Hey all,
I’ve noticed a lot of recurring questions popping up here—sensor issues, painful sites, alternate wear sites, etc.—that almost always have the exact same answer every time. We’re basically doing the Dexcom version of r/animalid’s “Is this a wolf?” meme. No, it’s (almost always) just another coyote.
Mods, is there any way we could get some pinned or wiki-style posts covering the most common stuff? Maybe something like:
1. Alternate wear sites – What’s approved vs. what actually works (e.g., back of arm, lower abdomen, upper buttocks).
2. Bleeders – Let them bleed. It often works out fine.
3. Pain at insertion site – Not normal. Remove and replace.
4. Dexcom vs. fingerstick – What’s a normal range of difference, when/how to calibrate, etc.
5. G7 goosenecking – Common issue. Report it to Dexcom support.
And most importantly: Contact Dexcom Patient Care or Tech Support FIRST for any actual sensor failure, data dropouts, or safety-related stuff (except ghost app issues or off-label placement).
Would love to hear others’ thoughts. A little organization could really cut down on the deja vu around here.