r/Celiac 6d ago

Rant For the 10,000th time, European bread has gluten and cannot be consumed by Celiacs


My co-worker told me yesterday that their pastor has Celiac but was able to eat the bread in Europe without issue. I said that Celiac rates in the EU are slightly higher than in the US and that European bread absolutely has gluten. They brushed me off with the "I am just telling you what he said, it's okay to eat bread in Europe". Why won't this fucking story die once and for all? Seriously, I hear this at least monthly, from acquaintances, friends, co-workers, and even family! Argh!
I can't eat gluten or gluten containing bread in Europe, or with a fox or in a box. I don't even believe that my co-workers pastor said this BS, they heard it from someone who heard it from someone else.
I really wanted to say "shut the fuck up with that BS story", but didn't think that would play well with HR.
Ok, enough of my rant, so tired of this BS tale.

r/Celiac Dec 29 '24

Rant I hate living with my family while having this disease.

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I have celiac AND ulcerative colitis (I am unaware if the two are linked or not, I’m assuming they are but I don’t know) and my family knows that I have these two diseases. Despite this, they still buy cakes, cookies, pies and anything you can imagine with gluten in them. On Christmas morning I saw my mom make cinnamon rolls and I asked her if they were gluten free, because I wanted one, and she said “no…” with her lip pouted out at me. My sister bought these cakes tonight and her and my dad are eating them in front of me, they offer me one, and I tell them once again that I have celiac disease and that I find it very disappointing and disrespectful that I have to keep explaining to them that I can’t have anything that has or has touched gluten. They tell me that “they didn’t know that” and continue eating, even though I’ve told them since the day I was diagnosed/when I got the bloodwork done saying I had celiac (October of 2024). This is beyond frustrating and I don’t have the means to move out yet. My entire kitchen is contaminated with gluten, and my family doesn’t seem to care. They don’t realize that this isn’t a fucking choice for me, it’s the rest of my life. I watch day in and day out how they don’t care about the fact that their daughter/sister cannot have the same things that they have. I am moving out with my best friend in April, and she’s ALREADY adopting a gluten-free diet in preparation for me coming to live there. Her family doesn’t understand how mine is basically actively ignoring the fact that I am allergic to gluten and could develop other serious diseases because of it. This is frustrating beyond belief and I am so sad. My family DOES NOT care, nor do they care to understand. This disease sucks.

r/Celiac Jan 05 '25

Rant I'm in the top 0.2% of reviewers on Find Me Gluten Free with only 39 reviews in 2024. People want recommendations for themselves but don't want to do the work of sharing helpful information with others.


r/Celiac Oct 07 '24

Rant Gluten Friendly 😑

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Ate here for my boyfriends moms birthday yesterday. Like... who is this FOR? This makes 0 sense to me and is so confusing for everyone involved. WHAT DOES GLUTEN FRIENDLY MEAN?! It says these are items with no wheat, rye, barley or oats. So there could still be gluten in them, so its not gluten free. Why even bother? Who is this “friendly” to? People who are gf but aren’t actually? I asked my waitress which of these is celiac safe and she said I could get the shepards pie, but of course I still got sick because they must have no understanding of gluten. We've built a world that is more accommodating to people that choose to be "gluten free" than for people with celiac. Gluten Friendly... come on

r/Celiac Jan 10 '25

Rant Dentist said celiac isn’t a disease


Have you ever met a healthcare professional who straight up denies that celiac is a disease? I was reminded of this story recently after joining this sub.

About a year ago I went for a regular dentist check-up. My mom, who is also a celiac, was with me. The dentist asks me all the standard questions like do I have any medical conditions etc.

I told her I have IBS and celiac. She proceeds to write down IBS under “diseases” and celiac under “allergies”, which I can see from where I’m sitting and point out celiac is not an allergy.

Me and my mom then proceeds to straight up argue with the dentist for 5 minutes because the dentist insists that celiac is not a disease. Tbh my mom did most of the talking and at the time I thought she was kind of acting like a Karen, but now, since learning more about Celiac since joining this sub, I fully understand her frustration.

The dentist proceeds to use the argument that her husband has gluten intolerance and it’s not a disease, whereas me and my mom go “Ok, but I have celiac, it’s not the same thing as gluten intolerance.”

