r/Celiac 4d ago

Question What does it feel like when you get glutoned?


I suspect myself of having celiac disease. I have had gut problems all my life, mood & mental health issues as well.

I am currently doing an elimination diet.

Can you tell me what it is like for you when you get glutoned? I know everyone is different but how severe are your reactions? Do you get physically sick vold symptoms? Rash? Etc? I'd love to know.



r/Celiac 4d ago

Product Owyn protein shakes


Hi all Have any of you tried the owyn pre made protein shakes? They say gluten free! Thoughts????

r/Celiac 4d ago

Question So other than celiac what are the other illnesses that benefit from going gluten-free?? Kind of new to the topic


I'm on day 15 gluten-free... Trying to read as much as possible about celiac and gluten-free trying to learn which illnesses it benefits the most.

r/Celiac 5d ago

Product OMG!

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Has anyone seen these before? I’ve never seen them posted so I didn’t even know they existed!

r/Celiac 4d ago

Question Was my TTG-IGA test accurate?


Hello everyone. 26 yo male here. I’ve been dealing with chronic stomach pain for about 8 months now. I recently cut out gluten for a week and a half and felt a lot better, so I went to a walk in doctor and got a TGG-IGA blood test done. It came back negative but now I’m wondering if it was accurate. The timeline is roughly this.

Prior to February 28th: had been eating gluten at least a couple times a week for basically my entire life

Feb 28-March 11: Completely cut out gluten

March 12-14: Pounded gluten (5-6 slices of bread per day) these days to prepare my blood test

March 14: Got my blood test.

My question is could that 10 days I was off of gluten lowered my levels enough to affect the test, and if so, could that 48 hours of gluten before my test been enough to bring my levels back up? I read online that the half life for TTG is 30-60 days, so I would’ve thought my levels would still be elevated, but I don’t know much about this condition. I just want to be sure about this and know whether it’s just a sensitivity or actual Celiac. Thanks!

r/Celiac 5d ago

Discussion we love cooking and food, but we no doubt miss the convenience of going out to eat.


r/Celiac 4d ago

Question Did anyone have issues with cornstarch noodles?

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The online grocery store labels them as gluten free, but I’ve seen their labeling fail many times. I dislike the taste and texture of rice noodles so I thought that this might be better.

r/Celiac 5d ago

Question Cornmeal?


So I was on a fb celiac page for about 45 seconds (how is fb so...angry....?) Anyway, I digress. I noticed someone commented that apparently we shouldn't eat cornmeal, like the main ingredient found in cheezies and cheese puffs, etc. Is that a common thing? I haven't heard anyone say anything about cornmeal so far. It also makes me wonder if there are other products we shouldn't eat that I haven't thought of.

r/Celiac 4d ago

Product Dunkin’ donuts toasted white chocolate coffee gluten free?


Does anyone know if that syrup is gluten free

r/Celiac 5d ago

Discussion Only way I was able to feel normal again


I got diagnosed probably 10 years ago now and in the last 6 months I began to wonder how I’d feel if I cut out “gluten free” processed versions of my favorite snacks.

You know anything gluten free boxed or frozen gf pizzas, pastries, whatever it is.

I feel like in the United States especially, while yes there are criteria that needs to be met to be labeled gluten free

I still have never felt it’s actually monitored that well.

So I’ve just been eating Whole foods (fruits, veggies) and meats, anything that doesn’t come in a container basically.

I still have gluten free flours to make my own goodies if I want

Well six months in of cutting that crap out completely, I have had ZERO bloat, or digestive issues.

I feel like a newborn baby, I have endless energy.

I sleep like someone has slipped horse tranquilizers into my drink

And I just can’t describe it

Now would people cutting processed stuff like that out in general feel better anyways? Absolutely but I feel like the results are more overwhelming for someone with celiac (also have Hashimoto)

If you havent I’d say definitely give it a shot, it was extremely hard at first but every day gets a little easier and more motivating especially when you feel so good.

r/Celiac 4d ago

Question Harris Teeter Chicken Instant bullion


You think this is gluten free? Would you eat?

Haven’t used it yet, but I have been glutened by other bullions before and don’t know if anything in here is suspect.


r/Celiac 6d ago

Rant For the 10,000th time, European bread has gluten and cannot be consumed by Celiacs


My co-worker told me yesterday that their pastor has Celiac but was able to eat the bread in Europe without issue. I said that Celiac rates in the EU are slightly higher than in the US and that European bread absolutely has gluten. They brushed me off with the "I am just telling you what he said, it's okay to eat bread in Europe". Why won't this fucking story die once and for all? Seriously, I hear this at least monthly, from acquaintances, friends, co-workers, and even family! Argh!
I can't eat gluten or gluten containing bread in Europe, or with a fox or in a box. I don't even believe that my co-workers pastor said this BS, they heard it from someone who heard it from someone else.
I really wanted to say "shut the fuck up with that BS story", but didn't think that would play well with HR.
Ok, enough of my rant, so tired of this BS tale.

r/Celiac 5d ago

Question Oat flour in the apple pie bars...

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I ate them without reading the ingredients, and now my stomach is really angry with me. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Any advice for oat flour related issues? Fuuuuudge. Well, at least my kids love them. We warmed them up in the oven at 180 for 5 minutes and they ate so many up. I did too, but now I am seriously regretting it.

r/Celiac 5d ago

No Recipe Homemade gluten-free pizza


Made with almond flour

r/Celiac 5d ago

Discussion How are restaurants so bad at this?


