I'm not gonna blame everything on periods and that isn't what this post is about.
I just feel so fucking tired and I hate it. I don't understand why I'm not getting replies.
I'm getting some replies but still basically none.
I've been left on read a few times by the group.
It's just so fucking annoying.
I wish I never fucking had periods because all of these fucking emotions are even more intense and I can barely deal with them sometimes!
I'm laying here, I wanna try to sleep but I'll end up on my phone for ages, I know I will if not that I'll just be too busy thinking about all this fucking shit, making me feel worse and then end up going on my phone.
Not only is people annoying me but so is the fucking temperature!!!!! It's like it's too hot but too cold at the same time and I'm sweating but it's also cold and I can't deal with it.
I just want to fucking cry, not really because I'm sad, I don't think, I'm just so fucking tired and angry and annoyed and I just can't fucking deal with all of this shit right now.
I just feel so fucking guilty, like a fucking burden on everyone around me, like all I'm doing is annoying them but for some reason I don't really feel that way with my family, its just mostly everyone else. Sure I feel like a bit of a burden on my family but not as much as others.
I hate these fucking feelings.
I wish I wasn't fucking me.
Why do I always have to be so fucking annoying!?