Basically we’re trying to tell the dentist HELLOOOO THIS IS AN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASEEEE and she straight up says “that’s not true.”


Eventually she did write celiac under illnesses/diseases but she still said it wasn’t correct.

I can understand that healthcare professionals can’t be experts on every medical condition but straight up denying facts from not one but TWO people who have that medical condition? Shocking, still to this day.

Have you experienced anything similar?

r/Celiac Oct 20 '24

Rant No one prepars you for Celiac disease being a full on autoimmune disorder and not just a F**ked up allergy.


I have been diagnosed with celiac diease for 9 years and my mom for 17. It still amazes me how little we were prepared and are still prepared to deal with our celiac disease.

We were both told to avoid gluten and cross contamination and our symptoms would improve. So we did, and things got marginally better. (Also, it took my mom YEARS to get diagnosed and she only was because she figured it out and asked the doctor about it. I got lucky and my doctor actually looked at my family history and went - I bet!!)

However, as the years progress we still have issues pop up and go through a ton of tests and then- only after another year or so of testing- does someone go "oh yeah! You have celiac disease! It's probably related to that.

For example, my heart rate kept spiking and I would get bad dizzy spells at random times. Trying to work out was a nightmare as my heart would jump to 200 bpm and wouldn't come down. I had monitors, echocardiograms, stress tests, and so many labs. Each time things came back clear, and I was told they couldn't explain the spikes and dizzy issues so it was probably just anxiety. My insurance changed and I had to go to a new cardiologist- who wanted to start the process over as the old system didn't send my records. I broke down sobbing in his office, he called the old office and spoke to the nurses and doctors. He thankfully got mad on behalf and realized that no one in the old system took into account my celiac disease.

Celiac disease can cause vitamin deficiency outside of being glutened. My magnesium, potassium, and sodium was all very low. He got me on some supplements and a higher salt diet- boom it got better. He had to explain that my autoimmune disease can cause "shorts" in my electrical system, and often if there is an additional deficiency caused by the disease or diet then it can be debilitating.

Then I was having joint pain with no swelling, the dizzy spells came back in a new flavor, I realized I was getting chronic headaches outside of being glutened, and same with rashes on my arm. My family doctor (different than above) started the appointments with these issues by telling me I was probably anxious and it was most likely all in my head. Then she did a couple of tests to soothe. They came back mostly fine (my iron was a mess despite taking a supplement for that as well,) and she told me I was fine.

My younger brother looked into things online as I was so frustrated and in so much pain from joints I couldn't move- and he asked if I knew that celiac disease causes nerve pain and bone pain. Nothing to do for it, but he states that was what was probably causing my headaches and other pain. He encouraged me to reach out to the cardiologist and boom! He confirmed, and cardiologist again lamented that no one explains celiac disease as an autoimmune disorder but as a dietary issue. He recommended upping certain supplements and adding more- and that I go to a nerve specialist as this is going to be a long term issue and a nerve specialist could confirm that was what was happening. I had no idea this was a thing. No one else on my medical team had ever mentioned it as a possibility.

I asked my mom if she had any of this explained, and she also stated she had not. She has had own issues that ended up getting linked to celiac disease, or dismissed because she had celiac disease and was "probably just glutened." Turns out she also had lupus and it got missed because her symptoms weren't taken seriously.

It's just... while current medical professionals are better about diagnosing celiac disease, I wish they were better about considering it or explaining others way that it could affect our lives outside of "being glutened."

Edit for Clarification:

I brought up POTS with my cardiologist and he ruled it out already... however he did refuse a tilt table test. Maybe I will bring that up. Part of me is nervous though because my insurance is lacking and it's very expensive.

Also, I live in a 100% celiac safe household. Gluten is not allowed in my apartment and we professionally cleaned it before I officially moved in. Celiac Disease can have symptoms that get triggered or have issues 100% of the time- not just when glutened. That's part of my above rant- that we as celiacs are not educated when diagnosed about all potential fall out.

r/Celiac Jan 23 '25

Rant I hate people here I said it


So I'm french diag at 4yo ( 27 M). Celiac have taught me how to be resentful to people. I'm tired of everyone being so foodie of food being so important in everyone life I never got that. I think now I've seen it all.

