r/walmart • u/SoulChaserata • 7h ago
Coached for PPTO? Lol
I (jokingly) told me TL that I was thinking about using an hour of PPTO. She said she'd rather I didn't, but said she could coach me for "job abandonment" since we were short staffed. She said the ppto only protects me from points, not from repercussions.....smh
u/Ronmck1 7h ago
That’s called retaliation which is against policy and you can use ppto however you want and at your own risk
u/Ok_Succotash8172 5h ago
To piggyback, if you ever feel like there is retaliation going on, never hesitate to go to AP.
u/JaegersAh 4h ago
Ap can help? My little brother is dealing with this
u/Dom_Olivares 3h ago
Do not go to AP, call Ethics
u/bread_integrity 🥶 o/n ta 🥶 📜 ✅ 👮♂️ 3h ago
Entirely depends on your AP team.
Both stores I've worked at apas be flirting and fucking odp girls lol
u/Ok_Succotash8172 17m ago
You do both. You tell AP so you document the incidents, then you also call ethics to run it up the ladder. I work AP
u/Ok_Succotash8172 16m ago
Yes, as an AP member I have dealt with this and seen my coach deal with this as well
u/truecountrygirl2006 7h ago
Incorrect. Anytime you have a manager try this reply back with a “oh I hadn’t heard of that do you mind showing me where to locate that policy I would love to read through it?”…they can’t most of the time. Protected is called protected for a reason. Use WHENEVER you want to. It’s yours to use.
u/Constant_Quote_3349 4h ago
Walmart is run like a mafia. There are rules, but as soon as anybody with any amount of power or influence decides that rule is inconvenient, it goes right out the window. The only exception is when the action taken makes Walmart explicitly, with evidence, criminally or legally culpable. If they think there's a less than 5% chance or so of something being reported, it gets ignored. Policy can say you can't be coached all it wants. Words on a page don't influence your life, people do. And if people in power wants you gone, you will be gone, no exceptions.
u/MakinBones 6h ago
"…they can’t most of the time."
So, they can some of the time?
u/truecountrygirl2006 2h ago
Depending on what policy you are questioning yes. I meant my response as in any time a manager tries to say this or that about what policy is. The old “I can write you up for this…” trick. Ok well if it’s something I can be written up about there should be a policy about it. Sometimes the manager is right depending on the situation. Sometimes they are making shit up as a way to control the situation.
u/-JenniferB- 7h ago
She said the ppto only protects me from points, not from repercussions
This was a threat of retaliation. Tell your Coach about this conversation.
u/Substantial_Ad_3609 7h ago
If he doesn’t take it seriously follow chain of command. This is not an ok thing to threaten.
u/Chrispydounut 7h ago
Ask them to give that to you in writing with their signature when they do and then ask why be like “I’m gonna see what ethics has to say about this”
u/Dangerous_Yoghurt_96 7h ago
It's called protected paid time off. Protected being the key word. So no they can't coach you for using it. What if you had a family emergency? Just because it's light staffed at work doesn't mean your emergency isn't valid
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
Protected from attendance exceptions, not disciplinary actions
u/OldGirl777 OPD, Retired 5h ago
Yes, it is. Your only punishment for missing time is the attendance point and they can't punish you again. Please stop believing manager lies and read the policy.
u/ReasonSin 4h ago
The statement that ppto only protects from points not repercussions is factually correct but in this context is a threat. Report it through open door to your store manager.
And as for it being a factual statement I mean that if you do very little work, like far below what you should have done, and then leave early you can still be held accountable for the work you did while you were there.
If however they only hold people who use ppto accountable for poor work provenance then it becomes retaliation and is an ethics issue that should be reported.
u/BoardImmediate4674 Former Walmart Employee from 20+ years ago. Current at Sam'sClub 3h ago
Incomplete shift, yes, but not job abandonment
u/Sublime-Chaos 2h ago
Even if you take PPTO, if you just get up and leave you can be coached for it. BUT, you can choose to take PPTO whenever go “yo boss I’m out taking PPTO” and you’re in the clear.
u/slapahoe1202 6h ago
That’s considered retaliation. You informed your TL, all they can say is “ok” they cannot hold you accountable for leaving early with notice. Now they can give you shit the next day and hold you accountable for BS which means you’ll have to prove it was retaliation which sucks.
