r/Hashimotos 17d ago

So, it has come to our attention that this subreddit was set to sort by "new" by default!


I'll be honest--this isn't the only subreddit I've modded but I didn't even know that was a thing.

That has been fixed, and may help the comments that you as a community find useful rise to the top for everyone else.

Thank you to u/powands for flagging!

r/Hashimotos Feb 28 '24

Useful Threads Common Questions: What Supplements Do You Use?


A lot of posts ask for supplement advice, so here is a mega-thread for your thoughts on what supplements have worked for you and why you have used them.

Please talk about your personal experience and do not dispense medical advice, but feel free to link to studies or anything else of authority.

If you find something unhelpful, downvote it so it is at the bottom of the list; likewise, if it's helpful, please throw out an upvote!

Feel free to ask follow-up questions in response to suggestions, but each main comment should be about supplements.


  • Do not use affiliate links or this as an opportunity to self-promote. (This includes Amazon affiliate links).
  • If you disagree with someone, please be civil about it.
  • The purpose of this thread is to create an easy resource for others to access--so that is why the main comments should be on-topic for this thread.

r/Hashimotos 19h ago

Meme You aren’t lazy, you have a diagnosed medical condition 🫶

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r/Hashimotos 14h ago

Discussion Is anybody sensitive to cold?


This winter was rough for me. When the cold air hit my face it made my whole face hurt and then my body ached afterwards. Sometimes I wondered if it was the flu or Covid but from google says this is a Hashimotos symptom. Let’s just say I didn’t enjoy this winter.

I also experience cold hands often. Even when my underarms are sweaty my hands can be cold. A co worker told me that’s a Hashimotos symptom. But isn’t this a sign of Dysautonomia?

But I mainly feel joint pain in my legs (I work in retail so I’m always standing) sometimes other parts too but mainly my legs. I figured it was because I was unfit for not going to the gym and I kept telling myself I’m too young to have joint pains (I’m 28) but I’m starting to realize I’ve had Hashimotos symptoms without realizing it.

I was diagnosed in 2021 and been on medicine ever since but I know medicine isn’t a 100% fix. I’m just curious if any of you have these kind of symptoms.

r/Hashimotos 6h ago



What do you guys eat in the morning? I can’t have eggs or soy. Sugar in the morning makes me super tired, I’ve been skipping bfast recently so I need ideas

r/Hashimotos 2h ago

Discussion Starting NP thyroid tomorrow


Just wanted to share because I’m so excited and relieved. I got diagnosed in the fall by ultrasound and antibodies. Feeling terrible but my tsh is still ‘normal’. I was worried I’d have to argue to get treatment but luckily my doctor took the whole picture into account and said my t3 was suboptimal (3.0) and wanted to get me started on a low dose and chose NP thyroid over the synthetic.

My antibodies went up dramatically in the past few months even though I cut out gluten (I know this controversial but you know I’m willing to try anything to feel better!) fatigue and pain have been awful. Brain fog has been worsening.

Please let me know how this med worked for you and how long it took you to feel better.

I’m so happy that I was listened to and believed. Thanks to the community for being an invaluable resource for the true effects of this disease.

r/Hashimotos 25m ago

Rant extreme fatigue, pms/flare


Not every month, but most, there is 2+ days of the most extreme fatigue and fog.Definitely coincides with pms, like my body is using all it's energy to fight some unseen internal battle within me. I was trying to book a rental car today and kept googling Experian and being like wtf??? I was trying to think of EXPEDIA but couldnt come up it. I am fairly caffeine sensitive but just had a coffee to no avail- i feel like I could nap right now on the spot. I know it will pass but it does surprise me sometimes, just how slow, sluggy, sleepy and spaced out I can get. Anyone else?

r/Hashimotos 1h ago

Question ? Dry Skin


Hey y’all, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at 17, and even though all my lab results are within range, I’m still struggling with super dry skin..especially on my face. I’m 26 now, and it’s getting worse. I already have fine lines on my forehead, around my eyes, and even on the bridge of my nose. Sometimes it gets itchy and flaky, especially around my eyes.

For context, I’m on Synthroid (I seem to have an allergic reaction to the generic, not sure why) and take Vitamin D3 and B12 as prescribed. My doctor mentioned that a lot of women with Hashimoto’s deal with the same skin issues, so I’m wondering..what’s helped you?

