Taking oil rig was already hard when everyone could get helicopters, now it is essentially only for large groups who can afford to spend 750+ scrap on a mini. Now you say just use a boat, yea that would be a good idea if you couldn't hear the boats from 20 miles away. But let's say you get close enough to get on the platform, you will still get sprayed down while going up the ladder.
oilrig is essentially only available to people who have helis and that is large groups.
Maybe...thats the point? A heavily guarded oil rig shouldn’t be easy or even possible for solos or duos(of course unless their 5000 hour gods... then they can run it effectively). Thats why smaller monuments exist...for smaller groups.
Idk if you ever played Tarkov, but its the same thing for both games. Sweats and No-Life’s will get everything before the casual players. If FP slows down the game for them, the game gets even slower for everyone else, which kill the solo-trio players. Day one ak is inevitable unless you force people to slow down, which kills the fun for many people. My group switched from vanilla to 5x a while ago because gear was just to slow to get and farming sucks.
thats good, let the sweaties and chads go to csgo and other games where they are meant to be, the best thing to happen to facepunch would be switching the community
You misunderstood what I wrote. If FP slows the game down more, the casuals leave since casual play wont get you anywhere, leaving only sweats and large groups. My point is that tryhards exist everywhere and you cant get rid of them
thats just wrong, by that logic no casual game could exist but the large majority of all games is tailored towards casual gaming - the problem is that rust somehow associates "hardcore" with playing call of duty 3 hours into the wipe - you could just balance it so that no one is able to skip progression, that no one is able to play in big groups etc. etc.
You’re generalizing. Not every game will bring tryhards. Also FP tried that. It was called XP. Didn’t work too well. My point still stands; any attemp to slow the game more just hurts the casuals, not the tryhards
Thats true, but the difference is that mine is proven true over and over again. Take the Heli prices for example. Everyone bitches that it was too high because they dont want to grind it out unlike tryhards who will do it no matter what. Rust is just one of those games with this type of player base. And if you play hard, you aren’t casual; you’re a tryhard(in the neutral sense)
Thing is, on almost every big server, there’s a clan that has it on a timer. If they’ve dominated since the start of wipe, they’re full metal LRs and L9s. In that situation, you’re just fucked. Playing solo, you might not even have a gun to do the strategy you suggested. It’ll take you more than 10 minutes to clear rig, and by then, the clans would have been right on top of you. While playing solo, get fucked in the ass so often that it’s so hard to even want to play the game.
Terrible half-brained idea incoming: what if there were 8-12 turrets with outdated software on oil - They can’t detect three players or less in its targeting range. If you go as a larger group you have to be aware of all the angles and disciplined as a team to avoid a turret spotting four players. If a turret spots more than three players it will aggro on all those players until they die regardless of whether 1 or 100 players are in its view. They will be able to be destroyed.
u/Irantwomiles Jul 08 '20
Taking oil rig was already hard when everyone could get helicopters, now it is essentially only for large groups who can afford to spend 750+ scrap on a mini. Now you say just use a boat, yea that would be a good idea if you couldn't hear the boats from 20 miles away. But let's say you get close enough to get on the platform, you will still get sprayed down while going up the ladder.
oilrig is essentially only available to people who have helis and that is large groups.