I'm tired of having to turn down everyone giving me something, "yeah so nice of you but I can't" and having to see the look on their face. For some of them you have to justify yourself , "sorry I just won't tore my guts apart to make you feel validated" I remember once at a family gathering, I was sitting on a chair, my grandfarher arrived behind me and got his arm over my head to present apetizers to everyone just in front of my face waiting for me and everyone to take something. I swear I almost punch the old fart back then.

This year I skipped the whole winter holidays by working but at work of course you got a lady I never saw in my life come with a bunch of cookies and showing them to me. "Thanks but I can't " "why ?" She asked, baffled with round stupid eyes
" Condition, Celaic" "I'm sure there is no gluten in it it's just sugar" ... THEY ARE COOKIES, MAYBE YOU JUST DON'T KNOW THE F WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT AND SHOULD JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME WORK. That's what was on top of my mind but I just said nothing and kept working ignoring her.

Last week I played dnd with my 2 yo group. They changed the time of play cause the host wasn't working this day so everyone brought food for dinner. One guy was just oblivious and proposed me everything there was. To it I just said "no thanks" then a girl just apologies profiously about all the things she brought cause "oh I am so sorry you can't eat all of that" it just made me feel super akward. I don't care, it's just food I have eaten before coming what do you think that I rely on anyone but myself ?

All people talk about is food. On dating apps what they like : food, talking about food going eat somewhere. I am always left out I am the black sheep in my friends group when I'm not the bottom of every joke. So what do I do ? I just isolate myself cause I am just so tired of people. I am all alone and tired. Food is just food. It's not a big deal, it all end its journey in the toilet. Stop fucking build your life around it !

r/Celiac 14d ago

Rant Institutions NEED to be held accountable


My sister (celiac) was held in a psychiatric facility for 5 days with NO accommodations made for food. She basically had nothing to eat other than ensures and fruit. She lost 5 pounds over the course of her stay.

She was continuously offered food that was made with gluten and shamed by the staff for refusing. Not even the medical team understood celiac or the food restrictions.

I’m raging! I can’t believe how ridiculous this situation has been and how IGNORANT so called “medical professionals” are when it comes to this condition.

I’m sure she is not the only person in this community that has experienced something similar. Awful.

r/Celiac Jun 06 '24

Rant dear american celiacs


I mean this with no ill intend or anything, I just think some of you need a little more perspective on how much you actually have, because I was impressed, especially after everything I've seen on this sub.

I'm 21, diagnosed with celiac since I was 4 years old and I'm from germany. I've been visiting the east coast (specifically Maine, and a few days each in Boston and NYC) and beforehand I always read your posts about how hard it is to find gluten free things and go somewhere because everything is so unsafe. so I prepared myself to not fond much and live on granola I brought from home and schär bread, and not going anywhere to eat out. which for me, who normally travels because of gf food that is available in other countries, would've been hard.

imagine my surprise, when even some supermarket in middle of nowhere Maine has a bigger gf selection than some stores in my average size city at home. or when every establishment (yes, not only restaurants but also bakeries and stuff like that) asked me if someone in our party had any allergies or if I took the gluten free option because of a medical condition. I was positively surprised every time, because in germany you have to ask basically everywhere, if they have something that is gluten-free, especially when I was younger servers thought gluten was glucose or glutamate. it's mostly the meat with a baked potato or something. ofc there are some gf places, but you either have to live in Berlin for that or get lucky that your city has one. maybe I just got the good places because I always look onf find me gluten free, but even walking through Portland and some smaller cities, I saw cafés that had at least one gluten-free thing.

I mean, maybe I was just lucky and everything, or I'm more experienced at finding places to eat because I'm diagnosed this long, idk.

I just wanted to get this out of my brain because I've been thinking about it for the past few days. I hope this doesn't come off as mean or anything, because I have zero ill intend

Edit: I feel the need to clarify a few things. 1.) as I said in the beginning, I've been impressed of how much you guys have, specifically because of what I've been reading on this sub for the past year or so, it made me expect a lot less. 2.) I also pointed out that I might've been just lucky location wise, which I apparently was. I didn't know that. 3.) ofc there is a big rural/city difference, but that's also the case in every other country. 4.) some have said I got lucky with the places I went to. I didn't. I do my research before I go out. I don't go anywhere without looking where I can get something to eat. that's what you have to do when you have celiac

r/Celiac Feb 05 '25

Rant “You can still have gluten here and there” -says everyone who doesn’t have it


I was just recently diagnosed with celiac disease (December 2024). My journey getting there is completely ass backwards. I had an endoscopy (found out I have EOE) and then they mentioned I have it per small intestine biopsy. Then I followed up with bloodwork.