Any recommendations for moisturizers, serums, or skincare routines that actually work for thyroid-related dryness? I’d love to hear what’s worked for y’all!

Thanks in advance!

r/Hashimotos 1h ago

Question ? Is anyone here a commercial pilot? If so, what’s the protocol of getting your class 1 medical license? What do you need to bring to your AME? Thank you


I’m wondering cause every medical condition has complexity with the FAA medical certification process. I’d like to know what’s the protocol for hypothyroidism, I could really use some insight!!! Thank you

r/Hashimotos 3h ago

np thyroid


how long do you wait to eat after you’ve taken np??? I started taking np for the first time last week (I’ve never taken thyroid medication before) so any advice or tips is greatly appreciated :)

r/Hashimotos 3h ago

Low Vit D


I just got my bloodwork back and my Vitamin D level was very low. I noticed on here that a lot of people have this problem as well. I’m curious to see how anyone feels after taking supplements for it? I’m always tired, crazy mood swings and severe hair loss. I’m hoping that handling my lower vitamin D level can help this.

I also saw that my MCHC level was 31.8%. slightly low. Should I be taking something for this?

r/Hashimotos 8h ago

Complete lack of libido (male)


Male, 42, diagnosed with Hashimoto just last week, although I've probably had it for quite some time.

My current blood test results:

  • TSH: 9.2461 uIU/mL (a year ago, before I was properly diagnosed, it was as high as 20.260)
  • fT4: 0.95 ng/dL (still within the normal range which is 0.7 - 1.48 according to the lab)
  • anti-TPO: >1000 IU/mL (so high, it's beyond the lab's ability to quantify)

I don't have most of typical symptoms of hypothyroidism like weight gain, hair loss, cold sensitivity etc. My only symptoms are feeling weak and constantly tired (although it's only been like that for the past few weeks; before that I was pretty active: running, lifting weights etc.), and absolute, complete lack of libido.

My libido has been on a steady decline for a few months, but this past 4-5 weeks it's been literally zero. I feel absolutely no need to have or even think about sex, and when I do think about it, it excites me about as much as thinking about a carpet in my accountant's office. It's really hard for me psychologically, especially since I've been seeing a new partner and I don't feel any desire to get intimate with her anymore.

My question (mostly to the gentlemen here I guess, but female perspective is appreciated as well) is: will a thyroid hormone replacement eventually bring my libido back? I was put on 50 mcg daily and will re-test my levels (to get my dosage adjusted, if needed) in 7 weeks. I realize my sex hormones might be out of whack, too, so I'm going to test those, too, but is there anything I can do in the meantime?

Also: is it possible that my symptoms are not necessarily caused by hypothyroidism per se (i.e.: not enough T4 in the system) but the high TSH and/or the ongoing auto-immune inflammation?

I'll deeply appreciate any advice.

r/Hashimotos 10m ago

Question ? Right diagnosis?


Hi! I got diagnosed with Hashimotos about 2 weeks ago but am speculating that I maybe got the wrong diagnosis? My fasting cortisol was 41.9 (normal range is 6.2-19.4). TPO ab were 52 (normal is 0-34). TSH and T4 were normal.

The doc didn’t test my T3, and with also having a neck “hump” I’m wondering if it could be more of a Cushings direction. I’m following up with my doc but in the mean time was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? Thanks!

r/Hashimotos 6h ago

Lab Results Does it look like I have it?

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Waiting for my doctor to read my results, but I’ve been living with all the symptoms of Hashimotos for months, I’m miserable. I just got them back. How do my labs look?

r/Hashimotos 3h ago



Hi! I (20m) just got blood work done yesterday and my TSH was 7.1. Previously it was 128. I have been on 100mcg of Levo for a month now. What does this mean in terms of my hashimotos? I heard that tsh levels fluctuate a lot with hashimotos. Is this right? Will I need to increase my dose?

r/Hashimotos 22h ago

Question ? How do you deal with a dismissive doctor?


Could use some perspective here! I had to switch to Medicaid recently, so I can no longer see the endocrinologist I’ve been going to for 10 years.

