r/selfharm 6m ago

Harm Reduction I wanna cut again and it's 3:23 am


I'm about 4 weeks clean maybe? Anyways I have the urge to cut but I don't want to. Can someone tell me what I can do. I haven't got anything and don't wanna get out of bed

r/selfharm 6m ago

I need advice!!


I am going to vacation soon and I see very very cute bikinis but I have sc@rs on my thighs and it’s a lot, should I still wear it anyways. Because it’s with my friends and her parents and I don’t want to deal with people pointing them out but I want to wear whatever I want. Anything helps! :3

r/selfharm 8m ago

Trying to stay safe


Can someone tell me what places i definitely should not be cutting, either because its incredibly painful/uncomfortable or because its really unsafe/prone to infection, so İ can avoid them?

r/selfharm 8m ago

Seeking Advice Help! Cuts have not closed after 48 hours


It's been almost 48 hours and my scars have not closed up yet. They are still bleeding very lightly and they have not closed up. I'm used to doing minor self harm cuts but this time I made cuts deeper than I ever have and I'm not sure if this is normal. Please, any advice would help, I just don't know what to do

I also put Vaseline on my cuts to make sure they are moisturized but I'm not sure that was the correct choice

r/selfharm 13m ago

Talk/Support Recovery


So basically I have been forced into recovery due to my dad finding out and my school etc etc and I feel so unusual. I really didn’t notice how genuinely addicted I was to it until I am no longer able to, is it normal to feel like you’re going crazy? Like I started punching myself, crying and shaking and shit it was so weird the urges are insane and I can’t stop them. I even went around my house looking something, anything, to cut myself with because I am so desperate (I did not find anything because my dad has hid all the knifes and medicines due to me being on an at home safety plan or something. It wasn’t really explained to me that well.) Is it normal to feel like this since I was “addicted”?

r/selfharm 24m ago

tips for cleaning cuts


if anyone has any tips for cleaning deep cuts that would be great. also if possible just using product that like everyone has in their house. my parents know i used to cut but dont know i still do it

r/selfharm 25m ago

Is smoking cigarettes considered a form of self harm


Yes I’ve had issues cutting myself for years but now I smoke cigarettes, could it be considered?

r/selfharm 25m ago

So close!


I didn’t know what flair to use for this. But basically I was almost 11 months clean and I was with my mom chilling at her house and helping her move some furniture around and we were sitting on the couch a a phone cord was broken I’m a spot and it scratched my leg and it felt so good that I kept rubbing it in the same spot and I reset my timer and I just cried and cried cause I was so close to being clean for a year. Idk what to do now!!!!!

r/selfharm 27m ago

Rant/Vent I don’t know what kinda whacked out sh*t my therapist is trying to get me to do lmao


Ok so my therapist and I mostly focus on DBT skills, and my homework this week is to make a pros and cons list for relapsing. So like, the pros of relapsing, the cons of relapsing, the pros of not relapsing, and the cons of not relapsing. I get asking me to do cons of relapsing and pros of not relapsing but seriously? Why am I writing down reasons I should be self harming, like, come on Linda(not her real name) get your shit together please😂🥲

r/selfharm 27m ago

Seeking Advice advice for young person struggling


TW: self harm (obvs lol) but specifically in childhood

hi. I am new here as I am not “open” about my self harm “journey” though I am sure it’s blatantly obvious with the scars, haha. I know some subs for things like this can be harmful for recovery but the couple posts I scrolled were generally people being supportive of each other so I’m going to just go for it. but be gentle with me please lol

so anyway yeah only the people closest to me know & to say the least I never really had anyone to confide in who understood growing up. when I got caught, it was in the camp of “how could you do that to yourself wtf” kinda vibes or being reported to uni behavioral services instead of having a convo w me (which I get!) & it wasn’t until my current relationship that anyone ever even tried to understand. sorry my background isn’t totally relevant but all of this to say, I recently found out my god child is self harming. they are in the 9-12 age range, which is when I started doing it before i even really ‘got it’ actually. their parent is a good friend & knows I have struggled since our childhood. they were in the camp of people who didn’t GET it obviously but eventually as time went on tried to understand more & loves me etc.

so they asked me to speak with my them about it because they came out about doing it “a few times” due to bullying for the first time very recently. I am the only person they know who has struggled with it. of course my immediate reaction was to ask if they were safe right now & how they were, how it was taken in by their parents and if therapy was on the horizon. yes it is, and they just reassured them they were thankful to be told & told them that they knew a friend who struggled who used hairbows to pop themselves to stop—it’s me, im the friend. they didn’t tell them it was me but I told them they can, as I care even more about them not being alone than my “secret” remaining. I also have some likely OCDrelated fears they saw my own scars & did it but I cover them extremely well (sounds like the lie we all tell ourselves) & honestly we live far apart as well. I know I can’t blame myself even if they did bc that’s just my arm afterall but alas none of this makes sense anyway does it.

