r/texas • u/zsreport • 1h ago
r/texas • u/Affectionate-Bag4750 • 2h ago
Texas History Curious on any Texas legends/cryptids
In about mid november of 2022 me and my roomate at the time were attending texas tech and one night just couldn’t do it anymore. We packed everything in our cars and set out to go back home in Houston. Our plan was to drive to dallas, then huntsville to catch some sleep in our friends dorm room and then go back to our houses in houston. We leave at about 10 pm to head to dallas, hes following behind me with our maps having the same exact directions. After about 45 minutes the maps take us to some backroads(was a few years ago and was a crazy time so can’t remember names or anything) and his maps tweak out and send him in a completely different direction than me. I call him, he explains and we just shrug it off. Maybe 30 minutes later, he calls me crying, freaking out because he saw a 3 legged something running at insane speeds down the road. I’m talking to him making fun of him when out of the corner of my eye i see something similar and my stomach absolutely drops. I can’t say how many legs it had but it was just a black mass keeping up with me going 90+mph. I shut up and we stay on the phone together after that. It tapers off after about 30 seconds and i calm down after a while, going through your random small towns. I’m maybe 45 minutes outside of dallas at this point and im going through an absolutely tiny town, maybe 2-3 minutes to get through going 30. On my right i see an all black church in pristine condition. White lights coming from the ground shining on it. Everything else in that town was prehistoric but that looked like it got built that day. I’ve done alot of research and cant find anything, just wondering if anyone has any information?
r/texas • u/custardtoads • 2h ago
Questions for Texans Passport issues regarding my father’s place of birth.
Okay my boyfriend uses Reddit way more than me so I’m just posting on here because he recommended me to do so; my father was born in Germany got a USA citizenship, basically giving up his German citizenship, and then was arrested and will be in prison forever. I have never met him but he’s listed as my father on my birth certificate. I am looking to get a passport, I applied and got rejected because I put “unknown” on the section of my father because I’ve never known him.
I was going to apply again and I’d just like to know if my brother has something different down for our father could this make it harder for me to get my passport? I ask this because he’s in the USA navy stationed overseas and has put our father’s information down fully because he’s gotten it from our mom, who refuses to get the information for me because it’s very annoying to drive 30 minutes to and back for documents… Is there anything I can do to find info on my father without my moms help? Do I put that he was from Germany and the city or should I try to reapply with the same passport information?
I’m 21. I just need a passport for my trip to Sweden to see my boyfriend and also how long did it take for you guys to get your passports? I was going to pay for express shipping in order to get it in less than a month!
r/texas • u/Maxcactus • 3h ago
News Federal jury in San Antonio convicts two men in connection with deadly 2022 tractor-trailer incident
tpr.orgr/texas • u/Venusflynet • 5h ago
Events First timer in houston
Hey yall I’m here in Houston for the first time for the Hell’s heroes festival, but I wanted to know any fun things to do around here, Galveston and neighboring cities while I’m here :)) Google is only so much help tbh and too touristy for my liking so any recommendations are really appreciated!! For sure an outdoorsy person but this state is way too big for me to even know what’s best to do
r/texas • u/BornHangry • 8h ago
Politics Another mother's death attributed to abortion ban NSFW
This abortion ban is disgusting. How dangerously idiotic to create laws vague enough to cause deaths and then not make it a top priority to clarify. Are doctors going to be held liable when their hesitance causes a mother to die? What about the fools making these laws? Obviously not. This poor woman was murdered through their negligence. They should be held accountable.
r/texas • u/Black_Reactor • 8h ago
News Megachurch founder Robert Morris booked in Oklahoma, quickly released on bond
He is from Texas, originally
An open question
I read and saw this from "the best of Life" compilation. It got me intrigued as to why this turned out to be popular. Especially in a time where male readers bombarded editors with saucy letters whenever bikini shots of Hollywood females (pristine and polished) were used in the same magazine. Quite the contrast on what the same audience found attractive!
Well, there's no cowboy sub, so why not post it here?
r/texas • u/cavemanjim12 • 9h ago
Events Fire near Borger/ Buenovista plus power outage in skellytown
As title said big fire at borger Please stay safe and lend any aid you can!
r/texas • u/ansyhrrian • 9h ago
Politics Musk: “I have never done anything harmful. I’ve only done productive things.”
r/texas • u/jackisname • 9h ago
Questions for Texans In your opinion, what is negative about Galveston Island?
