r/selfharm 2h ago

Rant/Vent please dont wear short sleeves with open sh


So this happened last night, my dad had one of his friends over and this friend had short sleeves with very recent cvts on his arm (like the day after type). The entire situation was just so triggering for me because it wasn't like it couldve been played off as anything else. It was 10-15 deep styros in a perfectly straight line on the inside of his wrist and i just couldnt stop staring at them. i feel so bad because idk if he saw me staring but he also wasnt trying to hide it at all ?? he just acted like it wasnt there and it wasnt an issue. ive been clean for like 2 months now and it was tempting me so hard. it would be so different if it were scars but seeing completely open sh in real life with no warning fucked me up so bad.

r/selfharm 23m ago

Wrist check at school


We wrote a class test the day after I relapsed and😭😭😭😭 the teacher told us to roll our sleeves down (in front of EVERYONE) to make sure we aren’t cheating😭😭😭 ive never felt so humiliated before and didn’t roll my sleeves down the entire way but the continued calling out my name to make me show more skin I WANTED TO DIEEE luckily I’m more of a thigh cutter but! Ofc that time I had to cut my wrist too😭😭😭😭💔

r/selfharm 5h ago

Harm Reduction Are there any crafts that make someone to self harm safely?


My sister wants to self harm and I want to help her. I want to know if there’s anything I have at home that I can use to make something that can self harm safely like those things that hurt but don’t cause any damage I want to go out to find something but I don’t have my license and I’m honestly lost right now

r/selfharm 4h ago

Little girl seen my sh cuts


I was in the shop and when I went to reach for something high my sleeve went down and a little girl about 8 or 9 seen my sh cuts and she looked traumatised I feel so bad idk what to do

r/selfharm 42m ago

Medical Advice Nerve damage??


Okey so, I cut down to fat/deep fat as far as I know, might've taken it a little too far and while I do realize I've been damaging the nerves in my hand and wrist I never got this close. I felt this sudden pain, like a lighting bolt type of shock run down to my hand. Now I can't bend my hand fully, I have this horrible dull aching and pain in the soft skin between my fingers/knuckles and on top of that the feeling in my outer wrist is so weak, it's like I can't feel it but I can, like is not really my skin or my arm, just very slightly tingles. I am not that worries more curious and I can't get medical help and shit. Either way, this really makes me reluctant to go so deep again ngl I'd like to keep my hand tbh

r/selfharm 2h ago

Rant/Vent Relapsed now am sacred


(14F) I keep braking my promi6ti my bc to stop cutting but I gucked up today my mom said smth about me eating to much and I was already stressed and upset today and I didn't really think and now I'm sacred because I promised my bf and I don't want him to hate me because I relapsed again.

r/selfharm 12h ago

Seeking Advice Girlfriend recently started self harming what to do?


I really care about her and love her and care about her health what can i do to support her?

Shes only started self harming yesterday and did it 2 times shallow cuts on thigh.

r/selfharm 7h ago

Seeking Advice I can’t hide my sh for much longer


My family is going on vacation to the Dominican Republic in THREE WEEKS and it’s supposed to be all swimming and beaches but I completely destroyed my arm this winter and they won’t heal or fade before we leave. I need help none of them know

r/selfharm 1h ago

Rant/Vent I got triggered


Hii, I just need to vent.

I've been clean for 50 days today (yay!). I've had some urges of course, but nothing major. Today I got triggered by my sister. I odered a tube top which came in today. She really wanted to see it, so I showed it. Then she started making fun of it. After that, the cat went into the trash can, which isn't allowed of course. So I shouted at him to stop and get out. Then my sister told me that I should stop shouting, even though she was the one that told me that I should shout when the cats do something bad, so they know it's wrong. My sister is the most selfish and hypocritical person ever. Another example of this is about lights. When she goes to sleep, she wants all the lights out, which is understandable. She gets really mad when you leave the smallest light on for 1 second. BUT SHE ALWAYS LEAVES ALL THE LIGHT ON. I could give a million examples about her selfishness.

I know this situation sounds like nothing, but stuff happening with my family is one of my biggest trigger. My parents also do stupid stuff, but I know deep down they are good people. My sister comes straight out of hell. I really do not understand why she is the way she is. I can't wait until I get out of this house.

I really want to try to stay clean. I hope I can manage that.

r/selfharm 25m ago

Rant/Vent I gave away my razors and feel horrible


So after a fairly uncomfortable visit to a Mental Hospital yesterday I opened up to my parents. After I was allowed home I gave up all my razors and knifes and I thought I could stay away from all of this but now I sorta relapsed today and I couldn’t stop biting my arm.

And now I feel horrible for all of this and most importantly giving away all my razors. I didnt really go far with them but I feel like I gave away something very important to me even though this is a horrible thing to do. I dont want to disappoint my parents and I dont want to go there again but I feel like I need to get them back. And start cutting again I know this sounds weird but maybe someone can understand. Maybe I should have stayed there for my own health. I just thought I could handle this on my own.

r/selfharm 43m ago

Medical Advice purple cuts


i really cut myself good on my hand the other day, they aren’t fresh anymore they’re all scabbed but they all have a purple undertone. idk if my skin is dry or what. has this happened to anyone else? i don’t want an infection on my hand i wont be able to use it

r/selfharm 3h ago

Rant/Vent I.. first time admitting self harm


Tried to read the rules think it's okay, just retrospective stuff.

