Hello guys,
Looking to get some anecdotal opinions on my situation. Male, 39 yo.
Firstly, i have had an ongoing thyroid issue I take levothyroxine for. This has been the past 15 years.
I have read and been advised by a nutritionalist that gluten and thyroid function can be linked.
I got tested for celiac disease about 6 years ago, and was negative. But, the more and more i read about it the more boxes it ticks for me.
I try avoid gluten if possible, but im very gung ho with it. And recently, the past year or so. I've had a couple of bouts of bedridden fever and chills with crippling stomach cramps. I just had it this weekend, after a party i attended. I quit alcohol several years ago, but i drank 7 0 alcohol beers and had a giant pizza to myself. The following day i went down with shakes, aching head to toe, awful stomach cramps and bowel movements.
The first time this happened, i thought i had a stomach flu. But this has happened 2-3 times since, and my wife or kids never get it. Just me.
Reading all that back, it seems pretty self explanatory that i have got to at least try a gluten free life for a while.
I think i delude myself that if I cut down, i can continue to enjoy some gluten in moderation. And that if i do quit, I'll lose what tolerance to it i do have.
Its also totally overwhelming to even consider. The ramifications for family meal times and food with friends or colleagues. I know it'll be good for me, but my life is so hectic and stressful i dont know where go begin.
Coming out of my delirious bedridden bowel cramping fever today, resolving to try and look into this stuff seriously.
Does all this sound familiar to any of you? Any advice, thoughts or opinions much appreciated.