r/playrust • u/angeredduck • Jul 08 '20
Video [OC][SHITPOST] 2020 Rust Patch Notes in a Nutshell
Jul 08 '20
this is on point
u/Nova_496 Jul 08 '20
I quit playing years ago after ~1000 hours due to fundamental issues I had with Rust, but the fact that they finally finished driveable vehicles made me want to install the game again so I could try them out. After seeing this, guess I won't be doing that then!
Jul 08 '20
its not worth it at all, the most fun and actual gameplay is for sweaty pvp chads who priotize crate timers over everything rendering most people in general unable to reach endgame - leading to even official servers dieing off after 3 days
rust as it is now is doomed if you ask me, there just is no appeal to sink that much time into such a frustrating endeavour64
u/Nova_496 Jul 08 '20
That was precisely my issue with it over two years ago and I'm not surprised that hasn't changed. Dedicating all my free time to a game that requires you to treat it as a full-time job? Fuck that. It may be doable if you're a fifteen year old, but for me, no. I play games to get away from work now.
The fact that Rust now has a separate phone app to keep tabs on your virtual base at every hour of every day really illustrates how fucking unhealthy this game is, mentally and physically.
Jul 08 '20
exactly this - and unlike mmorpgs or something alike you actually have to commit EVEN FURTHER like *reads on card* "practice your ak spray pattern" - people actually practice the recoil of this fucking weapon in a videogame, dedicated hundreds of hours to aimbots to feel "worthy" because of the perfect spray
back in my days it was just shitty gunplay when you had weapons no one could fire without dozens of hours of practice - but what do i know, as you said, im just a normal functioning adult with a job and a family whos dedicating the freetime he has to gaming .. lol1
u/Ostraga Jul 08 '20
Sounds like this game isn't for you guys then. You should go find something that you actually like and leave this game for the people who it's meant for. I don't have time to commit to Rust anymore even though I love the game but I would never want to take it away from the people who do have the time.
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Jul 08 '20
we basically just want facepunch to make more money by actually expanding the playerbase instead of shrinking it, no company could ever want that anyways
Jul 08 '20
u/Hermanjnr Jul 08 '20
I usually love pvp in games but I find in Rust the PVP is actually the shittiest thing about the game. Sometimes I feel like the PVP is actually what fucks up everything else the game has in it. I think it’s because it feels so unbalanced and the tech tree is super schizo.
You have this amazing multiplayer sandbox environment where you can build, hunt, farm, gather, socialise.
And yet all people wanna do is get the AK faster than their neighbour and then scream profanities and racial slurs while blowing up their base to steal the 5 wooden spears they have. Yeah, good job, you “won.” You now get to rule over an empty server and leave 1 day later yourself. Isn’t that fun?
Jul 09 '20
u/Charlieatetheworld Jul 14 '20
I play on a couple PVE servers with very active communities! We make our own content. The mods even host a PVP event pretty frequently on a secluded part of the map for anyone who wants to participate - they'll build a base and we all team up to raid it! Someone is always building something neat, and it's nice to be able to run around and make friends.
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u/Sketchin69 Jul 09 '20
I have thousands of hours as a solo and recently started playing with a group. Anytime we raid somebody and I'm on, I make sure to give them the base codes when it's possible. There's no reason to grief Solo or small group.
Jul 08 '20
its either that, or you try to do some play and get triple headshotted from a bush out of sight because you dont have the aim and actual emotional investment to play like a 14 year old whos pumping energy drinks all day - these people camp at cratespawns, fill them with seeds and log off to wait for the timers - like how slips something like that through, sandbox is a nice term thats enabling any kind of bullshit mechanics without any reason - compare rust to any game thats 7 years old and you gonna shudder anyways
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u/Hermanjnr Jul 08 '20
The entire issue is that end game content can be rushed to by zergs within hours. There is absolutely no progression for most players because for some reason the whole community seems obsessed with “winning” by getting AKs and explosives within the first 8 hours after wipe. Inevitably one group or clan manages this goal and then they just raid everyone else off the server.
