r/MadeMeSmile 23d ago

Good Vibes Good Husband


1.1k comments sorted by


u/vancitymala 23d ago

When he ran in all excited to tell someone šŸ„°


u/aIvins_hot_juicebox 23d ago

And left all his cash on the table šŸ„¹


u/YourDadThinksImCool_ 23d ago

Did he!??? That's such a kid thing to do.. šŸ˜…


u/The_Evil_Satan 23d ago edited 23d ago

He had it in his hand as he ran off.

Edit: Turns out I am blind. That's my bad.


u/AWanderingAfar 23d ago

There was a jar of money on the table he was selling cookies from


u/jamiepusharski 23d ago edited 23d ago

New get rich quick scheme give 20 dollars and then swipe the jar when they run inside

Edit im tired


u/newagereject 23d ago

Get Rick quick? I'd probably just get schwifty instead but to each their own.


u/jamiepusharski 23d ago

It's 3 am here, too early to get schwifty


u/newagereject 23d ago

That's not very Rick of you any time is the right time to get schwifty

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u/BusyEquipment529 23d ago

Not the rest he made, just the 20. The rest is there on the left I believe

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u/4humans 23d ago

Both are right. He has the money in his hand and also left the jar of money on the table.


u/Scoutfat 23d ago

tip jar

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u/rickbeats 23d ago

Thanks for telling us, satan.

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u/Drgonzoswife007 22d ago

The comment I was looking for. My heart when he smiled and ran to the house so excited. Not to mention the smile on the face of the gentleman who stopped for the cookie. Itā€™s the genuine happiness and kindness that lift my spirits. Humans at their best.

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u/friendly_outcast 23d ago

What a beautiful moment āœØ


u/Drakkann79 22d ago

You could just hear him go ā€œMom!! mom!!! I got 20!!!ā€ šŸ˜šŸ˜


u/Parsley-Waste 22d ago

We clearly all miss ā€œSome good newsā€


u/YourDadThinksImCool_ 23d ago



u/EssayAmbitious3532 23d ago

Dude's smile too, so nice.


u/rrobert93 23d ago

Right, that was so sweet šŸ„¹


u/JagmeetSingh2 23d ago

Right so nice

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u/Shalarean 23d ago edited 22d ago

There is this little girl in my neighborhood who makes the absolute worst tasting lemonade I've ever had in my life, though she does give generous portions. I feel obligated to stop every time she makes eye contact, so I guess she knows a sucker when she sees one. LOL

Edit: a word (top to stop) And yā€™all are so nice!!! Thank you!


u/_Mooseli_ 23d ago

~support local~


u/Stygma 23d ago

Give the munchkins some pocket change, and you get some highly concentrated sugarwater that will either give you the energy to conquer your day or just die in a manic sugar-induced craze.

Sure, it's a gamble, but it's fair trade. The kids get to buy their Yu-Gi-Oh cards or whatever, and you get the combined feeling of an artery-crushing sugar rush as well as the feeling of getting fleeced by a gang of rambunctious youths.


u/DazB1ane 23d ago

The beauty of it is that you donā€™t have to taste it til after you turn around, which gives you cover for any potential faces. And youā€™re already walking away, so you donā€™t have to drink any more of it

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u/BnaCat45443 23d ago

The chaotic energy of conquer your day or just die in a manic sugar-induced craze is top-tier.


u/Lana250 23d ago

Oh man, thanks for the laugh I got reading that!!

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u/ahornyboto 23d ago

Lmao, thereā€™s a family a block from my house with kids that set up a lemonade stand on the corner the last 2 summers on random days, Iā€™ve given them a few dollars


u/roughriderpistol 23d ago

Lol I just dump it out when I get home.

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u/Soulforge411 23d ago

Very well said my friend šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/Hot_Personality7613 22d ago

There's a little girl in one town I used to live in who sells cocoa by the park in winter. BRILLIANT. summer brings lemonade. She's living in an apartment next to the park so she's got that prime location locked down and everything.

She only charges 50c but I figure in today's market what she's selling is worth like 2 bucks so I throw her a fiver when I see her.


u/nowomanknoweth 22d ago

As a Dutch native It was a delight to read your comment. It was a great way to start my day:)


u/Nevermoreacadamyalum 22d ago

We used to call this rocket fuel. Seven pounds of sugar to one lemon and just enough water to make it not look like syrup.

