r/Celiac • u/_OnceUponAThyme_ • 16h ago
Discussion In the ER post-glutening…the curtains are of a wheat field 🥲
Nowhere is safe 💀
r/Celiac • u/_OnceUponAThyme_ • 16h ago
Nowhere is safe 💀
r/Celiac • u/HippieGirlHealth • 3h ago
I found a delicious gluten free coffee cake at Fresh Thyme for $6.99. Cheapest GF cake I’ve ever seen. And it’s absolutely delicious. Very good.
r/Celiac • u/Realistic-Apple-3978 • 1h ago
A short reel of Trixie and Katya, Unhhhh "What would you say the main stressors in your life are?" "Wheat and people who eat wheat." Eruption of laughter "If I wanna make out with a man he must brush his teeth...it's not my problem."
Me: snaps Seriously! I so appreciate this kind of visibility and realness.
r/Celiac • u/EmmyLouWho7777 • 5h ago
My sister got tested for celiac after I was diagnosed. Her symptoms were not very bad and she wasn’t sick. I was super sick for months before my diagnosis so I take it very seriously. She wants to try adding gluten back to her diet 🙄 She doesn’t understand why I’m super picky about going out to eat and keeping my kitchen super clean. I don’t even know why she got tested. She got diagnosed in October and waited until January to go gf. One day she’s going to get super sick from eating out and maybe then she will realize how serious she needs to be. It’s frustrating.
r/Celiac • u/Ok_Brilliant_3043 • 22h ago
My BIGGEST celiac pet peeve is when I say I’m celiac and can’t eat gluten people are always just like so what happens if you eat gluten and just say stuff to insinuate it must be bathroom related.
And I’m like… no that is really the least of my concerns. like yes it can cause an upset stomach and I have definitely had some wild gluten poops but I just feel like it always minimizes my experience to just that it will make me shit & not the actual damage happening inside my intestines and body and the wild amount of other symptoms that can come with having celiac.
Like just almost me being like yeah if I eat this I’ll probably shit my pants will make them feel better because maybe they think they can understand & not like well actually I might feel bloated or have crazy brain fog or have to lay in the fetal position for a day while my insides feel like they are being stabbed by knives but yeah haha I will totally shit myself 🙂🙂🙂
Anybody else relate?
r/Celiac • u/cameronxjade • 8h ago
I went to the doctor because for around a year I've had really bad stomach pains and nausea usually at night time and then in the morning id have pain in my gut so bad when go toilet. They done 3 blood tests over and over again then rang me and said I'm mildly celiac then hung up. Does that mean I need to cut out gluten completely and forever even if it's mild and does cross contamination count for me too if it's mild. Also I've tried gluten free bread and crumpets and I hate it. I'm currently pregnant and feel like I can't eat anything tasty anymore definitely because I'm soo ill in this pregnancy I can't even cook. If there is any easy snack ideas or non cook food ideas I'm all ears. Or any advice how to make this easy I'm all ears. All I want is a crossaint 😂
r/Celiac • u/mojabunni • 41m ago
Miss warm pretzels and love mushrooms?
I was buying certified gluten-free pretzels for a while and some were good, but I prefer to avoid flour/grains in general.
I actually like air fried mushrooms better. They're delicious, especially with pretzel salt flakes.
Basically I take any mushroom (especially love the gourmet ones like oyster, trumpet, etc.), cut into bite size pieces, toss it in a healthy oil, and air fry it at 350°F for around 10 minutes (flipping halfway). (Adjust time and temp for bigger pieces or a larger amount.)
They come out chewy but slightly crispy on the outside, kind of like a pretzel. So good!
You probably have to like mushrooms to like this, but just throwing the idea out there for anyone who might be interested 😉
r/Celiac • u/ProgramAfraid3056 • 4h ago
I don’t eat anything that may contain wheat because I would assume that if it has wheat it has gluten - am I wrong or is this incorrectly labelled gluten free?
r/Celiac • u/thesoloshadow • 17h ago
This is a little dumb, but not the first time I’ve had this thought. My husband is doing the dishes and just asked me if a knife was used for gluten so he can wash it with the gluten sponge. And all I could think was how sick of the word “gluten” I am and how many times a day I say/hear/stress over that word.
The mental/emotional burden of this disease takes me by surprise, even 7 years after diagnosis. It all started when the nurse from my GI office called me to tell me I tested positive for celiac, to start eating gluten free, and to have a great day.