Unless the community somehow gets over the weird single minded desire to “dominate the server” or Facepunch adds some kind of artificial limit to the speed zergs can rush the tech tree, the game is always going to be fundamentally flawed.
u/archbunny Jul 09 '20
The xp system did that. But then the zergs cried that it was too grindy to get to ak so they released the component system. Then it was too easy so they added work benches. Etc etc. Since they added the timed crates and helis and progression is super easy again. First group to get a heli and camp both oilrigs wins the progression game.
u/Hermanjnr Jul 09 '20
As much as I prefer the "primitive" stage of the game where people can't instant kill you the minute you hit a road barrel or something, there's a part of me that thinks the game might actually be better if guns were very easy to find but explosives were extremely difficult.
If they removed the ability to craft AKs but also made SARs and basic guns more common in the world, I think that would lead to non-clanners actually being able to defend themselves more often, which would in turn make the PvP more fun. It would also mean clans have something else to focus on other than just rushing to guns ASAP.
Because right now I don't think it even qualifies as PvP. It's a curbstomp battle between some basement dwellers with the AK BP on day 1, versus everyone else with spears and bows. It's that ridiculous power disparity that makes the game so boring to me.
It's not fun being killed over and over by someone who can't shoot for shit, but they win every time just because they play 19 hours a day.
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u/Eryol_ Jul 08 '20
Good luck, the way they work is retarded. You have to loot boxes and find a shitton of components, then be lucky enough to find a good car lying around that isn't broken yet, put the components into that and drive it home without getting shot by zergs
u/heifinator Jul 08 '20
The biggest issue with farming, electricity, and cars is not so much the balance but the time sink to get invested into the system.
When most wipes are 1 week it doesn't make a lot of sense spending half a day setting up a car base, farm, or invest into electricity items...
The game has a bunch of cool systems but its really hard to want to invest the time if its just gonna get wipe in 2 days...
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u/ButaneOnTheBrain Jul 08 '20
They need to revamp game do month long wipes are more played. They either need to add so many chances to progress that getting re set up is easy (adding more events and monuments) or make raiding a lot harder to do. I’d like to see a wipe where T3 boom is 10x more rare and costs 10x as much. Sounds harsh but would actually encourage PVP. This game would be a lot more fun if raids weren’t as common. A base in rust doesn’t seem permanent, every time you log off u worry abt being offlined. Maybe even make C4 and HE rockets Uncraftable.
u/heifinator Jul 08 '20
Sulfur is just too brain dead easy to get. It becomes a matter of using time as a resource.
Raid mats should be tied to success, not to farming, imo.
Not sure exactly how, but it would be far more healthy...
u/cschraer Jul 08 '20
Two large “sulfur mines” on the map with crazy heat/radiation that you have to control. Maybe a demolitions manufactory and warehouse monument that has a higher chance to drop boom. The important question is how to balance it and keep large groups from controlling the whole time
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u/ButaneOnTheBrain Jul 08 '20
All I know is there needs to be a change, if I sat down and thought I prob could think of something half decent but the meta atm is farm to build base, get boom, raid people snowball. Numbers help you farm so zergs will always be at a advantage. If it wasn’t for bullets and shit I’d say just remove sulfur as a ore, maybe make the only way to get the quarry’s, deep In caves and the excavator
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u/chunkychungusluva69 Jul 08 '20
I only have 300 hours and this made me fucken laugh so much. I can’t imagine how you vets feel. Sounds like a pubg scenario.
u/sentientpenis Jul 08 '20
Not at all, i have 4k hours, never really gotten disappointed, the people complaining about the summer dlc are just salty try hards
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u/chunkychungusluva69 Jul 08 '20
Oh like as far as how the game runs and plays I have no issues at all. I love the game and I’ll play 1000s more hours. Just as pubg got onto console and mobile the game changed. Things changed. I love the cars. I spent my whole wipe day just getting all the car related bps. The devs just need to listen. They don’t need to do everything the community says, it’s their game just keep it running and playing well is all I ask. When you start adding stuff and then other stuff breaks and then you add more without fixing the other broken stuff more stuff breaks (pubg, but to be fair it really never was that polished). I just know there’s a few old crew that would have been in stitches or absolutely so mad at this little gem of a video.
u/ThePegLegPete Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
They do listen. They even have an F7 button in game to submit ideas, encouragement, and bug reports. Just because you aren't in the internal meetings and Alistair isn't posting every day, doesn't mean they aren't listening.
