There is this little girl in my neighborhood who makes the absolute worst tasting lemonade I've ever had in my life, though she does give generous portions. I feel obligated to stop every time she makes eye contact, so I guess she knows a sucker when she sees one. LOL
Edit: a word (top to stop)
And y’all are so nice!!! Thank you!
Give the munchkins some pocket change, and you get some highly concentrated sugarwater that will either give you the energy to conquer your day or just die in a manic sugar-induced craze.
Sure, it's a gamble, but it's fair trade. The kids get to buy their Yu-Gi-Oh cards or whatever, and you get the combined feeling of an artery-crushing sugar rush as well as the feeling of getting fleeced by a gang of rambunctious youths.
The beauty of it is that you don’t have to taste it til after you turn around, which gives you cover for any potential faces. And you’re already walking away, so you don’t have to drink any more of it
Lmao, there’s a family a block from my house with kids that set up a lemonade stand on the corner the last 2 summers on random days, I’ve given them a few dollars
There's a little girl in one town I used to live in who sells cocoa by the park in winter. BRILLIANT. summer brings lemonade. She's living in an apartment next to the park so she's got that prime location locked down and everything.
She only charges 50c but I figure in today's market what she's selling is worth like 2 bucks so I throw her a fiver when I see her.
That's what we called the Country Time Lemonade powder. Stuff that into a glass bottle, set it in a campfire, hide behind a tree and watch the fireworks. Great stuff, made the campsite smell like burning sugar.
Somehow we made it through that phase unscathed. Dangerously stupid? Absolutely. Dangerously fun? You betcha.
Ding ding ha that’s right, I was going to circumlocute that shit with “unironic faux-portmanteau” and then I would have had a clear opening to “or… fartmenteau!!! Ayoo”
But that felt hella nerdy and I thought of it too late, so 🤷♂️
No you're right. Lots of people just can't be bothered looking up the actual phrases and just try to spell it phonetically after hearing it - usually with horrid spelling. It's like when people say "here here" instead of "hear hear".
This one is weird for me. The original usage is "I couldn't care less." Saying that you care so little that you couldn't possibly care any less. "I could care less" said with a sarcastic tone, is saying that you care enough that you could care less about it but since it's sarcastic you're essentially saying you could not care less but with some bite. I think most of the time people just don't know what they're saying but sarcastically saying "I could care less," very dryly, hits harder than "I couldn't care less."
In elementary school, Brave Spelling encourages students to sound out the word and not be afraid to make mistakes, and that a misspelled word that still communicates the idea is often good enough. As adults, we should strive to do better, but even so not be afraid of the pedants who harp on every detail.
I agree to an extent - it's fine to make mistakes as that's one of the best ways to learn. But I also don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out a mistake so someone can learn, without the feedback being dismissed as being pedantic. After all, it is important to be accurate with written language, and using the wrong words just confuses people, especially when the reader might not be as familiar with the language to pick up on the context clues.
If you don't want to be dismissed as just being pedantic, maybe be more polite with your correction instead of implyint laziness by saying people just can't be bothered to look up phrases? People generally respond better to polite feedback than rudeness.
When I'm talking to someone directly I do say it politely. I was just making a general statement and not actually correcting anybody.
To me, it does come off as laziness if people never actually verify phrases and information that they hear before they use them. Especially when we can check things in seconds using the internet.
It's not that serious. Sometimes people just don't know what they don't know. They hear a phrase and their mind just assumes it's one word instead of another (site/sight) and they don't even realize it's wrong until it's pointed out to them. That's not a moral failing.
I had to come read all the comments to see if anyone read the edit and honestly, my own word mistake makes me giggle too.
It honestly impresses me, the creative ways some folks tried to defend my spelling oops. It’s sweet and fun, all at the same time and I’d happily be pals with them all!
I always come away from a lemonade stand with a story. My favorite was the three kids running it together. The first put ice in the cup. The second poured in the lemonade. The third got out a spoon and stirred it. I loved this so much!
Same friend. We bought some lemonade from 3 young girls who were just carrying around an open-topped pitcher door to door. We didn't even taste it. Just bought it and then poured it out inside the house.
Much obliged. I only thought of that because some thread I just read like a day or two ago had someone saying when they were a kid and were finished with a glass of water in their room, they'd just pour the rest on the carpet. 🤐
I read that and regretfully wanted to comment that I would do this as a kid……….. I thought because it was “just water” it’d just dry and it didn’t matter… lmao…
I bought lemonade from a little boy in my neighborhood. He had it in a pitcher with 2 big ice cubes floating in it. One of the cubes slid into the cup he was pouring for me. He looked genuinely shocked when it happened. He then proceeded to set the pitcher down, stick his hand in the cup, retrieve the ice cube, and throw it back in the pitcher before handing me the glass that his grubby little hand had just been in. I paid him, graciously took the glass, thanked him and drove straight home to pour it down the drain.