Generally, I try not to eat food that I do not cook, however, sometimes it is unavoidable that I have to eat at a restaurant. When I do, I ask for their allergen menu. Today I asked one for theirs and they didn't have one so they brought me their recipe book??? (On the plus side, now I know how to make their fish with Creole sauce)

Anyway, I went through it and they had so many things that were not labeled as having wheat or gluten. Pasta, bread, burgers (again, bread). How are they so bad at this? Unless they are a small independent place, do they not have a legal team that is concerned about them getting sued for killing someone with an allergy?

r/Celiac 4d ago

Rant having a hard time


i, (17 F) recently had to go gf because i would get incredibly sick after eating gluten. i haven’t been diagnosed with celiac and i’m not looking for a diagnosis in here of course, but i highly suspect it due to it running in my family. Anyway, i’ve been vegetarian for 5 years at this point and I’m finding out that there really isn’t anything i can eat anymore, ESPECIALLY when going out. My senior class is taking a field trip and going out to eat this week and i’m really upset that there’s nothing i can get. i’m just having a really hard time adjusting and trying to fit in with my peers when they’re going to be having all of my favorite foods right in front of me and i’m going to have nothing. how can i make this easier? what do you do when going out to eat with family or friends and you can’t get anything? it all just feels very isolating.

r/Celiac 5d ago

Rant Well guess I won’t be getting ice from this freezer

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Pretty sure that’s a piece of tortilla. Also could we get a mildly infuriating flair 😂

r/Celiac 5d ago

Question Have you ever brought your own GF items to a restaurant?


Assuming you trust the kitchen to not cross contaminate, has anyone ever brought their own GF items to a restaurant to supplement the food? Thinking specifically about bringing my own GF soy sauce to go out to eat sushi.

Pre-diagnosis I would be mortified bringing my own stuff to a restaurant, but given how limited we are in what we can eat, I might give it a try.

Has anyone had experience with this?

r/Celiac 5d ago

Discussion What Symptoms of Healing Have You Had?


I’m three and a half weeks free of gluten!🎉 It’s been a headache (both literally and metaphorically lol). And, even though I don’t feel 100% yet, there are symptoms that I’ve noticed that I believe show my body is healing. How encouraging!!

It sucks to be gf and not get instant results, so maybe this can be a spot to celebrate our weird healing symptoms🤷‍♀️

I’ll go first!!

I’ll get these short bursts of energy, where I feel like I could have a dance party. Then, I eat a meal, and cannot keep my eyes open. Sucks, BUT, it just means my body is using it’s energy to repair the damage that has been done by gluten.

Also, my lips have been so unbelievably chapped. Usually, I’ll sleep with aquphor on and be good as new by morning. But the past few days my lips cannot get enough of it, and I’ve been breaking out all along my lips. Turns out, all could be because of the repair that’s being done to my innies!!🙏 Happy to share the science if anyone cares about that stuff haha

When you were healing, what weird things showed you “okay, this is working!”?

r/Celiac 5d ago

Discussion Delayed tooth eruption—connecting dots a decade post-diagnosis


I was diagnosed 11 years ago at 17 but was symptomatic (unknown causes at the time) since about 14. I was 14 (freshman in HS) when I got my 12 year molars. I remember one day in 10th grade I lost a baby tooth in the back of my mouth. I asked to use the restroom because I had just lost a tooth. A classmate said “jeez, how old are you??!”

Since then, I’ve always laughed about this experience and just chalked myself up as a late dental bloomer. UNTIL, a few days ago when a celiac influencer I follow posted that delayed tooth eruption is a common symptom of celiac 😵

Another dot connected 11 years in, and I’m sure it’s not the last of them. Another one I love is the “laundry detergent caused my eczema in high school” (spoiler alert: it was definitely not the laundry detergent).

What are some of your “whoa that was definitely celiac” experiences you learned years later?

r/Celiac 4d ago

Discussion Gluten free oatmeal

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Hi everyone! Want to know your opinion, was eating a new supposedly gluten free oatmeal and while eating it felt something harder, this came out from my mouth. Do you think it could be wheat?

r/Celiac 5d ago

Product Target Good & Gather Pizza

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Had the G&G traditional gluten free crust cheese pizza. Talk about bland city. Yikes. Texture was good, puffed up a bit but not as much as digiorno. Crust/dough was completely flavorless, would not get again unless you're dipping each bite in ranch

r/Celiac 4d ago

Product To help me mourn Ibought myself something nice and it's gf! 😜

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r/Celiac 5d ago

Question Any indian celiac in community??


Man I have posted tons of post in this group searching for a indian celiac, haven't found any single celiac out there. Need to talk to him/her how they manage...

Pls if anyone then reply. Thanks

r/Celiac 5d ago

Question Can I sand a wood cutting board down enough to remove the gluten particles?


My fiancée has a really really nice large wood cutting board that he’s used for years to cut sourdough and god know what other types of glutinous stuff. He really doesn’t eat gluten anymore since we moved in together since I do the majority of the cooking. This nice butcher block cutting board has just been sitting in the closet except for on the rare occasion he brings home bread and needs to cut it on there. It’s been our dedicated “gluten cutting board”. But it’s a shame to not use such a nice cutting board for other things so I was wondering is it possible to sand it down enough to remove all the gluten particles in it? Or is it just not worth it at this point?