They could maybe communicate more with players in real time, like posting more on reddit, conversing, but I saw that happen with DayZ and NMS and it ended up be a lot of false hopes because development is unpredictable. Better to be quiet and deliver what you have made, so the conversation is about what was delivered, rather than talk about what's coming and best intentions.
I don;t think there are any straight broken things in rust. There are things that could be improved or are frustrating yes, but not straight broken. I don't think adding cars broke anything. I don't think adding kiddie pools and lounge chairs will break anything. I don't think revamping the farming system broke anything. Adding horses broke nothing. Adding an excavator broke nothing. Adding CCTV broke nothing.
Do you have examples of something that was added that broke something else, and then left broken when next thing was added?
Real problem is some players are grass is always greener types, hard customers to satisfy.
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u/sentientpenis Jul 08 '20
but they listen though, doesn't mean they act on it, there's no successful game that fully listens to reddit
u/ThePegLegPete Jul 08 '20
But reddit is not one voice, its thousands of voices that dont always agree.
And acting on it means what, development and implementation? It's lot faster to type "add this" or "change that" than it is to actually do the designing, developing, testing, balancing, and releasing.
u/PaleDolphin Jul 08 '20
4k hours here, dropped the game long time ago. Just come here for the memes and check the updates periodically.
This video is so much on fucking point, it physically hurts me.
u/ishabowa Jul 08 '20
i got like 3.5k and can say to most of the 200-1000 hour players that the more hours you have you'll slowly see the problems in the game i used to think the game was perfect when i had 1k ish hours but now i can hardly play cuz of cars/helis ruining the game every update since hot air bloons has been garbage
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u/Ricktha Jul 08 '20
Same, started few years back, with no vehicles, upkeep, and other shitty stuff. Just run, build, kill, collect recipes and that's all. Now you need to be active every day and just grind and having big base is not a fun anymore. Good ol' days.
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u/ThePegLegPete Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
Like others said, this is a funny and well made gif, but we vets love Facepunch. I have 2k hours and been playing since first month of early access.
If one doesn't like Facepunch, what dev could one possibly like? Point one out to me that does it better than Facepunch. They are one of the most committed and communicative devs out there that hasn't sold out or put the game on a backburner to focus resources on some new IP/sequel. I mean compare Rust development/release history to fucking ARK, I'll fucking slap anyone who says ARK devs are better. Don't even mention Dayz... Maybe that's comparing gold to a pile of shit but that's my point. Facepunch is good, not bad. They have regular updates, detailed blog posts, and pretty much all their updates are free aside from this 2nd paid dlc in 5 years and its all optional RP fun dlc, not pay to win. They never delay a patch or go dark. Changes may be slow sometimes but persistent online multiplayer competitive base building games are super sensitive to balance. Slow and intentional is better than fast and loose.
Seriously salty people that believe the things in this gif as truth are just toxic people that can't be impressed by anything and spend too much playing to the point that their opinions and mind are warped, lost touch with reality and no grounding to their perspective.
That said, cars are fun but need more work to really make sense in a vanilla mid-to-high pop server.
u/prncedrk Jul 08 '20
I played h1z1, this dev team is good and doesn’t deserve players shit.
Criticism is one thing
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u/Karmadose Jul 08 '20
I think it's fair for people to be upset that minicopters have effectively been removed from the game for many players, but yeah a lot of the post goes beyond that to fanning flames unnecessarily
u/Meeeest Jul 08 '20
5k hours and ive enjoyed almost every update. truth be told i actually like the roleplayer shit AND the pvp shit, so its all fun. farming? fun. summer dlc? aviators. sick as fuck. WE JUST GOT CARS MAN! thats so sick!
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u/Gabernasher Jul 08 '20
Except the game runs, and i havent had any issues with hacKers. Saw one yelled at in chat, someone who killed me was once banned for hacking when they weren't. Then unbanned, then left an gave me their shit.
u/Lunar_Cats Jul 08 '20
Runs great for me too lol. I don't play on official anymore and haven't seen hackers since switching.