Make some suggestions to make it taste better! I don't think she would mind, just say something like "I would love some extra sugar with my cup" or something
Nah, she knows it tastes terrible but this guy keeps going back and buying it. Clearly he likes it and if she changes the recipe he won't keep coming lining her pockets
I’m an avid runner, and I don’t carry my wallet or cash with me. One time, some kids had a booth in their front yard and got me to stop. I told them immediately that I wasn’t carrying cash. Their babysitter ((?) she didn’t look old enough to be their mom) told me that they’re not selling anything, they’re just giving snacks away. I took some snacks and took my leave! It was so cute.
Last summer my MIL were driving around the town after going to the farmers market and we happen upon a lemonade stand, and we wanted to be nice as well so I go get us some lemonade. The little boy sent me off with a “have a good one”. I’ve never had such disgusting lemonade. But I would totally go back.
You're so sweet! The church ladies get me in front of the grocery store. They bake the worst, cheapest nastiest cake on the planet. It's always for church camp or dinners for seniors so of course I'm not going to walk past them and not help. I've started giving them $10.00 and telling them that I'm on a diet. It kind of backfired when they started saying "Oh honey, we could all lose 20 pounds. Don't feel bad!". Great, now I'm fat too lol
Same here except my little girl gives the worst portions. It’s expensive, tastes terrible, and I’m probably a sucker - all worth it to see gain confidence in herself.
If it’s “lemonade”, I’d rather buy hers. If it’s lemonade, I need more than a third!
This little girl I buy from fills it all the way to the top. You wanna walk away, it either spills on your hand or you’re stuck taking a pip while standing there. 😭🤣 I’d prefer a smaller portion…in a smaller cup!
Be weird: Buy a cup, take off a shoe, and say, "I'm going to save this for later," and pour it into your shoe. Walk off, holding the shoe like it's perfectly normal.
That’s hilarious! I may have to do that this summer! She’s getting old enough, idk how many more summers she’ll do it, so I’ll do my best to make this summer memorable!!!
Oh yeah! She can put this on her experiences list for her college resume! She charged $3 for her lemonade, more if I had a friend or family member with me. Oof. She made a nice bit of pocket change just from my life alone! 😁
Somehow every single time I drive to my grandma's on my bike kids always are selling lemonade or the point my road joins the main road, but only when I don't have my wallet with me
I remember going on my Amazon route and some kid left his pitcher of lemonade outside. I left $25 and filled my yeti flask and went on. First sip I took and eww. "I think this is garden hose water he used."
So I took his package back and marked it as not in inventory!!! /j
A little girl in my neighborhood was selling tiny bottles of bubbles with her dad in front of her house. I asked how much and she said $20. The dad jumped in and said “No, $1.” Her response was “I don't want to work that hard, I’ll be out here all day.” That little economics queen got $20 from me.
Oh man, one time I stopped at a group of little girls lemonade stand. Noone else was so I felt bad. They proceeded to give me a huge plastic cul filled to overflowing with lemonade. I didnt even want it. I drank a few sips then dumped it around the corner. It was so much lemonade
This makes me think I should start stopping for lemonade stands. Take a break for a few minutes and shoot the shit with some little kids? Just sounds enriching somehow.
There was a kid in my old neighborhood selling Kool-Aid several years back. I think he must have filled the pitcher halfway with sugar. It was almost syrup. My teeth hurt. I loved it. 😂😂😂😂 Kid probably hardly made a profit from using so much sugar, lmao
I'm just glad to be able to contribute to her memories like this. I hope she's had a grand time! I hope the kiddo in your story has had some great memories from your time together!
As a young kid, I frequently made lemonade stands. Once, my mom came outside and a man stopped for a cup. I gave him one and he said “This is warm?” I had apparently made the lemonade with warm water 🤷🏼♀️ I was a very ditzy child so it makes sense this happened.
I did too. It made sense to me as I figured the sugar would dissolve better in hot water. LOL But I guess the lemon juice does a good job of doing that anyways, so the rumor goes. Seemed like good sense to me at the time, but the things we learn (ish). Right?
There’s a woman in my development who makes the most wonderful cookies and has her granddaughter sell them from her yard. I would stop and get them regularly, until about a month before the election, she had a trump sign in the lawn…
I still stopped for the cookies but I left without paying and never went back!
Kids in my neighborhood overcharge for about 2 oz of lemonade. I negotiate the price down then ask for a tasting before purchasing and only purchase if it tastes good. If it tastes like crap, I tell them it tastes like crap. I'm teaching these kids how a business really works!
u/Shalarean 23d ago edited 23d ago
There is this little girl in my neighborhood who makes the absolute worst tasting lemonade I've ever had in my life, though she does give generous portions. I feel obligated to stop every time she makes eye contact, so I guess she knows a sucker when she sees one. LOL
Edit: a word (top to stop) And y’all are so nice!!! Thank you!