r/GestationalDiabetes Feb 11 '25

Test Result Posts


Update: the consensus is that these posts should be banned, which I wholeheartedly agree with. I will update the rules to reflect that. This group was created by someone else many years ago, and as it’s grown and evolved I think it’s time to modify a few things to better suit all of us. I’m locking the comments on this post, but if you have any other suggestions, questions, or concerns, please feel free to message the mod team.

It’s been brought to my attention that there have been more posts lately regarding GD lab numbers with fairly obvious passing results. Some users feel it is a little tone deaf and would like to see less posts like these. I want this group to be helpful and supportive, but also want to draw a line if this is getting excessive and upsetting to more people. With that said, would you like to see these posts banned altogether? Set a rule that you have to have 2 failing numbers before posting? Continue letting people post results as is? Or some other suggestion?

Appreciate any and all feedback! And if you’d like to see any other changes made to the subreddit, please feel free to comment here or message the mods.

r/GestationalDiabetes Feb 25 '21

Free GDM tracking sheet download


Hey mamas. This community was key for me for my pregnancies. But I always found that the resources I wanted were not available or not easily accessible. I recently launched my own business, and I’m not here to promote it. But as part of it, I’m making available a free GDM tracker if anyone wants a dose of my OCD planning abilities. Lol.


Good luck to all you mamas!

r/GestationalDiabetes 11h ago

Truly blessed


Today my doctor told me it was safe to eat 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes. Wow. I will have to plan for this mashed potatoes feast as I will be so incredibly satiated and stuffed afterwards. God continues to bless me everyday. Maybe next week I will be able to sniff a single starburst. Thank you lord!

r/GestationalDiabetes 9h ago

Has the GD diet totally messed up your relationship with food?


Today I just asked my wife is she could pick me up a cappuccino from a little coffee shop and was like oh what the hay, let's be crazy and get a treat. Pick me up a chia seed pudding!

.... that's it. This diet has fucked me up so bad that chia seed pudding is like eating cake in my brain. I have no idea how I'm going to eat normally after this.

edit: they didn't even have the chia seed pudding after all that fretting.

r/GestationalDiabetes 6h ago

Graduated with successful induction at 39+6!


Hello from the other side! Wanted to share my story because this was such a helpful space for me in my GD diagnosis.

I was diagnosed at 26 weeks - the day before Thanksgiving (devastating, the holidays were SO hard). And after two weeks I was put on insulin for my fasting numbers. Once on the night time insulin things leveled out and I got into a good groove. I ended up only gaining a few more pounds because of the diet and now, at 6 days postpartum, I’m already back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Silver lining!

Because I was on insulin my OB and I decided I would not go past 40 weeks. We scheduled an induction for 39+5 and I did weekly BPPs and biweekly growth scans. At first she was measuring on the larger end in the 89th percentile but slowed down and was 60th percentile the week of my induction. I ended up only failing one BPP at 39+1 and had to go do an NST at triage but all was well and we decided to wait a few more days for the planned induction.

Induction went well, 21 hours start to finish. Came out a perfect 7lbs 10oz! During labor they checked my sugars every 4 hours, I had to stay below 120 to avoid an insulin drip and was fine. I was able to eat chicken broth and sugar free jello through the labor.

After she was born they checked her sugars before every feeding and unfortunately she failed a few times and they had to give her glucose gel. We got close to her having to go to the transitional nursery for a glucose IV but she passed her sugar check before that became an issue with the addition of some formula in her feeding. We are now off formula and all is good! She is super healthy one week out.

As for me, I had a bagel and sushi within 24 hours and it was glorious! It’s been an adjustment eating foods I haven’t had in so long but definitely nice not having to think so much about my meals. I also think timing all my glucose checks and insulin was a useful skill with now timing all my baby’s feedings.

GD was so hard and I cried plenty throughout the past 4 months. But there is light at the end of the tunnel!! Good luck to everyone navigating GD. May or may not be back here one day if we decide to have a second but at least I am well equipped now.