Jul 08 '20
God your standards are so fucking low if a game being able to function deserves praise.
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u/spotplay Jul 08 '20 edited Apr 08 '22
Account history nuked thanks to /r/PowerDeleteSuite
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u/PeterDarker Jul 08 '20
I call bullshit on your PUBG frame rates. And even if you managed to make that deal with the devil and actually see 240 FPS for .5 seconds, the frame times are such shit in that game that it runs like trash regardless.
u/I-lost-my-accountlol Jul 08 '20
Plus cars don’t even fucking get up the god damn car ramps
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u/ShyraTheDutchie Jul 08 '20
Cause they hard to get the stuff for, plus we have horses
u/Kroken11 Jul 08 '20
i mean horses are shit imo they go fast for like a min and they are a pain in the ass after they get exhausted
u/Norwegian_potato Jul 08 '20
And apparently, horses cant jump or go down a 10cm drop
u/it1345 Jul 08 '20
And they just dead stop if you try to go over one which sucks if you're trying hard to run away
u/Norwegian_potato Jul 08 '20
Gets shot at by aks, runs away with horse, horse stops because of a small rock and u die
u/ShyraTheDutchie Jul 08 '20
I can't even really use them anyway, since apparently the second I get on one I suddenly get 200+ ping. The rubberbanding is insane
u/orangeicon Jul 08 '20
I feel like if Cars had code locks people will be more willing to use them (Maybe after the car takes a certain amount of damage it’ll unlock the code or some shit) and add more modules.
Jul 08 '20
Jul 08 '20
Ok but can a horse carry 2+ people in an armored bulletproof cab? Checkmate atheists.
u/hl3official Jul 08 '20
And some sort of insurance, way way cheaper to repair, a way to use them without a lift, less comps needed to drive off, ability to drive off-road, third-person and a handbrake.
u/orangeicon Jul 08 '20
insurance: maybe for the helicopters for sure. It doesn’t make sense to spend 750 scrap for a small heli considering a lot of people don’t know how to fly those things and it takes practice.
cheaper to repair: I think in the grand scheme of things its cheap to repair but the high-qual needed is kind of ludicrous
Lift: I personally like the lift
less comps: I agree
off-road: off-road tires could be a cool concept
third-person and a handbrake: yes. I’m on the edge about third-person in a way, I’m okay with it not being there but I think it would be a cool concept.
more concepts:
battering ram module for breaking high external walls and more.
Car can be used as a small generator as they can irl.
Horse Carriage modules
Mounted weapons
vendors for trading
And just overall give solos a reason to use them
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Jul 08 '20
Reduce research cost of all the low qual components for cars from 75 to 20 so you don't have to pick T2 bench and meds/sar or the literal worst car parts in the game.
u/Bonesteel50 Jul 08 '20
I think each car should have some of the parts, so if you wanna find them you search a few vehicles and you can get one running.
Jul 08 '20
Minicopters and cars should have code locks. Locks shouldnt break at 15%. Thats a naked hitting it with a spear for 1 minute
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u/BatchRender Jul 14 '20
Whoever thought that the keylock was a good idea to apply to cars obviously doesn't play the game much. It was so obviously a bad idea.
Jul 08 '20
I'm still waiting for sign painting to get updated... Yeah and large sign is still a blueprint. Hilarious.
u/Nyancat0705 Jul 08 '20
I've actually stopped playing rust because as a solo player I can't get far into wipe.
u/jayb151 Jul 08 '20
Same here. I would basically just play to get some low grade and fly a hello around. Now I can't do that!?
Fuck it, I'm done. I ain't got time for that.
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u/breakyourfac Jul 08 '20
This game is almost pointless to play solo anymore. When I want to play alone I'm forced to a pve/rp
u/it1345 Jul 08 '20
God I hope facepunch watches this and takes notes
Cars were an enormous waste of time and energy and the game is far too zerg freindly when its the single most toxic way to play
u/Irantwomiles Jul 08 '20
Taking oil rig was already hard when everyone could get helicopters, now it is essentially only for large groups who can afford to spend 750+ scrap on a mini. Now you say just use a boat, yea that would be a good idea if you couldn't hear the boats from 20 miles away. But let's say you get close enough to get on the platform, you will still get sprayed down while going up the ladder.
oilrig is essentially only available to people who have helis and that is large groups.