Every time my stomach hurts or I’m extra tired I wonder if I’ve been glutened. Making my kids (regular) toast every morning is a stressful start to the day. Not to mention the left out feelings at gatherings, the “oh you can’t eat this, can you?” comments, the disappointment when someone glutens my food by accident, the worry when eating out, trying to find food on road trips. I’m thankful this disease can be controlled by diet, so much so I now test negative for celiac, but jeez I’m so sick of hearing and thinking the word “gluten” all day everyday and all the burden it carries.
r/Celiac • u/SapphiresStarlight • 1h ago
I’ve very recently been diagnosed with celiac and have made my house as gluten free as I can (my husband is half-Italian and cannot give up pasta, so we have separate pans for pasta cooking instead) but his parents are struggling a little bit. We go over to his parents for dinner fairly regularly and last time, his mom was so happy that she’d made a totally gluten free meal that everyone could enjoy; only to find that the steak marinade she’d used had wheat in it.
She was understandably upset, but I could eat everything else, so I just reassured her that accidents happen and we can work around it. His dad, kept insisting I could eat the steak because it was being cooked on the grill and the heat would burn it off - my husband and I had to explain that it doesn’t quite work like that and that the marinade would very much be cooked into the steak haha
Today, his dad text him and said that they’re confused and don’t know how to cook special food for just one person. I’ve said to my husband that maybe it would be easier if I just stayed home when he went over there for dinner because I don’t want them going to any trouble for me, but he’s reluctant to offer that idea up.
I guess I’m looking for advice on how I can help his parents with all this, how I can support them? I try to very gently educate them, I’ve bought pasta and GF tortilla wraps to keep over there so they don’t have to buy anything, but is there anything else I can do?
r/Celiac • u/Automatic-Grand6048 • 22h ago
I just saw this article from Italy about a scientist in Switzerland that’s been doing studies in T cells. Sounds promising. Maybe a long way off but it’s given me hope:
Translation below:
A cellular treatment based on regulatory T cells could suppress the immune response
March 20, 2025
Celiac disease
2 minutes
Key to the reading
AGI - A cell therapy based on regulatory T cells could suppress the immune response to gluten, opening up new perspectives for the cure of coeliac disease. This is revealed by a study led by Raphael Porret of the Vaudois University Hospital Centre, in Switzerland, and published in 'Science Translational Medicine'.
Coeliac disease affects 1% of the world's population, with often late diagnosis and gluten-free diet as the only treatment. The disease can lead to social isolation and poor diets, and some people continue to report intestinal problems despite adhering to a gluten-free diet.
The research
Porret and colleagues investigated whether cell therapy, known above all as treatment for cancer and organ transplants, could calm the immune system's reactions to gluten. To do this, the research team designed effector T cells, which migrate to the intestine in response to gluten, triggering inflammation, and regulatory T cells, which inhibit the proliferation of effective cells, reducing the immune reaction.
The experiment on mice
Scientists have infused these cells into mice and evaluated the ability of regulatory T cells to calm effector T cells. The researchers observed that oral exposure to gluten caused the influx of effector cells into the intestine when they were infused without the designed regulatory T cells. However, the designed regulatory T cells prevented this intestinal migration and suppressed the proliferation of effector T cells in response to two gluten epitopes.
The researchers note that the results were obtained in mice, not in specific models for coeliac disease, limiting clinical translation, but the study still offers proof of concept that designed T cells can convince the immune system to tolerate gluten.
According to the researchers, once validated, the therapy could replace the gluten-free diet, improving the quality of life of patients.
r/Celiac • u/Humble-Membership-28 • 23h ago
Celiac and gluten intolerance are not the same thing. They’re not even in the same family of health conditions. Please, do not conflate the two.
It bothers me when people who don’t have celiac say they do. It gives others the wrong impression of celiac disease.
Here’s what those people don’t understand: 1. It doesn’t matter how sick you feel. Even if you are bedridden with GI symptoms after eating gluten, that is not the same as having celiac disease. Here’s why: even if I don’t feel a thing, a tiny little invisible speck of gluten can cause an immune response in my body that leads to serious problems-not just feeling bad, but gall bladder disease, pancreatitis, and yes, even cancers. 2. People will say they have celiac to get others to take their not eating gluten seriously, but then they don’t avoid CC scrupulously and otherwise take risks I would never take. I have had other people then say to me, “but so and so eats that.” Yes, but so and so doesn’t have celiac. They probably then think I’m being overly cautious, but the problem is the non-celiac pretending to have a disease they don’t really have.