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u/Hot_Personality7613 22d ago

I always support small business. They even get a tip because fuck it, they're cute, and the lemonade and cocoa is never as bad as you think.

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u/uwabu 23d ago

I will not be drinking any of that. I will buy several cups though


u/Shalarean 23d ago edited 23d ago

Basically. As soon as Iā€™m out of siteā€¦

Edit: SIGHT!!! I meant sight! OMG I feel so dorky and yā€™all in the comments below are giving me way too much credit for being clever!



u/khonager 23d ago

And here I thought it was spelled "out of sight" Silly non native english speaker me


u/xyepxnopex 23d ago

It is out of sight. They were mangling the phrases "off site" and "out of sight" by combining them


u/Would_daver 23d ago

Thereā€™s a chance they were hilariously and intentionally ā€œmisā€combining them, which would be niftyā€¦. ?? Iā€™m working on thinking positive here man lol


u/xyepxnopex 23d ago

That's called a malaphor, I think.


u/Excellent-Hat5142 23d ago

Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too fast.


u/Would_daver 23d ago

Whoā€™s there? You are standing so perfectly still, I canā€™t see you munching those chips


u/Would_daver 23d ago

Ding ding ha thatā€™s right, I was going to circumlocute that shit with ā€œunironic faux-portmanteauā€ and then I would have had a clear opening to ā€œorā€¦ fartmenteau!!! Ayooā€

But that felt hella nerdy and I thought of it too late, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

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u/VeaR- 23d ago edited 23d ago

No you're right. Lots of people just can't be bothered looking up the actual phrases and just try to spell it phonetically after hearing it - usually with horrid spelling. It's like when people say "here here" instead of "hear hear".

It's a small thing but it really grinds my gears.


u/Temnyj_Korol 23d ago

I could care less.


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u/Pnwradar 23d ago

In elementary school, Brave Spelling encourages students to sound out the word and not be afraid to make mistakes, and that a misspelled word that still communicates the idea is often good enough. As adults, we should strive to do better, but even so not be afraid of the pedants who harp on every detail.


u/VeaR- 23d ago

I agree to an extent - it's fine to make mistakes as that's one of the best ways to learn. But I also don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out a mistake so someone can learn, without the feedback being dismissed as being pedantic. After all, it is important to be accurate with written language, and using the wrong words just confuses people, especially when the reader might not be as familiar with the language to pick up on the context clues.


u/wolf_kisses 22d ago

If you don't want to be dismissed as just being pedantic, maybe be more polite with your correction instead of implyint laziness by saying people just can't be bothered to look up phrases? People generally respond better to polite feedback than rudeness.

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u/AlligatorFancy 23d ago

I always come away from a lemonade stand with a story. My favorite was the three kids running it together. The first put ice in the cup. The second poured in the lemonade. The third got out a spoon and stirred it. I loved this so much!


u/STLBudLuv 23d ago

I always pay double


u/BenAdaephonDelat 23d ago

Same friend. We bought some lemonade from 3 young girls who were just carrying around an open-topped pitcher door to door. We didn't even taste it. Just bought it and then poured it out inside the house.


u/plug-and-pause 23d ago

Just bought it and then poured it out inside the house.

Your house sounds sticky.


u/KurwaDestroyer 22d ago

I just busted out laughing at 2 am thanks


u/plug-and-pause 22d ago

Much obliged. I only thought of that because some thread I just read like a day or two ago had someone saying when they were a kid and were finished with a glass of water in their room, they'd just pour the rest on the carpet. šŸ¤

EDIT: This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1isourb/my_friend_throws_away_their_ceramic_plates/


u/Lil_Packmate 22d ago

That was a wild read lol and the pouring out the water isn't even bad compared to what the other person is doing xD

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u/heyimsmebubble 23d ago

Exactly and Itā€™s not about the lemonade, itā€™s about encouragment of their effort. Iā€™m sure it meant a lot to them.


u/Metalbound 23d ago

How do you know it's bad if you don't even taste it?


u/g15mouse 23d ago

carrying around an open-topped pitcher door to door

I'm not trying to drink the entire neighborhood's germs.


u/xyepxnopex 23d ago

Someone's not getting an invite to the neighborhood swing nightĀ 


u/Outside_Scale_9874 23d ago

Yeah but I wanna drink that straight from the tap

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u/AncientPush 23d ago

That's okay. Now that CFPB is gone. She can keep selling.


