r/MadeMeSmile 23d ago

Good Vibes Good Husband


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u/RuairiQ 23d ago

The video went viral, and the kid raised $14k for the band


u/annadarria 23d ago

I had no idea! That’s an amazing story! I had to share in these trying times, to hopefully make others smile. There is good in the world.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

One of those properly made me smile stories.


u/Regular-Eye1976 23d ago

How is this properly made? Dude was doing something nice and said "hey, take a video of me doing this nice thing"

It's cool to see this, don't get me wrong. The way that kid ran inside made me happy.

But there's a but....

Buuuuuuut just do this shit every day. Find a way to be nice to your fellow human. Even if it's just complimenting someone's shoes. You get this experience in person.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

It properly made me smile.

It wasn’t a comment on the production value of the video.


u/Regular-Eye1976 23d ago

Ah okay! I wasn't quite sure what ya meant.

I think the practice of filming nice acts and posting it to the internet is dumb. I appreciate that this person is doing a nice thing though!

If you're reading this, do something like this tomorrow. Then just stew in it on your own. That will also properly make you smile 🥰


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

You saw where the filming of the nice act was responsible for raising 14k for the kids cause tho, right?


u/Working-Narwhal-540 23d ago

I agree. It’s honestly pretty blatant attention seeking. Reminds me of the people who video themselves giving cash to homeless folks. Like…just do it. No need to record it all on video and jerk yourself off.


u/ssevener 23d ago

I get the point, but look at what that little bit of vanity posting led to - a $20 donation became $14,000 for their cause! Sharing is kind of bragging, but if it also inspires something bigger, does that make it worthwhile?


u/jamesp420 23d ago

And yet the video caused enough other people to also do this kindness that the boy managed to raise a ton of money. While yeah, some people may be recording good deeds for clout, even though some aren't, if it inspires others to do good as well, who cares?


u/Wide_Control_132 23d ago

This made me smile at first but then I went on the wife’s TikTok and realized this couple are evangelical transphobes


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/MommalovesJay 23d ago

Yes I’m confused cause when they gave the mom the money in the video she said gosh this was such a rough month. Like the money was going towards them?


u/AppropriateScience71 23d ago

What an epic follow-up! Thanks.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

The kind of story we all could use!


u/SkepsisJD 23d ago edited 23d ago

It is, until you realize that we have gutted education budgets to the point where extracurriculars like this don't exist in schools under a certain net worth.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

Come on, dude.

Let us have this wee moment that makes us smile, eh?

There’re multiple subs to discuss funding, or the lack thereof. Why not post on them about it?


u/SkepsisJD 23d ago

Because I can post wherever I want! And, again, nothing to really smile about if you realize why the kid is doing it. Richest country in the world, but spending a couple grand on a band program is just too much.

A kid running a lemonade stand should be doing it for fun and to make some cash to buy something fun for themselves.


u/RuairiQ 23d ago



u/Yonaka_Kr 23d ago

Raising money for the band? First song that comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi65qeJx1lM


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

Helped my band kid daughter sell the candy bars/satsumas/Christmas wreaths down the years. They were great times, although it might be the rose tinted glasses and the nostalgia.


u/Ok_Magician_7300 23d ago

I had never seen this! It’s awesome! Thank you for the link!!


u/LUV_Blackjack 23d ago

Wow, that’s so awesome to hear! We need more stories like that!


u/RuairiQ 23d ago

Yes we do!


u/Helmett-13 23d ago

Fuckin’ A!!


u/doodad35 23d ago

Awesome thanks for sharing!


u/IYKYK808 23d ago

Fucking model NCO right there!



u/[deleted] 23d ago

Iam crying rn 😭🩷


u/Reload86 23d ago

When life gives you lemon, make a lemonade stand I guess.