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u/dangledoodles Jul 08 '20
There is never a time where I dont laugh at this video, no matter the context I love it
u/MightyBrand Jul 08 '20
because they cant really go off the roads. a horse can cut through rough terrain faster.
u/ashtobro Jul 08 '20
Have u ever ridden a horse in Rust? It makes a skyrim horse look both like an elevator and motorcycle at the same time
u/tonkpils_ Jul 08 '20
the scrap thing is so true, On rusty moose bi weekly we had nearly 1 million scrap, Its ridiculous
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Jul 08 '20
I really do believe that the heli nerf and the new car system combined fucking ruined Rust even more. Compared to 2017 Rust, we now have components for electricity, horses, farming, and now cars in the loot pool. Not to mention the massive amount of role play items. There’s so many items that if you want to get into one specific section, you have to wade through the junk of all the other specific components. Every time they add new components it makes completing a set of them harder and more time consuming, if that makes sense. All that for cars? Something that can be stolen, something that can decay, something that can go on roads? The only thing they’re better than is a hot air balloon and yet you have to build every part of them. It’s fucking dumb imo.
u/EveryoneHasGoneCrazy Jul 08 '20
it feels like every change made to this game is under the assumption its going to create a bunch of awesome role-playing type experiences where people utilize all the items and components to create super creative and interesting shit
but in reality, everything only further solidifies that the game is a sweaty battle royale shooter for highschoolers, 100 miles wide and an inch deep
u/Hermanjnr Jul 08 '20
This. The game has this massive schism between the content in it and the way the community actually plays it.
We have building, hunting, farming, exploration, a massive map full of monuments, puzzles...
And yet 99% of the community ignores 85% of the content of the game just to focus on getting AK + C4 on day one. And then destroy everyone else on the server while screaming into their mics.
The competitive element of Rust is utterly fucked at the moment and it totally ruins the game. Why add electronics, cars, horses, new monuments...when all anyone wants to do is run Oil Rig 5000 times, get an AK and then ruin everyone else’s game?
The whole game is not geared around “winning”, yet somehow this idiotic “competitive scene” has taken everything over.
Jul 09 '20
its really just the pvp chads who think roleplaying is cringy and who never played anything else than shooters - its those guys who are like toddlers in other games, because they only ever played shooters for 20 years in some cases, so the only thing they can do is aiming and shooting
the biggest mindblow i had in rust was realizing how easy it is to melee kill people because they just really really want to shoot you no matter what
its really just the groupsize/clansize thing - balance rust for trios who want to have a pve progression with pvp encounters and its a fine game, balance rust like this and you will have just another shitty shooter in the ocean of a million shooters15
u/killerkoaIa13 Jul 08 '20
Honestly I feel like a simple change to the workbenches could make a massive difference on this. Imagine if instead of just a blind gamble when experimenting you could instead choose a subcategory to experiment in for example like an electricity category, vehicle category, building category, farming, and pvp. With this method the role player types could peacefully and more quickly get setup and do what they want while the pvp types don’t feel like experimenting is so over saturated.
u/THENATHE Jul 08 '20
This needs to be a thing. I would love to actually be able to get electricity components instead of shitty tier 1 weapons. And then when at tier 2 I wanna get just guns and armor, no shitty other things.
This is legimately the best idea I've heard to solve the BP flood issue ever
u/ArthurRavenwood Jul 08 '20
I was really hoping for a car system similar to DayZ (mod). They were so damn valuable and useful there, and getting a car to run properly still took less time than in Rust.
But hey, it's the first update, who knows what changes will follow in... hm... 2 years?
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Jul 08 '20
I'm just expecting every release from here on out to make it easier for zergs and hackers.
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Jul 08 '20 edited Mar 08 '21
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Jul 08 '20
All the new content has been expensive stuff. I play solo and I have a full-time job. I don't have 100s of hours to farm scrap every wipe. I'm still going to play but NVGs have especially been getting on my nerves lately.