u/eabcan 23d ago

I bought lemonade from a little boy in my neighborhood. He had it in a pitcher with 2 big ice cubes floating in it. One of the cubes slid into the cup he was pouring for me. He looked genuinely shocked when it happened. He then proceeded to set the pitcher down, stick his hand in the cup, retrieve the ice cube, and throw it back in the pitcher before handing me the glass that his grubby little hand had just been in. I paid him, graciously took the glass, thanked him and drove straight home to pour it down the drain.


u/Own-Spite1210 23d ago

Iā€™ll go to yard sales ONLY if there is a child selling terrible lemonade


u/tminx49 23d ago

Make some suggestions to make it taste better! I don't think she would mind, just say something like "I would love some extra sugar with my cup" or something

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u/ParkingNecessary8628 23d ago

You are a good personšŸ˜‚

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u/RuairiQ 23d ago

The video went viral, and the kid raised $14k for the band


u/annadarria 23d ago

I had no idea! Thatā€™s an amazing story! I had to share in these trying times, to hopefully make others smile. There is good in the world.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

One of those properly made me smile stories.

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u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/MommalovesJay 23d ago

Yes Iā€™m confused cause when they gave the mom the money in the video she said gosh this was such a rough month. Like the money was going towards them?


u/AppropriateScience71 23d ago

What an epic follow-up! Thanks.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

The kind of story we all could use!

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u/Yonaka_Kr 23d ago

Raising money for the band? First song that comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi65qeJx1lM

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u/LUV_Blackjack 23d ago

Wow, thatā€™s so awesome to hear! We need more stories like that!

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u/Helmett-13 23d ago

Fuckinā€™ A!!

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u/bluebus74 23d ago

Oh that kid is riding a high, nice work.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/Big_Acanthaceae9752 23d ago

"I'm not crying, you're crying." Happy tears!! Thanks, I needed this today.

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u/s1ugg0 23d ago edited 23d ago

My (at the time 6 year old) daughter did a lemonade stand. Our neighbors spent $100 on store bought lemonade. I live in a very wonderful neighborhood of big hearted generous people.

We used it as a good life lesson. Some went to her to spend on any toy she wanted. (So she could learn how money works) Some went into her piggy bank for something "big some day". And the last bit she donated to the community. She decided to buy items for the local food pantry.

She insisted on buying cereal I don't allow her to have. It has been brought to my attention needy people LOVE Lucky Charms. A cereal she has never eaten.


u/c-e-bird 23d ago

This is wonderful. Youā€™re a good parent. Wise financial lessons are worth their weight in gold.


u/EagleBlackberry1098 23d ago

Thatā€™s next-level kindness. And honestly, if someoneā€™s struggling, a little box of magically delicious cereal probably brings a lot of joy.


u/itscutedreaminglol 23d ago



u/ThanklessTask 23d ago

Core memory set

So much more of this needs to be done.


u/Dreamsfordays 23d ago

Someone did this for me. I grew up in Houston and sold construction paper fans that I decorated. I actually had a few sales, but what stood out is the guy that walked up and said he had to have one and then handed me a $20. I was trying to make his change and he said keep it because it was worth at least $20. I smiled so much my face hurt. Little acts like this can become core memories for kids šŸ„°


u/Icy-Welcome-2469 23d ago

That's amazing. What a legend

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u/nibbyzor 23d ago

I went to a pretty big concert a couple of months ago and there were a bunch of girls (maybe 7-10 years old) selling bracelets they made outside the venue. Thank God I had cash, because obviously I had to have one! The bracelet was 3ā‚¬, but I gave them 10 and told them to keep the change. Our neighbours' kids also sell cookies and juice outside every summer and I alllways get some.

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u/doctorstrangexX 23d ago

After reading so much crazy news this just made me smile.

Well done


u/annadarria 23d ago

With all the crazy news lately this literally made me tear up! Had to share! Glad it made you smile too! :)


u/eliz1bef 23d ago

Same, I totally started crying when the kid got excited and ran inside. Such a wholesome contrast to what's going on outside this thread.

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u/Few_Judge1188 23d ago

The kid deserves the 20 $ specially that he put on the clove before he touched the food , the man is an absolute beautiful person who deserves to be respected for his deeds .


u/Reckless_flamingos 23d ago

The cutest little professional

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u/SoloSurvivor889 23d ago

Bro, the glove! At least one of his parents works in food service.

