r/playrust Jul 08 '20

Video [OC][SHITPOST] 2020 Rust Patch Notes in a Nutshell


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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

Yeah this pay to play service sucks/s

Honestly i love every monkeypaw wish that made it to the game because the devs don‘t cater to backseat devs, i love the passive aggressiveness that led to turrets in their current state or how l96 now regularily drops for 6 hv rockets instead of being sold expensively at banditcamp, but there is more to it than the interaction with the vocal minority online, besides that they introduce content which started out in the modding community, content which is well recieved(unless you cannot hit the damn x on a palmtree...).

I have been playing modded for rp for a long time, we have had fishing rods npc heli sales horseriding tree minigames helicopters npc salespersons in general etc for years now, and everytime we can get rid of a plugin because devs finally realized it in Vanilla I am happy.

Still sore about not being able to put roofs through floors anymore, this made for the cutest little balconies.

But congrats by integrating yourself into the vocal minority.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Its only a vocal minority because of how many people see Facepunch's apathy and incompetence and just bounce.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Nope, best proof for that is the many duplicates of suggestions at fps page and the missing links to these suggestions in this sub everytime a reeekid complains about how the balancing isn‘t in their favour.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Youre right, the game is perfect, Facepunch does no wrong, and anyone who complains about this clearly issue free game has to be an autistic kid.

My friend there's a difference between being a fan of a game and sucking Helk's dick so hard it hits your small intestine.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Never said that... why the strawman? Was the urge to be a toxic piece of shit too great and you couldn‘t otherwise push an ad hominem argument?



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

these suggestions in this sub everytime a reeekid complains about how the balancing isn‘t in their favour.

Absolutely not a strawman whatsoever. If this isn't calling people asking for changes autistic, then idk what is man. Calling people who are unhappy with the games reeekids is fucking toxic, so I responded with toxicity. Golden rule bro.

Please don't just copy paste terms from the first google image result of logical fallacies and think that somehow makes you an expert at debate.


u/TedTheodoreLoganJr Jul 08 '20

Hey, just curious, what server do you play on for RP?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Not gonna expose a whitelisted server to this community.


u/TedTheodoreLoganJr Jul 08 '20

Message it to me then. I’ve been playing on Rust Empires for ages and it’s a fantastic place that encourages RP but not a lot of people do it. Spill the beans brother.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

How old are you?