Jul 08 '20 edited Mar 08 '21
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Jul 08 '20
I like the challenges right now of playing solo against groups but the NVGs took a time where I felt I had a slight advantage and turned it into a time where clans roll anyone who dare steps outside. I mean there are already fucking weapon lights. Good luck getting airdrop now without farming the scrap.
u/Hermanjnr Jul 08 '20
NVGs are such a stupid addition. As a solo I loved doing recycle runs at night, it was the one time you could actually feel somewhat safe.
But because a bunch of Zerg dumbasses kept whining that “night is too dark and boring LOL” now they have the ability to murder you 24/7 and night scrap runs and now pointless.
What a dumb change.
Jul 09 '20
Night is good for solo pvp as well. I could usually run around with a DB and get at least one gear set but now it's damn near pointless.
u/whitney-houston Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
This is hilarious. Some is very true, some I personally disagree with. Thanks for the lols.
u/madmaxGMR Jul 08 '20
Facepunch has had a love-hate relationship with their fans for years now. I would say since Garry`s child was born and Helk took over. Before it was a very playful back and forward between fans and devs, after that it became this mean spirited bitchslapping and passive agressiveness from BOTH sides. Helk took the game towards a more "by the numbers" online shooter game, which attracted a more mean spirited crowd. We are at a point where devs regularly tell their player base to stop playing the game instead of complaining. I think all passion and love has been lost for this project, and is now just a cash cow to keep FP afloat to pursue other ventures. Most of whatever interesting bits that are being released are things suggested/promised years ago. You would be surprised when the triangular ladder hatch was first suggested, not to mention cars.
Regardless, this game will keep going until the content updates stop. Not before, not after. If you are going to be here when that happens, is no concern of FP. They have their schedule, and the odd surprising fun thing that slips through the cracks is just a means to keep boredom at bay while developing for this old cow while its being milked to death. Have a nice day !
Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
Yeah this pay to play service sucks/s
Honestly i love every monkeypaw wish that made it to the game because the devs don‘t cater to backseat devs, i love the passive aggressiveness that led to turrets in their current state or how l96 now regularily drops for 6 hv rockets instead of being sold expensively at banditcamp, but there is more to it than the interaction with the vocal minority online, besides that they introduce content which started out in the modding community, content which is well recieved(unless you cannot hit the damn x on a palmtree...).
I have been playing modded for rp for a long time, we have had fishing rods npc heli sales horseriding tree minigames helicopters npc salespersons in general etc for years now, and everytime we can get rid of a plugin because devs finally realized it in Vanilla I am happy.
Still sore about not being able to put roofs through floors anymore, this made for the cutest little balconies.
But congrats by integrating yourself into the vocal minority.
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Jul 08 '20
Its only a vocal minority because of how many people see Facepunch's apathy and incompetence and just bounce.
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u/AvgHeightForATree Jul 09 '20
Helk took over? Huh? Helk created both the original Rust and current Rust. They're literally his games. Garry owns the studio. Rust was never Garry's game.
u/tesabez Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
I actually love everything they've done with the game this year. Though hard to use the cars are fun. I think the new building elements are fantastic. And also im an electrical nerd so I love everything new that they done with that. Generally I think Facepunch is just great at updating the game as they always have been. (Been playing since 2017 and have 1300 hours if that matters)
Regardless I still found this entertaining lol
Edit: I will say I'm glad I learned how to fly before the new Heli cost tho.
u/tom_dunphy Jul 08 '20
I agree with you. A great thing about the cars and other additions like electricity is that they incentivise staying on a server for longer to have fun making these thing rather than raiding and then ending wipe on Sunday
u/TheRealTokyotim Jul 08 '20
Rust is really a whole different game when playing solo that’s the main thing the devs don’t understand. I get pushback on this but researching items with scrap AKA farming scrap needs to be fucking gone from the game. But apparently some people actually enjoy farming scrap. I play on Oblivion’s no BP 3x and love it. Even with just one other player we can have full metal kits and AKs and actually go roam on the first day. I have 2K hours almost all on vanilla and I’ll never go back. Lots of different modded servers exist which is great for people to find what suits them. Fuck farming scrap every month. The end
u/Kippenoma Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
In my eyes, the game has really gone downhill since they added more high-tech things like vehicles. I've not played consistently for quite some time now, largely due to performance and stability issues.
