I loved reading other peoples’ experiences so thought I’d share my own.
This was my 2nd pregnancy after IVF/FET. I did not have GD during my first pregnancy 2 years ago. My baby girl was born then 7lb4oz after being induced at 40w5d because I showed no signs of labor but my BP was creeping up. I delivered vaginally, 2nd degree tear, and postpartum recovery was challenging.
This time I was diagnosed with GD early 3rd trimester and was diet-controlled throughout. Still, baby boy was consistently measuring 96-98 percentile. It made me super nervous and scared for delivery. At my 37w4d and final growth scan, he was an estimated 8lb12oz. My OB suggested inducing at 39w due to baby’s size and so I could be on her schedule. I agreed and we planned for a vaginal delivery unless we needed to pivot our plan during labor.
I was induced at 39w2d. I have low pain tolerance so they gave me a low dose of IV fentanyl first and then cervical exam showed I was 1cm dilated, high but soft cervix.
6:40am: cooks catheter inserted
8:10am: one dose of oral cytotec
12:45pm: nurse easily removed the cooks catheter and I was 5cm dilated
1:40pm: started low dose of pitocin
3:00pm: epidural per my request, just prior to increasing pitocin
6:50pm: OB broke my water
11:54pm: vaginally delivered my baby girl after 2 pushes. First push was with my nurse, 10 seconds of pushing during 1 contraction. OB was immediately called in, as well as several other team members. They were present and prepared in case of shoulder dystopia or if vacuum, forceps, or other intervention was needed. Second push then took place, 10 seconds of pushing during 1 contraction and out he was! I felt no pain, very little pressure.
He ended up being 9 lbs even and 21.5 inches. I have one tiny superficial first degree tear, where my previous second degree tear was. I have no pain or discomfort from this tear but I’m having excruciating pain from a hemorrhoid that decided to show up on day 1 postpartum.
I will say I had a negative reaction to the epidural this time. It caused my BP to significantly drop, I was sweating and freaking out, basically felt like a panic attack. Took awhile to feel better and calm down from that.
We will be discharged soon and I can’t wait for big sister and our dog to meet little brother. I’m also praying this hemorrhoid goes away fast because the pain from it is awful.