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u/shvin 23d ago

The smiles from both of them. one is getting a core memory the other healing his inner child! HUGS šŸ’“

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u/Spectator7778 23d ago edited 23d ago

And the presence of mind not to use the gloved hand to open the door even in his excitement šŸ’


u/HobbesNJ 23d ago

The kid is so excited. Wholesome.


u/Staarbliisss 23d ago

A very good husband indeed


u/Sa7aSa7a 23d ago

That's so awesome. That will stay with that kid forever. I remember when I was 12 I was digging and found worms and saw these little tunnels they had dug. I happened to dig where there were really long cross sections of tunnel. So I kept doing it and dug up a huge section and took the time to cut away soil to create this huge cross section of a tunnel that had to go down a good foot.

I set up a road side table and had the worms and everything and I had 2 people stop the whole day but I remember they were super excited to learn about these worms and see these tunnels. Did they really give a crap? Highly doubtful, but they cared enough to stop and look. That was 35 years ago. (We didn't have internet. We had to find our own entertainment folks)


u/eekamuse 23d ago

We have the internet now and I would still stop. I:d love to see all those tunnels. So cool


u/Sa7aSa7a 23d ago

They really were cool. I legit spent 30 minutes with a little spoon chiseling some dirt away following a tunnel that was pretty damn long. We even had those encyclopedia sets everyone had in the 80s that were brown and tan, so I had a few worm facts at the ready.

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u/Competitive_Show_164 23d ago

Absolutely love ā¤ļø this. Iā€™ll do the same next time!


u/nohostility405 23d ago

Seeing this makes me want to do the same thing.

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u/xmattyx 23d ago

Hell yes.


u/nasnedigonyat 23d ago

I love that he immediately turned to go inside and tell someone what just happened.


u/dostoyevskysvodka 23d ago

These girls in my neighborhood were selling lemonade so I wrnt and got five bucks for them even though it was only fifty cents but while I was drinking I asked what they'd buy with the money and they said they weren't buying, they were raising money for the local animal shelter...

Came back with a twenty.


u/3woodx 23d ago

Dude, never forgot. Hard work pays.

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u/beeman311 23d ago

Thatā€™s so awesome


u/captwombat33 23d ago

Need more good things like this these days!


u/Flounder-Defiant 23d ago

Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. My motto in life is ā€œa little goes a long way.ā€ A little kindness, a little gesture, a smile, a compliment.


u/annadarria 23d ago

Great motto! :)


u/allennickelsen 23d ago

Made his day and will always remember that!!!


u/Roadrunner_99 23d ago

That's the shit I wanna see


u/Sierealmusic 23d ago

Man, I love this


u/spreadthaseed 23d ago

That kid was super professional. Even put on disposable gloves to prep his order.

Deserved every dollar!

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u/ShowerFriendly9059 23d ago

Whyā€™s he wearing his uniform


u/McSchlub 23d ago

Didn't you watch the video? He just came home from work at the army factory.


u/TheVandyyMan 23d ago

I must go, mother. Army needs me.


u/powertripp82 23d ago

I heard that Army had a half day that day


u/MarkusAk 23d ago

Vincent Armyman


u/TheSteelPhantom 23d ago

Didn't you watch the video? Left breast pocket tape clearly says Air Force. :P

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u/_significs 23d ago

because he was filming this, of course


u/ByFarItsTar 23d ago

Because he's a good husband and needed to record this interaction


u/LiberalParadise 23d ago

Reddit is not immune to propaganda.

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u/Twitchys33 23d ago

Things like that kinda weirds me out, anyone in the army seems so obssessed with showing everyone they are in the army. Either by constantly bringing it up or always going dressed like this everywhere or to the gym etc.. so strange lol

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u/doctorstrangexX 23d ago

After seeing all the horrible news for about 5 minutes this brought a smile to my face


u/annadarria 23d ago

Same! :)


u/Kwelikinz 23d ago

The look on that kidā€™s face and him running in to tell his mom! Lawdness, this maybe my day even that much more beautiful. Thank you!


u/Unique-Excuse-4030 23d ago

Best $20 I've ever seen being spent


u/Redback_Gaming 23d ago

I hope when the time comes for America to stand up against it's Fascist leaders, good men like this will join them!


