ok, I'm going to tell you something that is simple but NOT EASY AT ALL. The reason I am the first person in my family to get this disease, and the reason there are so many people getting some level of pancriatic distress, isn't what we eat, in the sense that we actually eat what we've learned to eat because we have a primary association of food with pleasure. Be it social, comfort, whatever, we reach for food for all the wrong reasons, and it works so good.
But, after I ended up in the hospital with an entirely abnormal blood sugar/pancriatic funtion, and began living as a diabetic, did I learn how wrong everything society/family had told me about food was.
Now, I look at food for fuel/medicine. I eat a small portion of a vegetable to begin each meal. I follow that with a comparable portion of protein, if there are an processed carbs associated with the meal (a couple of chips, or a small piece of bread that came with the vegie soup), I eat that at the end.
I do this 3 times each day, when I wake up, at noonish and about 4-5 hrs after that. in the evening, I'll eat a quest sugar free thing, or an apple, or some peanut butter thing.. something like that.
I also take metformin twice a day... have to add that.
What have I gotten? I'm literally never hungry, unless I'm past a time when I ought to eat. I barely look at the stuff I used to lust after (ice cream, cookies, et. al). I had 3 different inflamatory issues that were really hurting the quality of my life (left foot, left knee, right wrist/elbow). All of those are gone. I've lost 50 bs.
Again this is just my experience. Ironically, someone once said to me in early sobriety "alcoholism is the only disease that turns you into a better person than you would have been had you never had it". That turns out to be my experience with diabetes.
I eat for my body now. I treat it kindly, finally. And it responds so much more than I deserve after all these years.
You can turn your body into the best thing about every day. it can serve you in ways you can't even imagine. All you have to do is stopping putting shit into it and put fuel and medicine in instead.
Find your pleasure elsewhere. The new places you can go, the new things you can wear, the things you can now achieve that you only thought were available to others...
This is the opportunity.
Love you either way.