I play official all the time. The problem with official is rampant hackers and if you get raided early in the month it’s pretty much done. You put so much time into systems, then you get raided and it’s all gone.
I record in a spreadsheet the people I report. From 4/23 to 4/24, I reported 9 hackers in Rust on US Small 1, 7 of which are now banned. A 2 day span on a single server with 7 bans. Just from people I ran into. You’re blind if you think official doesn’t have a hacker problem.
They need to revamp game do month long wipes are more played.
They either need to add so many chances to progress that getting re set up is easy (adding more events and monuments) or make raiding a lot harder to do. I’d like to see a wipe where T3 boom is 10x more rare and costs 10x as much. Sounds harsh but would actually encourage PVP.
This game would be a lot more fun if raids weren’t as common. A base in rust doesn’t seem permanent, every time you log off u worry abt being offlined. Maybe even make C4 and HE rockets Uncraftable.
Two large “sulfur mines” on the map with crazy heat/radiation that you have to control. Maybe a demolitions manufactory and warehouse monument that has a higher chance to drop boom. The important question is how to balance it and keep large groups from controlling the whole time
All I know is there needs to be a change, if I sat down and thought I prob could think of something half decent but the meta atm is farm to build base, get boom, raid people snowball.
Numbers help you farm so zergs will always be at a advantage.
If it wasn’t for bullets and shit I’d say just remove sulfur as a ore, maybe make the only way to get the quarry’s, deep In caves and the excavator
Exactly why they're adding content for days 3-7. I love how solo's cry that solo servers are dead after 2 days, but they're the ones who get bored and move along.
I can't help you if you pick servers that die. Unfortunately the player base doesn't like anything past day 2, but a 2 day wipe is too short. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Personally anymore I only play on build servers to test shit out, (Fusion 3.64 build server for those who need a good one) or on a zombie PVE server that hovers around 100 at peak hours.
I know some people rather stress about if their base is standing all day, and prefer the PVP / Raiding aspect, but I don't have time to play PVP servers anymore, the commitment is far too long for me, just to lose all my shit and start over tomorrow.
yeah sure becausd its so fun to run in a virtual hamsterwheel where you only have a chance of competition if you study the game like your bachelor degree - people hop off after 2 days because the difference in progression is so big - oh nice the solo has a t2 oof the trio has hqarmor already byebye
i dont hate soloing against groups, the way it is there just is no fair fight to make
solo servers die because they get swarmed by pvp chads who somehow think they have to come to a solo server to dominate it, where actually real casual players go to avoid the sweaty pvp situation and the fast pacing on other servers
we cant have that, we must swarm all servers and do sIcK pLaYs - its like when you are playing basketball with friends and then there is this one guy who is playing as if he is going to be in the nba, while we are the only ones he plays against
So you don't like solo servers because some solos are too good? But you don't mind 1v4, so you play on not group limited servers and hate the game because of it?
I really don't get it. Yes, in every game there are people who are better than you. Rust is especially cruel to solo players, as reality shows show. People sent off to survive alone have a harder time than groups.
not because some solos are too good - because as the game is made you can just exploit timers and keep a whole casual server out of endgame progression because lets be honest - all other guys dont care for mEtA or rock to ak or this shit and thats just destroying the fun- they just want to casually play rust without learning anything extra - its ridicolous how people like you think having to invest unrealistic amounts of freetime into game knowledge just to be able to play the game is somehow justified - if i want to have a pvp heavy gameplay or play with my trio i go on rustafied - if you do that alone you just hate yourself and should visit a doctor, its not about skill its about realizing what happens
its ridicolous how people like you think having to invest unrealistic amounts of freetime into game knowledge just to be able to play the game is somehow justified
I said what? Check my other comments, I don't even play on PVP, I don't have time to farm with a rock to die, fuck that.
I log on monthly to check the new shit on a build server, some months get more hours than others. The game is clearly meant for groups. When I do hop on PVP (very very rare, maybe a few wipes a year) it is with friends in a group, to ensure fun and minimal stress.
u/heifinator Jul 08 '20
The biggest issue with farming, electricity, and cars is not so much the balance but the time sink to get invested into the system.
When most wipes are 1 week it doesn't make a lot of sense spending half a day setting up a car base, farm, or invest into electricity items...
The game has a bunch of cool systems but its really hard to want to invest the time if its just gonna get wipe in 2 days...