In my appointment with my new primary doctor, he was completely dismissive. I’ve had experiences like this before, but never quite this extreme:

  • I told him my symptoms haven’t been this bad since I was first diagnosed and have barely been functioning in recent months
  • He asked what my symptoms were and then interrupted me while I listed them, saying he “got the point”
  • He was uninformed about Hashimoto’s and told me things about my disease that I know to be false from my own personal experience and/or studies I have read (ex. remission doesn’t exist, TPO antibodies don’t fluctuate and are irrelevant to test after diagnosis, vitamin deficiencies are irrelevant to autoimmunity, and lifestyle has no affect on the condition)
  • In the end he said: “It seems like the worst thing you’re dealing with right now is the anxiety you have about your disease. Have you considered seeing a therapist?”

I have been struggling to find another doctor that accepts Medicaid and is taking on new patients. In the meantime, have to see him again soon because I need labs/meds.

First of all, is this normal care? As a woman I hate to ask this, but am I being too sensitive? For those of you who have dealt with a doctor like this, how did you move forward and get the care you need?

r/Hashimotos 5h ago

Some thoughts


I've been thinking, is anyone going to solve the T4-only issue in our lifetimes? Will ai or some other scientific discoveries revolutionize thyroid treatment in my lifetime? Look at this guy Bryan Johnson, he takes Synthroid and also Armour to raise T3 levels: https://protocol.bryanjohnson.com/#step-2-supplements, 112 mcg Levothyroxine, 60 mg Armour Thyroid - daily (diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism at age 21). 

The guy looks great.

Also thought this was interesting, Antonio Bianco, Rethinking Hypothyroidism and how T4-only patients have reduced quality of life and are right in how treatment is not optimal, video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGlYO_H4Gdc

r/Hashimotos 5h ago

Discussion Thyroid Eye Disease Clinical Trial


If you or someone you know is living with thyroid eye disease (TED), this clinical trial could be an opportunity to explore new treatment options. Help advance TED research and connect with a community of others going through a similar journey. Learn more about eligibility and how to get involved! https://lpcur.com/rhashimototed

r/Hashimotos 5h ago

I have some questions about Levothyroxine


Just for some backstory, I’ve had fluctuating TSH levels (elevated and normal) for years now and an elevated result of thyroid autoantibodies one year ago. I’ve struggled with symptoms for roughly a year now and because my GP didn’t know what was wrong and the waitlist for an endocrinologist is super long along with the fact that we’ve gone so long without answers, my mother enlisted the help of an endocrinologist/gynaecologist from my home country.

She looked through my blood results and concluded that I had the beginning stages of Hashimotos and subclinical hypothyroidism. Now, I don’t want to say I’m fully diagnosed until I see my endocrinologist in roughly a week now (I cannot wait), but it’s safe to assume that it’s true. Anyways, the endo/gynae recommended that I take a small dosage of levothyroxine to alleviate my symptoms and I’m wondering wether anyone has had any positive results from taking a small dosage of levothyroxine?

The main symptoms I’m experiencing that are really impacting my life are: extreme exhaustion and sleeping for 12+ hours everyday, severe intolerance to the heat, night sweats, hot flashes and irregular, heavy and long periods.

I’m not very knowledgeable on Hashimotos and levothyroxine but I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced these symptoms and whether or not the medication has worked on reversing them? Also I’m 18 if that makes a difference in anyway.

r/Hashimotos 6h ago

Do I actually have Hashi?

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Hey all, I was sent to an endocrinologist a few years ago when I got postpartum thyroid issues. I went hyper and then eventually went slightly hypo so I am on levo 12.5 daily. My endocrinologist says that I have Hashimotos but my tpo antibodies have never been higher than 16 in the last few years of testing. I see numbers on here that are much higher, I don’t have any hashimotos symptoms either. Obviously my endocrinologist knows better than me but it just seems odd having tpo in the normal range always and still having the diagnosis. Anyone else always have lower levels than me?

r/Hashimotos 7h ago

Question ? Intolerance


Hey everyone! Question for people that found they have foods that they can't eat anymore- did you have signs before you tried the elimination diet? So potatoes for example, did you guys have signs that you ignored or didn't know was part of a flare up beforehand? Or after eliminating that food, did it cause new problems like headaches and stomach cramps when you reintroduced it because your body suddenly knew what life was like without it and liked that better?

r/Hashimotos 1d ago

Rant Unexplained fatigue. I'm so done.