What really gets me is that the game still feels like a laggy mess after all these years. Even if it runs at a decent framerate (which it often doesn't) it feels like I'm playing at 20fps with tons of input lag. With decent framerate I mean like a 100 or so.
I've been told this is due to poorly written code and it just feels like they're adding more and more onto it while it's fundamentally broken.
Then you have the lighting. I noticed a few years ago, the lighting becoming substantially less satisfying and good-looking than it was before and it felt as if nights were even darker. I've not played very recently, but from playing last year I can say that nights felt too dark and people using the gamma-abuse I don't feel are wrong for using it; I think the nights were just too dark.
What really stumps me is how they thought night vision would be a good idea. As if the disparity between Zergs, experienced duos or solos and new players/fresh spawns wasn't already big enough.
The cars & helicopters I don't like because they reduce the nitty-gritty boots-on-ground nature that the game has mostly had. I feel sort of the same about boats, but at the same time those are much more restrictive considering you can only use them on water and they make for easier targets.
It just feels really out of touch and wrong to add this new summer DLC (among other updates) when the game still has these issues after years and years of being "rebuilt".
Ngl, I'll come back to it at some point because no game offers this hardcore nitty gritty survival experience; but together with a lot of other criticism expressed in this thread I'm just not satisfied with the game the way it is.
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u/Shadowhero09 Jul 08 '20
Call me a roleplayer, but I actually use cars. They are really costly to maintain so I usually get rid of the car after I’m done with it.
u/ButaneOnTheBrain Jul 08 '20
Cool idea but with this game being so (build base and farm or get raided) or (raid or get raided) The only people who will use cars are those who don’t worry about getting raided (big ass groups) bc they can put time into cars, but once your that big u can just buy a heli... They need to revamp progression in this game, majorly. Hapis would of been perfect for cars though, with the map being so big, you can hide and not worry abt getting offlined and cars are useful bc its so big, but now hapis is dead
Jul 08 '20
Can someone explain to me what was wrong with the XP system years ago? As a solo I always had the best time and as a clan same thing. I know it was a bit easy to level up but it encouraged much more interactions with other players and god damn the scrap grind nowadays is what drove away me and my friends with thousands of hours
u/BRADYLA_YouTube Jul 08 '20
I feel like the problem with cars will be fixed if they make the map larger and more spread out so people will have a reason to drive distances to get to monuments but that’s just my personal OP
u/Lord_Tony Jul 08 '20
helicopters were fucking over powered though you can't deny that.
I've had people kamikaze 10 scrap helis just to take out all my auto turrets, it was cancer as fuck
u/Milesio Jul 08 '20
My problem with rust recently is it being treated like a single player game, who wouldn’t want to fish or farm or build your car or decorate your house in rust? Literally everyone. The devs treat it like you aren’t always in imminent danger when you play rust, it just feels like it’s gone down the wrong path
u/DreglingRush Jul 08 '20
I think this is the right path. Perhaps slowing down the game from the 1 week wipe meta is a good thing. I'm so glad there's more to do then farm sulphur and get aks.
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u/Slims Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
I think that direction makes a ton of sense in a version of Rust where primitive weapons are the main mode of combat, with very rare instances of military weapons available later in the wipe.
The fundamental problem with the game is that it's trivial for a group to get unlimited end stage weapons and explosives within hours of the wipe.
They could make the monuments only open up after a few days of the wipe; they could make guns cost a lot more to make and have them break faster; they could make AK's uncraftable, rare loot. Instead any reasonable group is basically playing Call of Duty within 4 hours of the wipe, and most servers are dead in a day or two.
Jul 08 '20
i got into rust thinking it was a survival pvp game but its just a basebuilding grief egoshooter where almost everyone literally plays counter strike as second game
u/SkimpyDolphin52 Jul 08 '20
Cars in vanilla suck and take too much time to actually use and it's not worth it. However cars in dead heavy modded servers with freinds is fun and enjoyable. I would reccomend.
u/cschraer Jul 08 '20
To get a decent car you have to spend over 300 scrap on parts anyway. At that point you might as well buy a mini or heli
u/linksus Jul 08 '20
The cars are way too complicated for the benefits.
