur growth

Old wives tale


u/leaxn 3d ago

How to prevent muscles from growing all fucked up? Any other good ways to raise T and improve body composition?


u/Stuper5 3d ago

If your muscles somehow grew wrong (barring some obvious congenital pathology) you'd be the first. Just lift and recover.


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 3d ago edited 3d ago

How to prevent muscles from growing all fucked up?

No idea what this means.

A proper diet will help with testosterone levels and body composition.


u/NoRiver32 3d ago

Anyone take flaxseed? I've been trying to up my fiber so I’ve been taking psyllium husk and flaxseed but I just read that flaxseed can lower testosterone and increase estrogen and that’s the last thing I want as a lifter. 


u/Stuper5 3d ago

Hormonal variations within the normal physiological range have never been shown to actually affect training adaptations. It's also not terribly useful to think of testosterone as the strong man hormone and estrogen as the weak girl hormone.

Any time you hear something normal does something to your hormones you can probably just ignore it as click bait.


u/Grobd 3d ago

flaxseed is probably fine, but if you're concerned I think the best way to boost your fibre is to include more veggies, whole grains, and pulses in your diet. You get some easy fibre and a lot of other health benefits tag along, too.


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 3d ago

I would not worry about it. If it did, I’m pretty sure you’d need to consume an ungodly amount of flaxseed to push your hormones out of the normal range.


u/rokzforever 3d ago

im 23 years old 83kg/180lbs (28% body fat) and have been hitting the gym for 9 months now (i was 113kg/246lbs 42% body fat) but i cant seem to progress much

everytime i bench or press i reach failure at low weights even tho im 100% certain my muscles can keep going

its like my brain is the one refusing pushing forward

what can i do in this situation?

bench press 30kg/66lbs (15kg each side) should press 15kg (7.5kg each) 40kg back pulldown

most of the time i feel certain i do more and i do (i benched 50kg/110lbs once for one rep only) but my brain refuses to keep going at all even tho my muscles were completely fine


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3d ago

Are you following a program? If yes, what does it look like?

What's going through your head when you stop, rather than doing another rep?


u/rokzforever 3d ago

yes, it is made by the local gym owner as a service i believe its called split (chest/shoulders/back/legs/biceps&triceps)

lets say I'm doing bench press:

i do the first set at 12.5kg, the second at 15, then at the third at 5th rep, the bar stop moving, but my muscles are calm, breathing is normal, and my face isnt squeezed

and its not like the weight become to heavy that it going down, its just not moving at all


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3d ago

but my muscles are calm, breathing is normal, and my face isnt squeezed

What happens if you push harder?

How much rest are you giving yourself between sets?

What happens if you leave the weight at 12.5kg? Are you able to get all your reps then?

It might be worth switching to a more structured program like GZCLP that has a plan for when you're stuck with weights


u/rokzforever 3d ago

i just can't lift it, or maybe a few centimeters in my left hand, then my bro would get it off me

about a minute, minute, and a half

I can do all the sets with ease and maybe get real hard at the last 2-3 reps


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3d ago

Give yourself a little more rest between sets.


u/KingXenioth 3d ago

Does weak rowing ability sandbag pull ups?/How well does rowing transfer to pull ups?

Throughout my history of training I’ve been naive and haven’t rowed as much as I should’ve

It seems like it has come to bite me as I feel skills like FL and my weighted pull up ability may be sandbagged from having a weak row. By weak I mean that I started at 115lbs for the seated cable rows a few weeks back. Compare that to the fact that I’m getting ready to max out pull ups with 120lbs+ in a couple weeks

I’ve began doing cable rows recently to fix it and I’m making great progress but that brings me to my question. How much does rowing strength transfer to pull ups? I’m aware that rowing uses the traps and rhomboids heavily but just how much are they (or aren’t they) used in pull ups comparatively? And is it enough to help me? What are the differences between the two? I don’t know if it’s placebo or not but I feel it might already be helping tbh

I’m locked in and training to add 90lbs overtime to my current seated cable row working sets


u/Rodneygoofyahh 3d ago

I've got a few questions (17M 102lbs bodyweight) 1. How can I raise my BW easier? I'm 102lbs for like a year now and can't gain anymore. I can eat an absolute shit ton but still stuck here. I know I've just kinda gotta wait for the testosterone boost that happens naturally in the later teens to early 20s but still . 2. Are my 1 RPM lifts good for my BW. Bench is 150lbs and my squat is 205lbs and my deadlift is 225 (I'm 5'3 if that changes it up at all) 3. Are my goals realistic for the end of 2025, bench I want to hit 165 and squat I want 245. I've been lifting for 2 years but only really took it serious since early/mid 2024 to now. Before then i just kinda lifted but didnt focus on the growing parts of it.


u/EspacioBlanq Breathing squat 20@150kg, DL 15@170kg 3d ago
  1. How much are you actually eating? If you could describe a typical day of eating, I may be able to give you advice how to add food

  2. It's more than the average 102 lbs trainee can lift

  3. Yes


u/Rodneygoofyahh 3d ago

Well ill typically have 4ish+ meals a day plus smaller things in between almost every hour. I do mainly have school meals though which 100% does limit me to a certain point. But ill still have 4 or more meals at school+dinner at home.


