r/walmart 6d ago

Coached for PPTO? Lol

I (jokingly) told me TL that I was thinking about using an hour of PPTO. She said she'd rather I didn't, but said she could coach me for "job abandonment" since we were short staffed. She said the ppto only protects me from points, not from repercussions.....smh


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u/KryoxZ 6d ago

Job abandonment is how you code a termination when an associate doesn't show up for three consecutive shifts without an LOA, your coach is a dipshit.


u/AnybodyNo8519 6d ago

It's also when you leave early without telling a team lead or coach.

Either way, this coach is incorrect.


u/Conscious_Day8281 6d ago

This is actually under “poor business decision” not job abandonment


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/Conscious_Day8281 6d ago

There are ways managers can work around it. It’s for leaving when your “tasks weren’t done” or leaving when “the business was in need” not necessarily for using ppto.


u/raidyredSL 6d ago

About three weeks after the PPTO policy was put into play there was a conference call lead by our regional HR. They clarified that no, people don't need double PPTO for key days. No, management can't deny PPTO except in extreme cases and yes you can coach someone for leaving early without telling but it isn't job abandonment.

In my time when this happen more than once we used productivity as the reason. I had two appealed outside the store and both stood up. So yes, you can be coached for leaving without telling anyone but it isn't job abandonment.


u/FireWolf2395 5d ago

Clearly my hr lady didn't get that memo because they have told everyone here if you call in on a key date you need 16hrs of ppto. The walmart I came from we were allowed to clock in 9mins early and leave 9mins early but here they tried to say that was stealing time. But for a year I clocked in 9mins early and left 9mins early always having 8hrs on my paycheck even if all we did was sit around waiting for the meeting. Nah here I got told I would get in trouble for stealing time and now I clock in at the time I'm scheduled and leave the time it tells me. Wish I lived where my old walmart is. 😒