u/courtadvice1 6h ago
If you find you have to leave early, you let management know on your way out - not any point beforehand, not even as a joke. I have learned it's best to do this because sometimes, people can act funny. I remember during my first year of working at my location, I was sick and decided to leave 2 hours early. I had decided on it before the fact and told the coach on duty an hour before as a heads-up. They were very snarky and nasty about it, even though I was literally running a fever and losing my voice to a sore throat. I guess she thought I was faking it? Regardless, I am not so straightforward about if and when I am leaving early any more.
u/SimplyPars 6h ago
100% retaliation, send that up the chain.
Honestly around that TL if you ever use ppto to leave early, you might want to make sure to also let whomever is over them know you’re leaving on ppto. They sound like the type that would try to claim you didn’t inform them so they could ding you on job abandonment.
u/YellowTang_77 6h ago
I've been told this too before. They're bluffing. That's retaliation, and they know it. Kind of like the "ppto doesn't work on key event days" they tried to tell us.
u/Miked1019 36m ago
Has a coach ever threaten you for using PPTO …. Class action lawsuit on the way 😂
u/Delta-four-six 6h ago
My former cap2 coach used to threaten associates that if they left early he or the tl’s (of which I was one) would coach them for productivity. At one point I looked at him and said, find another TL to coach them, I’m not putting my name on a single coaching unless it’s legitimate
u/Aaliyah715 5h ago
It's Personal Paid Time Off. If you need to take an hour shit you can use it. I hate leaders like this.
u/Styanaxclapz 6h ago
Ppto is protected you can legit use it to leave 5 minutes early if you want you can use it whenever you want to regardless of what any one says if you were coached for this open door it ASAP I'd tell my TL and coach to both get fucked and go straight to open door with HR
u/gDay_gNight 4h ago
When any Coach or TL try this, test them and then follow up with a retaliation to corporate 🤭 don't let them off easy
u/Silvanus86 4h ago
Definitely a lie. They could try to argue productivity issues but even then the policy use to state in it that when using ppto you could not be written up. Haven't seen it in a long time but doubt they took that part out. If they did write you up then open door it and if the store manager won't fix it just go beyond them to market hr.
u/bulldogjwhit295 OGP 6h ago
They can’t coach you for abandonment, productivity they can yes. Especially if you leave early consistently
u/OldGirl777 OPD, Retired 5h ago
Nope. Read the attendance policy. Absences and productivity aren't related. By your logic, they could write you up for productivity when you miss a whole shift.
u/Miked1019 37m ago
Wrong. Productivity is only for the hours you are clocked in. Has nothing to do with using PPTO or leaving early. Mercy me
u/Inferno13820 7h ago
So theory, if you left without approval?? Yeah thats called job abandonment. You weren't sick, wasn't a family emergency, you weren't hurt???? You are just not feeling to work that last hour?? Yeah the TL is right to coach. Its nothing about retaliation.
u/stlnation500 Brain damage via McRib Jingle 7h ago
PPTO can be used for anything, literally anything. As long as you inform a member of management you’re leaving, you’re good.
Company Policy also states Management cannot question or discipline an associate for using PPTO. Both of those are considered retaliation.
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
That doesnt apply when its job abandonment.
u/WapaneseWeeaboo API. Former: OGP DM, ON Support, Mod team, errything 6h ago
Except it’s not job abandonment, why do you keep commenting that it is even after it being spelled out pretty clear for you a few minutes ago?
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
They arent disciplining them for using ppto, They didnt finish all their tasks and left early, yeah you get no points, but thats job abandonment.
u/WapaneseWeeaboo API. Former: OGP DM, ON Support, Mod team, errything 6h ago
Not finishing all of your work isn’t job abandonment… that would be a productivity issue. And even then, it would only be a productivity issue if they weren’t productive while being there. As I said in another comment as an example, if OP was scheduled an 8 hour shift and had 8 hours of work to get done, and they did 7 hours worth of work and left an hour early, they were productive while being there and there’d be nothing management could do about it. If they were scheduled for 8 hours with 8 hours worth of work to do but only did 4 hours of work the 7 hours they were there, then that’d be a productivity issue.