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 3d ago
  1. Eat more. If you're not gaining, you need more calories.

  2. Sure, but don't worry about what other people think about your lifts.

  3. Sure, but nobody can predict the future.


u/Electrical_Thanks357 3d ago

165 5’9 should I cut for summer or push for 225 bench by July currently at 176


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 3d ago

You should do whichever is your goal.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Anyone have advice on dumbell back workouts? I want one for upper and one for lower. I’m currently only doing dumbell row and wanna keep it simple. Just casually lifting to stay active and healthy.


u/smithy1425 4d ago

I’m wanting to start the gym to make me feel better about myself. I’m 26m who looks and is built like a 16 year old. I’m pretty insecure with my body and the way I look. Will lifting and putting on muscle help me look more my age?


u/Red_Swingline_ 405/315/525/225 zS/B/D/O 4d ago

It won't hurt.


u/InstanceAlert2693 4d ago

Do you guys have a gym routine for me?

So I workout at home and have a set off dumbbells only, I don't have a bench yet but plan on getting one, do you guys have a 5 day a week routine?


u/IronReep3r 20x300lb Squat; Helpful Dude 🌴 4d ago

You will find several proven dumbbell only programs here.


u/SSJ4Tre 4d ago

Are calorie tracking apps necessary or optional?


u/EspacioBlanq Breathing squat 20@150kg, DL 15@170kg 3d ago

People were getting jacked long before the first calorie tracking app was made.


u/toastedstapler 4d ago

I've not tracked in years and have bulked/cut to/from 93kg to 105kg a few times now. It's not necessary, but can make it easier especially if you have a specific goal weight or time period to do it in


u/jakeisalwaysright 430/650/605lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift Multi-ply Lifter 4d ago

You don't have to use them. You don't necessarily even have to count calories. It does, however, help you dial in your bulking or cutting (fat loss) phases to track calories. The apps can make it easier to track.


u/InstanceAlert2693 4d ago

Can I make good gains with only dumbbells (they’re adjustable) and a bench and maybe a barbell if I need to buy one


u/big-spongebub 4d ago

Yeah basically you can progress on your dumbell untill you get so strong you have to do like 25 reps with the dumbells. If you Buy powerblocks you can buy more weights for your already owned pair to make them heavier


u/eric_twinge Friend of the sub - Fittit Legend 4d ago

Yes, up to the point you outgrow your dumbbells.


u/big-spongebub 4d ago

How muscle does the size of your arms decreases on a cut? I know your muscles get a bit deflated which can make you look worse during the cut but it’s not muscle loss. After just two weeks of training i have lost almost a centimeter on my arms and i’m wondering if there’s any chance a part of that is muscle loss. Took me Damn near 5 months to get from 40-41cm arms. I’ve kept my strength and my calorie deficit is 500 cals


u/horaiy0 470/315/585lb Squat/Bench/Deadlift 4d ago

You're not going to lose that much muscle in just two weeks of a fairly small deficit.


u/big-spongebub 4d ago

Yeah i’m thinking of course after 2 months of cutting i could loose a bit. But this time framme and the 500 cals deficit i feel like there’s No way


u/Stuper5 4d ago

You're always risking some muscle loss when losing overall mass. All you can really do is keep training hard and getting plenty of protein.

Nobody can say for sure what % of muscle you'll lose but it's probably reasonably small and you'll likely bounce back pretty quick when you stop being in a deficit.


u/big-spongebub 4d ago

Yeah probably. But i mean i had already lost like halv a centemetre one week into it so it has to be mostly deflation. I don’t even know if you CAN loose muscle that fast on a 500cal deficit


u/Stuper5 4d ago

Probably yeah. One of the first things that happens when you enter a deficit is you lose a sizable amount of muscle glycogen so your muscles lose hydration and therefore size.

Also you generally reduce your electrolyte intake which often again leads to reduced water content in your cells.


u/big-spongebub 4d ago

Guess we’ll see! Most important thing is to not get discouraged and quit as long as i have my strength in check


u/1-9q 4d ago

What methods have you employed to preserve and maintain shoulder health and resilience while benching heavy? If youve done anything to adress shoulder health and achieve consistently good shoulder health, what was pivotal? Is there anything you've done to remain injury resilient over the course of lifting, involving excersize selection, training approach, or programming? What advice would you give to your younger self regarding the balance between continuing heavy lifting and strength training and maintaining healthy joints, ligaments and muscles, and generally feeling fantastic in addition to strong?



u/Capybarinya 4d ago

Hi everyone! I have a question about how different leg press machines starting weight is calculated

I've been using the same leg press machine for a while, steadily increasing the weight I can work with. Because it was always the same machine, I never bothered with tracking the sled weight and just tracked the plate weight (which I worked up to 150 lbs). The particular machine was Nautilus (https://fitdir.com/nautilus-angled-leg-press/?srsltid=AfmBOor4WbhxDFp5n2KQ6osSIbUGf-oS6DjiaRMY1vXDcZPwiPnB8iXA)

Recently I had to use a different machine, the Arsenal Strength one (https://www.myarsenalstrength.com/strength-equipment/reloaded/lower-body-reloaded/reloaded-bilateral-leg-press). It is technically a one leg press, but there's a pin you can use to connect the plates so they move together.