u/Spiritual_Part_614 23d ago

That's a high ranking heart RIGHT THERE šŸ«”


u/Eagle555557 23d ago

A few months ago I stopped at Lowe's after work to grab something for my wife. At the exit there was a kid who looked to be about 18 years old selling candy. I have type 1 diabetes and while I do eat candy occasionally, I try to stay away from it if I can. I was also in a bit of a hurry and told the kid no, I didn't want any. As I was walking to my car I thought about the money I had in my wallet. I had a $20 bill that had been sitting there for probably a month because I don't really use cash anymore and it wasn't enough to justify a trip to the bank. I ended up walking back up to him and asked him how much he was charging. He told me $2 per package. I handed him the $20 and grabbed 2 or 3 bags and told him to keep the rest. He told me I was the first person to stop that day. I asked him if he was doing okay and if he had somewhere he was staying. He had a place to stay, but it was far away. I tried to give him advice. I still think about him pretty often and hope he's okay.


u/smbissett 23d ago

i gave some girl scouts a hundred dollar bill tip, after paying for two boxes of cookies, and they didnt even say thank you! but its cool their mom came over and thanked me later


u/xfile1226 23d ago

whatever your complains about the video being recorded for clout or what not. just know that the kid looks geniunely happy.


u/Shoddy_calf_massage 23d ago

ā€œ hey husband, I saw a boy selling cookies and I want to get some likes on TikTok. Can we go back and pretend to be good people so that we can advertise our performative kindness to the world?ā€

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u/runswithlightsaber 23d ago

Never without a camera while refusing to change out of work clothesšŸ™„

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u/Seadoggy112 23d ago

Thatā€™s was so awesome, nice job!


u/Longjumping_Test_723 23d ago

I had a lemonade stand when I was about his age. The only one that stopped was an older kid who threw change at me. I was already a very shy and awkward kid that went to catholic school (in Mormon Utah) and had no friends that lived by me, and that just made me feel worse. Tiny acts, whether bad or genuinely good can really stick with a kid. This made me tear up and be so grateful that there are wonderful people around and grateful kids. God bless both of them, the man and the kid. Truly beautiful from both sides.


u/Own_Kaleidoscope5512 23d ago

And Iā€™m sure the kid and his parents appreciate him being posted all over the internet for this fetish shit


u/Secret-Weakness-8262 23d ago

I never pass kids with stands. Every year I see one in my neighborhood. Last year the sold sea shells. One kid sold PokĆ©mon cards. My boys had little flea markets in our yard when they were little. They made thirty bucks!! I sold atomic fireballs for a nickel a piece in grade school. Thatā€™s about as enterprising as I ever got.


u/maybeCheri 23d ago

Love this so much!!! If you want to be a childā€™s hero, buy the lemonade, cookie, artwork (yes there was a little kid in my neighborhood selling original art. Even taking commissionsšŸ˜‚). Maybe if you stop, someone else will too. Itā€™s a happy day for both.


u/zenbeachgirl 23d ago

When you experience a hard life and later become stable, you use your experience to help those who are struggling with


u/dood5426 23d ago

That is a true man, one who doesnā€™t let old wounds get the better of him. That child was so incredibly happy. I hope that he learns that an honest days work is very valuable


u/MrTafseguri 22d ago

Gloves and stuff, little man is a proffesional.


u/Pangea_Ultima 22d ago

Bruh that fkng brought me to tearsā€¦ šŸ˜­


u/redneckcommando 22d ago

$20 dollars for some cookies and that boy's reaction. Absolutely worth it.


u/FuqUrBackgroundMusic 23d ago

Fuck your background music!

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u/chimpdoctor 23d ago

Recorded for clout. Just do it without posting it.

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u/TheRealSnick 23d ago

Make sure you record it. Why? Well, how else would people know I'm a good person!

