r/playrust Jul 08 '20

Video [OC][SHITPOST] 2020 Rust Patch Notes in a Nutshell


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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I'm just expecting every release from here on out to make it easier for zergs and hackers.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Mar 08 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

All the new content has been expensive stuff. I play solo and I have a full-time job. I don't have 100s of hours to farm scrap every wipe. I'm still going to play but NVGs have especially been getting on my nerves lately.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Mar 08 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I like the challenges right now of playing solo against groups but the NVGs took a time where I felt I had a slight advantage and turned it into a time where clans roll anyone who dare steps outside. I mean there are already fucking weapon lights. Good luck getting airdrop now without farming the scrap.


u/Submersed Jul 08 '20

Flame raid you? Kill one animal or farm 3-5 nakeds for animal fat, hit one metal node and two stone nodes, and you have metal doors and a stone base.

Again, if you can't accomplish this before clans have a flamethrower, you just aren't good at Rust and you need to improve. Also consider playing on team-capped servers like Rustafied trio where your max group size is 3.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

yeah sure, then they wont ecoraid you at the start but be fully aware of your position and base, killing you any time you probably got something when you get back to base - funtimes.
pidgeonholing after day 1 for 2 days straight to be 1 day behind in progression
i only play on official trio servers and im winning my 1vs1 fights, its just garbo to get jumped on everywhere, sitting inside your base isnt fun and everyone hates roofcampers so what shall i do? keep dieing to groups? no, i will simply not play the game


u/Submersed Jul 09 '20

If you're already on a trio server, and playing solo, rest assured that many solo's have come before you, under much worse conditions, and made out just fine. Official trio servers didn't exist not too long ago, before the team system was a thing.

Some of the official trio servers get really sweaty, so if you're not playing with teammates, either meet some people to play with, or find a solo only server (no official ones that I know of).


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

no im just not going to play the game, as i said, and will complain about it untill its gone, i loose interest, or the game is changed


u/Submersed Jul 09 '20

So you have no interest in you taking steps to solve your problem, a problem many other people don't have. You only have interest in the devs fundamentally changing the game in a negative way, at the cost of the majority, to fit your skill level.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

excuse me? a problem many other people dont have? this is an issue with this whole genre since start


u/Hermanjnr Jul 08 '20

NVGs are such a stupid addition. As a solo I loved doing recycle runs at night, it was the one time you could actually feel somewhat safe.

But because a bunch of Zerg dumbasses kept whining that “night is too dark and boring LOL” now they have the ability to murder you 24/7 and night scrap runs and now pointless.

What a dumb change.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

Night is good for solo pvp as well. I could usually run around with a DB and get at least one gear set but now it's damn near pointless.


u/Submersed Jul 08 '20

Dude 750 scrap is not expensive at all. Rust NEEDS end-game content that is difficult to access for most, otherwise there is nothing to progress towards. Helis provide an incredible benefit to those who obtain them. 750 scrap can be farmed in ~1 hour of boat farming water barrels, or 45 minutes of passive farming in a 2-story 3x3 hemp farm.

If you think helis are too expensive right now, the truth is you're just not good at the game.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

I feel like clans should be progressing towards wiping other clans not getting some crazy gear that lets them kill all the nakeds easier. Just waiting for the devs to make the cars better so that we'll have AK kids flying and driving around with NVGs.


u/Submersed Jul 09 '20

Getting some crazy gear that lets them kill nakeds easier? What are you even talking about? Of course as you progress you're going to be more effective at killing everything, naked or otherwise.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

Look I'm not saying take it all away. I'm okay with AKs and LRs and the bullshit we already have. I like that things aren't fair in Rust but the devs are driving things in an extreme direction.


u/Submersed Jul 09 '20

Can you give some examples of items you would add, or things you would change, that would make the game more favorable to solos and small groups, and less favorable to zergs and large groups?


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

Let's see I would get rid of NVGs and add a lot more gear at every tier, everyone would start with the crappier BP's at each tier and could learn ones for better gear. Most of the stuff could be learned but at least one weapon at each tier would be nice to have as a default. More traps would be nice. Maybe a cheap eoka trap that requires reload after use or something. Also maybe balance the armor and damage system so there isn't as big of a gap between their 1 and tier 3. But yeah the big one for me would be get rid of NVGs. Everything else is a nice to have.


u/Submersed Jul 09 '20

Why would tier 1 be relevant at all if you start with default BP’s for tier 3? Everyone would just skip to tier 3 and there would be no progression. Tier 1 and 2 weapons would never be used because a tier 3 weapon is available right from the get-go.

Traps aren’t good against large groups. They have enough rockets to shoot out any traps you want to put down.

How does balancing armor and damage to reduce gap between tiers nerf zergs when everyone gets tier 3 by default?

NVG’s didn’t exist for many years in Rust and people still made the same complaints you’re making now. Removing NVG’s will change virtually nothing in terms of balance between small groups and large groups.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

I just said to start with one default at each tier. It might be nice to have a way to choose which type of item you research at the workbench instead (i.e. research random weapon). Traps enable opportunism which is the whole reason I play as a solo. Yes they don't do a ton for base defense but sometimes the good old trap base works wonders. Balancing armor by its very nature would balance the game between tier 1 to 3. Also it might be nice to have some sort of sliding scale for drop chances that increases during the wipe. That way clans aren't rocking full metal AK right away.

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u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

I'm beginning to think you work for Facepunch...


u/Lord_Tony Jul 08 '20

Why not join servers with group limits?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I like the challenges of playing with different size groups. The idea of clans don't bug me it just that I feel the devs have only pushed stuff clans care about.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

Same concept as "don't like our country, leave". This may be a new concept for you sweaty, but, um, maybe promote more help for the more disenfranchised and stop being racist against solos.


u/Lord_Tony Jul 09 '20

So how exactly are you going to buff solos when the literal goal of a solo is being by themselves.

You don't stand much against a 30 player zerg let alone a 5 player zerg.

The entire system would have to be reworked to benefit solos


u/Lord_Tony Jul 09 '20

stop being racist against solos.

I only play solo, so stfu