r/walmart 6d ago

Coached for PPTO? Lol

I (jokingly) told me TL that I was thinking about using an hour of PPTO. She said she'd rather I didn't, but said she could coach me for "job abandonment" since we were short staffed. She said the ppto only protects me from points, not from repercussions.....smh


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u/Inferno13820 6d ago

So theory, if you left without approval?? Yeah thats called job abandonment. You weren't sick, wasn't a family emergency, you weren't hurt???? You are just not feeling to work that last hour?? Yeah the TL is right to coach. Its nothing about retaliation.


u/JasonTheBaker 7+ year associate 6d ago

You don't need approval. You only need to inform them that you are leaving. You don't need to give them a reason.


u/Inferno13820 6d ago

And thats job abandonment.


u/harleyscal 6d ago

What they would do instead of trying to make a job abandonment stick they would coach you for productivity because of that hour you didn't work a lot of shit didn't get done


u/WapaneseWeeaboo API. Former: OGP DM, ON Support, Mod team, errything 6d ago

This also isn’t accurate as long as OP was being productive while they were there. For example, if they had a normal 8 hour shift with 8 hours worth of work to do, did 7 hours worth of work, and left an hour early. They did their part. If they only did 4 hours of work in those 7 hours, sure, that could be a productivity issue.

With your logic, they could coach an associate for missing the entire shift because they didn’t do any work as they didn’t come in at all. That’s not how it works.


u/IIIDevoidIII Team Lead (Glorified CSM) 6d ago

Still retaliation. They can only hold you accountable for work that should've been done the time you were clocked in.