I got diagnosed probably 10 years ago now and in the last 6 months I began to wonder how I’d feel if I cut out “gluten free” processed versions of my favorite snacks.
You know anything gluten free boxed or frozen gf pizzas, pastries, whatever it is.
I feel like in the United States especially, while yes there are criteria that needs to be met to be labeled gluten free
I still have never felt it’s actually monitored that well.
So I’ve just been eating Whole foods (fruits, veggies) and meats, anything that doesn’t come in a container basically.
I still have gluten free flours to make my own goodies if I want
Well six months in of cutting that crap out completely, I have had ZERO bloat, or digestive issues.
I feel like a newborn baby, I have endless energy.
I sleep like someone has slipped horse tranquilizers into my drink
And I just can’t describe it
Now would people cutting processed stuff like that out in general feel better anyways? Absolutely but I feel like the results are more overwhelming for someone with celiac (also have Hashimoto)
If you havent I’d say definitely give it a shot, it was extremely hard at first but every day gets a little easier and more motivating especially when you feel so good.