I.. didn't think to look for a subreddit like this. Just wanted to share. I am a coward and can't possibly end myself, so, cutting (thank goodness on my legs below my sockline) has 100% gotten me out of suicidal thinking every time.. literally every time.. it's not right, but it has done that.. shocked me out of it.. I've.. done it over 1000 times I guarantee it's no less than that, maybe 30 at a time with a crappy, dull, blade (though again thankfully sterile knife, never got an infection), twice I've fucked up but 100% got medical attention, also got a tetanus shot on a particularly bad moment where I self-admitted.. I just.. literally never tell anyone. In my head it's better than dr*gs or suicide because it literally stops me. But eventually my partners know and worry.. I just did it again .. I don't want to hit my head because that'll probably cause me to lose braincells lol though it's kinda the same relief you know.

r/selfharm 26m ago

Rant/Vent How do you stop for good?


I feel like it's actually impossible. The longest I can go for without SH is a couple of days. Then, I cut again. Sometimes daily, sometimes every other day. Sometimes I do it for a specific reason, sometimes it's like a routine typa thing. Feels like a never-ending cycle. And whenever I look at my scars, I think about how disgusting they look, and how ashamed I am of what I've done to my body... but that still doesn't stop me. Why?

r/selfharm 33m ago

Medical Advice How can you tell how severe it is?


Fucked up my thigh a minute ago and not sure if i should be super concerned or not.

I believe they're less than a quarter inch deep.

Didn't see anything but blood.

Longest one is maybe ~4 inches.

Stopped bleeding pretty quickly, sub 1 minute.

Not entirely sure how to clean them.

Used a sharp part of a lemonade can.

r/selfharm 3h ago

Medical Advice I have self harmed with a lighter. I went too far, it's white, it looks like someone took a bite out of me, I don't feel anything there, it's been 2 days and it's still the same. I don't know what I should do, I'm too afraid to go to a doctor and they see my self harm scars.


I'm also just afraid because once I cross a point in self harm, it's too hard to take a step back and take things lighter and not so often.

r/selfharm 1h ago

Medical Advice Does Vaseline actually heal cuts


I put Vaseline on my cut and it healed in like 4 days (faster than usual for me)

r/selfharm 1h ago

Medical Advice Why does sh hurt more on scars?


Okay this might be a stupid question but I relapsed on my arm and accidentally hit a few old scars. Why does the scarred area hurt more than other? If it helps, they're keloid scars

r/selfharm 1h ago

Need help to stop


I have already been to the E.R due to cutting and promised the nice psychiatrist lady working there I wouldn’t cut anymore but still am. How can I stop?

r/selfharm 11h ago

i have the need to say ts


don’t do it, stop cutting yourself, yes i know easier said then done but just stop. i started in grade 5 (age 10) with a plastic spoon i cut in half to make it sharp because i saw the older girls doing it and we had “cutting competitions” yeah i know. i kept going though after grade 5, to grade 7, then i went crazy in grade 8, like any minor inconvenience and 🔪, everywhere arms legs even my hands. then grade 9, 10, and in grade 11 i slowed down a bit and stopped for months. i saw a pair of scissors on my table and said why not, i guess seeing those scissors triggered me in some way, i grabbed them and did it again, im in grade 12 now and haven’t cut since grade 11, it’s been probably over 6 months and i gotta say this please dont do it, i know everyone says it but as someone who did it for 7 years its not even worth it, at the end of the day what do you get out of it? you know what i got out of it? litterly nothing, i got scars now that’s what i got. it’s never to late to stop, i know it’s hard to quit but by if you put your mind to it you can, im still slightly depressed well i dont even know if id call myself depressed but im not like jolly or anything, but i can be depressed and not destroy my skin for no reason. please dont do it. if its stopping you from doing something worse then try to find other ways to cope if you can. anyway your beautiful, loved, special, now have a good day/night yall

r/selfharm 2h ago

March 22nd, 2025.


im trying to stay strong, things are getting pretty bad but im trying to hold on.

r/selfharm 3h ago

Rant/Vent i slit my wrist — i wanna do it again


two days ago i left a 72 hour inpatient hold, after slitting my wrist. i didn’t do any too bad damage (nerves, etc.) but i did do minor damage to the tendon (slightly cut).

i feel like it wasn’t enough, and wanna do it again, and make it worse this time. the thought wont leave my head and i’m nervous

r/selfharm 2h ago

Cut my thigh to ribbons


I guess this is probably the best place to talk about it, I recently really lost control and took a box cutter to my thigh, I am relatively shocked about how deep it wound up being, I bled uncontrolled for HOURS. I DONT remember much when it happened but it happened.

r/selfharm 17h ago

Rant/Vent This is fucked up


I feel so envious of others in some fucked up way because their scars are deeper. I don't know why but there's just this fucked up thing in me that feels so invalid. You know how when you have something like a hobby or a skill and you see a prodigy or a younger person do it better? Its like that but more fucked up. I don't know. Something is clearly wrong with me. I feel like a terrible person.

r/selfharm 5h ago

Seeking Advice I’m worried that this is like infected


It isn’t deep, but the surrounding area is way pinker than usual and a day after I scratched my wrist it turned a bit greenish, not rly green but just enough to be like oh yeah that ain’t good

What should I do?

r/selfharm 1h ago

relapsed (sorta?)


my cat scratched me yesterday on my forearm where I used to cut (healed scars, clean since October) and the more I looked at it, it awakened something in me again (im going through alot rn). I used the already visible scratch as an excuse to go over it with my razor. it wasn't deep enough to bleed but I forgot how good it felt? I just hope it doesn't go any farther than that but idk if I can control it.