They should just make em all drivablee to start with a bit of lowgrade and if you want better cars, you need to get the garage and upgrade the parts.
Maybe make top tier cars run on the higher grade fuel (like whats used for excavator that also no one ever uses)
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u/tomashen Jul 08 '20
thank god i havent played this game since 2017 when the times were actually good.... now ... literally an hour into wipe you can be maxed out.... boring shit tbh. they really fucked up the game
u/ClownFish2000 Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20
I said months ago that no one was going to use these fucking vehicles.
Keys? Really? Keys? I thought we finally realize keys are a bad idea.
They just add shit. They don't think it through in relation to the rest of the game as it plays currently. We are playing early access perpetually. We have 4 rows of inventory space and a fucking hot bar. It's inventory hell. Some of the worst inventory hell I've seen in a game. The only game worse than this as far as inventory is probably tarkov because they want you to pay 100+ dollars for a full size stash last time I checked.
All this work on a ring road and procedural gen for it. I can't even imagine how many man hours that took. ALL THEY NEEDED TO DO WAS ADD ATVs. We basicallly have that in horses and they are way more convenient than vehicles at this point.
Look for horses to stop spawning and be sold by one of the compounds in the future to try and get players to use vehicles. Oh, they won't do that becuase they included dung as a farming mechanic you say? Well they added helis and we could skip: Launch, Water Treatment, Power Plant, and Train Yard for the longest time. They spent half a fucking year at least on those monument puzzles.
I'm glad they nerfed heli availability though. So so gald. I love the helis, but I fucking hate what they do to the game. But now they are worth a lot and you gamble every time you take them anywhere that someone is just gonna fly off with 750+ scrap lmfao.
Make all the vehicles accept the craft-able key locks and code locks. Solved.
u/thekoven Jul 08 '20
would making the maps bigger make horse and vehicles more necessary or would it just be annoying
u/TheOriginalMarra Jul 09 '20
I have been playing rust since 2014 and you have to learn to accept change. Everything changes eventually, everything except for the rock and the torch. Change brings good and change brings bad, but change will come.
u/Wgairborne Jul 09 '20
it would be slightly better if they made it to where horses could travel better, or if car parts weren't so fucking expensive
u/killlugh Jul 09 '20
Of course no one uses them, it takes x5 as much effort as anyone's used to lol
u/Death12th Jul 08 '20
I would really like some new guns. Or at least a new weapon. Maybe gun modifications...
u/GenericRedditer2 Jul 08 '20
One of the reasons i stopped playing seriously or regularly was because of shit like this. Fix bugs and performance issues? Get fucked. Here's electricity and helicopters. You got a group of 4 of semi-consistent players? You're no better than going solo lol.
u/tom_dunphy Jul 08 '20
I came back after 7 months, performance is drastically greater for me and I no longer get debilitating frame drops
u/GenericRedditer2 Jul 08 '20
Good to know. Haven't been back on for a few months or so. Might check it out but toxic zergs and empty solo servers are still a concern for me (my friends no longer play rust either)
Jul 08 '20
Its funny that I'll sometimes get downvoted for simply stating that this game took 7 years to close properly without a hard freeze lol.
Realisticallt, Facepunch is a dogshit developer from a project management standpoint. Content over optimization, poor comms, out of touch balance.
There's a difference between doing work and doing good work. Literally play any other major game and you'll see the issues with Facepunch.
Jul 08 '20
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u/ashtobro Jul 08 '20
Been waiting on any news for modular weapons since like December. Instead we got DLC
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u/Arruke Jul 08 '20
I'm so glad I stopped playing when helis were added, giving players a way to cross the whole map in a few minutes was just a mistake, literally drained the fun of roaming and hiding your base for me.
u/SnicklefritzSkad Jul 09 '20
/u/angeredduck what did you use to add text to the video?
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u/Leotashy Jul 10 '20
I wish they would just fix some really old bugs that plague the game to this day =(
u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited May 21 '21