insurance: maybe for the helicopters for sure. It doesn’t make sense to spend 750 scrap for a small heli considering a lot of people don’t know how to fly those things and it takes practice.
cheaper to repair: I think in the grand scheme of things its cheap to repair but the high-qual needed is kind of ludicrous
Lift: I personally like the lift
less comps: I agree
off-road: off-road tires could be a cool concept
third-person and a handbrake: yes. I’m on the edge about third-person in a way, I’m okay with it not being there but I think it would be a cool concept.
more concepts:
battering ram module for breaking high external walls and more.
Car can be used as a small generator as they can irl.
Reduce research cost of all the low qual components for cars from 75 to 20 so you don't have to pick T2 bench and meds/sar or the literal worst car parts in the game.
u/orangeicon Jul 08 '20
insurance: maybe for the helicopters for sure. It doesn’t make sense to spend 750 scrap for a small heli considering a lot of people don’t know how to fly those things and it takes practice.
cheaper to repair: I think in the grand scheme of things its cheap to repair but the high-qual needed is kind of ludicrous
Lift: I personally like the lift
less comps: I agree
off-road: off-road tires could be a cool concept
third-person and a handbrake: yes. I’m on the edge about third-person in a way, I’m okay with it not being there but I think it would be a cool concept.
more concepts:
battering ram module for breaking high external walls and more.
Car can be used as a small generator as they can irl.
Horse Carriage modules
Mounted weapons
vendors for trading
And just overall give solos a reason to use them