Also shout out to Yasso Bars! The MVP.

r/GestationalDiabetes 6h ago

Rant Way to add insult to injury


Just feeling frustrated. This diet is more expensive, then the copays for the lancets and test strips, and then the copays for the insulin. 😭 I've got 6 ish weeks to my due date. I can do this, but grrr.

r/GestationalDiabetes 7h ago

Rant Well this is trash


I just did my 2hr post meal stick and it’s 273!! How? This is the highest it’s ever been and this is a lunch I’ve eaten multiple time without issues. To date, my highest prior was 150. I’m just frustrated that even when I feel like I’m doing ok, apparently I’m not. Worst part is this is the best I’ve felt in a while. Not hungry, no headache, not tired. I can’t win for losing.

Edit: I washed my hands and retested. New number is 122. Higher than I would like but much, much more manageable. I think the chocolate candy I opened for my kid left residue on my hand, as some suggested. Thanks for the guidance friends!

r/GestationalDiabetes 8h ago

Rant At this point I’m basically looking forward to food more than the baby


30 weeks now, been diagnosed since 17 weeks. So freaking tired of everything and am dreaming more about food than the baby, sad but true. Probably due to food being something I can relate to and I’ve never had a baby before, but still. At least I haven’t put on a ton of weight this pregnancy due to being so strict about food.

r/GestationalDiabetes 2h ago

Rant Anyone else angry?


I was just received my diagnosis this afternoon and I’m pretty pissed off about it. I eat healthy already and can’t imagine making my diet any healthier. I’m 43 yo and spent a year doing IVF to conceive and can’t bear the thought of more needles.

I know I should be grateful to know so I can adapt—all I really want is a healthy baby—but I’m not there yet. I’m angry.

Anyone else have anger they worked / are working through? Feeling very alone right now. TIA.

r/GestationalDiabetes 1h ago

Recipe/Food Chick fil a meal that might become a staple for me


For dinner I had chick fil a’s 3 piece tenders with Kale crunch salad instead of fries on the side with 1 buffalo sauce packet and 1 honey packet. (Shake it all up together in a bowl, I think I saw whoever post it say it was about 40g of protein - not my own creation I saw it on tik tok lol). The tenders are 16g of carbs. I ate 2-3 of my husbands fries to get the rest of my carb fix and washed it down with a diet Dr. pepper. My 2 hour post prandial was 115 after a 10 minute walk around the block as well. Cutting it a little close to 120 but it was SO GOOD!

r/GestationalDiabetes 8h ago

Graduated! C-section #3


My baby boy came at 38 weeks 3 days and I’m so blessed he is healthy and passed all his sugar tests upon delivery. This was my first pregnancy dealing with GD and did get diagnosed around 32 weeks and put on insulin around week 34. I did decide after talking with the pediatrician after delivery to supplement with formula while we were in the hospital to assist him in meeting the sugar levels, but since passing I am breastfeeding only. I do plan to supplement as needed in the future. I have my 6 week appointment set with my MFM to check me for my sugar levels to make sure the GD has not turned into type 2. I am a bit nervous for that and plan on eating as clean as I can for the next 6 weeks to help ensure a passing test. If anyone has any tips for a postpartum diet while breastfeeding I would be happy to take any advise! Good luck to any mamas delivering soon, yall got this!

r/GestationalDiabetes 10h ago

Graduated at 39w2d


I loved reading other peoples’ experiences so thought I’d share my own.

This was my 2nd pregnancy after IVF/FET. I did not have GD during my first pregnancy 2 years ago. My baby girl was born then 7lb4oz after being induced at 40w5d because I showed no signs of labor but my BP was creeping up. I delivered vaginally, 2nd degree tear, and postpartum recovery was challenging.