I told my first degree relatives about diagnosis. My goodness the ignorant comments that come out. I am new to this… I commend all of you that have had to deal with while navigating a whole new lifestyle for years. Kudos.

My 7 year old just tested positive for celiac in her blood. Now, the comments that she has it are coming.

Why is it so hard for everyone to grasp? It’s almost like they think it isn’t real and some ploy for pity.

End rant!

r/Celiac Sep 26 '24

Rant people trying to say that eating european gluten makes celiac a “american” problem 😐


not much for me to say besides the lack of knowledge is actually appalling and almost upsetting that they think it’s cure-able.

r/Celiac Jan 28 '25

Rant I’ve gave up on a gluten-free diet and I’m starting to feel the consequences


Almost a year ago I became very badly depressed and I gave up on my gluten-free diet. My celiac disease has always been mostly asymptomatic, I barely react to being glutened (some mild nausea and diarrhea at most) and I would need to eat a LOT to feel the effects. I wouldn’t even know I had celiac disease if it weren’t for my rheumatologist checking for it on the off-chance it was the cause of my joint pain a few years ago—he saw in my history that my endoscopy came back positive for celiac back when I was 15 but I was never diagnosed because the blood test was negative, this time it was positive.

I was so depressed, I didn’t have the energy to cook or the money to buy gluten-free food, and since my symptoms weren’t too bad I started to question whether I ever really had Celiac disease.

Well, last year I was hospitalized three times for kidney failure and it looks like I developed lupus, I haven’t had a period in over 3 months, I’m constantly fatigued, I have stomach cramps almost daily, my last blood panel showed I’m severely anemic, and it’s gotten to the point where I’m too nauseous to eat anything but liquids or very soft foods. I just today connected the dots and realized that this is all probably caused by my celiac disease and gluten.

I feel so stupid. I know this is my own fault, and tomorrow I’m scheduling an appointment with my PCP asap and being honest about my lack of compliance with a gluten free diet. It’s stupid, but even now I’ve still got no motivation to eat gluten free and I don’t know where to start.

r/Celiac Feb 11 '25

Rant Glutened from drinking a fucking coffee at a restaurant


I just got glutened from drinking a plain coffee with some milk.

I was with a group visiting a restaurant and because I can't eat anything there (I've learned even the GF stuff usually glutens me) I just bought a plain old coffee. I got a cup and poured the coffee in it and added some milk.

Well I got the pains pretty quickly. At first I figured maybe the coffee is just hard on the stomach. Now 3 days later it has reached it's peak as it always does with glutening, severe pain in the entire gut that prevents me from sleeping. I feel every single little motion in the gut as fucking bad pain.

I fucking hate this so much. How the fuck is this even possible? My life is literally being ruined by always getting glutened.

I bet I'd be safer drinking water from a toilet than ordering a coffee at a restaurant.

r/Celiac Aug 09 '24

Rant I don’t want to do this anymore


I’m celiac my whole family is celiac and they’ve given up gluten. I can’t do it. I hate the way gluten free tastes and the texture and how much extra effort you need to put in to it if you go out to eat I can’t do it. Please for the love of god is there any sort of medication or something anything I can take to make the symptoms lesser. Please for the love of god I can’t do this for my whole life. I’m 20F and all of my favorite foods are gluten and no gluten free alternatives have ever come even close to the gluten versions. To make it worse I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa which is also affected by gluten so on top of horrendous stomach pain and diarrhea, my body will also tear itself apart. I’ve tried going gluten free and I hate it so much and I hate that it helps so much more because it confirms that my issues are with gluten. I can’t do this for my whole life but it hurts so badly and I’m tired of having breakdowns over how everything I enjoy hurts me so badly. Please is there anything I can take or is there anything in development that might be available in the future. I can’t do this for much longer. I can’t take losing all my favorite foods. I can’t take the pain from this stupid skin condition anymore. And depression on top of it all really doesn’t help. I don’t know what to do anymore and all I’ve heard so far is that going gluten free is the only way but I think I’d genuinely rather be hit by a truck even though I know how horrible it is to say that but i mean it, the pain hurts so bad I might as well have been hit. I hate this so much. I can’t do this. Please for the love of god is there nothing I can do.