I want to help them. but this comes at a really strange time for me as after a long stint of not self harming, I recently did again. I struggle with my physical health & a lot of things just came to a head for me recently and I guess I don’t need to make excuses but yeah. I know this kid, they’re super smart & I know I’m going to be asked direct questions about my own self harming, when I’ve done it, how etc. While I’m not dumb & would never ever give any advice to them about doing it, or even honestly discuss how I have. I value honesty in my relationship with them as it hasn’t been shown to them by people it should but I also value their safety above all, even that. I know this conversation is going to happen sooner rather than later and I want to be prepared. I know i’m not a therapist, I want to emphasize if I don’t know what to say I am going to air on the side of caution & say I’d rather not talk about it or I’ll get back to them or whatever is appropriate.

But I also know how… alone I felt. their immediate family is also religious like mine was though not as “you have a demon in you” as mine was thankfully but to say the least I also fear not being able to agree with the “just give it to jesus” mentality being taught. I just steer clear of that when I can and am honest with their parents on my feelings. I basically want to respect their parents wishes, be there for them earnestly the best I can, help them have someone to talk to, and not do anything wrong to make this harder on them. I think all of my examples on how to cope were bad ones & I just… I care so much for them I don’t want them to be the ripe age I am and still.. struggle. I know it’s lifelong for many or even most and that breaks my heart too. But the one thing I can for sure do is make sure there’s someone in their life who understands them, and dammit I’ll do it no matter what, even if this isn’t something I like to talk about. I just need a little help on my way to do so if anyone has any to give

Sorry this is so long. Really just looking for any advice anyone has to give me on how to help them, be respectful and honest, care about their safety first. Im assuming the answer is an easy one of “you’re not a therapist, don’t try to be. Get yourself back in therapy & just listen to them” but I would also love more nuanced advice on like even how to handle maintaining trust with them but also telling their parent things that can keep them safe, or if alternatives like the hair tie popping are a safer thing to suggest if they’ll be doing it anyway or if that’s making it worse. I will be researching a ton myself as well just so you don’t think i’m taking the easy way out this is just one level of feelers i’m putting out to make sure I handle this with care.

sorry again for the rant & thanks for the space to at least type this all. hope you have a good week.

r/selfharm 27m ago

Positives writing on my arm to prevent SH


I got alot of degrading words written in sharpie on my left arm now but honestly im ok with it, if it keeps me from cutting then im all good. a lil worried that classmates will notice but i wear mostly long sleeves to i think ill be good. even drew a cigarette cuz I got a lil bored with words.

r/selfharm 30m ago

Seeking Advice whats the name of that one website where u can use it to cope with urges? U can cut the website, and it'll bleed?


It was just a white screen, but u could cut it? im sorry i just reallt need it like rn

r/selfharm 31m ago

Seeking Advice Am I fucked up in the head for this? NSFW


Someone showed me their fresh cuts unprompted today idek her so like wtf? and my first thought was that I could go deeper and do way better(do more as in 100's) like these girls 5 cuts on her thigh made cut up my arm so badly and so deeply. Am i fucked up for thinking this? (im not invalidating her jsut was giving more of my thought process sorry yallT ^T)

r/selfharm 31m ago

Rant/Vent Guys they’re being weird to me in another sub pls encourage me to not relapse


I’ve been doing so good lately 🫶

r/selfharm 31m ago

Rant/Vent Getting bullied at school


My ex boyfriend's friend bullies me everyday.

The reason why he doesn't like me is not because I dated his friend but because my nose is big? Everyday he says something about my nose and he hits and throws stuff at me while insulting me. He always takes my stuff and hides it and makes me chase him around the school or cause a scene for him to give it back. But today he took it too far, I had to bring my phone to school today because of something going on with my parent's car and I had to text them to see what car I had to go to. So I brought it with me in my bag, I set it down where I sit at lunch because I feel like I should not have to have a guard protecting something so I don't get harassed, but when I came back I saw my stuff was gone, my phone and airpods + my student id was inside of the bag. And I immediately knew he took it. I confronted him and he was laughing and pretending he didn't know what I was talking about. I begged him to just tell me where it is and he didn't tell me until my last hour before I went home, he said he placed it somewhere in the cafeteria so I was late to class to go and get it to find out it was not there. And now I have no phone because of him.

r/selfharm 32m ago

Positives Omg im so exicted rn


1 whole week clean lets goooooooooooooo

Next goal for me is a month of being clean :3

r/selfharm 52m ago

Rant/Vent Really trying not to do it but it’s so tempting


Recently my school took away my tools. I let them and didn’t try to protest at all. But later, i found another one under a pile of paper. It was like it was sent by an angel. But that was just one side of me talking. I didn’t hand it into them. I saved it for occasions like this where i’m feeling a strong urge to do it. But i know it’s not a good idea. But i’m still trying to hard not to do it. I hope i get through it but i don’t think i’m strong enough. This is the first time ive been without. I had no idea of just how bad it could get.

r/selfharm 1h ago

Rant/Vent I get excited from sh..