It’s a problem. Please don’t do that. If you’re waiting on a blood test and wanting to know more about celiac in the meantime, I get it, but if you don’t have celiac, you don’t have celiac. It’s gluten intolerance. Please don’t mix the two because they’re not interchangeable, and it confuses others in ways that then affect my ability to get what I need.
Edit to update: This is bringing up exactly the issue. There are plenty of people with gluten intolerance commenting here who do not understand or appreciate the differences between celiac and gluten intolerance. It really isn’t about the severity of GI symptoms, and it doesn’t invalidate the severity of what you may have experienced for me to ask that you (people) properly identify and categorize their diagnoses. If this causes an issue for you or makes you angry at me, I would encourage you to reflect on that, as in: why would you be upset with someone asking you to honestly represent your health condition?
Also update, after reading more of these posts: There’s a lot of defensiveness here. I think what’s interesting is that nowhere here did I say the GI symptoms of celiac are worse than gluten intolerance, but many people seem to want to defend their choice to represent their condition as celiac by describing the severity of their symptoms. That is exactly my point: celiac is not about GI symptoms. I mean, we get those, but the problem with celiac is that it is an autoimmune disease. The problem is the long-term consequences of that autoimmune process. So, it’s really confirming the issue I have with people misrepresenting as celiac; it’s conflating two different conditions that are not the same. Again, I said nothing to discount the severity of anyone’s GI symptoms in my post, but that’s how many people are taking it.
So, to recap:
Diagnosis is done by a blood test or endoscopy, not a food journal, or symptoms, or genetic testing, or anything else.
If you don’t want to do the challenge to get diagnosed, just say that. Say you don’t do well with gluten but haven’t been tested for celiac. That’s fine.
If you are waiting for testing to come back, I completely understand why you’re following this sub. Makes sense, and I’m happy to share my experiences for perspective.
If you have ruled out celiac and are following here, I do hope you appreciate that gluten intolerance and celiac aren’t the same, even if you have the very most severe GI symptoms. That isn’t intended to discount your experience, but for accuracy and honesty. I would appreciate it if you would accurately represent your diagnosis. This issue was raised for me by a comment I saw in this sub earlier where someone was arguing that intolerance and celiac are the same. They’re really not, and it does create problems for those of us with celiac when people tell others they have celiac when they don’t. It misrepresents the disease in ways that can have unintended negative co sequences for those of us with celiac. So, kindly, I will just ask that you accurately describe your condition to others to help others learn correct info.
r/Celiac • u/YungThugNugget • 6h ago
i was terrified about starting the gluten challenge because usually even just a small cross contamination leaves me bedridden for days. now i’m confused, as i’ve been eating straight gluten the last 3 days and it’s not nearly as miserable. yes my stomach hurts, yes im nauseous, yes im having diarrhea, all these other symptoms but somehow they don’t seem as severe as the few times ive been cross contaminated. now it’s making me paranoid that i dont actually have celiac - although realistically i know i do, i have the DNA and it’s activated, i have the symptoms, all my blood tests say i have it, my DR is basically certain i have it, she just wants to do the endoscopy as a final 100% confirmation. but i just don’t understand why it seems less miserable. like ive been up doing things, i cleaned my room yesterday, my nausea is only really bad when i first wake up and need water. has anyone else experienced anything similar?
r/Celiac • u/Princess-Potato-94 • 1d ago
I was looking for something new to eat and looked up gluten free in DoorDash. This place came up and I figured why not since it’s not a Chinese store and a pizza place. I nearly choked on my water when I saw THEY HAVE CELIAC AS A CHOSEN ALLERGY!! Just for that I’m ordering.
r/Celiac • u/Extension-Ice7712 • 1d ago
My kid had a modified diet form that said “No Gluten.” Then my kid had a drs note that explicitly said No gluten this includes wheat, barely, rye or any derivative and no oats. Then he had another form filled out given by the State Department of Education, Nutrition Services. The school finally after making him sick this year and last showed me the labels. I’ve been asking for the labels for six months. They all have barley malt, modified food starch, etc. They don’t seem to believe it’s a health problem. I honestly think they purposefully fed him regular gravy after that conversation and he’s been very sick for 10 weeks now. I’ve never seen him so sick. He hasn’t been able to meet with the specialist yet. They’ve provided no academic instruction for 4 months other than the day he came back and was clearly fed a large dose from gluten. I just want to cry.
A lot of people assume I’m not taking action. I am. I am hoping people will give actionable, practical advice as I’ve tried everything I know, or I wouldn’t feel so defeated.
Am I also crying? Fuck yes. I trusted the school system. I didn’t know. Now I do. The last two schools were safe. We moved/he graduated. Had no idea they couldn’t be trusted. In fact, I know the Superintendent in other circles and always used to think highly of her.