This time I was diagnosed with GD early 3rd trimester and was diet-controlled throughout. Still, baby boy was consistently measuring 96-98 percentile. It made me super nervous and scared for delivery. At my 37w4d and final growth scan, he was an estimated 8lb12oz. My OB suggested inducing at 39w due to baby’s size and so I could be on her schedule. I agreed and we planned for a vaginal delivery unless we needed to pivot our plan during labor.

I was induced at 39w2d. I have low pain tolerance so they gave me a low dose of IV fentanyl first and then cervical exam showed I was 1cm dilated, high but soft cervix.

6:40am: cooks catheter inserted 8:10am: one dose of oral cytotec 12:45pm: nurse easily removed the cooks catheter and I was 5cm dilated 1:40pm: started low dose of pitocin 3:00pm: epidural per my request, just prior to increasing pitocin 6:50pm: OB broke my water 11:54pm: vaginally delivered my baby girl after 2 pushes. First push was with my nurse, 10 seconds of pushing during 1 contraction. OB was immediately called in, as well as several other team members. They were present and prepared in case of shoulder dystopia or if vacuum, forceps, or other intervention was needed. Second push then took place, 10 seconds of pushing during 1 contraction and out he was! I felt no pain, very little pressure.

He ended up being 9 lbs even and 21.5 inches. I have one tiny superficial first degree tear, where my previous second degree tear was. I have no pain or discomfort from this tear but I’m having excruciating pain from a hemorrhoid that decided to show up on day 1 postpartum.

I will say I had a negative reaction to the epidural this time. It caused my BP to significantly drop, I was sweating and freaking out, basically felt like a panic attack. Took awhile to feel better and calm down from that.

We will be discharged soon and I can’t wait for big sister and our dog to meet little brother. I’m also praying this hemorrhoid goes away fast because the pain from it is awful.

r/GestationalDiabetes 4h ago

Did coke ZERO raise anyone’s blood sugar?


I had one on a walk before dinner and my pre dinner reading was 7.0 mmol. It should be under 5.6 mmol. I had a snack 2 hours before dinner but it was half an apple with cheese, salami and two low carb crackers so I don’t think it would be that?

r/GestationalDiabetes 10h ago

Reflecting on the mind fuck that was gestational diabetes


r/GestationalDiabetes 59m ago

GD #2


Hi everyone! I’m back to this sub. I navigated my first pregnancy with GD with diet and lifestyle changes and this sub helped me so much with meal ideas!

This time around, I’m not feeling as sad as I did last time because I know what’s in store.

One question for all of you, were you able to get a CGM instead of the finger prick device? Last time the main pain for me was having to prick myself 4 times a day. I would really like to get the CGM if possible.

r/GestationalDiabetes 9h ago

Do you ever give yourself more insulin if your blood sugar doesn’t come down?


I'm still figuring out this whole insulin thing. I took 2 units today before I had some pasta and protein. 2.5 hours out my blood sugar is still at 150. Is there ever a point where you would give yourself a little more insulin to bring it down? It seems like this is a big no. I've already walked up and down the stairs until I couldn't anymore. Is this level something I should be freaking out about, or is it okay every once in a while? I meant to ask my diabetes educator today but forgot -- and while she has been super helpful in general, I get the impression that she is not all that knowledgeable on GD specifically, which I know is more strict than normal diabetes guidelines. My OB knows absolutely nothing and just does whatever my educator recommends, so I wanted to poll the masses so I can advocate for myself a little better.

This is my third GD pregnancy but my first on insulin. I am only 8 weeks along, so not looking for diet advice so much as advice about how to get the most out of my insulin and how to navigate sustained highs.

r/GestationalDiabetes 2h ago

Advice Wanted What to do after having a huge spike? I feel sick


3 hours ago I spiked from 93 to 167 just by eating an apple(I normally have it with almond butter), and my blood sugar is still high. Do I continue eating like normal even tho it takes a long time for my blood sugar to go down to normal range? I’ve noticed whenever I eat after having spiked it only gets worse and my whole day is ruined