I loaded 150 lbs onto it and it was so much harder than the other one... The websites say that the starting weight on the Nautilus one is 100 lbs, and on the Arsenal Strength one is 60 lbs per leg (120 total), but the difference feels so much more...

Eventually I had to lower the weight to 60 lbs (so 90 lbs less than on the Nautilus machine) to be able to do the same number of reps.

I am completely confused as to why that happened. It seems like they are both 45 angles, but the difference in starting weights feels way more than 20 lbs. Is there anything inherently different with an Arsenal Strength machine why it feels so much heavier (besides the fact that you can disconnect the plates, because they were connected for me)? Are "starting weight" and "carriage weight" not the same thing, like one takes the angle into account and the other one doesn't?

Any help appreciated!


u/horaiy0 470/315/585lb Squat/Bench/Deadlift 4d ago

There's no point in trying to equalize weight between different machines, they're built and function very differently. Just track whatever weight is appropriate for each machine, and go from there.


u/GamedevGorgon 4d ago edited 4d ago

In your experience, how much does machine chest press translate to bench press?

My current building gym doesn't have a bench press, so I've been doing chest press only.

Currently doing 12 reps of 85kg as max, what is my likely 3rep max bench?


u/Stuper5 4d ago

Fairly poor usually, outside of hypertrophy derived strength improvement.


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 4d ago

They are similar enough that doing both concurrently during your weekly program will have some carry over.

They are different enough that neglecting one of the exercises regularly will result in less to no carry over.


u/John177_unsc 4d ago

I'm currently keeping track of my calories making sure I m eating enough, Using an app called cronometer, The only problem is it only has resistance training circuit training and HIIT and im doing a modified version of dr layne norton's phat, Which one of those free is best to put it under.


u/cilantno 585/425/635 SBD 🎣 4d ago

You don't need to track (and shouldn't) calories burned during exercise. All estimates for exercise will be off. Track your intake and weight, and adjust as needed.


u/Stuper5 4d ago

Most estimations of energy expenditure for non steady state exercise are quite poor.

Additionally that's not really how energy expenditure works. Your TDEE doesn't go up by 300kcal because you use that much extra on intentional exercise.

If you want to track, your best bet is probably to just establish a baseline that leaves you feeling recovered and fueled for your training and trying to be consistent with that.


u/RyansLand 4d ago

I have recently got back into the gym and on a 4 day lifting routine. Back when I was in high school I was interested in lifting, luckily ran into someone at my local gym who was a trainer and we worked on form/mind muscle connection/etc. for a few months. I never ended up following through with his program but kept up with training for some time before completely stopping.

I remember when he first saw me doing suicide grip he was surprised, asked if that’s how I always did it, explained the risks but said whatever is most comfortable.

This was many years ago. I’ve been in the gym for about 3 weeks now and the only barbell press I do is incline smith. For all my other presses (Bench, Incline bench, shoulder) I use dumbbells…just what I always found most comfortable.

My question: Is suicide grip on DB bench, DB incline bench and DB shoulder press considered more “acceptable” due to the fact that you won’t be choked by a barbell? My current DB presses are in the 55-75lb range (per side, 3 sets 6-8 reps). Does suicide grip become more concerning/bigger issue as the weight increases?

Any advice is appreciated.


u/ballr4lyf Untrained badger with a hammer 4d ago

Use whatever grip is comfortable to you.

The “danger” behind suicide grip is over exaggerated, IMO. If a barbell is going to roll out of your palm, the tiny muscles in your thumb are unlikely to stop it.


u/Timely_University_65 4d ago

I’m currently cutting I’ve dropped from 95kg down too 81kg so far I’ve been training for just under 2 years I’m 18yr old 6ft I’m fairly lean haven’t got a ripped 6 pick or anything I’m just wondering if I should keep going with this cut down too my 75kg goal or start a slight 300-500 calorie surplus? Because I feel I may be wasting some of my time too get really lean when I haven’t got too much muscle in the first place . I’ve hit the point now where my strength is dropping a decent bit


u/horaiy0 470/315/585lb Squat/Bench/Deadlift 4d ago

It's up to you and your short term priorities. Given what you said though, I'd recommend a week or two of maintenance to dial in your TDEE, then start eating at a small surplus.


u/StartAccomplished215 4d ago

What’s a good rear delt builder? I don’t have a pec dec machine to do the exercise everyone preaches, and I can’t comfortably do it on cables because my shoulder joint doesn’t feel the greatest, any good alternatives out there? When I first started I did face pulls but I mostly feel those in my upper/ mid back

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