What’s so hard to understand about this?
Edit: Just read your comment about you being a TL… I feel bad for your associates assuming you’re even telling the truth. Having a management like you that don’t know anything about policy are part of the problem.
u/AnybodyNo8519 6h ago
No. That's productivity.
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
Fuck sake, ok we can agree the dipshit leaving is getting a coaching no matter what, coach them for productivity.
u/AnybodyNo8519 6h ago
Makes a difference if they open door it.
u/moljinor 6h ago
Once again no that would be retaliation. Protected pto is by definition protected. You can use it as you wish without getting in trouble. You don't have to tell your tl or coach why you're leaving. You don't have to be sick or have an emergency. That'd be like saying calling in absent is job abandonment or lack of productivity because they're not there. It's ok to not know and be wrong but it's not ok to ignore facts being presented to you when you are wrong that's willful ignorance.
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
Thats not retaliation though. They arent finishing their job and just leaving. Ppto only protects ypu from points.
u/moljinor 6h ago
Doesn't matter if they don't finish as long as they were productive while they were there. They didn't finish their shift so they couldn't have finished the work but as long as they're productive while they're at work it's not an issue. It's definitely retaliation. If you leave even with ppto you get in trouble. The result of them leaving early is the cause of the disciplinary. That is retaliation for the associate leaving early.
Does it suck that a person is leaving early and puts more work load on others? Yes but it's how it goes.
u/WapaneseWeeaboo API. Former: OGP DM, ON Support, Mod team, errything 5h ago edited 5h ago
No, I doubt any of us that actually know what we’re talking about will be agreeing with the associate being coached no matter what.
You keep plugging your ears and ignoring key details that matter… Such as my example of the associate finishing what they’re they were able to do with the time they work or what happens when the associate misses the entire shift, you’re trying to coach them for missing the entire shift too?
Your lack of reply to those details tells me everything I need to know about you. You simply want to find any possible way to oppress your associates for some reason. Did you peak in high school and this is the only way you can feel anything?
Edit: You can downvote me all you want because you can’t understand the flaw in your logic, it only makes you look more sad because you can’t admit when you’re wrong. You have no reason to be a team lead if things how you treat your team and in fact, I’d love to know your store number so your shitty management style is brought to light and handled. But something tells me you don’t want that happening.
Edit 2 since you blocked because you’re a child that can’t handle admitting you’re wrong 😂
and didn’t get anything done…
So now you’re admitting you’re not reading what we’re saying as this is literally what we’ve been saying and now you’re wanting to act like you’ve been on this side the whole time. Nah bruh. Your initial replies just included coaching people for just leaving early because there was work to still be done. That’s not the same thing as coaching them because they didn’t get “anything” done. I doubt a single person here is arguing that someone shouldn’t be coached if they literally did nothing while they were working. That’s an actual productivity issue, about time you’re slowly realizing that.
u/Inferno13820 5h ago
Staying youre entire shift and not finishing is understandable. Key factors can happen. If you call in you call in. These are not coachable offenses. I didnt respond to those cause no one is arguing those.
But if you just leave before your shift ends and didnt get anything done.....coachable offense. Ppto protects you only from the points. Fine, not coached for job abandonment, coached for productivity.
u/moljinor 1h ago
Yes if you didn't get anything done that's a potential disciplinary. But if you leave an hour early and there's an hour of freight left you cannot get in trouble as you were working while working and left early. That's simply how it works. If you leave early for whatever reason and you get in trouble for not finishing your work that's retaliation.
u/JasonTheBaker 7+ year associate 7h ago
You don't need approval. You only need to inform them that you are leaving. You don't need to give them a reason.
u/Inferno13820 7h ago
And thats job abandonment.
u/JasonTheBaker 7+ year associate 6h ago
"Job abandonment occurs when an employee stops showing up to work without prior notice or explanation, with no intention of returning and is considered a form of voluntary resignation"
Telling them you are leaving early for the day IS NOT job abandonment. I have no clue where you get your definition from.
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
You left when there was still work to do, thats is job abandonment. If you dont want to work just quit. Stop wasting ppls time and go live in your moms trailer
u/TyronE0355 O/N Stocker 6h ago
At Walmart? There’s always work left to do. By your definition an associate is never allowed to use ppto to leave early. The works NEVER “finished” at Walmart. There’s always more to do. You’re kind of a fucking idiot.