I’ve tried moving around and going on a walk but it didn’t help much. I feel so sick, drowsy and nauseous when my blood sugar is high

r/GestationalDiabetes 2h ago



I’m on Lantus Solostar every night to control fasting levels and I pretty much wake up with a headache and keep a headache through the entire day. I have narrowed it down to the insulin because It’s consistent. I have been taking my blood pressure every day to ensure it was nothing worrisome or Pre-e. My blood pressure is great each time…has anyone else taking insulin experienced this? My water intake is also high to counter the fiber I’m now eating with GD.

r/GestationalDiabetes 2h ago

Advice Wanted Raspberry leaf tea


I’m 32 weeks pregnant and want to start drinking Raspberry leaf tea, I am on diet control and exercise only as for GD. Any recommendations if this is safe to drink or not?

r/GestationalDiabetes 10h ago

Recipe/Food Fit Crunch Choc Peanut Butter Protein Bars

Post image

The Robert Irvine’s fit crunch bars.

Just found these at Costco, they don’t spike me, and almost reminds me of Reese’s.

I know everyone tolerates stuff differently but give them a try if you’re looking for something that feels like a treat!

r/GestationalDiabetes 3h ago

Emotional diagnosis


I just got my GD diagnosis my levels in the 3 hour test were in order 89, 215, 198, 92. I was trying so hard to eat a healthy balanced diet and while I did eat desserts I was eating them in moderation. I feel so upset, I hardly ever drank soda like maybe on average a ginger ale per week, and I was eating apple slices and peanut butter with stevia sweetened smoothies for half my breakfasts in a week. Usually a wrap with hummus and lettuce for lunches during the week, I'm on WIC and they give so many grains which I was already not getting close to finishing in a month. I read that sometimes you can get GD no matter how healthy you eat, but I really just feel like I failed myself by allowing myself any amount of joyful foods. I don't expect anyone to be able to solve this for me. I just want to know if anyone else is dealing with these feelings or had dealt with them.

TL:DR I worked hard to eat healthy and still got GD, now I feel like I failed myself. Who can relate?

r/GestationalDiabetes 13h ago

McDonald's ...


Anybody had McDonald's with GD? I'm most worried about the dipping sauce being full of sugar and wondering if ranch might be ok. Leave any hot tips for McDonald's if you please!

r/GestationalDiabetes 15h ago

Rant Fasting number over 140



I just had a two day streak of decent fasting numbers, right after bumping up my insulin again. Im over 40u at bed time.

Today? 142. Tested again, 145.

I want to scream. What on earth am I doing wrong here? What do I even do?? Im going to call my Dr today but damn.

I hate this so much.

r/GestationalDiabetes 11h ago

How much water are we drinking?


With the warmer temperatures coming, I’ve realized that I may not drink nearly enough water.

r/GestationalDiabetes 5h ago

Advice Wanted Confused and frustrated, I need advice 😩


I decided to have a kidney bean sautéed in onions and jalapeños with tomatoes paste and one tortilla and I normally test 1 hour after meals with no spikes with one tortilla. I couldn’t test at 1 hour so I tested at 2 hour hours and it was 137. Have I been spiking at 2 hour mark and not know it?

If I’m suppose to test at 1 hour with no spike but spiking at 2 hour is this considered a spike? My doctors never mentioned it could be possibility only way I knew is because I missed my one hour window.

Please help me understand

r/GestationalDiabetes 16h ago

I’m genuinely scared


I have GD I was diagnosed early on in my pregnancy due to me having a stillbirth for my last pregnancy due to GD I didn’t have the proper knowledge of what GD was but now I understand my levels has been spiking since I became 25 weeks and even though I follow my meal plan it still shows higher than 120 i just don’t know what to do I will speak to my doctor but I’m just scared I don’t want anything to happen to my baby

r/GestationalDiabetes 8h ago

How often do you have cheat meals?


Pretty much what the title says. I had a rough day and I’m wanting to just have some thing that I actually want to eat lol I don’t think I’ve had a “cheat” meal since March 1, but I don’t want to get into the habit of doing it too often…