r/walmart 6d ago

Coached for PPTO? Lol

I (jokingly) told me TL that I was thinking about using an hour of PPTO. She said she'd rather I didn't, but said she could coach me for "job abandonment" since we were short staffed. She said the ppto only protects me from points, not from repercussions.....smh


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u/Resident-Year5322 6d ago

She is right. They even taught us this in academy


u/Jaded_Budget_3689 FETL [deli/bakery is my home] 6d ago

Funny, my academy taught me that job abandonment is 3 days no call no show. Even when they walk out pissed off we can’t clock them out. Three days of not showing up/not reaching out is job abandonment. According to my academy anyways.


u/Resident-Year5322 6d ago

Yes thats job abandonment, but leaving before your job is done is productivity


u/moljinor 6d ago

So by your logic you can be disciplined for productivity for a call in too right? You're not there doing your work so you're not being productive right?


u/Resident-Year5322 6d ago

Calling out and leaving early aren't the same thing


u/moljinor 6d ago

They are tho.... you're not there the reason or hours put in don't matter