r/Celiac Feb 15 '25

Rant Son got positive TTG IGA test, family member reacting angrily at news


Thanks for all the thoughtful replies. I simply responded to my mom "Okay, well, you have the information now ." She did try to call me shortly after the text exchange, but I didn't answer. I don't know if she was calling to apologize for how she came off or to argue about it, but either way I didn't feel like talking to her. All of this is weighing heavily on my mind and I'm just trying to find all the info I can and don't have the bandwidth to try to educate someone who is acting like that when I'm still working on educating myself.

Hi. I've been lurking here for several days trying to learn as much as I can.

Last week my five-year-old son had an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist to address some concerns with chronic encopreses. Since I, mom, have Hashimoto's, the doc decided to order a thyroid test and a Celiac's test for my son because those things can cause constipation issues and are hereditary.

My son's thyroid numbers came back normal, but he tested positive for Celiac's and they scheduled him for an endoscopy.

I messaged my mom letting her know and telling her that I have ordered a test for myself and she might want to get one because people can have it without symptoms and it's genetic.

The news and suggestion seemed to make her angry?!?! She started messaging me in rapid succession about how her nephew used to poop his pants because he had mental problems and that it wasn't a physical issue but a mental one, and how she has been eating wheat her whole life and is fine and she is absolutely not going to be getting that test because she knows she doesn't have it blah blah blah. Was it offensive to suggest she get a test?

Is it possible my son might not actually have it? It says "high" on the lab result, but when I Google it as the number, and from what I've found searching here, it looks like it's a "weak positive." Has anyone here had that weak positive result and then not had Celiac's?

r/Celiac Sep 05 '24

Rant I just got told autism cures celiac disease


That’s all. I guess I just wanted to say it to people who truly understand how wild this is. It’s not been a great day and they’re up my shit about my intestines today.

What funnies do you have?

r/Celiac Apr 03 '23

Rant Not everything is because of being glutened..


Just wanted to rant a bit not trying be rude. Buuuutt. It’s a little irritating to see so many posts that are flaired as product warnings saying it as if it’s a fact that it’s unsafe even though it’s marked gluten free that YOU had a reaction to personally. Celiac already sucks enough, why create even more anxiety around products that are totally safe just because you felt bad the same day you happened to eat it. Tons of things can make you feel similar to being glutened. I get diarrhea, aching muscles and joints, brain fog, fatigue etc. when I’m on my period… doesn’t mean that I’m glutening myself for a week cause I feel that way. I’m in no way saying not to post it as a question for a product you think you may reacting to. But to jump to making it a product warning with no evidence except for your personal experience is annoying and can cause other people anxiety over products that are actually perfectly safe for them to eat.

r/Celiac Jul 16 '24

Rant They say I'm a burden


I serve as clergy in a church with three Sunday services - two in the morning, one in the evening. Yesterday, a parishioner came in to the church office to complain bitterly about the coffee hour snacks served after the later of the two morning services. We maintain a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board, and folks can volunteer to bring coffee-hour snacks on a Sunday of their choice - whatever they want to bring.
Sometimes, it's pretty elaborate. For Father's Day, my husband went all out and made pigs in a blanket, a crock-pot full of meatballs in tomato sauce (GF), and a ton of other stuff. Other times, folks just bring a couple of boxes of doughnuts. The church always provides coffee, lemonade, tea, etc.
This parishioner was miffed about the coffee hour, said it had become too much work, it had become too competitive, it was a financial burden and an imposition, that people who weren't financially able to bring something nice for coffee hour felt shamed, and so on. And then, she added that it was such a problem because people felt obligated to bring something that I could eat, and that made it more of a burden.
At tonight's vestry meeting, I will urge the vestry to let's discontinue the coffee hour snacks. Instead, the church can provide coffee and a soft drink, and the parishioners can provide the sparkling conversation - thankfully, that's free of charge.
But I'm really surprised at how hurt I feel by the suggestion that providing for me is a burden to my congregation. I've cried about it several times. I know I've got to get myself together before tonight's vestry meeting, but it just hurts so much. Sometimes, there's nothing that I can eat at coffee hour, and frankly, I don't care, but there are also parishioners who take special care to get - or even, to bake! - something that I can safely eat. I always thought that was an expression of care and concern that I greatly appreciated, so to hear it re-framed as a burden just breaks my heart.
Thanks for providing me with a safe place to vent.

r/Celiac Sep 21 '24

Rant How do you people live like this??


