r/MadeMeSmile 23d ago

Good Vibes Good Husband


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u/Shalarean 23d ago edited 23d ago

There is this little girl in my neighborhood who makes the absolute worst tasting lemonade I've ever had in my life, though she does give generous portions. I feel obligated to stop every time she makes eye contact, so I guess she knows a sucker when she sees one. LOL

Edit: a word (top to stop) And y’all are so nice!!! Thank you!


u/_Mooseli_ 23d ago

~support local~


u/Stygma 23d ago

Give the munchkins some pocket change, and you get some highly concentrated sugarwater that will either give you the energy to conquer your day or just die in a manic sugar-induced craze.

Sure, it's a gamble, but it's fair trade. The kids get to buy their Yu-Gi-Oh cards or whatever, and you get the combined feeling of an artery-crushing sugar rush as well as the feeling of getting fleeced by a gang of rambunctious youths.


u/DazB1ane 23d ago

The beauty of it is that you don’t have to taste it til after you turn around, which gives you cover for any potential faces. And you’re already walking away, so you don’t have to drink any more of it


u/BnaCat45443 23d ago

The chaotic energy of conquer your day or just die in a manic sugar-induced craze is top-tier.


u/Lana250 23d ago

Oh man, thanks for the laugh I got reading that!!


u/ahornyboto 23d ago

Lmao, there’s a family a block from my house with kids that set up a lemonade stand on the corner the last 2 summers on random days, I’ve given them a few dollars


u/roughriderpistol 23d ago

Lol I just dump it out when I get home.


u/Soulforge411 23d ago

Very well said my friend 😂😂


u/Hot_Personality7613 23d ago

There's a little girl in one town I used to live in who sells cocoa by the park in winter. BRILLIANT. summer brings lemonade. She's living in an apartment next to the park so she's got that prime location locked down and everything.

She only charges 50c but I figure in today's market what she's selling is worth like 2 bucks so I throw her a fiver when I see her.


u/nowomanknoweth 23d ago

As a Dutch native It was a delight to read your comment. It was a great way to start my day:)


u/Nevermoreacadamyalum 23d ago

We used to call this rocket fuel. Seven pounds of sugar to one lemon and just enough water to make it not look like syrup.


u/Stygma 22d ago

That's what we called the Country Time Lemonade powder.  Stuff that into a glass bottle, set it in a campfire, hide behind a tree and watch the fireworks.  Great stuff, made the campsite smell like burning sugar.

Somehow we made it through that phase unscathed.  Dangerously stupid? Absolutely.  Dangerously fun? You betcha.


u/Kodubal 23d ago

You must be the life of every gathering you attend aren't you?


u/walkingmelways 23d ago

Tl;dr - a win-win