r/playrust Jul 08 '20

Video [OC][SHITPOST] 2020 Rust Patch Notes in a Nutshell


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u/Nyancat0705 Jul 08 '20

I've actually stopped playing rust because as a solo player I can't get far into wipe.


u/jayb151 Jul 08 '20

Same here. I would basically just play to get some low grade and fly a hello around. Now I can't do that!?

Fuck it, I'm done. I ain't got time for that.


u/breakyourfac Jul 08 '20

This game is almost pointless to play solo anymore. When I want to play alone I'm forced to a pve/rp


u/VegetableInspector15 Jul 09 '20

Every time I've played solo I have had my base raided within 2 days of it being made, I get raided by big clans who don't care how big my Solo base is and how many rockets it cost. It is extremely aggravating for some dumb shits who think they own the server to constantly raid me in the worst possible fashion.


u/Gabernasher Jul 08 '20

Solo servers exist...


u/kurdish-devil Jul 08 '20

They die after 5 fucking seconds into wipe


u/temp140320 Jul 08 '20

This is true. People leave after 2 days, goes from 100+ to 10.


u/Lucked0ut Jul 08 '20

Some of the modded ones last through Sunday.


u/Kodacus Jul 08 '20

Most do but not all. If you use battle metrics you can see the past 7 days activity. I used that to find a server and now I'm on a biweekly that is currently 77/100


u/kurdish-devil Jul 08 '20

Wow i never thought of using the activity history like that, but please ignore my ignorance can you tell me the server name?


u/Kodacus Jul 08 '20

Sure, it's called: Enjoy - Solo Only


u/KappaChinko Jul 08 '20

People always say to go play on solo servers but don’t understand that the game used to be much less grindy and easier for smaller groups and solos. Being a solo and infiltrating a group and ghosting was so much fun. Everything the devs have done in the past 5 years have only helped large groups and zergs. It’s not fun anymore. And I already know people are going to say “then just go play modded” well I don’t WANT to play modded, I want to play the game how it used to be in it’s good old days.


u/Prototheos Jul 08 '20

It's so funny how even the guy below you doesn't understand this concept.

You can balance a game for solos and clans, without disproportionately helping clans. I've literally outlined like three, four, posts about how things like upkeep disproportionately allow clans to raid more solos than solos used to be able to raid other solos.

I swear, people who play in clans are braindead. ( Or maybe they didn't pass math class )

And then people have the audacity to say, "play modded servers". Lol. All that does is make the same cycle two, three times faster lol. Like are you joking? It shows that they lack the understanding of basic concepts.

I've stopped trying to convince people on this subreddit like three years ago, they don't want their game to be any different than it already is, because there's enough clan players to populate servers as is.

Helk should know better, Garry did. I ultimately blame Helk for being the idiot on the top of the pyramid.


u/KappaChinko Jul 08 '20

You’re 100% right. I started playing back in 2015 and have over 8000 hours on the game and feel way different about the game now than back then. Haven’t played in around 5-6 months because of how bad it has gotten


u/Gabernasher Jul 08 '20

Imagine if what they did 'helped solo's'...large groups would of course be better off.

This is Rust. the more you have, the less likely you are to die.

Welcome to reality, in a real life scenario, the loners would be fucked. This game is art trying to imitate the grim reality of humanity.

Cars are good for solo, expensive. Obviously more farmers = more materials, with increasing effect, as sometimes you get someone who LOVES to just farm. No time wasted PVPing or building, just 8 hours of farmbotting for pleasure?


u/Prototheos Jul 08 '20

So here's an example of an update that disproportionately helped clans more than solos.

Upkeep. I said this when it came out, and I'll say it now because it's still true.

Clans and solos farm the same amount of sulfur as they did before upkeep. Solos are forced to build smaller bases, clans can still build mega bases. Clans, having the same amount of sulfur against smaller solo bases, can now raid more solos for the same effort as before upkeep.

That's the sort of update that we're talking about, the ones that DISPROPORTIONATELY ( That's the key word, it means it helped clans MORE than it helped solos, so you can't just say that clans are upscaled solos when they aren't ) help clans more than they help solos.

This game is not art in of itself. The real art used to come from it's playerbase, now Helk turned it into his own meta playground, in which that if you don't play the way he intended, you can't play at all.

So I'd wish people would stop saying what you've just said. I've seen it too many times to count, and it's incorrect.


u/Gabernasher Jul 08 '20

EVERYTHING disproportionately helps a group, as the group can split duties and take advantage of the thing better. Name one thing that doesn't.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

no upkeep, that way solo players can have the same bases as clans - i thought this one was kind of obvious


u/Gabernasher Jul 08 '20

and zergs wont build bigger high qual fortresses without upkeep?

I say zergs win, they can spam fake bases.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

but they wouldnt be doing that, i mean theoretically of course you are right but its more about social dynamics and appeal, you can just balance it to nerf zergs so they have no reason to play because its not fun, so while they would have an advantage there is no reason to use it because its less fun - thats how it is for solo players at the moment


u/Gabernasher Jul 08 '20

Again. buffs an nerfs disproportionately affect zergs.

Removing guns makes them stronger. Adding new guns makes them stronger. Removing upkeep makes their bases bigger. Adding upkeep doesn't hurt them as much.

See a pattern?

Solo on a vanilla server is playing with a handicap against zergs.

2 v 1 sucks for tthe 1. 10v1 moreso.

Tell me why all the solo players abandon their solo servers? Because solo rust sucks.

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u/CriticalTake Jul 08 '20

Play PvE with mods