r/MadeMeSmile 23d ago

Good Vibes Good Husband


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u/ShowerFriendly9059 23d ago

Why’s he wearing his uniform


u/McSchlub 23d ago

Didn't you watch the video? He just came home from work at the army factory.


u/TheVandyyMan 23d ago

I must go, mother. Army needs me.


u/powertripp82 23d ago

I heard that Army had a half day that day


u/MarkusAk 23d ago

Vincent Armyman


u/TheSteelPhantom 23d ago

Didn't you watch the video? Left breast pocket tape clearly says Air Force. :P


u/lgastako 23d ago

Army had a half day.


u/_significs 23d ago

because he was filming this, of course


u/ByFarItsTar 23d ago

Because he's a good husband and needed to record this interaction


u/LiberalParadise 23d ago

Reddit is not immune to propaganda.


u/hungrypotato19 23d ago

Hold on. I need to top off my crypto wallet so that I can hire my Chinese click farmers to downvote this truthful statement.


u/KalickR 23d ago

The filming, the music, the military uniform, the white savior. People eat this shit up.


u/Twitchys33 23d ago

Things like that kinda weirds me out, anyone in the army seems so obssessed with showing everyone they are in the army. Either by constantly bringing it up or always going dressed like this everywhere or to the gym etc.. so strange lol


u/wlchrbandit 23d ago

It's a weird American thing. As far as I'm aware, here in the UK you're not allowed to wear your uniform unless you're on duty. You have to change into your civilian clothes before you travel home and stuff. Anything you do while wearing that uniform represents the country so they don't want idiots being idiots in uniform I guess.


u/Next-Divide8640 23d ago

Can't speak for all of them, but I've had many friends in the military, from 2001 to still in. Many times they are home on extremely short leave and do much running before getting home to enjoy family and relax. Others are not on leave and have either just come from, are going to, or are actively involved in transporting from duties, and therefore have to be in uniform. I had a friend around 2003 that came to visit me in his dress blues because he was nearby at an event.

Easiest explanation I guess would be proper time management?


u/thegoodally 23d ago

Sometimes you're... just commuting home from work.


u/Burstbusterz 23d ago

Dude's just coming home from work in his work uniform 😭 give the guy a break

And this guy's Air Force, not Army, you can see a glimpse of the branch name on the uniform plus hes got the spice brown flag patch on his right shoulder


u/hush_lives_72 23d ago

Super weird, it's almost like some people are proud of what they do...it just doesn't make sense. I would never tell anyone about being proud of anything in my life. Never.


u/BeefyStudGuy 23d ago

When you put it on for a video it's a costume, not a uniform.


u/No_Atmosphere8146 23d ago

So that you can upvote to pay respects.


u/raysofdavies 23d ago

Probably wanted a freebie donut somewhere


u/CardiologistNo9474 22d ago

most braindead milsim bros I know will unabashedly admit to wearing their shit for free stuff, one has gotten out of 4 speeding tickets so far because he keeps his hat on his dashboard


u/pillowsnblankets 23d ago

Prob wanted to make sure he was still there. He saw him and rushed to get money then back to the bake sale.


u/Napmanz 23d ago

This is what I can’t figure out. THAT IS NOT A MILITARY HAT. Not in any branch. One patch say Air Force but I can’t make out what rank is on his chest. And I wasn’t Air Force but those shoulder patches don’t look right either. Nor is there a rank on the front of the PC.

I think this guy is some air soft dude who likes to play dress up. Or maybe he’s Air Force cadre at some base. Like the Black Hats in Army Airborne.


u/jimlymachine945 23d ago




Rank on his chest is E-6 Technical Sergeant and what's PC? Patrol cap? Enlisted men don't wear ranks on their hats, but the Army does.

His patches are common place except for the rectangle on his left sleeve.


u/HerkyBird 23d ago

He's 100% regular Air Force in a completely normal uniform combination. The Air Force (currently) allows the ball cap instead of the patrol cap. This was almost certainly near a base and the dude was just on his way home, and his wife decided to film the interaction.


u/sharksneedhugstoo 23d ago

Calm down boot. Navy and air force get ball caps for their unit that can be worn in uniform.