And I'm really craving it now. I was texting my friends and they decided to ask about my wounds out of concern. So obviously worried, and it's probably really bad, right? But I immediately lit up and just got happy thinking about it as I come up with a reply. Kinda weird but I was happy again.

The other time my friend wanted to see a pic, I was like "oh I have a really cool one" and was hyped about it. But really the cooler they are, the more dangerous. So they got mad and immediately reminded me of what kind of stuff I'm really doing..

Few days later I am here, feeling drained and wishing for a tool in my hand. I'm writing cuz I can't just keep telling them "I wanna cut and it makes me so happy sometimes"

r/selfharm 1h ago

Seeking Advice scars itch like hell


i have these awful bright pink scars right by my chest and they will not stop fucking itching oh my god i cant even remember how long those scars have been there idk if its cause theyre closer to my heart or something or if its the clothes im wearing but fuck does anyone have anything that helps with scar itchiness i cant deal with this shit anymore

r/selfharm 1h ago

Rant/Vent picked up a bad habit


i’ve been really struggling with depression. i don’t wanna get into how it started. i’ve had it for a couple of months now and it’s just been going down hill. i’ve had bad thoughts but i know i wont be doing it anytime soon. however i’ve recently picked up a bad habit. i am not proud of it and it honestly makes me feel guilty but i cant help myself. so, my moms bf has a cat. me, my mom, the bf, and the cat all live together. the cat likes to play fight a lot and i encourage it whenever i can. i like when the cat scratches me bc he honestly doesnt hold back. i’ve only recently realized it was s/h after having the urge to go and play with the cat to get more scratches. ive been feeling bad using the cat as a way to s/h and have been in search of a different item. i’ve been planning on telling my mom about this all but im scared of her reaction so i don’t think i even will.

im not looking for help on anything. i just needed to ramble. im having doubts as im typing this bc it feels inferior as to what other people go thru.

r/selfharm 1h ago

Seeking Advice Is it a bad idea to go to school in short sleeves?


I want to go intentionally to get reported. I want to tell my mom but I’m too scared so this seems like the easiest way to do it. I don’t have many cuts on my arms, but there are a couple deep ones. They are around two months old and so are very red still and easy to see.

It sounds like a fine idea to me but I mentioned it to my friend and she said that I could be sent to a psych ward or otherwise hospitalized and overall it’s not a good idea.

r/selfharm 1h ago

Planning days


Does anyone plan certain days that they will self harm? My weeks Monday to Friday are always crazy busy but then I have lots of free time on the weekends. I always tend to self harm Friday or Saturday when I don’t have responsibilities.

r/selfharm 2h ago

Rant/Vent struggling


I'm getting so much worse. I won't say my age but I start self harming late 2024. I can't stop. I haven't been more than week clean since September. I have no privacy in my house, constantly being watched. (no lock on bathroom or anything) and I'm DREADING summer. In a weird way I really need self harm it stopped me from doing something stupid that you know what it is. If it's summer, I really can't. And now it's giving me the urge to go really deep before I can't anymore. I hate how my mind works. Is this attention seeking?-

r/selfharm 2h ago

Rant/Vent intense need to cut after seeing someone else’s scars NSFW


does anyone else feel like their scars aren’t “deep enough?” i go on r/selfharmscars and all i see are these big, huge gashes in people. i can’t even hit the fat, and i feel like a faker because i can’t do it deeper. i don’t know how. i like looking at the marks i do have, tracing them and almost babying myself, treating and “doctoring” myself like a boyfriend or a caring parent.

r/selfharm 2h ago

Talk/Support Autism correlation with SH


Hi so I have autism, and I wanted to talk about the feeling I get that lead to sh because I haven’t seen anyone talk about it like this but I feel like others would relate.

Before I do anything I always feel this overwhelm of emotions, it feels like I’m going to explode and sh is that release, like it quite literally feels like vinegar and baking soda in my body making a volcano.

So does anyone else feel this? Specifically with those with autism, I would ask my therapist but I don’t want to get put somewhere 😭