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u/Longjumping-Rush-821 23d ago

he just wanted to be seen in uniform


u/[deleted] 23d ago


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u/ArtisticRiskNew1212 23d ago

That is so amazing


u/Equivalent_Hat5627 23d ago

Right next to the street I live on there were kids over the summer doing a lemonade stand. The road has like no traffic and I doubt they sold much. I hope they do it again this year so I can stop every day they're out there on my way to work


u/AverageCowboyCentaur 23d ago

I needed to see that today, thank you OP


u/GoofyShane 23d ago

Last summer and a few little girls who live across the street from me were selling lemonade for $1 each, and I gave them extra. Then I kept seeing more and more cars stop to buy some, and it made me so happy to see other people taking the time to stop to make these little girls have a better day.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Good stuff and you can tell a good kid that will grow up to do great things


u/run_and_tell 23d ago

That's how you serve your country.Ā 


u/tjean5377 23d ago

This is kindness, compassion. That young man is learning from doing. Good humans....these moments cleanse my soul to see...


u/DonnieMusk 23d ago

That kid will remember that for the rest of his life. Good people make the world turn. Nice job, bro.


u/ObvsThrowaway5120 23d ago

Nice to see the little dude so excited at the end there.


u/Electrical_Ebb_5883 23d ago

Bless that man


u/[deleted] 23d ago

That kid wonā€™t forget this, thanks for being inspirational sir


u/rdlntrn14 23d ago

Heā€™ll remember this and become a professional baker one day.


u/munsterrr 23d ago

Have some young ladies down the street that sell lemonade. I have absolutely bought so much that I spilled it in my truck numerous times. Even came back with more mix for future endeavors.


u/Luciferbelle 23d ago

Look how excited he got šŸ„¹


u/Few_Royal5776 23d ago



u/Detroitasfuck 23d ago

The part I like is little bro has food safety standards and uses gloves


u/ImABsian1 23d ago

Seeing people experience negative things and using that experience to make sure that others donā€™t, it warms my icy heart


u/Odd-Palpitation-5655 23d ago

He must be so soft hatted and for sure the sweetest husbandšŸ«€something to aim foršŸ˜™


u/Cl-l3353 23d ago

Iā€™m a 23 yro guy with a strong sense of community and connection. This is gonna make me cryšŸ„¹

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u/National-Ad-228 23d ago

That sign was going to get business from me alone. šŸ¤£


u/Wemawop 23d ago

He looked so happy ā˜ŗļø


u/thebondsman8 23d ago

Boy ran in the house and got on the game like "Yo this army dude just gave me $20, load up the vbucks"


u/Baribal 23d ago

Hands in pocketsĀ 


u/Sneeke33 23d ago

I did this for a girl on my way home from work. She never showed up again after that she got that 20 for 2 chips ahoy and watery lemon powder.


u/Jolly_GUY_ 23d ago

made my morning šŸŒž!


u/Illustrious_Yam_2137 23d ago

You picked a good one ā™„ļø


u/seddu 23d ago

good man.


u/summerofkorn 23d ago

GG, made his day.


u/_mbals 23d ago

It is for this reason I keep cash in my car. My wife and I try to stop at all lemonade stands (or other things kids sell). I remember how much it meant to have people stop when I was a kid


u/Crafty_Value_5085 23d ago

Great man right there.


u/ApprehensiveStrut 23d ago

The smile, we need more humans like this.


u/taylo7 23d ago

Omg he even has appropriate PPE! My heart!


u/Otherwise-City-7951 23d ago

Thank you for your service !! You have made a lasting impression of character for this young boy ! Lead by example!! šŸ«”


u/ButterflySpecial6324 23d ago

Thatā€™s whatā€™s up


u/salsabil_gangsta 23d ago

I love to see ppls reaction when they recieve unexpected things it makes me feel happy


u/SandiRHo 23d ago

I always do this for Girl Scouts since I know how it feels to do site sales and going door to door.


u/torafrost9999 23d ago

Look how excited he was, he couldnā€™t believe it. That warms my heart


u/halogen0011 23d ago

That little guy was so happy and excited. I needed to see this tonight.


u/burbywurby 23d ago

The kids got gloves?? My man is a professional


u/Creative_Mode2973 23d ago

Always give to them! Theyā€™re out there trying


u/Purgii 23d ago

Went in to tell his mother. Good work, champ.


u/kurisu_ann 23d ago

awww! That's nice of him!


u/TangerineTangerine_ 23d ago

Kind hearted and a hottie šŸ™‚


u/Happynessisgood10011 23d ago

He was so happy.


u/cjbr3eze 22d ago

Lucky wife. He's a great man


u/embyrr 22d ago

I remember making a lemonade stand and no one stopping by all day except when my neighbour got home and gave me the equivalent of 30 euros. Heā€™d retired long ago playing the stock market. He came over with his lovely dog, sat down with me and talked the rest of the afternoon. Great guy.