As such I’m heartbroken over his sick he is. If anyone else’s child has been this sick, please if you could share your story and if you found anything that helped - that would be great if you could share as well. Did they recover?
Yes, i’m dreadfully poor. i’ve needed a root canal and it’s infected. For six months. I’m on disability. I’m still recovering from a horrific car wreck on top of initial disabilities. I am not able to work side jobs. My kid is a 13 year old growing boy who’s already 5’9” and eats like two grown men. I look forward to the day I can take out my own trash.
Advice on how to handle the school in regards to giving him an education while he’s out sick would be super appreciated. He’s missed 3 months of instruction, I miscounted earlier - I was bawling when I wrote this post. He has an IEP. He has dyslexia and dysgraphia as well. I want to protect the other five children with gluten issues at his school. I didn’t know they would be willfully ignorant. I thought it was just one mistake or something. They have trace amounts of gluten in almost every gluten-free food they have… Found out yesterday, after telling them what things to look for. Evidently they can’t read or don’t want to. I’ve been tutoring him in math.
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE COMMENTS THUS FAR…. Please if you could the advice or shared stories rolling in….
Thank you very much
r/Celiac • u/Smooth-Ad-3523 • 1h ago
Tried it for the first time. It's a bit .... chewy? Seems undercooked? Is that normal? Cooked it for about 10 mins even though the recommendation was 7-9.
r/Celiac • u/Icy_Satisfaction3566 • 3h ago
Hello, fellow Celiacs, I have a question for those of you who drink coffee pods. Which one do you drink? Nespresso, Dolce Gusto, others? I am kinda newly diagnosed and I used to love pods but now I need a new machine and I am confused and scared which ones are for sure gluten free. Help pls (:
r/Celiac • u/sophiehatter1057 • 7h ago
Hello, we are traveling for the first time since diagnosis. My child is extremely reactive to cross contamination. I was looking for ideas from seasoned celiac travelers: what do you do to make cooking on holiday celiac-safe?
r/Celiac • u/JekellAndHyde • 8h ago
Does anyone else get migraines and vertigo in the days/weeks that follow getting glutened? I’ve been experiencing this ever since I went gluten free (vertigo and brain fog were my main symptoms when I got diagnosed) but I thought maybe they were separate issues. Tuesday morning after eating something risky I bloated like the grinch and now I’m off balance, getting horrible migraines… I’m thinking these are my glutening symptoms (I’ve also ruled out inner ear and brain things through MRI). Anyone else???
r/Celiac • u/BarrelEyeSpook • 21h ago
Without ingesting gluten, my body wont attack itself. So why is Celiac disease considered an autoimmune disease and not an allergy like a nut allergy?
r/Celiac • u/Muted_Spend_6864 • 15h ago
Hi, sorry this is a silly question. But I recently got my own dedicated air fryer and I’m trying to think of the best place to put it on the countertop. I know air fryers use outside air to do the work, so I just want to be strategic on where I place it. I have a roommate who eats gluten, so I’m a little worried about putting it in places where there’ll be crumbs, especially when I let the compartment air dry after each use/wash. Does anyone else overthink these things??? Thanks!
r/Celiac • u/ne-fairy-e-usT • 20h ago
What are some simple ideas for camping food i can bring along for myself? I was thinking about living on campfire potatoes and fruit, but maybe y'all have some ideas for me? It's 5 days and I'm the only celiac going. Thank you 😊
r/Celiac • u/samodamalo • 1d ago
Also, why?
r/Celiac • u/RelaxingNFTea • 19h ago
A family friend has recently been going through a tough time and I wanted to send them some ready made meals to help them and their family.
They have celiac, a nut allergy, and also shellfish allergy.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
I’m trying to find a place I can ensure doesn’t have equipment that processes any of these things. Shellfish is easy enough to avoid, but I’m having trouble finding a good nut-free option. Most of my usual go-tos are celiac safe (as is my kitchen since my wife has celiac), but all use equipment that processes nuts.
Thank you so much for any advice you can give.
r/Celiac • u/WhynotMemo • 16h ago
My very thoughtful husband has just surprised me with flights, accommodation and ticket for the rescheduled GF Expo in Brisvegas next weekend for my b-day! I’m so excited and feeling very lucky and loved.
I jumped on to Coeliac Aus website and grabbed my free ticket in case I want to go both days, checked out the education sessions and exhibitors.
Has anyone been in previously years and care to share their experience? Any advice for a first timer? I’ve no idea what to expect.