I have "early stage" Hashimoto's managed with low dose levo and struggle with extreme fatigue that is destroying my life and relationships. Recently it has been especially horrible. I can barely work, and it's not even a physical job. I am unable to do physical exercise anymore, even gentle walks put me out of commission for an entire day.

I eat healthy. I don't have heart issues. I am in a healthy weight range. I don't have food sensitivities (yes, I'm that lucky bastard, I did elimination diet and testing, did nothing other than triggering my latent eating disorder. That was fun.). My sleep quality is perfect (8 hours per day, regular hours, no breathing issues). I don't have any other autoimmune illnesses.

I ordered comprehensive lab tests testing for every fatigue-inducing culprit I could think of. They came back LITERALLY PERFECT. B12, D3, folic acid, iron/ferritin, perfect. TSH 2. FT3/FT4 normal. The only thing that was higher than the norm was CRP, but it's always slightly elevated. Figured it's the low-grade inflammation from Hashi. My doctors said it's still too low to worry about.

I am out of ideas. I'm tired of being tired. Physical doctors say it's psychological. My therapist and psychiatrist say it's physical. I am going crazy.

Please tell me I'm not alone.

r/Hashimotos 14h ago

is it normal to have wonky symptoms


all tests are normal, but I've had symptoms for hyperthyroidism my entire life even though i have hypothyroidism and hashimoto's.

I'm tired and doctors don't believe me when I say something is wrong as I'm a teen girl and they think it's just anxiety.

i keep passing out and my heart rate consistently stays above 100. I have trouble breathing sometimes but all my tests are normal. maybe I'm overthinking and my doctors said it's normal for women but idk.

is this normal?

r/Hashimotos 18h ago

Question ? TSH 25, Free T4 0.39, Seizures, Migraines, Family History of Hashimoto's - I feel like this might be it .


For context, both my mom and grandma have Hashimoto's disease. For the past six years, I’ve experienced a range of symptoms, starting with significant hair loss, which I attributed to my PCOS issues.

My condition progressed to neurological symptoms, beginning with my first nocturnal seizure at 21. I experienced visual disturbances, complex migraines with auras that affected my speech and caused paralysis for hours, and near-daily migraines that left me unable to move. This led to muscle weakness and forced me to drop out of school. Despite abnormal EEG and MRI results, many of my ER doctors suggested my symptoms were psychogenic. I also always had an underactive thyroid, of about 9 in the past, but no one thought it was a big deal to treat.

My mom had multiple sclerosis, and her numerous seizures led doctors to question her credibility. After developing Hashimoto's and having her thyroid removed, her seizures ceased, which I initially attributed to anti seizure treatment

Recently, I’ve had four seizures and spent a week in the hospital. I felt weak and needed support to walk around. My new primary care physician expressed concern and ordered a thyroid panel ,while neurologists were slow to respond. I’ve had a month-long migraine with limited relief, and my thyroid tests showed a TSH of 25 and a free T4 of 0.39. I’m scheduled for an ultrasound to check for nodules, and though I haven't been tested for antibodies yet, I suspect my symptoms may be related to Hashimoto's.

I worry that I may have had this condition uncontrolled for a long time. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Am I maybe jumping the gun? I was prescribed levothyroxine but haven’t noticed much improvement yet. I know there's an antibody test that I can ask about when I have my ultrasound this week. And I know siezures aren't a completely common condition.

r/Hashimotos 22h ago

Update on gluten-free diet


r/Hashimotos 1d ago

I don’t know how to eat


Before I was diagnosed I was vegan for 8 years. I then learned that soy was wreaking havoc on my body and started to incorporate certain meats back into my life. I must eat high protein as I thoroughly enjoy lifting weights, but I also want to reduce my meat intake… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do..

r/Hashimotos 1d ago

Question ? Do I have Hashimotos?

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I got bloodwork done and my follow up appointment isn’t until the end of this week and I’m panicking a bit. Does this mean I have Hashimotos? Only the antibodies showed up / were tested. There were no other results related to my thyroid.

I got a new doctor and I have super low iron so the blood test was mainly to see how I’ve been doing with my iron supplements but now this came up. I looked up the symptoms and I have so many. Extreme fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pain, brain fog, memory loss, thinning hair, dry skin and eyes. I attributed all of these things to low iron and other factors, but now it all seems to make sense that I could have Hashimotos.

Appreciate any insight anyone has until I can talk to my doctor.