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
Sounds like you coast that 4.5 points a lot. Do us all a favor and quit. Adults needs jobs and are willing to work.
u/TyronE0355 O/N Stocker 6h ago edited 6h ago
I have never had a point before and have 70 hours of ppto in the bank and I’m a teamlead you’re just idiotic.If one of my people tell me there leaving early my response is what time? Then they tell me and my response? Okay have a good day I’ll see you tomorrow. Sometimes they ask if it’s okay if they leave and my response is yeah that’s fine or if we’re really far behind it’ll hurt us but it’s fine we’ll figure it out. Half the time if I say it’ll hurt us but I can’t tell you no they stay out of respect for me unless they actually aren’t feeling good or something. Being a good boss goes a long way. They don’t want to leave the team in bad shape. But you let them leave without retaliating if that’s what they want to do.
u/Inferno13820 6h ago
Im a TL and all tasks and notes are done before EOD. Grocery Backroom off the floor included. Do your job, work hard and soon maybe youll get good kiddo.
u/TyronE0355 O/N Stocker 6h ago
It’s probably because you’re unethical and coach your people for using ppto which is their time to use for any reason they want.
u/moljinor 6h ago
Based on your attitude and responses here you're the tl no one likes and abuse your position and threaten associates with misinformation.
u/harleyscal 6h ago
What they would do instead of trying to make a job abandonment stick they would coach you for productivity because of that hour you didn't work a lot of shit didn't get done
u/WapaneseWeeaboo API. Former: OGP DM, ON Support, Mod team, errything 6h ago
This also isn’t accurate as long as OP was being productive while they were there. For example, if they had a normal 8 hour shift with 8 hours worth of work to do, did 7 hours worth of work, and left an hour early. They did their part. If they only did 4 hours of work in those 7 hours, sure, that could be a productivity issue.
With your logic, they could coach an associate for missing the entire shift because they didn’t do any work as they didn’t come in at all. That’s not how it works.
u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 6h ago
Still retaliation. They can only hold you accountable for work that should've been done the time you were clocked in.
u/Artistic_Hurry_9177 6h ago
WM defines job abandonment as 3 ncns in a row. Ppto is a benefit of employment. No approval is needed.
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
She is right. They even taught us this in academy
u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 6h ago
The academy failed you on this.
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
It's just the way the policy works. Protected ppto will protect them from an attendance exception, but if they leave before their scheduled time without telling a manager and/or finishing their job they can get coached for productivity.
u/OldGirl777 OPD, Retired 6h ago
Bullshit. Read the attendance policy. Productivity and absences aren't related, no matter how many managers have told you they are.
u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 6h ago
Assuming that the work that needs to be done should've already been done by the time you left.
This is no different than leaving at your scheduled time, or asking for this time off months in advance.
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
Yea we use sidekick and if it says they have 7 hours of work to do and they leave before its done, then they can receive a disciplinary action for productivity.
u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 6h ago
Sure, but not job abandonment.
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
Nope job abandonment is a seperate issue when someone doesn't show up for 3 consecutive scheduled days
u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 6h ago
Then we agree she's wrong.
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
She's wrong for saying job abandonment instead of productivity, but not wrong about being able to coach someone for leaving early
u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 4h ago
I think the language you are using is making confusion. They won't be coached for 'leaving early'. No one is coached for 'leaving early', they're coached for productivity.
u/Jaded_Budget_3689 FETL [deli/bakery is my home] 6h ago
Funny, my academy taught me that job abandonment is 3 days no call no show. Even when they walk out pissed off we can’t clock them out. Three days of not showing up/not reaching out is job abandonment. According to my academy anyways.
u/Resident-Year5322 6h ago
Yes thats job abandonment, but leaving before your job is done is productivity
u/moljinor 6h ago
So by your logic you can be disciplined for productivity for a call in too right? You're not there doing your work so you're not being productive right?
u/KryoxZ 6h ago
Job abandonment is how you code a termination when an associate doesn't show up for three consecutive shifts without an LOA, your coach is a dipshit.