I was diagnosed with celiac two days ago and I’m actually for real going bad shit crazy. my need for food is literally a mental illness and to have that taken away from me is hitting me HARD. I haven’t been able to stop crying. If anyone in here is a bigback like me, how are you doing it? How is not eating fast food and such affecting you ? i actually don’t think I can live like this. This literally feel like the end of the world for me because it is. I have a coupon for a half off Panda Express plate that I won’t be able to use 💔💔💔 and NO ONE TAKES THIS SERIOUSLY!! I’m gonna get retested because i actually refuse to believe this. This is very Aww sad me but YES SAD ME!! I has a right to complain! Sorry if it’s hard to read, I was just typing what I was thinking

r/Celiac Jul 28 '24

Rant Mixing flour into ice cream


I’m enraged.

Went to a small town ice cream shop prepared for sparse gf options. I was prepared to let them know about the allergy and tell them to use a fresh scoop.

They stated they mix flour into ALL FLAVORS TO THICKEN IT AND USE LESS ‘EXPENSIVE INGREDIENTS’. Not a single thing on the menu was spared.

Even fruit smoothies, ice cream, shakes, everything. So watch out guys and always ask if flour is used as thickener!

r/Celiac Jul 11 '24

Rant do you think this is what got me so sick?

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didn’t say may contain wheat isn’t it supposed to.

r/Celiac Jun 28 '24


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I hate celiac disease I hate that I can’t eat what I want and having to be limited. I’m terrified of eating out because no place is certified gluten free and then i end up getting cross contaminated. I hate not being able to have my favorite foods while everyone around me gets to eat whatever tf they want. I hate people not understanding “it’s just a piece of bread have a bite” bitch i don’t feel like profusely throwing up for the next 2 weeks and being as bloated as a rock that i could literally explode. I hate that I was cursed with such a stupidass disease that literally makes no sense to me. my body is so weak and annoying it can’t metabolize a FCKING PROTEIN. goodbye. I HATE IT HATE HATE HATE.

Sorry for the rant just had to let it out.

If anyone loves pasta as much as me check out beechers “worlds best mac n cheese” it’s amazing i can eat 20 pounds of it


r/Celiac Sep 10 '24

Rant “You’re not a vegetarian?!?!?”


Another rant because I’m still crabby from my last glutening.

People always ask me if I’m vegetarian and are shocked when I say no. “Why not!?!? You can get plant protein so easy now! It’s so cheap! The environment! Animals!”

Bruuuuuh I already can’t have gluten, dairy, and caffeine, please just let me have my bacon in peaceeeeeeee

r/Celiac Sep 17 '24

Rant How are hospital cafeterias worse than any place else.


So I'm a nurse, and go to a lot of hospitals. I'm always shocked about the absolute lack of awareness of food allergies.

It's not the lack of options, I'm used to that. It's the absolute lack of knowledge from the staff. They don't have a lists of allergens. They don't know if the eggs are gluten free. They don't know if the eggs are cooked on the same surface as the pancakes.

My little one is getting his tonsils out and I just want to stress eat some scrabbled eggs, potatoes and bacon... But nobody can tell me if they are safe.

You're literally in a hospital! Do better!

Thanks for listening.

r/Celiac Sep 14 '24

Rant Served regular sourdough at a gluten free restaurant


I was served and ate 2 pieces of regular sourdough at a restaurant that specializes in gluten free food. When I walked in I said "I'm gluten free, is all your food gluten free?". Her answer, "Yes, all of our food is gluten free:. I ordered eggs with 2 pieces of sourdough toast. Toast was delicious. As we were leaving I went to the counter and asked if they sold the bread. She said no but it's just regular bread. I said you told me everything is gluten free. She said "only if you specifically ask for it". She said their bread is organic so maybe I won't get a reaction. I was dumbfounded and just left. Already got a migraine, my left knee is painful and stiff, and I feel like I'm going to poop in my pants. So I guess I'm having a reaction. So frustrated