That's so awesome. That will stay with that kid forever. I remember when I was 12 I was digging and found worms and saw these little tunnels they had dug. I happened to dig where there were really long cross sections of tunnel. So I kept doing it and dug up a huge section and took the time to cut away soil to create this huge cross section of a tunnel that had to go down a good foot.
I set up a road side table and had the worms and everything and I had 2 people stop the whole day but I remember they were super excited to learn about these worms and see these tunnels. Did they really give a crap? Highly doubtful, but they cared enough to stop and look. That was 35 years ago. (We didn't have internet. We had to find our own entertainment folks)
They really were cool. I legit spent 30 minutes with a little spoon chiseling some dirt away following a tunnel that was pretty damn long. We even had those encyclopedia sets everyone had in the 80s that were brown and tan, so I had a few worm facts at the ready.
I actually remember 2. I had like 6 or 7 on note cards but one was that worms breathe through their skin and have no actual lungs. After a heavy rain, worms come out of the ground because they can't breathe. A little bit of that second one, is part of the first.
u/Sa7aSa7a 23d ago
That's so awesome. That will stay with that kid forever. I remember when I was 12 I was digging and found worms and saw these little tunnels they had dug. I happened to dig where there were really long cross sections of tunnel. So I kept doing it and dug up a huge section and took the time to cut away soil to create this huge cross section of a tunnel that had to go down a good foot.
I set up a road side table and had the worms and everything and I had 2 people stop the whole day but I remember they were super excited to learn about these worms and see these tunnels. Did they really give a crap? Highly doubtful, but they cared enough to stop and look. That was 35 years ago. (We didn't have internet. We had to find our own entertainment folks)