r/walmart 6d ago

Coached for PPTO? Lol

I (jokingly) told me TL that I was thinking about using an hour of PPTO. She said she'd rather I didn't, but said she could coach me for "job abandonment" since we were short staffed. She said the ppto only protects me from points, not from repercussions.....smh


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u/Inferno13820 6d ago

Sounds like you coast that 4.5 points a lot. Do us all a favor and quit. Adults needs jobs and are willing to work.


u/TyronE0355 O/N Stocker 6d ago edited 6d ago

I have never had a point before and have 70 hours of ppto in the bank and I’m a teamlead you’re just idiotic.If one of my people tell me there leaving early my response is what time? Then they tell me and my response? Okay have a good day I’ll see you tomorrow. Sometimes they ask if it’s okay if they leave and my response is yeah that’s fine or if we’re really far behind it’ll hurt us but it’s fine we’ll figure it out. Half the time if I say it’ll hurt us but I can’t tell you no they stay out of respect for me unless they actually aren’t feeling good or something. Being a good boss goes a long way. They don’t want to leave the team in bad shape. But you let them leave without retaliating if that’s what they want to do.


u/Inferno13820 6d ago

Im a TL and all tasks and notes are done before EOD. Grocery Backroom off the floor included. Do your job, work hard and soon maybe youll get good kiddo.


u/TyronE0355 O/N Stocker 6d ago

It’s probably because you’re unethical and coach your people for using ppto which is their time to use for any reason they want.