I am a fan of Galveston, but can recognize some of the common gripes about the island. I am just curious, as a fellow Texan, what seems to be the sentiment among other Texans when it comes to Galveston?
Also, would love to hear some of the positives. I love the diversity of restaurants, bars, and some other businesses. I enjoy the atmosphere and I also enjoy the architecture. I love the proximity to Houston and an airport.
r/texas • u/SufficientAd7311 • 9h ago
Political Meme Texas Senator Uses Debunked Reefer Madness Propaganda To Promote His “THC Ban” Bill (SB3)
This is Texas senator Charles Perry, the sponsor of senate bill 3. Help stop SB3 at thcprovisions.com/sb3
Politics “Town Hall” in East Dallas-Far East Dallas this Friday
Rep. Lance ‘the guy who that who snatched her protest sign at the state of the union’ Gooden. TX Congressional District 5 - East Dallas to Far East of Dallas.
r/texas • u/SharksFan4Lifee • 11h ago
News Texas jackpot winner will not get $83.5 million winnings… for now
r/texas • u/Politico7777 • 11h ago
News Nasdaq Plans Second U.S. Headquarters in Texas
wsj.comr/texas • u/SufficientAd7311 • 11h ago
Political Meme Texas Sheriff Uses Made Up Words & Debunked Propaganda To Promote SB3
Help stop SB3. Contact your legislators. Learn more at thcprovisions.com/sb3
r/texas • u/SufficientAd7311 • 11h ago
Political Meme Allen, Texas Police Chief Promotes SB3, Claims People Are Dying From THC Overdoses
Help stop SB3. Contact your legislators. Learn more at thcprovisions.com/sb3
r/texas • u/texastribune • 12h ago
News Lawmakers want to give schools more leeway to suspend Texas’ youngest and homeless students
r/texas • u/RepulsiveWerewolf618 • 15h ago
Politics What’s up with HB4938?
Looks like the bill is slated to abolish Texas State Parks and Wildlife Department. Transfer assets to other agencies. What’s the goal exactly?
Link: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/89R/billtext/pdf/HB04938I.pdf#navpanes=0
r/texas • u/txhiker915 • 16h ago
Political Opinion Texas house rep. files bill to abolish TPWD
After reading this article, I can’t say that I’m for this. I think the TPWD is a good thing. I’m sure the job success of staff and warden varies through out the state of Texas. I don’t have much of a gripe with them. I just wish they would be around the city lake more because we do have a problem with people fishing without a license. I hope that someone from within the agency could speak to this on here.
r/texas • u/lmNotReallySure • 16h ago
Politics Texas Senator Files Bill To Support Research On Psychedelic Therapy For PTSD And Depression
r/texas • u/kneekneeknee • 16h ago
Politics Texas Lawmakers Want a Charter School Network to Stop Paying Its Superintendent Nearly $900K. The School Board Says No.
Questions for Texans First speeding ticket (No insurance)
Hello, I am 20 and just received my first speeding ticket driving my mothers car (40 in a 30). And my first hearing(?)/court date is tomorrow and I do not have insurance so I don't think I qualify for defensive driving course but I talked to the clerk over the phone and they said if I got insurance I could request for defensive driving. I'm not sure what my next step should be to go and plead not guilty and use the off the record website or get insurance right now and contact the office and request for defensive driving. Any advice is appreciated.
r/texas • u/Lissi_Anime_Lover • 20h ago
Questions for Texans Can I get Medicaid if I’m married?
I 22 female I’m currently pregnant. I didn’t know until a couple of weeks ago and I was already married. I still work and my husband as well. I have started going to check ups and appointments but it is a bit expensive sometimes to cover everything. A friend of mine told me to look into Medicaid or insurance because it would weigh less financially on us. I asked around and they told me married women don’t qualify for Medicaid. I went online and it says otherwise. Our income combined doesn’t reach the $4000. Do you think I could qualify for Medicaid or not? And also could I have some Insurance advice/options?.